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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 117

    n_rows_inserted        NUMBER;  /* into xla_events_int_gt table */
Line: 150

    select count(*) into n_hdrs  from gmf_xla_extract_headers_gt;  -- xxxremove
Line: 151

    select count(*) into n_lines from gmf_xla_extract_lines_gt;  -- xxxremove
Line: 175

    g_log_msg := 'Calling proc GMF_XLA_PKG.update_extract_gt to set entity codes';
Line: 187

    update_extract_gt('SET_ENTITY_CODES', NULL);
Line: 205

                SELECT distinct entity_code
                  FROM gmf_xla_extract_headers_gt
      g_log_msg := 'Calling function GMF_XLA_PKG.insert_into_xla_events_gt for entity ' || i.entity_code ||
                   ' (if entity is Inventory when process was submitted for PUR/OM, then we have some' ||
                   ' internal order transfers)';
Line: 224

      n_rows_inserted := insert_into_xla_events_gt(i.entity_code);
Line: 230

      IF n_rows_inserted = 0
        g_log_msg := 'No events to create for entity ' || i.entity_code || '. User might be running the process more than once.' ||
                     ' We will still update extract headers and lines, since amounts might ' ||
                     ' differ from last run';
Line: 269

        SELECT entity_code
          INTO l_entity_type_code
          FROM gmf_xla_extract_headers_gt
         WHERE rownum = 1
Line: 288

	select count(*) into n_events from xla_events
         where application_id = 555
           and reference_num_1 = p_reference_no;     -- xxxremove
Line: 312

      IF n_rows_inserted = 0
        g_log_msg := 'No events were created for entity ' || i.entity_code ||'. So, no need to update extract_headers gt with event ids';
Line: 327

        g_log_msg := 'Calling proc XLA_EVENTS_PKG.update_extract_gt to set event ids for entity ' || i.entity_code;
Line: 340

        update_extract_gt('SET_EVENT_IDS', i.entity_code);
Line: 344

      DELETE FROM xla_events_int_gt; -- Cleanup for next run
Line: 352

    g_log_msg := 'Calling proc update_extract_header';
Line: 364

Line: 370

    g_log_msg := 'Calling proc XLA_EVENTS_PKG.update_extract_lines';
Line: 382

Line: 424

    DELETE FROM xla_events_int_gt;
Line: 446

    /* Bug 12647482. Following delete statements commented because these are transaction persistent tables. The delete
       happens automatically when the data is commited after processing every 1000 records (profile: GL$COMMIT_COUNT).  */

    DELETE FROM gmf_xla_extract_headers_gt;
Line: 451

    DELETE FROM gmf_xla_extract_lines_gt;
Line: 503

  PROCEDURE update_extract_gt (
    p_what_to_update  IN VARCHAR2,
    p_entity_code     IN VARCHAR2

    l_procedure_name             CONSTANT VARCHAR2(100) := g_module_name || 'UPDATE_EXTRACT_GT';
Line: 539

    CASE p_what_to_update
      -- setting entity_code, event_class_code, event_type_code
      g_log_msg := 'Setting entity_code, event_class_code, and event_type_code now.';
Line: 559

      update gmf_xla_extract_headers_gt ehgt
         set (entity_code, event_class_code, event_type_code) =
                (SELECT entity_code, event_class_code, event_type_code
                   FROM gmf_xla_event_model em
                    (   em.transaction_source_type_id     = ehgt.transaction_source_type_id
                    AND em.transaction_action_id          = ehgt.transaction_action_id
                    AND nvl(em.organization, 'x')         = nvl(ehgt.organization, 'x')
                    AND nvl(em.transfer_type, 'x')        = nvl(ehgt.transfer_type, 'x')
                    AND nvl(em.transfer_price_flag, 'x')  = nvl(ehgt.transfer_price_flag, 'x')
                    AND nvl(em.transaction_type, 'x')     = nvl(ehgt.transaction_type, 'x')
                    AND nvl(em.fob_point, 99)             = nvl(ehgt.fob_point, 99)
                    AND nvl(ehgt.transaction_type, 'x')   <> 'RESOURCE_TRANSACTIONS'
                      nvl(ehgt.transaction_type, 'x')     = em.transaction_type -- 'RESOURCE_TRANSACTIONS'
Line: 580

      g_log_msg := sql%rowcount || ' rows updated';
Line: 596

                    SELECT transaction_id, transaction_source_type_id, transaction_action_id,
                           source_document_id, source_line_id,
                           nvl(organization, 'x')        as organization,
                           nvl(transfer_type, 'x')       as transfer_type,
                           nvl(transfer_price_flag, 'x') as transfer_price_flag,
                           nvl(fob_point, 99)            as fob_point,
                           nvl(transaction_type, 'x')    as transaction_type
                      FROM gmf_xla_extract_headers_gt
                     WHERE entity_code IS NULL or event_class_code IS NULL OR event_type_code IS NULL

           IF l_cnt_hdr_msg > 0 THEN     /* Bug 12647482 */
              g_log_msg := 'Could not set event type for ' ||
Line: 646

           DELETE FROM gmf_xla_extract_lines_gt
            where header_id in (SELECT header_id
                                  FROM gmf_xla_extract_headers_gt
                                 WHERE entity_code IS NULL or event_class_code IS NULL OR event_type_code IS NULL)
Line: 651

           DELETE FROM gmf_xla_extract_headers_gt
            WHERE entity_code IS NULL or event_class_code IS NULL OR event_type_code IS NULL
Line: 682

      UPDATE gmf_xla_extract_headers_gt ehgt
         SET event_id = (SELECT event_id
                           FROM xla_events_int_gt egt
                          WHERE egt.source_id_int_1            = ehgt.transaction_id
                            AND egt.source_id_int_2            = ehgt.ledger_id
                            AND egt.source_id_int_3            = ehgt.valuation_cost_type_id
                            /* AND egt.source_id_int_4            = ehgt.transaction_source_type_id INVCONV */
                            AND egt.source_id_char_1           = ehgt.event_class_code
                            /* AND nvl(egt.source_id_char_2, 'x') = nvl(ehgt.lot_number, 'x') INVCONV */
       WHERE entity_code = p_entity_code
Line: 697

      g_log_msg := sql%rowcount || ' rows updated';
Line: 710

    END CASE update_extract_hdr_gt;
Line: 725

  END update_extract_gt;
Line: 728

  FUNCTION insert_into_xla_events_gt (p_entity_code IN VARCHAR2)

    l_procedure_name   CONSTANT VARCHAR2(100) := g_module_name || 'INSERT_INTO_XLA_EVENTS_GT';
Line: 733

    n_rows_inserted    NUMBER;
Line: 762

      INSERT INTO xla_events_int_gt
        , application_id
        , ledger_id
        , legal_entity_id
        , entity_code
        , transaction_number
        , source_id_int_1
        , source_id_int_2
        , source_id_int_3
        , source_id_int_4
        , source_id_char_1
        , source_id_char_2
        , source_id_char_3
        , source_id_char_4
        , event_id
        , event_class_code
        , event_type_code
        , event_number
        , event_date
        , event_status_code
        , process_status_code
        , reference_num_1
        , reference_num_2
        , reference_num_3
        , reference_num_4
        , reference_char_1
        , reference_char_2
        , reference_char_3
        , reference_char_4
        , reference_date_1
        , reference_date_2
        , reference_date_3
        , reference_date_4
        , valuation_method
        , security_id_int_1
        , security_id_int_2
        , security_id_int_3
        , security_id_char_1
        , security_id_char_2
        , security_id_char_3
        , on_hold_flag
        , transaction_date
          NULL                                    -- entity_id
        , 555                                     -- application_id
        , ledger_id
        , legal_entity_id
        , entity_code
        , transaction_id                          -- transaction_number
        , transaction_id                          -- SOURCE_ID_INT_1
        , ledger_id                               -- SOURCE_ID_INT_2
        , valuation_cost_type_id                  -- SOURCE_ID_INT_3
           /* , transaction_source_type_id  -- SOURCE_ID_INT_4 INVCONV  */
        , NULL                                    -- SOURCE_ID_INT_4
        , event_class_code                        -- SOURCE_ID_CHAR_1
           /* , lot_number                  -- SOURCE_ID_CHAR_2 INVCONV */
           , DECODE(event_class_code,
                    'RECEIVE', DECODE(event_type_code,
                                      'RECEIVE', source_line_id,
                 NULL)                            -- SOURCE_ID_CHAR_2  Bug 13043283
        , NULL                                    -- SOURCE_ID_CHAR_2  Bug 13637723
        , NULL                                    -- SOURCE_ID_CHAR_3
        , NULL                                    -- SOURCE_ID_CHAR_4
        , NULL                                    -- event_id
        , event_class_code
        , event_type_code
        , NULL                                    -- event_number
        , transaction_date                        -- event_date
        , xla_events_pub_pkg.C_EVENT_UNPROCESSED  -- event_status_code
        , NULL                                    -- process_status_code
        , reference_no                            -- REFERENCE_NUM_1
        , NULL                                    -- REFERENCE_NUM_2
        , NULL                                    -- REFERENCE_NUM_3
        , NULL                                    -- REFERENCE_NUM_4
        , NULL                                    -- REFERENCE_CHAR_1
        , NULL                                    -- REFERENCE_CHAR_2
        , NULL                                    -- REFERENCE_CHAR_3
        , NULL                                    -- REFERENCE_CHAR_4
        , NULL                                    -- REFERENCE_DATE_1
        , NULL                                    -- REFERENCE_DATE_2
        , NULL                                    -- REFERENCE_DATE_3
        , NULL                                    -- REFERENCE_DATE_4
        , valuation_cost_type                     -- valuation_method
        , ehgt.organization_id                    -- SECURITY_ID_INT_1
        , ehgt.operating_unit                     -- SECURITY_ID_INT_2
        , legal_entity_id                         -- SECURITY_ID_INT_3  Bug 6601963
        , NULL                                    -- SECURITY_ID_CHAR_1
        , NULL                                    -- SECURITY_ID_CHAR_2
        , NULL                                    -- SECURITY_ID_CHAR_3
        , NULL
        , transaction_date
        gmf_xla_extract_headers_gt ehgt
        entity_code = p_entity_code
        not exists (SELECT 'txns for which events created'
                     FROM gmf_xla_extract_headers eh
                    WHERE eh.transaction_id             = ehgt.transaction_id
                      AND eh.legal_entity_id            = ehgt.legal_entity_id
                      AND eh.ledger_id                  = ehgt.ledger_id
                      AND eh.valuation_cost_type_id     = ehgt.valuation_cost_type_id
                      /* AND eh.transaction_source_type_id = ehgt.transaction_source_type_id INVCONV */
                      AND eh.event_class_code           = ehgt.event_class_code
                      /* AND nvl(eh.lot_number, 'x')       = nvl(ehgt.lot_number, 'x') INVCONV */
               	      AND eh.event_type_code            = DECODE(ehgt.event_class_code,'LC_ADJUSTMENTS',ehgt.event_type_code, eh.event_type_code )  /*bug 11807826 */
                   )  ;
Line: 878

    n_rows_inserted := sql%rowcount;
Line: 880

    g_log_msg := n_rows_inserted || ' rows inserted into xla_events_int_gt';
Line: 904

