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1 PROCEDURE dbms_feature_autosta
2      ( feature_boolean  OUT  NUMBER,
3        aux_count        OUT  NUMBER,
4        feature_info     OUT  CLOB)
5 AS
6   asqlt_task_name    VARCHAR2(30) := 'SYS_AUTO_SQL_TUNING_TASK';
8   execs_since_sample NUMBER;                  -- # of execs since last sample
9   total_execs        NUMBER;                  -- number of task executions
10   w_auto_impl        NUMBER;                  -- execs with AUTO implement on
11   profs_rec          NUMBER;                  -- total profiles in task
12   savedsecs          NUMBER;                  -- db time saved (s)
13   tmp_buf            VARCHAR2(32767);         -- temp buffer
16   /*
17    * We compute the following stats for db feature usage:
18    *   Number of executions since last sample (execs_since_sample)
19    *   Total number of executions in the task (total_execs)
20    *   Total number of executions with auto-implement ON (w_auto_impl)
21    *   Total number of SQL profiles recommended in the task (profs_rec)
22    *   Projected DB Time Saved through Auto Implementation (savedsecs)
23    *
24    * Note that these stats are only computed through looking at the task,
25    * which, by default, stores results from the last month of history only.
26    */
28   -- execs since last sample
29   SELECT count(*)
30   INTO   execs_since_sample
31   FROM   dba_advisor_executions
32   WHERE  task_name = asqlt_task_name AND
33          execution_last_modified >= (SELECT nvl(max(last_sample_date),
34                                                 sysdate-7)
35                                      FROM   dba_feature_usage_statistics);
37   -- total # of executions
38   SELECT count(*)
39   INTO   total_execs
40   FROM   dba_advisor_executions
41   WHERE  task_name = asqlt_task_name;
43   -- #execs with auto implement ON
44   SELECT count(*)
45   INTO   w_auto_impl
46   FROM   dba_advisor_exec_parameters
47   WHERE  task_name = asqlt_task_name AND
48          parameter_name = 'ACCEPT_SQL_PROFILES' AND
49          parameter_value = 'TRUE';
51   -- total profiles recommended so far
52   SELECT count(*)
53   INTO   profs_rec
54   FROM   dba_advisor_recommendations r
55   WHERE  r.task_name = asqlt_task_name AND
56          r.type = 'SQL PROFILE';
58   -- db time saved by AUTO impl profiles
59   SELECT round(nvl(sum(before_usec - after_usec)/1000000, 0))
60   INTO   savedsecs
61   FROM   (SELECT nvl(o.attr8, 0) before_usec,
62                  nvl(o.attr8, 0) * (1 - r.benefit/10000) after_usec
63           FROM   dba_sql_profiles sp,
64                  dba_advisor_objects o,
65                  dba_advisor_findings f,
66                  dba_advisor_recommendations r
67           WHERE  o.task_name = asqlt_task_name AND
68                  o.type = 'SQL' AND
69                  sp.task_id = o.task_id AND
70                  sp.task_obj_id = o.object_id AND
71                  sp.task_exec_name = o.execution_name AND
72                  o.task_id = f.task_id AND
73                  o.execution_name = f.execution_name AND
74                  o.object_id = f.object_id AND
75                  f.finding_id = sp.task_fnd_id AND
76                  r.task_id = f.task_id AND
77                  r.execution_name = f.execution_name AND
78                  r.finding_id = f.finding_id AND
79                  r.rec_id = sp.task_rec_id AND
80                  sp.type = 'AUTO');
82   -- the used boolean and aux count we set to the number of execs since last
83   -- sample
84   feature_boolean := execs_since_sample;
85   aux_count := execs_since_sample;
87   -- compose the CLOB
88   tmp_buf := 'Execution count so far: '          || total_execs || ', ' ||
89              'Executions with auto-implement: '  || w_auto_impl || ', ' ||
90              'SQL profiles recommended so far: ' || profs_rec   || ', ' ||
91              'Projected DB Time Saved Automatically (s): ' || savedsecs;
93   dbms_lob.createtemporary(feature_info, TRUE);
94   dbms_lob.writeappend(feature_info, length(tmp_buf), tmp_buf);
96 END dbms_feature_autosta;