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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 81

SELECT  dmparm.parameter_name,
FROM   fnd_dm_function_parameters dmparm,
       fnd_dm_product_parm_syntax dmprod
WHERE  dmprod.product_function_id = c_product_function_id
AND    dmprod.parameter_id = dmparm.parameter_id
ORDER BY dmparm.parameter_name;
Line: 95

   ** that is installed on the selected node
   OPEN  c_fetch_function_parameters(product_function_id);
Line: 153

        SELECT dmnode.connect_syntax,
        INTO   p_node_syntax,
        FROM   fnd_dm_product_function_syntax dmprod,
               fnd_dm_functions dmfunc,
               fnd_dm_nodes dmnode
        WHERE  dmnode.node_id       = p_node_id
        AND    dmnode.product_id    = dmprod.product_id
        AND    dmfunc.function_name = p_function_name
        AND    dmprod.function_id = dmfunc.function_id;
Line: 339

    INTO   l_product_id
    FROM   fnd_dm_nodes
    WHERE  node_id = l_dm_node_id;
Line: 540

                you've selected during your search process. We'll likely
                need our DM software partners to add new arguments to their
                standard URL syntax to allow for extra url links/icons that
                refer to Oracle Application functions that will allow us to
                return the selected documents that you wish to attach to your
                application business objects. The extra arguments would be
                pushed into the standard HTML templates so you can execute
                these functions when you've selected the appropriate document.

PROCEDURE get_search_document_url
(username               IN  Varchar2,
 callback_function 	IN  Varchar2,
 html_formatting 	IN  Boolean,
 search_document_URL 	OUT NOCOPY Varchar2) IS

l_product_id            Number  := 0;
Line: 690

                the selected document id information once you've created
                your document. The extra arguments would be pushed into
                the standard HTML templates so you can execute these
                functions when you've selected the created the document.

PROCEDURE get_create_document_url
(username               IN  Varchar2,
 callback_function 	IN  Varchar2,
 html_formatting 	IN  Boolean,
 create_document_URL 	OUT NOCOPY Varchar2) IS

l_product_id            Number  := 0;
Line: 878

                document id/name for the document that you've selected in
                the DM system. If your in the attachments form and you've
                attached a file, you may wish to select a file using the
		browse feature. Once you select a  document in the DM
                system we'll need to push the document information
                back to the creating application object. We'll likely
                need our DM software
                partners to add new arguments to their standard URL
                syntax to allow for extra url links/icons that refer to
                Oracle Application functions that will allow us to return
                the selected document id information once you've created
                your document. The extra arguments would be pushed into
                the standard HTML templates so you can execute these
                functions when you've selected the created the document.

PROCEDURE get_browse_document_url
(username               IN  Varchar2,
 callback_function 	IN  Varchar2,
 html_formatting 	IN  Boolean,
 browse_document_URL 	OUT NOCOPY Varchar2) IS

l_product_id            Number  := 0;
Line: 1026

Purpose		Invoke the appropriate document viewer for the selected
		document. This function will show the latest document version
                for the item selected. Most document management systems
		support a wide range of document formats for viewing.
		We will rely on the  document management system to
                display the document in it's native format whenever possible.

PROCEDURE get_display_document_url
(username             IN  Varchar2,
 document_identifier  IN  Varchar2,
 show_document_icon   IN  Boolean,
 html_formatting      IN  Boolean,
 display_document_URL OUT NOCOPY Varchar2) IS

l_dm_node_id            Number := 0;
Line: 1186

                of the selected document. The default operation of the DM
                system is to show the latest version of the document that
                was attached to the item.
                We are providing another function here to show the original
                version of the document.
                Most document management systems
		support a wide range of document formats for viewing.
		We will rely on the  document management system to
                display the document in it's native format whenever possible.

PROCEDURE get_original_document_url
(username             IN  Varchar2,
 document_identifier  IN  Varchar2,
 show_document_icon   IN  Boolean,
 html_formatting      IN  Boolean,
 original_document_URL OUT NOCOPY Varchar2) IS

l_dm_node_id            Number := 0;
Line: 2352

                management select function.

PROCEDURE set_document_id_html
  frame_name IN VARCHAR2,
  form_name IN VARCHAR2,
  document_id_field_name IN VARCHAR2,
  document_name_field_name IN VARCHAR2,
  callback_url     OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
) IS

l_attributes         VARCHAR2(1000) := NULL;
Line: 2840

    INTO   l_product_id
    FROM   fnd_dm_nodes
    WHERE  node_id = l_dm_node_id;
Line: 3234

    ** Update the node id token for the search add and browse icons
    ** so they point at the current node.  You don't want to replace it
    ** for the change home icon since you want to preserve the NodeId
    ** token syntax
    l_callback_function := REPLACE(callback_function, '-NodeId-',
Line: 3373

        SELECT MAX(node_id)
        INTO   l_dm_node_id
        FROM   fnd_dm_nodes;
Line: 3402