    RETURN n_rows_inserted;
Line: 906

  END insert_into_xla_events_gt;
Line: 908

  PROCEDURE update_extract_headers_table

    l_procedure_name CONSTANT VARCHAR2(100) := g_module_name || 'UPDATE_EXTRACT_HEADERS_TABLE';
Line: 940

                  , event_id
                  , entity_code
                  , event_class_code
                  , event_type_code
                  , legal_entity_id
                  , ledger_id
                  , xfer_legal_entity_id
                  , xfer_ledger_id
                  , operating_unit
                  , base_currency
                  , transaction_id
                  , transaction_date
                  , valuation_cost_type_id
                  , valuation_cost_type
                  , inventory_item_id
                  -- , item_revision
                  , organization_id
                  , lot_number
                  , transaction_quantity
                  , transaction_uom
                  , transaction_source_type_id
                  , transaction_action_id
                  , transaction_type_id
                  , transaction_value
                  , transaction_value_raw
                  , transaction_currency
                  , txn_source
                  , source_document_id
                  , source_line_id
                  , currency_code
                  , currency_conversion_date
                  , currency_conversion_type
                  , currency_conversion_rate -- Bug 6792803
                  , resources
                  -- , resource_class
                  , line_type
                  , ar_trx_type_id
                  , order_type
                  , reason_id
                  , charge_id
                  , customer_id
                  , customer_site_id
                  , taxauth_id
                  , vendor_id
                  , vendor_site_id
                  , routing_id
                  , customer_gl_class
                  , itemcost_class
                  , vendor_gl_class
                  , cost_category_id
                  , gl_business_class_cat_id
                  , gl_product_line_cat_id
                  , jv_qty_ind
                  , quantity_um
                  , accounted_flag
                  , actual_posting_date
                  , invoiced_flag
                  , shipment_costed
             FROM gmf_xla_extract_headers_gt) ehgt
    ON    (    eh.transaction_id              = ehgt.transaction_id
           AND eh.ledger_id                   = ehgt.ledger_id
           AND eh.valuation_cost_type_id      = ehgt.valuation_cost_type_id
           /* AND eh.transaction_source_type_id  = ehgt.transaction_source_type_id INVCONV */
           AND eh.event_class_code            = ehgt.event_class_code
           /* AND nvl(eh.lot_number, 'x')        = nvl(ehgt.lot_number, 'x') INVCONV */
           /* Bug 7620018. Added legal_entity_id so that unique index GMF_XLA_EXTRACT_HEADERS_U2 is used. */
           AND eh.legal_entity_id             = ehgt.legal_entity_id
	   AND eh.event_type_code             = DECODE(ehgt.event_class_code,'LC_ADJUSTMENTS',ehgt.event_type_code, eh.event_type_code )  /*bug 11807826 */
          eh.transaction_quantity     = ehgt.transaction_quantity
        , eh.transaction_uom          = ehgt.transaction_uom    /* B8617122 */
        , eh.transaction_value        = ehgt.transaction_value
        , eh.transaction_value_raw    = ehgt.transaction_value_raw
        , eh.reference_no             = ehgt.reference_no
        , eh.shipment_costed          = ehgt.shipment_costed
        , eh.invoiced_flag            = ehgt.invoiced_flag
        , eh.last_update_date         = sysdate
	, eh.last_updated_by          = g_user_id
	, eh.last_update_login        = g_login_id
	, eh.program_application_id   = g_prog_appl_id
	, eh.program_id               = g_program_id
	, eh.request_id               = g_request_id
        , eh.currency_conversion_rate = ehgt.currency_conversion_rate
        , eh.transaction_date         = ehgt.transaction_date         /* Bug 8251052 */
          , reference_no
          , event_id
          , entity_code
          , event_class_code
          , event_type_code
          , legal_entity_id
          , ledger_id
          , xfer_legal_entity_id
          , xfer_ledger_id
          , operating_unit
          , base_currency
          , transaction_id
          , transaction_date
          , valuation_cost_type_id
          , valuation_cost_type
          , inventory_item_id
          -- , item_revision
          , organization_id
          , lot_number
          , transaction_quantity
          , transaction_uom
          , transaction_source_type_id
          , transaction_action_id
          , transaction_type_id
          , transaction_value
          , transaction_value_raw
          , transaction_currency
          , txn_source
          , source_document_id
          , source_line_id
          , currency_code
          , currency_conversion_date
          , currency_conversion_type
          , currency_conversion_rate -- Bug 6792803
          , resources
          -- , resource_class
          , line_type
          , ar_trx_type_id
          , order_type
          , reason_id
          , charge_id
          , customer_id
          , customer_site_id
          , taxauth_id
          , vendor_id
          , vendor_site_id
          , routing_id
          , customer_gl_class
          , itemcost_class
          , vendor_gl_class
          , cost_category_id
          , gl_business_class_cat_id
          , gl_product_line_cat_id
          , jv_qty_ind
          , quantity_um
          , accounted_flag
          , actual_posting_date
          , creation_date
          , created_by
          , last_update_date
          , last_updated_by
          , last_update_login
          , program_application_id
          , program_id
          , request_id
            gmf_xla_extract_headers_s.NEXTVAL  -- header_id
          , ehgt.reference_no
          , ehgt.event_id
          , ehgt.entity_code
          , ehgt.event_class_code
          , ehgt.event_type_code
          , ehgt.legal_entity_id
          , ehgt.ledger_id
          , ehgt.xfer_legal_entity_id
          , ehgt.xfer_ledger_id
          , ehgt.operating_unit
          , ehgt.base_currency
          , ehgt.transaction_id
          , ehgt.transaction_date
          , ehgt.valuation_cost_type_id
          , ehgt.valuation_cost_type
          , ehgt.inventory_item_id
          -- , ehgt.item_revision
          , ehgt.organization_id
          , ehgt.lot_number
          , ehgt.transaction_quantity
          , ehgt.transaction_uom
          , ehgt.transaction_source_type_id
          , ehgt.transaction_action_id
          , ehgt.transaction_type_id
          , ehgt.transaction_value
          , ehgt.transaction_value_raw
          , ehgt.transaction_currency
          , ehgt.txn_source
          , ehgt.source_document_id
          , ehgt.source_line_id
          , ehgt.currency_code
          , ehgt.currency_conversion_date
          , ehgt.currency_conversion_type
          , ehgt.currency_conversion_rate
          , ehgt.resources
          -- , ehgt.resource_class
          , ehgt.line_type
          , ehgt.ar_trx_type_id
          , ehgt.order_type
          , ehgt.reason_id
          , ehgt.charge_id
          , ehgt.customer_id
          , ehgt.customer_site_id
          , ehgt.taxauth_id
          , ehgt.vendor_id
          , ehgt.vendor_site_id
          , ehgt.routing_id
          , ehgt.customer_gl_class
          , ehgt.itemcost_class
          , ehgt.vendor_gl_class
          , ehgt.cost_category_id
          , ehgt.gl_business_class_cat_id
          , ehgt.gl_product_line_cat_id
          , ehgt.jv_qty_ind
          , ehgt.quantity_um
          , 'N'   -- ehgt.accounted_flag
          , ehgt.actual_posting_date
          , sysdate
          , g_user_id
          , sysdate
          , g_user_id
          , g_login_id
          , g_prog_appl_id
          , g_program_id
          , g_request_id
Line: 1204

  END update_extract_headers_table;
Line: 1206

  PROCEDURE update_extract_lines_table

    l_procedure_name CONSTANT VARCHAR2(100) := g_module_name || 'UPDATE_EXTRACT_LINES_TABLE';
Line: 1231

    UPDATE gmf_xla_extract_lines_gt elgt
       SET (header_id, event_id) =
                               eh.header_id, eh.event_id
                               gmf_xla_extract_headers_gt ehgt,
                               gmf_xla_extract_headers    eh
                               ehgt.header_id                 = elgt.header_id
                           AND eh.legal_entity_id             = ehgt.legal_entity_id
                           AND eh.ledger_id                   = ehgt.ledger_id
                           AND eh.valuation_cost_type_id      = ehgt.valuation_cost_type_id
                           AND eh.transaction_id              = ehgt.transaction_id
                           /* AND eh.transaction_source_type_id  = ehgt.transaction_source_type_id INVCONV */
                           AND eh.event_class_code            = ehgt.event_class_code
                           /* AND nvl(eh.lot_number, 'x')        = nvl(ehgt.lot_number, 'x') INVCONV */
                	   AND eh.event_type_code            = DECODE(ehgt.event_class_code,'LC_ADJUSTMENTS',ehgt.event_type_code, eh.event_type_code )  /*bug 11807826 */
                       ) ;
Line: 1251

    g_log_msg := sql%rowcount || ' rows updated with header_id and event_id in extract_lines_gt table';
Line: 1268

