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APPS.WF_DIRECTORY dependencies on DUAL

Line 911: from SYS.DUAL

907: if NOT (roleComposite) then
908: if NOT (userComposite) then
909: select 1
910: into dummy
911: from SYS.DUAL
912: where exists
913: (select null
914: from WF_USER_ROLES UR
915: where UR.USER_NAME = IsPerformer.user

Line 923: from SYS.DUAL

919: );
920: else
921: select 1
922: into dummy
923: from SYS.DUAL
924: where exists
925: (select null
926: from WF_USER_ROLES UR
927: where UR.USER_ORIG_SYSTEM = l_uOrigSys

Line 939: from SYS.DUAL

935: AssignPartition (l_rorigSys,l_partID,l_partName);
936: if NOT (userComposite) then
937: select 1
938: into dummy
939: from SYS.DUAL
940: where exists
941: (select null
942: from WF_USER_ROLES UR
943: where UR.USER_NAME = IsPerformer.user

Line 952: from SYS.DUAL

948: and UR.PARTITION_ID = l_partID);
949: else
950: select 1
951: into dummy
952: from SYS.DUAL
953: where exists
954: (select null
955: from WF_USER_ROLES UR
956: where UR.USER_ORIG_SYSTEM = l_uOrigSys

Line 1010: from SYS.DUAL

1006: colon := instr(username, ':');
1007: if (colon = 0) then
1008: select 1
1009: into dummy
1010: from SYS.DUAL
1011: where exists
1012: (select null
1013: from wf_users
1014: where name = username

Line 1020: from SYS.DUAL

1016: and status = 'ACTIVE');
1017: else
1018: select 1
1019: into dummy
1020: from SYS.DUAL
1021: where exists
1022: (select null
1023: from wf_users
1024: where orig_system = substr(username, 1, colon-1)

Line 1062: from SYS.DUAL

1058: colon := instr(p_rolename, ':');
1059: if (colon = 0) then
1060: select 1
1061: into dummy
1062: from SYS.DUAL
1063: where exists
1064: (select null
1065: from WF_ROLES
1066: where name = p_rolename

Line 1071: from SYS.DUAL

1067: and status = 'ACTIVE');
1068: else
1069: select 1
1070: into dummy
1071: from SYS.DUAL
1072: where exists
1073: (select null
1074: from WF_ROLES
1075: where orig_system = substr(p_rolename, 1, colon-1)

Line 1742: from SYS.DUAL;

1738: elsif (name is null ) then
1739: begin
1740: select to_char(WF_ADHOC_ROLE_S.NEXTVAL)
1741: into role_id
1742: from SYS.DUAL;
1743: exception
1744: when others then
1745: raise;
1746: end;

Line 2217: from SYS.DUAL;

2213: --
2214: begin
2215: select to_char(WF_ADHOC_ROLE_S.NEXTVAL)
2216: into role_id
2217: from SYS.DUAL;
2218: exception
2219: when others then
2220: raise;
2221: end;

Line 4968: from SYS.DUAL

4964: begin
4965: --check whether the role name is truly end dated
4967: select 1 into l_count
4968: from SYS.DUAL
4969: where exists (select null from wf_roles
4970: where name=p_name
4971: );

Line 5084: from SYS.DUAL

5081: -- check whether the role is end-dated
5083: select 1 into l_count
5084: from SYS.DUAL
5085: where exists (select null from wf_local_roles
5086: where name=p_rolename)
5087: and ( exists (select null from wf_user_roles
5088: where role_name=p_rolename

Line 5132: from SYS.DUAL

5128: elsif p_rolename is null then --user has been passed
5129: begin
5130: --check whether user is truly end dated
5131: select 1 into l_count
5132: from SYS.DUAL
5133: where exists (select null from wf_local_roles
5134: where name=p_username)
5135: and ( exists (select null from wf_user_roles
5136: where user_name=p_username

Line 5176: from SYS.DUAL

5173: --check whether user/role is truly end dated
5175: select 1 into l_count
5176: from SYS.DUAL
5177: where exists (select null from wf_local_roles
5178: where name=p_rolename or name=p_username)
5179: and ( exists (select null from wf_user_roles
5180: where role_name=p_rolename