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2 /* $Header: CSTVIVTS.pls 120.5 2010/05/24 22:08:25 anjha ship $ */
3 /* Defining the Global variables */
4 g_run_onhand_date DATE;
5 g_run_receiving_date DATE;
6 g_run_incmng_intransit_date DATE;
7 g_run_outgng_intransit_date DATE;
9   -- Start of comments
10   -- API name        : Populate_ItemList
11   -- Type            : Private
12   -- Pre-reqs        : None
13   -- Function        : Populates temporary table CST_ITEM_LIST_TEMP with the
14   --                   items that match the given specifications
15   -- Parameters      : p_api_version     IN         NUMBER   Required
16   --                   p_organization_id IN         NUMBER   Required
17   --                   p_cost_type_id    IN         NUMBER
18   --                     This parameter indicates the cost type against which
19   --                     the asset status of the item is verified.
20   --                   p_item_from       IN         VARCHAR2
21   --                   p_item_to         IN         VARCHAR2
22   --                   p_category_set_id IN         NUMBER   Required
23   --                   p_category_from   IN         VARCHAR2
24   --                   p_category_to     IN         VARCHAR2
25   --                   p_zero_cost_only  IN         NUMBER
26   --                     This parameter restricts the range of items to
27   --                     those with zero item costs.
28   --                   p_expense_item    IN         NUMBER
29   --                     This parameter indicates whether to include expense
30   --                     items.
31   --                   p_cost_enabled_only	 IN         NUMBER
32   --                     This parameter restricts the items to include cost
33   --                     enabled items only.  If 1, only cost enabled items
34   --                     will be included.  Otherwise, all items including
35   --                     non-cost enabled items will be included - in which case
36   --                     all items in the range, regardless of whether they are
37   --                     expense or have zero cost, will be included.
38   --                   p_one_time_item     IN         NUMBER
39   --                     If this parameter is 1, indicates that a row with null
40   --                     item id should be included for one-time items.  When called from
41   --                     the Receiving Value Report, the parameter should be 1 so as
42   --                     to include one-time (description) items.  If any value other
43   --                     than 1, one-time items will not be included.
44   --                   x_return_status   OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2 Required
45   -- Version         : Current version 1.0
46   --                   Initial version 1.0
47   -- End of comments
48   PROCEDURE Populate_ItemList(
49     p_api_version          IN         NUMBER,
50     p_organization_id      IN         NUMBER,
51     p_cost_type_id         IN         NUMBER   := NULL,
52     p_item_from            IN         VARCHAR2 := NULL,
53     p_item_to              IN         VARCHAR2 := NULL,
54     p_category_set_id      IN         NUMBER,
55     p_category_from        IN         VARCHAR2 := NULL,
56     p_category_to          IN         VARCHAR2 := NULL,
57     p_zero_cost_only       IN         NUMBER   := NULL,
58     p_expense_item         IN         NUMBER   := NULL,
59     p_cost_enabled_only    IN         NUMBER := NULL,
60     p_one_time_item        IN         NUMBER := NULL,
61     x_return_status        OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
62    );
64   -- Start of comments
65   -- API name        : Populate_CostGroupList
66   -- Type            : Private
67   -- Pre-reqs        : None
68   -- Function        : Populates temporary table CST_CG_LIST_TEMP with the cost
69   --                   groups that match the given specifications.
70   -- Parameters      : p_api_version        IN         NUMBER   Required
71   --                   p_organization_id    IN         NUMBER   Required
72   --                   p_cost_group_from    IN         VARCHAR2
73   --                   p_cost_group_to      IN         VARCHAR2
74   --                   p_own                IN         NUMBER
75   --                     This identifier specifies if the cost group list
76   --                     should include cost groups of all the organizations
77   --                     that are in the current organization's shipping
78   --                     network.
79   --                   x_return_status      OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2 Required
80   -- Version         : Current version 1.0
81   --                   Initial version 1.0
82   -- End of comments
83   PROCEDURE Populate_CostGroupList(
84     p_api_version          IN         NUMBER,
85     p_organization_id      IN         NUMBER,
86     p_cost_group_from      IN         VARCHAR2 := NULL,
87     p_cost_group_to        IN         VARCHAR2 := NULL,
88     p_own                  IN         NUMBER   := 1,
89     x_return_status        OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
90    );
92   -- Start of comments
93   -- API name        : Populate_SubinventoryList
94   -- Type            : Private
95   -- Pre-reqs        : None
96   -- Function        : Populates temporary table CST_SUB_LIST_TEMP with the
97   --                   subinventories that match the given specifications.
98   -- Parameters      : p_api_version        IN         NUMBER   Required
99   --                   p_organization_id    IN         NUMBER   Required
100   --                   p_subinventory_from  IN         VARCHAR2
101   --                   p_subinventory_to    IN         VARCHAR2
102   --                   p_expense_sub        IN         NUMBER
103   --                     This parameter indicates whether to include expense
104   --                     subinventories.