    DELETE FROM gmf_xla_extract_lines el
       -- reference_no <> g_reference_no AND
       header_id in
                SELECT header_id
                  FROM gmf_xla_extract_lines_gt elgt
                 -- WHERE ehgt.header_id = el.header_id
Line: 1279

    g_log_msg := sql%rowcount || ' old rows deleted from extract_lines table';
Line: 1294

    INSERT INTO gmf_xla_extract_lines
      , header_id
      , reference_no
      , event_id
      , ledger_id
      , line_number
      , journal_line_type
      , cost_cmpntcls_id
      , cost_analysis_code
      , component_cost
      , usage_ind
      , cost_level
      , aqui_cost_id
      , trans_amount_raw
      , base_amount_raw
      , trans_amount
      , base_amount
      , dr_cr_sign
      , organization_id
      , subinv_organization_id
      , subinventory_code
      , xfer_subinventory_code
      , lot_number
      , locator_id
      , transaction_account_id
      , entered_amount
      , accounted_amount
      , creation_date
      , created_by
      , last_update_date
      , last_updated_by
      , program_application_id
      , program_id
      , request_id
        -- gmf_xla_extract_lines_s.NEXTVAL  -- line_id  /* Bug 12576944 */
      , elgt.header_id
      , elgt.reference_no
      , elgt.event_id
      , elgt.ledger_id
      , row_number() over(partition by header_id order by header_id)                   -- line_number
      , elgt.journal_line_type
      , elgt.cost_cmpntcls_id
      , elgt.cost_analysis_code
      , elgt.component_cost
      , elgt.usage_ind
      , elgt.cost_level
      , elgt.aqui_cost_id
      , elgt.trans_amount_raw
      , elgt.base_amount_raw
      , elgt.trans_amount
      , elgt.base_amount
      , elgt.dr_cr_sign
      , elgt.organization_id
      , elgt.organization_id
      , elgt.subinventory_code
      , elgt.xfer_subinventory_code
      , elgt.lot_number
      , elgt.locator_id
      , elgt.transaction_account_id
      , elgt.entered_amount
      , elgt.accounted_amount
      , sysdate
      , g_user_id
      , sysdate
      , g_user_id
      , g_prog_appl_id
      , g_program_id
      , g_request_id
      gmf_xla_extract_lines_gt elgt
Line: 1371

    g_log_msg := sql%rowcount || ' rows inserted into extract_lines table';
Line: 1397

  END update_extract_lines_table;
Line: 1419

    /* Bug 12647482 Following delete statement commented and replaced with sebsequent one. */
    delete from gmf_transaction_valuation
     where (transaction_id, ledger_id, valuation_cost_type_id,
            -- transaction_source_type_id,
            event_class_code) IN
             (select eh.transaction_id, eh.ledger_id, eh.valuation_cost_type_id,
                     -- eh.transaction_source_type_id,
                from gmf_xla_extract_headers eh,
                     gmf_xla_extract_lines_gt elgt
               where eh.header_id = elgt.header_id
                 and eh.event_id  = elgt.event_id
Line: 1437

    DELETE FROM gmf_transaction_valuation
    WHERE (transaction_id, ledger_id, valuation_cost_type_id, event_class_code)
       IN (
           select transaction_id, ledger_id, valuation_cost_type_id, event_class_code
           from   gmf_xla_extract_headers_gt
Line: 1444

    g_log_msg := sql%rowcount || ' previous rows deleted from GVT';
Line: 1456

    INSERT INTO gmf_transaction_valuation
      , header_id
      , event_id
      , ledger_id
      , legal_entity_id
      , ledger_currency
      , valuation_cost_type
      , valuation_cost_type_id
      , reference_no
      , transaction_source
      , transaction_id
      , doc_id
      , line_id
      , org_id
      , organization_id
      , inventory_item_id
      , item_number
      , lot_number
      , resources
      , transaction_date
      , transaction_source_type_id
      , transaction_action_id
      , transaction_type_id
      , entity_code
      , event_class_code
      , event_type_code
      , final_posting_date
      , accounted_flag
      , line_type
      , transaction_source_type
      , journal_line_type
      , subinventory_code
      , component_class_usage
      , component_class_usage_type
      , cost_level
      , txn_base_value_raw
      , txn_base_value
      , creation_date
      , created_by
      , last_update_date
      , last_updated_by
      , program_application_id
      , program_id
      , request_id
      , a.header_id
      , a.event_id
      , a.ledger_id
      , a.legal_entity_id
      , a.ledger_currency
      , a.valuation_cost_type
      , a.valuation_cost_type_id
      , a.reference_no
      , a.transaction_source
      , a.transaction_id
      , a.doc_id
      , a.line_id
      , a.org_id
      , a.organization_id
      , a.inventory_item_id
      , a.item_number
      , a.lot_number
      , a.resources
      , a.transaction_date
      , a.transaction_source_type_id
      , a.transaction_action_id
      , a.transaction_type_id
      , a.entity_code
      , a.event_class_code
      , a.event_type_code
      , a.final_posting_date
      , a.accounted_flag
      , a.line_type
      , a.transaction_source_type
      , a.journal_line_type
      , a.subinventory_code
      , a.component_class_usage
      , a.component_class_usage_type
      , a.cost_level
      , a.txn_base_value_raw
      , a.txn_base_value
      , sysdate
      , g_user_id
      , sysdate
      , g_user_id
      , g_prog_appl_id
      , g_program_id
      , g_request_id
              , eh.event_id
              , eh.ledger_id
              , eh.legal_entity_id
              , eh.base_currency           as ledger_currency
              , eh.valuation_cost_type
              , eh.valuation_cost_type_id
              , eh.reference_no
              , decode(eh.txn_source,   'INV', 'INVENTORY',
                                        'PUR', 'PURCHASING',
                                        'OM',  'ORDERMANAGEMENT',
                                        'PM',  'PRODUCTION',
                                        'RVAL',  'COSTREVALUATION')
                                           as transaction_source
              , eh.transaction_id
              , eh.source_document_id    as doc_id
              , eh.source_line_id        as line_id
              , eh.operating_unit        as org_id
              , eh.organization_id
              , eh.inventory_item_id
              , item.concatenated_segments as item_number
              , NULL as lot_number
              , eh.resources
              , eh.transaction_date
              , eh.transaction_source_type_id
              , eh.transaction_action_id
              , eh.transaction_type_id
              , eh.entity_code
              , eh.event_class_code
              , eh.event_type_code
              , eh.actual_posting_date  as final_posting_date
              , eh.accounted_flag
              , eh.line_type
              , nvl(ts.transaction_source_type_name, ' ')  as transaction_source_type
              , elgt.journal_line_type
              , elgt.subinventory_code
              , decode(elgt.usage_ind, 1, 'Material',
                                       2, 'Overhead',
                                       3, 'Resource',
                                       4, 'Expense Alloc',
                                       5, 'Std Cost Adj') as component_class_usage
              , elgt.usage_ind as component_class_usage_type
              , elgt.cost_level
              , sum(elgt.BASE_AMOUNT_RAW)      as txn_base_value_raw
              , sum(elgt.BASE_AMOUNT)          as txn_base_value
              FROM gmf_xla_extract_headers eh,
                   gmf_xla_extract_lines_gt elgt,
                   mtl_system_items_kfv item,
                   mtl_txn_source_types ts
             WHERE eh.header_id                     = elgt.header_id
               AND eh.event_id                      = elgt.event_id
               -- Need an outer join here since for batch close rows, item id is null
               AND item.organization_id(+)          = eh.organization_id
               AND item.inventory_item_id(+)        = eh.inventory_item_id
               AND ts.transaction_source_type_id(+) = eh.transaction_source_type_id
             GROUP BY
              , eh.event_id
              , eh.ledger_id
              , eh.legal_entity_id
              , eh.base_currency
              , eh.valuation_cost_type
              , eh.valuation_cost_type_id
              , eh.reference_no
              , decode(eh.txn_source,   'INV', 'INVENTORY',
                                        'PUR', 'PURCHASING',
                                        'OM',  'ORDERMANAGEMENT',
                                        'PM',  'PRODUCTION',
                                        'RVAL',  'COSTREVALUATION')
              , eh.transaction_id
              , eh.source_document_id
              , eh.source_line_id
              , eh.operating_unit
              , eh.organization_id
              , eh.inventory_item_id
              , item.concatenated_segments
              , eh.lot_number
              , eh.resources
              , eh.transaction_date
              , eh.transaction_source_type_id
              , eh.transaction_action_id
              , eh.transaction_type_id
              , eh.entity_code
              , eh.event_class_code
              , eh.event_type_code
              , eh.actual_posting_date
              , eh.accounted_flag
              , eh.line_type
              , ts.transaction_source_type_name
              , elgt.journal_line_type
              , elgt.subinventory_code
              , decode(elgt.usage_ind, 1, 'Material',
                                       2, 'Overhead',
                                       3, 'Resource',
                                       4, 'Expense Alloc',
                                       5, 'Std Cost Adj')
              , elgt.usage_ind
              , elgt.cost_level
           ) a
Line: 1653

