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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 35

 PROCEDURE delete_empty_sections (
         p_api_version               IN            NUMBER,
         p_init_msg_list             IN            VARCHAR2,
         p_document_type             IN            VARCHAR2,
         p_document_id               IN            NUMBER,
         p_template_id               IN            NUMBER,
         p_document_number           IN            VARCHAR2,
         x_return_status             OUT  NOCOPY   VARCHAR2,
         x_msg_count                 OUT  NOCOPY   NUMBER,
         x_msg_data                  OUT  NOCOPY   VARCHAR2
  ) IS

  l_api_name          	VARCHAR2(30) := 'delete_empty_sections';
Line: 49

  l_section_deleted		VARCHAR2(1) := 'N';
Line: 53

    SELECT id,scn_id,level,object_version_number, 0
    FROM okc_sections_b
    CONNECT BY prior id = scn_id
    START WITH DOCUMENT_ID = p_document_id and document_type = p_document_type
    ORDER BY level DESC;
Line: 60

    select distinct scn_id
    from okc_k_articles_b
    where DOCUMENT_TYPE = p_document_type and DOCUMENT_ID = p_document_id;
Line: 65

    select count(*)
    from okc_k_articles_b
    where scn_id = p_scn_id;
Line: 70

    SELECT doc_numbering_scheme
    FROM okc_template_usages
    WHERE document_type = p_document_type
      AND document_id = p_document_id;
Line: 84

  Delete_Flag_tbl IdList; -- 0 = can delete; 1 = cannot delete
Line: 120

  Fetch c_doc_sections bulk collect into Id_tbl,Scn_Id_tbl,Level_tbl,OVN_tbl,Delete_Flag_tbl;
Line: 133

             Delete_Flag_tbl(l_sec_index) := 1;
Line: 147

			    if (Id_tbl(i) = l_parent_scn_id and Delete_Flag_tbl(i) <> 1) then
			       Delete_Flag_tbl(i) := 1; -- do not delete parent section
Line: 164

      if Delete_Flag_tbl(l_sec_index) = 0  then
         Open c_clauses(Id_tbl(l_sec_index));
Line: 172

                   Delete_Flag_tbl(i) := 1; -- do not delete this section
Line: 182

			    if (Id_tbl(i) = l_parent_scn_id and Delete_Flag_tbl(i) <> 1) then
			       Delete_Flag_tbl(i) := 1; -- do not delete parent section
Line: 200

      if (Delete_Flag_tbl(l_sec_index) = 0) then
         For i In l_sec_index+1..Id_tbl.count
	        if Id_tbl(i) = Id_tbl(l_sec_index) then
		      Delete_Flag_tbl(i) := 1;
Line: 218

       If (Delete_Flag_tbl(l_sec_index) = 0) then
                                   p_api_version       => p_api_version,
                                   p_init_msg_list     => p_init_msg_list,
                                   p_commit            => FND_API.G_FALSE,
                                   x_return_status     => x_return_status,
                                   x_msg_count         => x_msg_count,
                                   x_msg_data          => x_msg_data,
                                   p_mode              => 'NORMAL',
                                   p_id                => id_tbl(l_sec_index),
                                   p_amendment_description => NULL,
                                   p_object_version_number => OVN_tbl(l_sec_index)
Line: 237

		    l_section_deleted := 'Y';
Line: 245

   IF l_section_deleted = 'Y' THEN
      OPEN l_get_num_scheme_id(p_doc_type => p_document_type, p_doc_id => p_document_id) ;
Line: 332

END delete_empty_sections;
Line: 384

   SELECT (nvl(contract_expert_enabled, 'N'))
     FROM   okc_terms_templates_all
     WHERE  template_id = p_template_id;
Line: 390

   SELECT template_id
     FROM okc_template_usages
     WHERE document_type = p_document_type
     AND document_id = p_document_id;
Line: 397

   SELECT language
     FROM okc_terms_templates_all
     WHERE template_id = p_template_id;
Line: 403

   SELECT quote_status_id
    FROM  aso_quote_headers
    WHERE quote_header_id = p_document_id;
Line: 654

                            '170: before calling update_ce_config');
Line: 657

        p_api_version                  => p_api_version,
        p_init_msg_list                => p_init_msg_list,
        p_document_id                  => p_document_id,
        p_document_type                => p_document_type,
        p_config_header_id             => l_new_config_header_id,
        p_config_rev_nbr               => l_new_config_rev_nbr,
        p_doc_update_mode              => 'NORMAL',
        x_count_articles_dropped       => l_count_articles_dropped,
        x_return_status                => x_return_status,
        x_msg_count                    => x_msg_count,
        x_msg_data                     => x_msg_data
Line: 689

  delete_empty_sections (
	          p_api_version    	=> p_api_version,
	          p_init_msg_list       => p_init_msg_list,
	          p_document_type       => p_document_type,
	          p_document_id         => p_document_id,
	          p_template_id         => l_tmpl_id_for_bv, -- Changed from p_template_id for bug 5344832
	          p_document_number     => p_document_number,
	          x_return_status       => x_return_status,
	          x_msg_count           => x_msg_data,
	          x_msg_data            => x_msg_data