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Line 50: vg_group_id Fv_Ye_Groups.group_id%TYPE;

46: vg_bal_seg_val_opt_code gl_ledgers_public_v.bal_seg_value_option_code%TYPE;
47: vg_trsymbol Fv_Treasury_Symbols.treasury_symbol%TYPE;
48: vg_trsymbol_id Fv_Treasury_Symbols.treasury_symbol_id%TYPE;
49: vg_fund_value Fv_Fund_Parameters.fund_value%TYPE;
50: vg_group_id Fv_Ye_Groups.group_id%TYPE;
51: vg_seq_id Fv_Ye_Group_Sequences.sequence_id%TYPE;
52: vg_seq Fv_Ye_Group_Sequences.SEQUENCE%TYPE;
53: vp_closing_method Fv_Ye_Groups.closing_method%TYPE ;
54: vg_acct_flag Fv_Ye_Sequence_Accounts.account_flag%TYPE;

Line 53: vp_closing_method Fv_Ye_Groups.closing_method%TYPE ;

49: vg_fund_value Fv_Fund_Parameters.fund_value%TYPE;
50: vg_group_id Fv_Ye_Groups.group_id%TYPE;
51: vg_seq_id Fv_Ye_Group_Sequences.sequence_id%TYPE;
52: vg_seq Fv_Ye_Group_Sequences.SEQUENCE%TYPE;
53: vp_closing_method Fv_Ye_Groups.closing_method%TYPE ;
54: vg_acct_flag Fv_Ye_Sequence_Accounts.account_flag%TYPE;
55: vg_from_acct Fv_Ye_Sequence_Accounts.from_account%TYPE;
56: vg_child_acct Fv_Ye_Sequence_Accounts.from_account%TYPE;
57: vg_to_acct Fv_Ye_Sequence_Accounts.to_account%TYPE;

Line 59: vg_closing_method fv_ye_groups.closing_method%TYPE;

55: vg_from_acct Fv_Ye_Sequence_Accounts.from_account%TYPE;
56: vg_child_acct Fv_Ye_Sequence_Accounts.from_account%TYPE;
57: vg_to_acct Fv_Ye_Sequence_Accounts.to_account%TYPE;
58: vg_requisition Fv_Ye_Sequence_Accounts.requisition%TYPE;
59: vg_closing_method fv_ye_groups.closing_method%TYPE;
60: -- Bug 10399298
61: treasury_closing_method fv_fund_parameters.close_requisitions%TYPE;
62: vg_balance_read_flag Fv_Ye_Seq_Bal_Temp.balance_read_flag%TYPE;
63: vg_bal_seq_amt NUMBER;

Line 1066: -- fv_ye_groups table. And then calls the Get_Fund_Value procedure.

1062: -- ------------------------------------------------------------------
1063: -- Get_Year_End_Record procedure is called from
1064: -- Check_Year_End_Parameters procedure.
1065: -- It gets the treasury_symbol_id and then the group_id from
1066: -- fv_ye_groups table. And then calls the Get_Fund_Value procedure.
1067: -- ------------------------------------------------------------------
1068: PROCEDURE Get_Year_End_Record(trsymbol VARCHAR2,
1069: fundgroup VARCHAR2,
1070: timeframe VARCHAR2 ) IS

Line 1118: FROM Fv_Ye_Groups

1114: END IF;
1116: OPEN vc_groupid FOR
1117: 'SELECT group_id
1118: FROM Fv_Ye_Groups
1119: WHERE treasury_symbol_id = :trsymbol_id
1120: AND fund_group_code = :fundgroup
1121: AND fund_time_frame = :timeframe
1122: AND set_of_books_id = :sob_id

Line 1141: FROM Fv_Ye_Groups

1138: -- Looking for group_id for timeframe and fundgroup parameters
1139: OPEN vc_groupid FOR
1140: 'SELECT group_id
1141: FROM Fv_Ye_Groups
1142: WHERE treasury_symbol_id IS NULL
1143: AND fund_group_code = :fundgroup
1144: AND fund_time_frame = :timeframe
1145: AND set_of_books_id = :sob_id

Line 1163: FROM Fv_Ye_Groups

1160: -- Looking for group_id for just the timeframe parameter
1161: OPEN vc_groupid FOR
1162: 'SELECT group_id
1163: FROM Fv_Ye_Groups
1164: WHERE treasury_symbol_id IS NULL
1165: AND fund_group_code IS NULL
1166: AND fund_time_frame = :timeframe
1167: AND set_of_books_id = :sob_id

Line 1521: select closing_method into vg_closing_method from fv_ye_groups where group_id = vg_group_id

1518: vl_seqrec_flag := 'Y';
1521: select closing_method into vg_closing_method from fv_ye_groups where group_id = vg_group_id
1522: AND set_of_books_id = vg_sob_id ;
1524: --Process this year end record only if closing method of year end record matched closing method of process
1525: IF vg_closing_method = vp_closing_method THEN

Line 4187: Fv_Ye_Groups fyg ,

4183: END IF;
4185: L_select_stmt := ' SELECT ffp.fund_value
4186: FROM fv_fund_parameters ffp,
4187: Fv_Ye_Groups fyg ,
4188: fv_treasury_symbols fts
4189: WHERE fyg.fund_group_code = fts.fund_group_code
4190: AND fts.time_frame = fyg.fund_time_frame
4191: AND fts.treasury_symbol_id = fyg.treasury_symbol_id