    g_log_msg := sql%rowcount || ' rows inserted into GVT';
Line: 1700

 |      parameter is purely informational. This procedure selects from the
 |      XLA_ENTITY_EVENTS_V view, which does not include events incompatible
 |      with this parameter. This parameter will never be NULL.
 |    p_process_category:
 |      This parameter is the "process category" of the events to account. This
 |      parameter is purely informational. This procedure selects from the
 |      XLA_ENTITY_EVENTS_V view, which does not include events incompatible
 |      with this parameter.Possible values are as following:
 |      +------------+------------------------------------------+
 |      | Value      | Meaning                                  |
 |      +------------+------------------------------------------+
 |      | 'Invoices' | process invoices                         |
 |      | 'Payments' | process payments and reconciled payments |
 |      | 'All'      | process everything                       |
 |      +------------+------------------------------------------+
 |    p_end_date
 |      This parameter is the maximum event date of the events to be processed
 |      in this run of the accounting. This procedure selects from the
 |      XLA_ENTITY_EVENTS_V view, which does not include events incompatible
 |      with this parameter. This parameter will never be NULL.
 |    p_accounting_mode
 |      This parameter is the "accounting mode" that the accounting is being
 |      run in. This parameter will never be NULL.
 |      +-------+------------------------------------------------------------+
 |      | Value | Meaning                                                    |
 |      +-------+------------------------------------------------------------+
 |      | 'D'   | The accounting is being run in "draft mode". Draft mode is |
 |      |       | used to examine what the accounting entries would look for |
 |      |       | an event without actually creating the accounting entries. |
 |      |       | without actually creating the accounting entries.          |
 |      | 'F'   | The accounting is being run in "final mode". Final mode is |
 |      |       | used to create accounting entries.                         |
 |      +-------+------------------------------------------------------------+
 |    p_valuation_method
 |      This parameter is unused by AP. This parameter is purely informational.
 |      This procedure selects from the XLA_ENTITY_EVENTS_V view, which does
 |      not include events incompatible with this parameter.
 |    p_security_id_int_1
 |      This parameter is unused by AP.
 |    p_security_id_int_2
 |      This parameter is unused by AP.
 |    p_security_id_int_3
 |      This parameter is unused by AP.
 |    p_security_id_char_1
 |      This parameter is unused by AP.
 |    p_security_id_char_2
 |      This parameter is unused by AP.
 |    p_security_id_char_3
 |      This parameter is unused by AP.
 |    p_report_request_id
 |      This parameter is the concurrent request ID of the concurrent request
 |      that is this run of the accounting. This parameter is used to specify
 |      which events in the XLA_ENTITY_EVENTS_V view are to be accounted in
 |      this run of the accounting. This parameter will never be NULL.
 |  NOTES:
 |    1) This procedure is run in final mode and draft mode.
 |    2) This procedure is run in batch mode but not in document mode.
 |    3) This procedure is in its own commit cycle.
 |  Date                Author                Description of Change
 |  23rd Feb, 2011      Saptagirish Pabolu    Code changed against the Bug#11075192
  PROCEDURE preaccounting
   ( p_application_id       IN           NUMBER
   , p_ledger_id            IN           NUMBER
   , p_process_category     IN           VARCHAR2
   , p_end_date             IN           DATE
   , p_accounting_mode      IN           VARCHAR2
   , p_valuation_method     IN           VARCHAR2
   , p_security_id_int_1    IN           NUMBER
   , p_security_id_int_2    IN           NUMBER
   , p_security_id_int_3    IN           NUMBER
   , p_security_id_char_1   IN           VARCHAR2
   , p_security_id_char_2   IN           VARCHAR2
   , p_security_id_char_3   IN           VARCHAR2
   , p_report_request_id    IN           NUMBER
   l_profile varchar2(1);
Line: 1792

   Select 1 from dual
   where exists
   (SELECT  mp.organization_id
     FROM  mtl_parameters mp,
           gmf_fiscal_policies gfp,
           org_organization_definitions ood,
           gl_item_cst gic,
           gmf_period_statuses gps,
           cm_mthd_mst cmm
    WHERE  mp.process_enabled_flag = 'Y'
      AND  gfp.legal_entity_id = ood.legal_entity
      AND  gfp.legal_entity_id = l_security_id_int_3
      AND  mp.organization_id = ood.organization_id
      AND  gic.organization_id = mp.organization_id
      AND  gic.cost_type_id = gps.cost_type_id
      AND  gic.final_flag = 0
      AND  gic.end_date <= gps.end_date
      AND  gps.legal_entity_id = gfp.legal_entity_id
      AND  cmm.cost_type_id = gps.cost_type_id
      AND  cmm.cost_mthd_code = l_valuation_method
      AND  gps.start_date <= p_end_date
      AND  gps.end_date >= p_end_date);
Line: 1817

   CURSOR cost_update_run (l_security_id_int_3 NUMBER, l_valuation_method varchar2)  IS
   SELECT  count(mp.organization_id)
     FROM  mtl_parameters mp,
           gmf_fiscal_policies gfp,
           org_organization_definitions ood,
           gl_item_cst gic,
           gmf_period_statuses gps,
           cm_mthd_mst cmm
    WHERE  mp.process_enabled_flag = 'Y'
      AND  gfp.legal_entity_id = ood.legal_entity
      AND  gfp.legal_entity_id = l_security_id_int_3
      AND  mp.organization_id = ood.organization_id
      AND  gic.organization_id = mp.organization_id
      AND  gic.cost_type_id = gps.cost_type_id
      AND  gic.end_date <= gps.end_date
      AND  gps.legal_entity_id = gfp.legal_entity_id
      AND  cmm.cost_type_id = gps.cost_type_id
      AND  cmm.cost_mthd_code = l_valuation_method
      AND  gps.start_date <= p_end_date
      AND  gps.end_date >= p_end_date;
Line: 1840

  SELECT DISTINCT cost_mthd_code, eh.legal_entity_id
    FROM gmf_xla_extract_headers eh, cm_mthd_mst cmm, gmf_ledger_valuation_methods vm
   WHERE eh.valuation_cost_type_id =  cmm.cost_type_id
     AND vm.ledger_id = eh.ledger_id
     AND vm.cost_type_id = eh.valuation_cost_type_id
     AND eh.ledger_id =   p_ledger_id
     AND eh.accounted_flag IS NOT NULL
     AND eh.transaction_date <= p_end_date
     AND cmm.cost_mthd_code = NVL(p_valuation_method, cmm.cost_mthd_code)
     AND eh.legal_entity_id = NVL(p_security_id_char_3, eh.legal_entity_id);
Line: 1873

           OPEN cost_update_run( rec.legal_entity_id, rec.cost_mthd_code);
Line: 1874

           FETCH cost_update_run INTO l_count;
Line: 1875

           CLOSE cost_update_run;
Line: 1877

           If l_count >= 1 THEN -- cost update has been run

             OPEN check_cost_not_frozen( rec.legal_entity_id, rec.cost_mthd_code);
Line: 2058

 |      parameter is purely informational. This procedure selects from the
 |      XLA_ENTITY_EVENTS_V view, which does not include events incompatible
 |      with this parameter. This parameter will never be NULL.
 |    p_process_category
 |      This parameter is the "process category" of the events to account.
 |      This parameter is purely informational. This procedure selects from
 |      the XLA_ENTITY_EVENTS_V view, which does not include events
 |      incompatible with this parameter.Possible values are as following:
 |      +------------+-------------------------------+
 |      | Value      | Meaning                       |
 |      +------------+-------------------------------+
 |      | 'Invoices' | process invoices              |
 |      | 'Payments' | process payments and receipts |
 |      | 'All'      | process everything            |
 |      +------------+-------------------------------+
 |    p_end_date
 |      This parameter is the maximum event date of the events to be processed
 |      in this run of the accounting. This procedure selects from the
 |      XLA_ENTITY_EVENTS_V view, which does not include events incompatible
 |      with this parameter. This parameter will never be NULL.
 |    p_accounting_mode
 |      This parameter is the "accounting mode" that the accounting is being
 |      run in. This parameter will never be NULL.
 |      +-------+-------------------------------------------------------------+
 |      | Value | Meaning                                                     |
 |      +-------+-------------------------------------------------------------+
 |      | 'D'   | The accounting is being run in "draft mode". Draft mode is  |
 |      |       | used to examine what the accounting entries would look for  |
 |      |       | an event without actually creating the accounting entries.  |
 |      | 'F'   | The accounting is being run in "final mode". Final mode is  |
 |      |       | used to create accounting entries.                          |
 |      +-------+-------------------------------------------------------------+
 |    p_valuation_method
 |       This parameter is unused by AP. This parameter is purely informational
 |       This procedure selects from the XLA_ENTITY_EVENTS_V view, which does
 |       not include events incompatible with this parameter.
 |    p_security_id_int_1
 |      This parameter is unused by AP.
 |    p_security_id_int_2
 |      This parameter is unused by AP.
 |    p_security_id_int_3
 |      This parameter is unused by AP.
 |    p_security_id_char_1
 |      This parameter is unused by AP.
 |    p_security_id_char_2
 |      This parameter is unused by AP.
 |    p_security_id_char_3
 |      This parameter is unused by AP.
 |    p_report_request_id
 |      This parameter is the concurrent request ID of the concurrent request
 |      that is this run of the accounting. This parameter is used to specify
 |      which events in the XLA_ENTITY_EVENTS_V view are to be accounted in
 |      this run of the accounting. This parameter will never be NULL.
 |  NOTES:
 |    1) This procedure is run in final mode and draft mode.
 |    2) This procedure is run in batch mode but not in document mode.
 |    3) This procedure is in its own commit cycle.
 |  Date         Author             Description of Change
  PROCEDURE postaccounting
    ( p_application_id       IN           NUMBER
    , p_ledger_id            IN           NUMBER
    , p_process_category     IN           VARCHAR2
    , p_end_date             IN           DATE
    , p_accounting_mode      IN           VARCHAR2
    , p_valuation_method     IN           VARCHAR2
    , p_security_id_int_1    IN           NUMBER
    , p_security_id_int_2    IN           NUMBER
    , p_security_id_int_3    IN           NUMBER
    , p_security_id_char_1   IN           VARCHAR2
    , p_security_id_char_2   IN           VARCHAR2
    , p_security_id_char_3   IN           VARCHAR2
    , p_report_request_id    IN           NUMBER

Line: 2298

    FOR i in (SELECT DISTINCT process_category
                FROM gmf_xla_event_model em
               WHERE exists (SELECT 'X'
                               FROM xla_post_acctg_events_v ae
                              WHERE ae.event_class_code = em.event_class_code)

      g_log_msg := 'Post-Processing for '|| i.process_category;
Line: 2437

        UPDATE gmf_xla_extract_headers
           SET   accounted_flag        = DECODE(G_accounting_mode, 'D', 'D', 'F', NULL)
               , actual_posting_date   = DECODE(G_accounting_mode, 'F', sysdate, NULL)
               , last_update_date      = sysdate
               , last_updated_by       = g_user_id
               , last_update_login     = g_login_id
               , program_application_id= g_prog_appl_id
               , program_id            = g_program_id
               , request_id            = g_request_id
         WHERE (transaction_id, ledger_id, valuation_cost_type_id, event_class_code)
                  in (SELECT
                             xpae.SOURCE_ID_INT_1, xpae.SOURCE_ID_INT_2,
                             xpae.SOURCE_ID_INT_3, xpae.SOURCE_ID_CHAR_1
                             xla_post_acctg_events_v xpae,
                             gmf_xla_event_model     gxem
                             gxem.process_category = G_inventory_transactions
                         and xpae.event_class_code = gxem.event_class_code
Line: 2458

        g_log_msg := sql%rowcount || ' rows updated in gmf_xla_extract_headers table';
Line: 2486