     ** Make sure the node hasn't been deleted since the preference
     ** was created by having a no data found exception handler.
     SELECT node_id, node_name
     INTO   dm_node_id, dm_node_name
     FROM   fnd_dm_nodes
     WHERE  node_id = l_dm_node_id;
Line: 3510

   INTO   l_product_id
   FROM   fnd_dm_nodes
   WHERE  node_id = TO_NUMBER(dm_node_id);
Line: 3577

    select dmn.node_id,
    from fnd_dm_nodes dmn, fnd_dm_products dmp
    where dmn.product_id = dmp.product_id;
Line: 3650

		  calign=>'Center', cattributes=>'id="t_delete"');
Line: 3688

                              ctext=>'' || WF_CORE.Translate('DELETE') || ''),
                              'center', cattributes=>'valign="MIDDLE" headers="t_delete"');
Line: 3743

procedure Dm_Nodes_Update (
p_node_id            IN VARCHAR2   ,
p_node_name          IN VARCHAR2   ,
p_node_description   IN VARCHAR2   ,
p_connect_syntax     IN VARCHAR2   ,
p_product_id         IN VARCHAR2   ,
p_product_name       IN VARCHAR2
) IS

Line: 3756

    wf_core.context('FND_DOCUMENT_MANAGEMENT', 'Dm_Nodes_update');
Line: 3759

END Dm_Nodes_Update;
Line: 3785

    select dmn.node_id,
    from fnd_dm_nodes dmn, fnd_dm_products dmp
    where dmn.product_id = dmp.product_id;
Line: 3851

    ** Always show the currently selected node in bold
    IF (dm_node_id = nodes.node_id) THEN
       -- Bug5161758 - XSS
                         '&callback='|| l_callback,
                     '', ctarget=>'_top'),
                    'Left', cattributes=>'headers="t_name"');
Line: 3927

PRODUCT_ID       ,
FROM   fnd_dm_products
WHERE  product_name like c_find_criteria
ORDER  BY product_name;
Line: 3943

      INTO   l_row_count
      FROM   fnd_dm_products
      WHERE  product_name like p_find_criteria||'%';
Line: 4091

     SELECT dmn.connect_syntax, dmp.product_name, dmn.product_id
     INTO   l_connect_syntax, l_product_name, l_product_id
     FROM   fnd_dm_products dmp, fnd_dm_nodes dmn
     WHERE  dmn.node_id = l_dm_node_id
     AND    dmp.product_id = dmn.product_id;
Line: 4134

          ** Delete all the header stuff to make searching faster
          l_document_text := SUBSTR(l_document_text, INSTR(l_document_text,'<Object ID>'));
Line: 4183

     ** Get the last updated by
--     get_document_token_value(l_document_text, '', l_value);
Line: 4189

     ** Get the last update date
--     get_document_token_value(l_document_text, '', l_value);
Line: 4235

     htp.p('last_updated_by     ='||document_attributes.last_updated_by    );
Line: 4236

     htp.p('last_update_date    ='||document_attributes.last_update_date   );
Line: 4364

                is going to be selected

PROCEDURE show_transport_message IS

Line: 4401

Function	Dm_Nodes_Confirm_Delete

Purpose		Delete a currently defined document management node that
		has been set up by an administrator.  There is no check to
		see if any documents are referencing the document node that
		is about to be deleted.  Deleting a document node that has
		references will produce warnings when you try to view
		documents that use this reference.
procedure Dm_Nodes_Confirm_Delete (
p_node_id   IN VARCHAR2
) IS
Line: 4418

    wf_core.context('Fnd_Document_Management', 'Dm_Nodes_Confirm_Delete', p_node_id);
Line: 4421

END Dm_Nodes_Confirm_Delete;
Line: 4426

Function	Dm_Nodes_Delete

Purpose		Does the physical delete of a document node after the
		delete window has been confirmed by the user
procedure Dm_Nodes_Delete (
p_node_id   IN VARCHAR2
) IS
Line: 4439

    wf_core.context('Fnd_Document_Management', 'Dm_Nodes_Delete', p_node_id);
Line: 4442

END Dm_Nodes_Delete;
Line: 4449

                is not set then create a random number and insert it

FUNCTION get_ticket (username     IN VARCHAR2) RETURN VARCHAR2

l_ticket  VARCHAR2(240);
Line: 4472

  ** if you don't have a ticket value then go get one and insert it into
  ** the pref table
  if (NVL(l_ticket, '-1') = '-1') then

     l_ticket := Wf_Core.Random;
Line: 4594

Purpose		Function for the DM system to update the current value
		of the ticket for single signon.  The DM vendor will
		create a value of the ticket and pass it to us.  They will
                keep track of the value in that ticket so when we call them
		with the value they will know what that value is.

                If the ticket value is null then we will create a random
		number and plug it in.

PROCEDURE modulate_ticket (username    IN VARCHAR2,
                           ticket      IN VARCHAR2)


  ** Set the ticket for this user
  fnd_preference.put (username, 'WF', 'TICKET', ticket);