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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 7

    UPDATE wip_lpn_completions wlc
       SET last_update_date = SYSDATE,
           bom_revision =
            (SELECT NVL(wlc.bom_revision, MAX(mir.revision))
             FROM mtl_item_revisions mir
             WHERE mir.organization_id = wlc.organization_id
             AND mir.inventory_item_id = wlc.inventory_item_id
             AND mir.effectivity_date <= SYSDATE
             AND mir.effectivity_date =
              (SELECT MAX(mir2.effectivity_date)
               FROM mtl_item_revisions mir2
               WHERE mir2.organization_id = wlc.organization_id
               AND mir2.inventory_item_id = wlc.inventory_item_id
               AND mir2.effectivity_date <= SYSDATE))
     WHERE p_header_id = source_id
       AND p_header_id <> header_id
       AND bom_revision IS NULL
       AND EXISTS (
       SELECT 'X'
       FROM mtl_system_items msi
       WHERE msi.organization_id = wlc.organization_id
       AND msi.inventory_item_id = wlc.inventory_item_id
       AND msi.revision_qty_control_code = 2);
Line: 35

      UPDATE wip_lpn_completions wlc
         SET last_update_date = sysdate,
             error_code = 'HOOWAA'
       WHERE p_source_id = source_id
         AND source_id <> header_id
         AND ((bom_revision is not null
               AND ( (EXISTS (
                       SELECT 'item is under revision control'
                       FROM mtl_system_items msi
                       WHERE msi.organization_id = wlc.organization_id
                       AND msi.inventory_item_id = wlc.inventory_item_id
                       AND msi.revision_qty_control_code = 2)
                     AND NOT EXISTS (
                       SELECT 'revision is effective and not an open/hold eco'
                       FROM bom_bill_released_revisions_v bbrrv
                       WHERE bbrrv.inventory_item_id = wlc.inventory_item_id
                       AND bbrrv.organization_id = wlc.organization_id
                       AND bbrrv.revision = wlc.bom_revision
                       AND bbrrv.effectivity_date <= SYSDATE))
                    (EXISTS (
                       SELECT 'item is not under revision control'
                       FROM mtl_system_items msi
                       WHERE msi.organization_id = wlc.organization_id
                       AND msi.inventory_item_id = wlc.inventory_item_id
                       AND msi.revision_qty_control_code = 1))))
              (bom_revision IS NULL
               AND (EXISTS (
                      SELECT 'item is under revision control'
                      FROM mtl_system_items msi
                      WHERE msi.organization_id = wlc.organization_id
                      AND msi.inventory_item_id = wlc.inventory_item_id
                      AND msi.revision_qty_control_code = 2)
                    AND NOT EXISTS (
                      SELECT 'any effective revision'
                      FROM bom_bill_released_revisions_v bbrrv
                      WHERE bbrrv.inventory_item_id = wlc.inventory_item_id
                      AND bbrrv.organization_id = wlc.organization_id
                      AND bbrrv.effectivity_date <= SYSDATE))));
Line: 92

    SELECT end_assembly_pegging_flag
    FROM   mtl_system_items
    WHERE  inventory_item_id = p_item_id
    AND    organization_id = p_organization_id;
Line: 143

        SELECT inventory_item_id, subinventory_code, locator_id, rowid
          FROM wip_lpn_completions
         WHERE p_header_id = source_id
           AND p_header_id <> header_id
           AND locator_id is not null
      ORDER BY operation_seq_num;
Line: 158

         SELECT NVL(mp.project_reference_enabled, 2),
           INTO l_proj_ref_enabled,
           FROM mtl_parameters mp
          WHERE mp.organization_id = p_org_id;
Line: 187

               UPDATE wip_lpn_completions
                  SET (locator_id, item_project_id, item_task_id) =
                      (select inventory_location_id, project_id, task_id
                         from mtl_item_locations
                        where inventory_location_id = compRec.locator_id
                          and organization_id = p_org_id)
                WHERE rowid = compRec.rowid;
Line: 219

    SELECT *
    INTO l_wlcRec
    FROM wip_lpn_completions
    WHERE header_id = p_header_id;
Line: 260

                        p_last_update_date => l_wlcRec.last_update_date,
                        p_last_updated_by => l_wlcRec.last_updated_by ,
                        p_creation_date => l_wlcRec.creation_date ,
                        p_created_by => l_wlcRec.created_by,
                        p_last_update_login => l_wlcRec.last_update_login,
                        p_request_id => null,
                        p_program_application_id => l_wlcRec.program_application_id,
                        p_program_id => l_wlcRec.program_id,
                        p_program_update_date => l_wlcRec.program_update_date,
                        p_primary_item_id => l_wlcRec.inventory_item_id,
                        p_class_code => l_wlcRec.accounting_class,
                        p_scheduled_start_date => l_wlcRec.transaction_date,
                        p_date_closed => null,
                        p_planned_quantity => 0,
                        p_quantity_completed => l_wlcRec.transaction_quantity,
			p_quantity_scrapped => 0,
                        p_mps_sched_comp_date => null,
                        p_mps_net_quantity => null,
                        p_bom_revision => l_wlcRec.bom_revision,
                        p_routing_revision => l_wlcRec.routing_revision,
                        p_bom_revision_date => l_wlcRec.bom_revision_date,
                        p_routing_revision_date => l_wlcRec.routing_revision_date,
                        p_alternate_bom_designator => l_wlcRec.alternate_bom_designator,
                        p_alternate_routing_designator => l_wlcRec.alternate_routing_designator,
                        p_completion_subinventory => l_wlcRec.subinventory_code,
                        p_completion_locator_id => l_wlcRec.locator_id,
                        p_demand_class => null,
                        p_scheduled_completion_date => l_wlcRec.transaction_date,
                        p_schedule_group_id => null,
                        p_build_sequence => null,
                        p_line_id => null,
                        p_project_id => null,
                        p_task_id => null,
                        p_status => 1, --open
                        p_schedule_number => 'WMALPNWOL' || TO_CHAR(l_wlcRec.header_id),
                        p_scheduled_flag => 2, --not scheduled
                        p_unit_number => l_wlcRec.end_item_unit_number,
 			p_attribute_category => null,
 			p_attribute1 => null,
 			p_attribute2 => null,
 			p_attribute3 => null,
 			p_attribute4 => null,
 			p_attribute5 => null,
 			p_attribute6 => null,
 			p_attribute7 => null,
 			p_attribute8 => null,
 			p_attribute9 => null,
 			p_attribute10 => null,
 			p_attribute11 => null,
 			p_attribute12 => null,
 			p_attribute13 => null,
 			p_attribute14 => null,
 			p_attribute15 => null);
Line: 322

       SET wip_entity_id = l_wlcRec.wip_entity_id,
           last_update_date = sysdate
     WHERE l_wlcRec.header_id = header_id
       AND l_wlcRec.header_id = source_id;