        UPDATE gmf_transaction_valuation
           SET   accounted_flag        = DECODE(G_accounting_mode, 'D', 'D', 'F', NULL)
               , final_posting_date    = DECODE(G_accounting_mode, 'F', sysdate, NULL)
               , last_update_date      = sysdate
               , last_updated_by       = g_user_id
               , last_update_login     = g_login_id
               , program_application_id= g_prog_appl_id
               , program_id            = g_program_id
               , request_id            = g_request_id
               (transaction_id, ledger_id, valuation_cost_type_id, event_class_code)
                  in (SELECT
                             xpae.SOURCE_ID_INT_1, xpae.SOURCE_ID_INT_2,
                             xpae.SOURCE_ID_INT_3, xpae.SOURCE_ID_CHAR_1
                             xla_post_acctg_events_v xpae,
                             gmf_xla_event_model     gxem
                             gxem.process_category = G_inventory_transactions
                         and xpae.event_class_code = gxem.event_class_code
          AND ACCOUNTED_FLAG IS NOT NULL   -- B7395353 Rajesh Patangya
Line: 2509

        g_log_msg := sql%rowcount || ' rows updated in gmf_transaction_valuation table';
Line: 2539

      /*  UPDATE mtl_material_transactions
           SET   opm_costed_flag       = DECODE(G_accounting_mode, 'D', 'D', 'F', NULL)
               , program_update_date   = SYSDATE
               , last_updated_by       = g_user_id
               , last_update_login     = g_login_id
               , program_application_id= g_prog_appl_id
               , program_id            = g_program_id
               , request_id            = g_request_id
         WHERE transaction_id
                  IN (SELECT
                             xla_post_acctg_events_v xpae,
                             gmf_xla_event_model     gxem
                             gxem.process_category = G_inventory_transactions
                         AND xpae.event_class_code = gxem.event_class_code
                         AND xpae.event_class_code NOT IN ('FOB_RCPT_SENDER_RCPT', 'FOB_SHIP_RECIPIENT_SHIP') ); */
Line: 2558

       /*  UPDATE mtl_material_transactions
             SET   opm_costed_flag       = NULL
                 , program_update_date   = SYSDATE
                 , last_updated_by       = g_user_id
                 , last_update_login     = g_login_id
                 , program_application_id= g_prog_appl_id
                 , program_id            = g_program_id
                 , request_id            = g_request_id
           WHERE transaction_source_type_id in (2, 4, 8, 9, 10, 13)
             AND transaction_action_id      in (2, 28)
             AND transfer_transaction_id
                    in (SELECT
                               xla_post_acctg_events_v xpae,
                               gmf_xla_event_model     gxem
                               gxem.process_category = G_inventory_transactions
                           AND xpae.event_class_code = gxem.event_class_code
                           AND xpae.event_class_code in ('SUBINV_XFER'));  */
Line: 2579

         /* UPDATE mtl_material_transactions
             SET   shipment_costed       = 'Y'
                 , program_update_date   = SYSDATE
                 , last_updated_by       = g_user_id
                 , last_update_login     = g_login_id
                 , program_application_id= g_prog_appl_id
                 , program_id            = g_program_id
                 , request_id            = g_request_id
           WHERE transaction_source_type_id in (7, 8, 13)
             AND transaction_action_id      in (12, 21)
             AND transaction_id
                    in (SELECT
                               xla_post_acctg_events_v xpae,
                               gmf_xla_event_model     gxem
                               gxem.process_category = G_inventory_transactions
                           AND xpae.event_class_code = gxem.event_class_code
                           AND xpae.event_class_code in ('FOB_RCPT_SENDER_RCPT', 'FOB_SHIP_RECIPIENT_SHIP')); */
Line: 2602

          Subinventory transfer. These multiple updates caused deadlock based on how events were distributed amongst workers.
          Old queries are now used to insert data in gmf_inv_Txn_flags_gt. And a single update is used to update all mmt rows.
          Bug 9066162 new logic follows. We need to sort duplicates. Union can not be used since hard coded values are used for
          opm_costed_flag and shipment_costed. Events for these may or may not be processed by the same worker.

                Insert into gmf_inv_Txn_flags_gt (transaction_id, opm_costed_flag, shipment_costed)
                        SELECT DISTINCT xpae.SOURCE_ID_INT_1 transaction_id,
                        DECODE(G_accounting_mode, 'D', 'D', 'F', NULL) opm_costed_flag,
                        NULL shipment_costed
                          FROM xla_post_acctg_events_v xpae,
                               gmf_xla_event_model     gxem
                         WHERE gxem.process_category = G_inventory_transactions
                           AND xpae.event_class_code = gxem.event_class_code
                           AND xpae.event_class_code NOT IN ('FOB_RCPT_SENDER_RCPT', 'FOB_SHIP_RECIPIENT_SHIP')
                      UNION ALL
                        SELECT DISTINCT mmt1.transfer_transaction_id, NULL, NULL
                          FROM mtl_material_transactions mmt1
                         WHERE G_accounting_mode = 'F'
                           AND mmt1.transaction_source_type_id in (2, 4, 8, 9, 10, 13)
                           AND mmt1.transaction_action_id      in (2, 28)
                           AND mmt1.transaction_id IN
                               (SELECT xpae.SOURCE_ID_INT_1
                                  FROM xla_post_acctg_events_v xpae,
                                       gmf_xla_event_model     gxem
                                 WHERE gxem.process_category = G_inventory_transactions
                                   AND xpae.event_class_code = gxem.event_class_code
                                   AND xpae.event_class_code in ('SUBINV_XFER')
                      UNION ALL
                        SELECT DISTINCT mmt2.transaction_id, 'N', 'Y'
                          FROM  mtl_material_transactions mmt2
                         WHERE G_accounting_mode = 'F'
                           AND mmt2.transaction_source_type_id in (7, 8, 13)
                           AND mmt2.transaction_action_id      in (12, 21)
                           AND mmt2.transaction_id IN
                               (SELECT xpae.SOURCE_ID_INT_1
                                  FROM xla_post_acctg_events_v xpae,
                                       gmf_xla_event_model     gxem
                                 WHERE gxem.process_category = G_inventory_transactions
                                   AND xpae.event_class_code = gxem.event_class_code
                                   AND xpae.event_class_code in ('FOB_RCPT_SENDER_RCPT', 'FOB_SHIP_RECIPIENT_SHIP'))
Line: 2651

                 Update gmf_inv_Txn_flags_gt
                    set opm_costed_flag = NULL,
                        shipment_costed = 'Y'
                  where transaction_id IN (select transaction_id
                                             from   gmf_inv_Txn_flags_gt
                                            group by  transaction_id
                                           having count(transaction_id) > 1);
Line: 2662

                   delete from gmf_inv_Txn_flags_gt
                    where rowid IN (select min(rowid) from   gmf_inv_Txn_flags_gt
                                              group by  transaction_id
                                             having count(transaction_id) > 1);
Line: 2675

         update   mtl_material_transactions mmt
            set (opm_costed_flag, shipment_costed) = (select  decode(mmt.opm_costed_flag,NULL,NULL,'D',decode(txngt.opm_costed_flag, NULL, NULL,'D'),'N',txngt.opm_costed_flag)
                                                        from gmf_inv_Txn_flags_gt txngt
                                                       where mmt.transaction_id = txngt.transaction_id)
                , program_update_date   = SYSDATE
                /* Vpedarla bug: 9292668 commenting last_updated_by and last_update_login update*/
               -- , last_updated_by       = g_user_id
               -- , last_update_login     = g_login_id
                , program_application_id= g_prog_appl_id
                , program_id            = g_program_id
                , request_id            = g_request_id
          where transaction_id IN (select txngt.transaction_id from gmf_inv_Txn_flags_gt txngt);
Line: 2690

          g_log_msg := sql%rowcount || ' rows of Inv Transactions updated to set OPM_costed_flag and shipment_costed flag in mtl_material_transactions table';
Line: 2750

 |                update gmf_invoice_distributions table
 |  5-Aug-2009   pmarada bug 8642337 LCM-OPM Integration, updating LC adjustment
 |                tables  accounted flag and final accounted date.
 |	29-Sep-2011	 phiriyan  Bug 13033147. Modified not to update MMT row when
 |				 event class / transaction type is related to Receiving txn.
  PROCEDURE process_pur_txns(p_event VARCHAR2)
    l_procedure_name    CONSTANT  VARCHAR2(100) := 'process_pur_txns';
Line: 2794

        select count(*) into record_count from xla_events_int_gt ;
Line: 2809

        delete_IPV_ERV_DUP_RECORDS ;
Line: 2823

        UPDATE gmf_xla_extract_headers
           SET   accounted_flag        = DECODE(G_accounting_mode, 'D', 'D', 'F', NULL)
               , actual_posting_date   = DECODE(G_accounting_mode, 'F', sysdate, NULL)
               , last_update_date      = sysdate
               , last_updated_by       = g_user_id
               , last_update_login     = g_login_id
               , program_application_id= g_prog_appl_id
               , program_id            = g_program_id
               , request_id            = g_request_id
         WHERE (transaction_id, ledger_id, valuation_cost_type_id, event_class_code)
                  in (SELECT
                             xpae.SOURCE_ID_INT_1, xpae.SOURCE_ID_INT_2,
                             xpae.SOURCE_ID_INT_3, xpae.SOURCE_ID_CHAR_1
                             xla_post_acctg_events_v xpae,
                             gmf_xla_event_model     gxem
                             gxem.process_category = G_purchasing_transactions
                         and xpae.event_class_code = gxem.event_class_code
Line: 2844

        g_log_msg := sql%rowcount || ' rows updated in gmf_xla_extract_headers table';
Line: 2872

        UPDATE gmf_transaction_valuation
           SET   accounted_flag        = DECODE(G_accounting_mode, 'D', 'D', 'F', NULL)
               , final_posting_date    = DECODE(G_accounting_mode, 'F', sysdate, NULL)
               , last_update_date      = sysdate
               , last_updated_by       = g_user_id
               , last_update_login     = g_login_id
               , program_application_id= g_prog_appl_id
               , program_id            = g_program_id
               , request_id            = g_request_id
               (transaction_id, ledger_id, valuation_cost_type_id, event_class_code)
                  in (SELECT
                             xpae.SOURCE_ID_INT_1, xpae.SOURCE_ID_INT_2,
                             xpae.SOURCE_ID_INT_3, xpae.SOURCE_ID_CHAR_1
                             xla_post_acctg_events_v xpae,
                             gmf_xla_event_model     gxem
                             gxem.process_category = G_purchasing_transactions
                         and xpae.event_class_code = gxem.event_class_code
          AND ACCOUNTED_FLAG IS NOT NULL   -- B7395353 Rajesh Patangya
Line: 2895

        g_log_msg := sql%rowcount || ' rows updated in gmf_transaction_valuation table';
Line: 2923

        UPDATE mtl_material_transactions
           SET   opm_costed_flag       = DECODE(G_accounting_mode, 'D', 'D', 'F', NULL)
               , program_update_date   = SYSDATE /* ANTHIYAG Updating Porgram_update_date instead of Last_update_date to avoid auditing issues */
	       /* Vpedarla bug: 9292668 commenting last_updated_by and last_update_login update*/
             --  , last_updated_by       = g_user_id
             --  , last_update_login     = g_login_id
               , program_application_id= g_prog_appl_id
               , program_id            = g_program_id
               , request_id            = g_request_id
         WHERE transaction_id
                  in (SELECT
                             xla_post_acctg_events_v xpae,
                             gmf_xla_event_model     gxem
                             gxem.process_category = G_purchasing_transactions
                         and xpae.event_class_code = gxem.event_class_code
			 /*Bug 13033147 - Added following condition to exclude Receiving txns from this update*/
                         and gxem.transaction_source_type_id <> 999
Line: 2946

        g_log_msg := sql%rowcount || ' rows updated in mtl_material_transactions table';
Line: 2972

          UPDATE gmf_rcv_accounting_txns
             SET    accounted_flag      = DECODE(G_accounting_mode, 'D', 'D', 'F', NULL)
                 , last_update_date      = sysdate
                 , last_updated_by       = g_user_id
                 , last_update_login     = g_login_id
                 , program_application_id= g_prog_appl_id
                 , program_id            = g_program_id
                 , request_id            = g_request_id
           WHERE accounting_txn_id
                    in (SELECT
                               xla_post_acctg_events_v xpae,
                               gmf_xla_event_model     gxem
                               gxem.process_category = G_purchasing_transactions
                           and gxem.transaction_type IN ('RECEIVING_RECEIVE','RECEIVING_DELIVER_EXPENSE',
                                                         'RECEIVING_LOG_RET_TO_VENDOR', 'RECEIVING_LOG_RECEIVE',
                                                         'RECEIVING_ADJUST_RECEIVE', 'RECEIVING_ADJUST_DELIVER')
                           and xpae.event_class_code = gxem.event_class_code
Line: 2996

          g_log_msg := sql%rowcount || ' rows updated in gmf_rcv_accounting_txns table';
Line: 3022

            /* update the accounting  */
          UPDATE gmf_invoice_distributions SET
                 Accounted_flag = DECODE(G_accounting_mode, 'D', 'D', 'F',  NULL )
                ,final_posting_date   = DECODE (G_accounting_mode, 'F', sysdate, NULL)
                ,last_update_date      = sysdate
                ,last_updated_by       = g_user_id
                ,last_update_login     = g_login_id
                ,program_application_id= g_prog_appl_id
                ,program_id            = g_program_id
                ,request_id            = g_request_id
          WHERE distribution_id
                 IN (SELECT xpae.SOURCE_ID_INT_1
                     FROM   xla_post_acctg_events_v xpae,
                            gmf_xla_event_model     gxem
                     WHERE  gxem.process_category = G_purchasing_transactions
                       AND  gxem.transaction_type IN ('PAYABLES_INVOICE_IPV_ADJ','PAYABLES_INVOICE_ERV_ADJ')
                       AND  xpae.event_class_code = gxem.event_class_code
Line: 3041

          g_log_msg := sql%rowcount || ' rows updated in gmf_invoice_distributions table';
Line: 3069

         UPDATE gmf_lc_adj_transactions SET
               Accounted_flag = DECODE(G_accounting_mode, 'D', 'D', 'F',  NULL )
              ,final_posting_date   = DECODE (G_accounting_mode, 'F', sysdate, NULL)
              ,last_update_date      = sysdate
              ,last_updated_by       = g_user_id
              ,last_update_login     = g_login_id
              ,program_application_id= g_prog_appl_id
              ,program_id            = g_program_id
              ,request_id            = g_request_id
         WHERE adj_transaction_id
               IN (SELECT xpae.SOURCE_ID_INT_1
                   FROM   xla_post_acctg_events_v xpae,
                          gmf_xla_event_model     gxem
                   WHERE  gxem.process_category = G_purchasing_transactions
                     AND  xpae.event_class_code = gxem.event_class_code
Line: 3087

          g_log_msg := sql%rowcount || ' rows updated in gmf_lc_adj_transactions table';
Line: 3109

        UPDATE gmf_lc_actual_cost_adjs SET
               accounted_flag = DECODE(G_accounting_mode, 'D', 'D', 'F',  NULL )
              ,final_posting_date   = DECODE (G_accounting_mode, 'F', sysdate, NULL)
              ,last_update_date      = sysdate
              ,last_updated_by       = g_user_id
              ,last_update_login     = g_login_id
              ,program_application_id= g_prog_appl_id
              ,program_id            = g_program_id
              ,request_id            = g_request_id
        WHERE adj_transaction_id
               IN (SELECT xpae.SOURCE_ID_INT_1
                   FROM   xla_post_acctg_events_v xpae,
                          gmf_xla_event_model     gxem
                   WHERE  gxem.process_category = G_purchasing_transactions
                     AND  gxem.transaction_type IN ('LC_ADJUSTMENT_VALUATION')
                     AND  xpae.event_class_code = gxem.event_class_code
Line: 3127

          g_log_msg := sql%rowcount || ' rows updated in gmf_lc_actual_cost_adjs table';
Line: 3148

        UPDATE gmf_lc_lot_cost_adjs SET
               accounted_flag        = DECODE(G_accounting_mode, 'D', 'D', 'F',  NULL )
              ,final_posting_date    = DECODE (G_accounting_mode, 'F', sysdate, NULL)
              ,last_update_date      = sysdate
              ,last_updated_by       = g_user_id
              ,last_update_login     = g_login_id
              ,program_application_id= g_prog_appl_id
              ,program_id            = g_program_id
              ,request_id            = g_request_id
        WHERE adj_transaction_id
               IN (SELECT xpae.SOURCE_ID_INT_1
                   FROM   xla_post_acctg_events_v xpae,
                          gmf_xla_event_model     gxem
                   WHERE  gxem.process_category = G_purchasing_transactions
                     AND  gxem.transaction_type IN ('LC_ADJUSTMENT_VALUATION')
                     AND  xpae.event_class_code = gxem.event_class_code
Line: 3166

          g_log_msg := sql%rowcount || ' rows updated in gmf_lc_lot_cost_adjs table';
Line: 3268

        UPDATE gmf_xla_extract_headers
           SET   accounted_flag        = DECODE(G_accounting_mode, 'D', 'D', 'F', NULL)
               , actual_posting_date   = DECODE(G_accounting_mode, 'F', sysdate, NULL)
               , last_update_date      = sysdate
               , last_updated_by       = g_user_id
               , last_update_login     = g_login_id
               , program_application_id= g_prog_appl_id
               , program_id            = g_program_id
               , request_id            = g_request_id
         WHERE (transaction_id, ledger_id, valuation_cost_type_id, event_class_code)
                  in (SELECT
                             xpae.SOURCE_ID_INT_1, xpae.SOURCE_ID_INT_2,
                             xpae.SOURCE_ID_INT_3, xpae.SOURCE_ID_CHAR_1
                             xla_post_acctg_events_v xpae,
                             gmf_xla_event_model     gxem
                             gxem.process_category = G_production_transactions
                         and xpae.event_class_code = gxem.event_class_code
Line: 3289

        g_log_msg := sql%rowcount || ' rows updated in gmf_xla_extract_headers table';
Line: 3317

        UPDATE gmf_transaction_valuation
           SET   accounted_flag        = DECODE(G_accounting_mode, 'D', 'D', 'F', NULL)
               , final_posting_date    = DECODE(G_accounting_mode, 'F', sysdate, NULL)
               , last_update_date      = sysdate
               , last_updated_by       = g_user_id
               , last_update_login     = g_login_id
               , program_application_id= g_prog_appl_id
               , program_id            = g_program_id
               , request_id            = g_request_id
               (transaction_id, ledger_id, valuation_cost_type_id, event_class_code)
                  in (SELECT
                             xpae.SOURCE_ID_INT_1, xpae.SOURCE_ID_INT_2,
                             xpae.SOURCE_ID_INT_3, xpae.SOURCE_ID_CHAR_1
                             xla_post_acctg_events_v xpae,
                             gmf_xla_event_model     gxem
                             gxem.process_category = G_production_transactions
                         and xpae.event_class_code = gxem.event_class_code
          AND ACCOUNTED_FLAG IS NOT NULL   -- B7395353 Rajesh Patangya
Line: 3340

        g_log_msg := sql%rowcount || ' rows updated in gmf_transaction_valuation table';
Line: 3368

        UPDATE mtl_material_transactions
           SET   opm_costed_flag       = DECODE(G_accounting_mode, 'D', 'D', 'F', NULL)
               , program_update_date   = SYSDATE /* ANTHIYAG Updating Porgram_update_date instead of Last_update_date to avoid auditing issues */
	       /* Vpedarla bug: 9292668 commenting last_updated_by and last_update_login update*/
             --  , last_updated_by       = g_user_id
             --  , last_update_login     = g_login_id
               , program_application_id= g_prog_appl_id
               , program_id            = g_program_id
               , request_id            = g_request_id
         WHERE transaction_id
                  in (SELECT
                             xla_post_acctg_events_v xpae,
                             gmf_xla_event_model     gxem
                             gxem.process_category = G_production_transactions
                         and gxem.event_class_code = G_batch_material
                         and xpae.event_class_code = gxem.event_class_code
Line: 3390

        g_log_msg := sql%rowcount || ' rows updated in mtl_material_transactions table';
Line: 3420

        UPDATE gmf_incoming_material_layers
           SET   accounted_flag        = DECODE(G_accounting_mode, 'D', 'D', 'F', NULL)
               , actual_posting_date   = DECODE(G_accounting_mode, 'F', sysdate, NULL)
               , last_update_date      = sysdate
               , last_updated_by       = g_user_id
               , last_update_login     = g_login_id
         WHERE (mmt_transaction_id)
                  in (SELECT
                             xla_post_acctg_events_v xpae,
                             gmf_xla_event_model     gxem
                             gxem.process_category = G_production_transactions
                         and xpae.event_class_code = gxem.event_class_code
Line: 3438

        g_log_msg := sql%rowcount || ' rows updated in gmf_incoming_material_layers table';
Line: 3471

          UPDATE gme_resource_txns
             SET   posted_ind            = DECODE(G_accounting_mode, 'D', posted_ind, 'F', 1)
                 , last_update_date      = sysdate
                 , last_updated_by       = g_user_id
                 , last_update_login     = g_login_id
                 , program_application_id= g_prog_appl_id
                 , program_id            = g_program_id
                 , request_id            = g_request_id
           WHERE poc_trans_id
                    in (SELECT
                               xla_post_acctg_events_v xpae,
                               gmf_xla_event_model     gxem
                               gxem.process_category = G_production_transactions
                           and gxem.event_class_code = G_batch_resource
                           and xpae.event_class_code = gxem.event_class_code
Line: 3492

          g_log_msg := sql%rowcount || ' rows updated in gme_resource_txns table';
Line: 3520

          UPDATE gme_batch_header
             SET   gl_posted_ind         = DECODE(G_accounting_mode, 'D', gl_posted_ind, 'F', 1)
                 , last_update_date      = sysdate
                 , last_updated_by       = g_user_id
                 , last_update_login     = g_login_id
           WHERE batch_id
                    in (SELECT
                               xla_post_acctg_events_v xpae,
                               gmf_xla_event_model     gxem
                               gxem.process_category = G_production_transactions
                           and gxem.event_class_code = g_batch_close
                           and xpae.event_class_code = gxem.event_class_code
Line: 3538

          g_log_msg := sql%rowcount || ' rows updated in gme_batch_header table';
Line: 3642

        UPDATE gmf_xla_extract_headers
           SET   accounted_flag        = DECODE(G_accounting_mode, 'D', 'D', 'F', NULL)
               , actual_posting_date   = DECODE(G_accounting_mode, 'F', sysdate, NULL)
               , last_update_date      = sysdate
               , last_updated_by       = g_user_id
               , last_update_login     = g_login_id
               , program_application_id= g_prog_appl_id
               , program_id            = g_program_id
               , request_id            = g_request_id
         WHERE (transaction_id, ledger_id, valuation_cost_type_id, event_class_code)
                  in (SELECT
                             xpae.SOURCE_ID_INT_1, xpae.SOURCE_ID_INT_2,
                             xpae.SOURCE_ID_INT_3, xpae.SOURCE_ID_CHAR_1
                             xla_post_acctg_events_v xpae,
                             gmf_xla_event_model     gxem
                             gxem.process_category = G_order_management
                         and xpae.event_class_code = gxem.event_class_code
Line: 3663

        g_log_msg := sql%rowcount || ' rows updated in gmf_xla_extract_headers table';
Line: 3691

        UPDATE gmf_transaction_valuation
           SET   accounted_flag        = DECODE(G_accounting_mode, 'D', 'D', 'F', NULL)
               , final_posting_date    = DECODE(G_accounting_mode, 'F', sysdate, NULL)
               , last_update_date      = sysdate
               , last_updated_by       = g_user_id
               , last_update_login     = g_login_id
               , program_application_id= g_prog_appl_id
               , program_id            = g_program_id
               , request_id            = g_request_id
               (transaction_id, ledger_id, valuation_cost_type_id, event_class_code)
                  in (SELECT
                             xpae.SOURCE_ID_INT_1, xpae.SOURCE_ID_INT_2,
                             xpae.SOURCE_ID_INT_3, xpae.SOURCE_ID_CHAR_1
                             xla_post_acctg_events_v xpae,
                             gmf_xla_event_model     gxem
                             gxem.process_category = G_order_management
                         and xpae.event_class_code = gxem.event_class_code
          AND ACCOUNTED_FLAG IS NOT NULL   -- B7395353 Rajesh Patangya
Line: 3714

        g_log_msg := sql%rowcount || ' rows updated in gmf_transaction_valuation table';
Line: 3742

        UPDATE mtl_material_transactions
           SET   opm_costed_flag       = DECODE(G_accounting_mode, 'D', 'D', 'F', NULL)
               , program_update_date   = SYSDATE /* ANTHIYAG Updating Porgram_update_date instead of Last_update_date to avoid auditing issues */
	       /* Vpedarla bug: 9292668 commenting last_updated_by and last_update_login update*/
              -- , last_updated_by       = g_user_id
              -- , last_update_login     = g_login_id
               , program_application_id= g_prog_appl_id
               , program_id            = g_program_id
               , request_id            = g_request_id
         WHERE transaction_id
                  in (SELECT
                             xla_post_acctg_events_v xpae,
                             gmf_xla_event_model     gxem
                             gxem.process_category = G_order_management
                         and xpae.event_class_code = gxem.event_class_code
Line: 3763

        g_log_msg := sql%rowcount || ' rows updated in mtl_material_transactions table';
Line: 3793

        UPDATE cst_cogs_events
           SET costed                 = DECODE(G_accounting_mode, 'D', 'D', 'F', NULL)
             , last_update_date       = sysdate
	           , last_updated_by        = g_user_id
	           , last_update_login      = g_login_id
	           , program_application_id = g_prog_appl_id
	           , program_id             = g_program_id
	           , request_id             = g_request_id
              exists (SELECT 'x'
                             xla_post_acctg_events_v xpae,
                             gmf_xla_event_model     gxem,
                             gmf_xla_extract_headers eh
                             eh.transaction_id         = xpae.SOURCE_ID_INT_1
                         AND eh.ledger_id              = xpae.SOURCE_ID_INT_2
                         AND eh.valuation_cost_type_id = xpae.SOURCE_ID_INT_3
                         AND eh.event_class_code       = xpae.SOURCE_ID_CHAR_1
                         AND eh.transaction_action_id  = 36
                         AND gxem.process_category     = G_order_management
                         AND xpae.event_class_code     = gxem.event_class_code
                         AND cogs_om_line_id           = eh.source_line_id
                         AND cce.mmt_transaction_id    = eh.transaction_id
Line: 3820

        g_log_msg := sql%rowcount || ' rows updated in cst_cogs_events table';
Line: 3933

        UPDATE gmf_xla_extract_headers
           SET   accounted_flag        = DECODE(G_accounting_mode, 'D', 'D', 'F', NULL)
               , actual_posting_date   = DECODE(G_accounting_mode, 'F', sysdate, NULL)
               , last_update_date      = sysdate
               , last_updated_by       = g_user_id
               , last_update_login     = g_login_id
               , program_application_id= g_prog_appl_id
               , program_id            = g_program_id
               , request_id            = g_request_id
         WHERE (transaction_id, ledger_id, valuation_cost_type_id, event_class_code)
                  in (SELECT
                             xpae.SOURCE_ID_INT_1, xpae.SOURCE_ID_INT_2,
                             xpae.SOURCE_ID_INT_3, xpae.SOURCE_ID_CHAR_1
                             xla_post_acctg_events_v xpae,
                             gmf_xla_event_model     gxem
                             gxem.process_category = G_revaluation_transactions
                         and xpae.event_class_code = gxem.event_class_code
Line: 3954

        g_log_msg := sql%rowcount || ' rows updated in gmf_xla_extract_headers table';
Line: 3982

        UPDATE gmf_transaction_valuation
           SET   accounted_flag        = DECODE(G_accounting_mode, 'D', 'D', 'F', NULL)
               , final_posting_date    = DECODE(G_accounting_mode, 'F', sysdate, NULL)
               , last_update_date      = sysdate
               , last_updated_by       = g_user_id
               , last_update_login     = g_login_id
               , program_application_id= g_prog_appl_id
               , program_id            = g_program_id
               , request_id            = g_request_id
               (transaction_id, ledger_id, valuation_cost_type_id, event_class_code)
                  in (SELECT
                             xpae.SOURCE_ID_INT_1, xpae.SOURCE_ID_INT_2,
                             xpae.SOURCE_ID_INT_3, xpae.SOURCE_ID_CHAR_1
                             xla_post_acctg_events_v xpae,
                             gmf_xla_event_model     gxem
                             gxem.process_category = G_revaluation_transactions
                         and xpae.event_class_code = gxem.event_class_code
          AND ACCOUNTED_FLAG IS NOT NULL   -- B7395353 Rajesh Patangya
Line: 4005

        g_log_msg := sql%rowcount || ' rows updated in gmf_transaction_valuation table';
Line: 4034

        UPDATE mtl_material_transactions
           SET opm_costed_flag = DECODE(G_accounting_mode, 'D', 'D', 'F', NULL)
         WHERE transaction_id
                  in (SELECT
                             xla_post_acctg_events_v xpae,
                             gmf_xla_event_model     gxem
                             gxem.process_category = G_revaluation_transactions
                         and xpae.event_class_code = gxem.event_class_code
Line: 4048

        g_log_msg := sql%rowcount || ' rows updated in mtl_material_transactions table';
Line: 4061

        SELECT cost_type
          INTO l_cost_method_type
          FROM cm_mthd_mst
         WHERE cost_type_id = (SELECT xpae.SOURCE_ID_INT_3
                                 FROM xla_post_acctg_events_v xpae
                                WHERE rownum = 1)
Line: 4092

          UPDATE gmf_lot_cost_adjustments
             SET   gl_posted_ind      = DECODE(G_accounting_mode, 'D', gl_posted_ind, 'F', 1)
                 , last_update_date      = sysdate
                 , last_updated_by       = g_user_id
                 , last_update_login     = g_login_id
                 , program_application_id= g_prog_appl_id
                 , program_id            = g_program_id
                 , request_id            = g_request_id
           WHERE adjustment_id
                    in (SELECT
                               xla_post_acctg_events_v xpae,
                               gmf_xla_event_model     gxem
                               gxem.process_category = G_revaluation_transactions
                           and gxem.transaction_type = 'LOT_COST_ADJUSTMENTS' /* Bug#5597804 ANTHIYAG 06-Nov-2006 */
                           and xpae.event_class_code = gxem.event_class_code
Line: 4113

          g_log_msg := sql%rowcount || ' rows updated in gmf_lot_cost_adjustments table';
Line: 4143

          UPDATE gmf_period_balances
             SET   costed_flag           = DECODE(G_accounting_mode, 'D', 'D', 'F', NULL)
                 , last_update_date      = sysdate
                 , last_updated_by       = g_user_id
                 , last_update_login     = g_login_id
                 , program_application_id= g_prog_appl_id
                 , program_id            = g_program_id
                 , request_id            = g_request_id
           WHERE period_balance_id
                    in (SELECT
                               xla_post_acctg_events_v xpae,
                               gmf_xla_event_model     gxem
                               gxem.process_category = G_revaluation_transactions
                           and gxem.transaction_type = 'COST_REVALUATIONS' /*changed LOT_COST_ADJUSTMENTS to COST_REVALUATIONS jboppana*/
                           and xpae.event_class_code = gxem.event_class_code
Line: 4164

          g_log_msg := sql%rowcount || ' rows updated in gmf_period_balances table';
Line: 4190

                UPDATE cm_adjs_dtl
                   SET   gl_posted_ind      = DECODE(G_accounting_mode, 'D', gl_posted_ind, 'F', 1)
                       , last_update_date      = sysdate
                       , last_updated_by       = g_user_id
                       , last_update_login     = g_login_id
                       , program_application_id= g_prog_appl_id
                       , program_id            = g_program_id
                       , request_id            = g_request_id
                   WHERE cost_adjust_id
                    in (SELECT
                               xla_post_acctg_events_v xpae,
                               gmf_xla_event_model     gxem
                               gxem.process_category = G_revaluation_transactions
                           and gxem.transaction_type = 'ACTUAL_COST_ADJUSTMENTS'
                           and xpae.event_class_code = gxem.event_class_code
Line: 4211

                g_log_msg := sql%rowcount || ' rows updated in cm_adjs_dtl table';
Line: 4241

                UPDATE gl_aloc_dtl
                   SET   gl_posted_ind      = DECODE(G_accounting_mode, 'D', gl_posted_ind, 'F', 1)
                       , last_update_date      = sysdate
                       , last_updated_by       = g_user_id
                       , last_update_login     = g_login_id
                       , program_application_id= g_prog_appl_id
                       , program_id            = g_program_id
                       , request_id            = g_request_id
                   WHERE allocdtl_id
                    in (SELECT
                               xla_post_acctg_events_v xpae,
                               gmf_xla_event_model     gxem
                               gxem.process_category = G_revaluation_transactions
                           and gxem.transaction_type = 'GL_COST_ALLOCATIONS'
                           and xpae.event_class_code = gxem.event_class_code
Line: 4262

                g_log_msg := sql%rowcount || ' rows updated in gl_aloc_dtl table';
Line: 4409

            SELECT organization_id
              INTO l_security_id_int_1
              FROM mtl_material_transactions
             WHERE transaction_id = p_source_id_int_1;
Line: 4432

            SELECT rcv_transaction_id
              INTO l_source_id_int_1
              FROM mtl_material_transactions
             WHERE transaction_id = p_source_id_int_1
Line: 4445

	    SELECT event_source_id
	      INTO l_source_id_int_1
	      FROM gmf_rcv_accounting_txns
	     WHERE accounting_txn_id = p_source_id_int_1;
Line: 4465

             SELECT  ship_header_id,
               INTO  l_ship_header_id,
               FROM  gmf_lc_adj_transactions
              WHERE  adj_transaction_id = p_source_id_int_1;
Line: 4496

            SELECT a.batch_id,
              INTO l_batch_id,
            FROM  gme_batch_step_resources a,
                  gme_resource_txns grt
            WHERE grt.poc_trans_id = p_source_id_int_1
               AND grt.line_id     = a.batchstep_resource_id;
Line: 4563

 |  Date         Author    Description of Change
 |  08-Jun-2010  Vpedarla  Bug: 9795216 Created the procedure
 |  16-Sep-2010  patangya  Bug: 10121825 made changes to delete unwanted Cost Revaluation transactions.

  l_procedure_name    CONSTANT  VARCHAR2(100) := 'delete_IPV_ERV_DUP_RECORDS';
Line: 4582

    g_log_msg := 'Begin of procedure GMF_XLA_PKG.delete_IPV_ERV_DUP_RECORDS ' ;
Line: 4595

    INSERT INTO xla_events_int_gt
    FROM  xla_events xe, xla_ae_headers xah
    WHERE xe.application_id      = 555
    AND   xah.application_id     = 555
    AND   xe.event_id not in ( select event_id from gmf_xla_extract_headers where EVENT_TYPE_CODE in ('INVOICE_IPV_ADJ' , 'INVOICE_ERV_ADJ' ) )
    AND   xe.event_type_code in ('INVOICE_IPV_ADJ' , 'INVOICE_ERV_ADJ' )
    AND   xe.event_status_code   = 'N' /* Bug14325989*/
    AND   xe.process_status_code = 'P' /* Bug14325989*/
    AND   xe.event_id            = xah.event_id
    -- Bug: 9681484 Vpedarla Added the below union to delete records of Actual Cost Adj., which are not valid.
    FROM  xla_events xe, xla_ae_headers xah
    WHERE xe.application_id      = 555
    AND   xah.application_id     = 555
    AND   xe.event_type_code     = 'ACTCOSTADJ'
    AND   xe.event_status_code   = 'N'
    AND   xe.process_status_code = 'P'
    AND   xe.event_id            = xah.event_id
    AND   xe.event_id not in ( select event_id
               from   gmf_xla_extract_headers
               where  entity_code      = 'REVALUATION'
               and    EVENT_CLASS_CODE = 'ACTCOSTADJ' )
    -- Bug: 10121825 made changes to delete unwanted Cost Revaluation transactions.
    FROM  xla_events xe, xla_ae_headers xah
    WHERE xe.application_id      = 555
    AND   xah.application_id     = 555
    AND   xe.event_type_code     = 'COSTREVAL'
    AND   xe.event_status_code   = 'N'
    AND   xe.process_status_code = 'P'
    AND   xe.event_id            = xah.event_id
    AND   xe.event_id not in ( select event_id
               from   gmf_xla_extract_headers
               where  entity_code      = 'REVALUATION'
               and    EVENT_CLASS_CODE = 'COSTREVAL'
               and    EVENT_TYPE_CODE  = 'COSTREVAL' )
Line: 4663

    select count(*) into record_count from xla_events_int_gt ;
Line: 4678

    xla_events_pkg.delete_bulk_events( p_application_id => 555);
Line: 4679

    delete from  xla_events_int_gt ;
Line: 4682

    g_log_msg := 'End of procedure GMF_XLA_PKG.delete_IPV_ERV_DUP_RECORDS ' ;
Line: 4699

Line: 4726

 SELECT eh.event_id
   FROM gmf_xla_extract_headers eh,
        gmf_lot_cost_adjustments lc_adj
  WHERE eh.entity_code                =  'REVALUATION'
    AND eh.EVENT_TYPE_CODE            =  'LOTCOSTADJ'
    AND eh.transaction_id             =  lc_adj.adjustment_id
    AND eh.ledger_id                  =  p_ledger_id
    AND eh.valuation_cost_type_id     =  p_valuation_cost_type_id
    AND eh.transaction_date           >= p_date_start
    AND eh.transaction_date           <= p_date_end
    AND eh.transaction_source_type_id =  0
    AND lc_adj.delete_mark            =  1
    AND NVL(lc_adj.gl_posted_ind,0)   <> 1;
Line: 4756

            INSERT INTO xla_events_int_gt
           FROM  xla_events xe
           WHERE xe.application_id      = 555
           AND   xe.event_id            = l_event.event_id
           AND   xe.event_type_code     = 'LOTCOSTADJ';
Line: 4779

	  DELETE FROM gmf_xla_extract_lines
	  WHERE Header_id = (SELECT header_id FROM gmf_xla_extract_headers
                              WHERE entity_code = 'REVALUATION'
                                AND event_class_code = 'LOTCOSTADJ'
                                AND EVENT_TYPE_CODE  = 'LOTCOSTADJ'
                                AND event_id = l_event.event_id);
Line: 4789

          DELETE FROM gmf_xla_extract_headers
           WHERE entity_code = 'REVALUATION'
             AND event_class_code = 'LOTCOSTADJ'
             AND event_id = l_event.event_id;
Line: 4802

           xla_events_pkg.delete_bulk_events( p_application_id => 555);
Line: 4804

           delete from  xla_events_int_gt ;