105   --                   x_return_status      OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2 Required
106   -- Version         : Current version 1.0
107   --                   Initial version 1.0
108   -- End of comments
109   PROCEDURE Populate_SubinventoryList(
110     p_api_version          IN         NUMBER,
111     p_organization_id      IN         NUMBER,
112     p_subinventory_from    IN         VARCHAR2 := NULL,
113     p_subinventory_to      IN         VARCHAR2 := NULL,
114     p_expense_sub          IN         NUMBER   := NULL,
115     x_return_status        OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
116    );
118   -- Start of comments
119   -- API name        : Calculate_OnhandQty
120   -- Type            : Private
121   -- Pre-reqs        : Calls to Populate_ItemList, Populate_SubinventoryList,
122   --                   and Populate_CostGroupList.
123   -- Function        : Populates temporary table CST_INV_QTY_TEMP with the
124   --                   quantity of items in the cost groups and subinventories
125   --                   that match the given specifications.
126   -- Parameters      : p_api_version        IN         NUMBER   Required
127   --                   p_organization_id    IN         NUMBER   Required
128   --                   p_valuation_date     IN         DATE
129   --                     This paramater indicates the date at which the onhand
130   --                     quantity needs to be calculated. If no date is
131   --                     specified, the procedure will calculate the current
132   --                     onhand quantity.
133   --                   p_qty_by_revision    IN         NUMBER
134   --                      This parameter indicates whether the item revision
135   --                      information needs to be gathered.
136   --                   p_zero_qty           IN         NUMBER
137   --                      This parameter is valid only for current valuation
138   --                      (p_valuation_date is NULL) to include items with zero
139   --                      onhand quantity.
140   --                   p_unvalued_txns      IN         NUMBER
141   --                       This parameter indicates whether to include uncosted
142   --                       transactions in the calculation for onhand quantity.
143   --                   x_return_status      OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2 Required
144   -- Version         : Current version 1.0
145   --                   Initial version 1.0
146   -- End of comments
147   PROCEDURE Calculate_OnhandQty(
148     p_api_version          IN         NUMBER,
149     p_organization_id      IN         NUMBER,
150     p_valuation_date       IN         DATE   := NULL,
151     p_qty_by_revision      IN         NUMBER := NULL,
152     p_zero_qty             IN         NUMBER := NULL,
153     p_unvalued_txns        IN         NUMBER := NULL,
154     x_return_status        OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
155    );
157   -- Start of comments
158   -- API name        : Calculate_IntransitQty
159   -- Type            : Private
160   -- Pre-reqs        : Calls to Populate_ItemList and Populate_CostGroupList.
161   -- Function        : Populates temporary table CST_INV_QTY_TEMP with the
162   --                   quantity of intransit items in the cost groups that
163   --                   match the given specifications.
164   -- Parameters      : p_api_version        IN         NUMBER   Required
165   --                   p_organization_id    IN         NUMBER   Required
166   --                   p_valuation_date     IN         DATE
167   --                     This parameter indicates the date at which the
168   --                     intransit quantity needs to be calculated. If no date
169   --                     is specified, the procedure will calculate the current
170   --                     intransit quantity.
171   --                   p_receipt            IN         NUMBER
172   --                     This parameter indicates whether to calculate the
173   --                     intransit quantity that is coming to the current
174   --                     organization
175   --                   p_shipment           IN         NUMBER
176   --                     This parameter indicates whether to calculate the
177   --                     intransit quantity that is coming from the current
178   --                     organization
179   --                   p_detail             IN         NUMBER
180   --                     This parameter indicates whether to calculate the
181   --                     intransit quantity at the shipment line level
182   --                     granularity. The default is no.
183   --                   p_unvalued_txns      IN         NUMBER
184   --                       This parameter indicates whether to include uncosted
185   --                       transactions in the calculation for intransit quantity.
186   --                   x_return_status      OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2 Required
187   -- Version         : Current version 1.0
188   --                   Initial version 1.0
189   -- End of comments
190   PROCEDURE Calculate_IntransitQty(
191     p_api_version          IN         NUMBER,
192     p_organization_id      IN         NUMBER,
193     p_valuation_date       IN         DATE   := NULL,
194     p_receipt              IN         NUMBER := NULL,
195     p_shipment             IN         NUMBER := NULL,
196     p_detail               IN         NUMBER := NULL,
197     p_own                  IN         NUMBER := NULL,
198     p_unvalued_txns        IN         NUMBER := NULL,
199     x_return_status        OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
200    );
202   -- Start of comments
203   -- API name        : Calculate_ReceivingQty
204   -- Type            : Private
205   -- Pre-reqs        : Calls to Populate_ItemList and Populate_CostGroupList.
206   -- Function        : Populates temporary table CST_INV_QTY_TEMP with the
207   --                   quantity of items in receiving dock in the cost groups
208   --                   that match the given specifications.
209   -- Parameters      : p_api_version        IN         NUMBER   Required
210   --                   p_organization_id    IN         NUMBER   Required
211   --                   p_valuation_date     IN         DATE
212   --                     This parameter indicates the date at which the
213   --                     receiving quantity needs to be calculated. If no date
214   --                     is specified, the procedure will calculate the current
215   --                     receiving quantity.
216   --                   p_qty_by_revision    IN         NUMBER
217   --                      This parameter indicates whether the item revision
218   --                      information needs to be gathered.
219   --                   p_include_period_end    IN         NUMBER
220   --                      This parameter indicates whether receiving quantity
221   --                      for period-end accrual PO shipments needs to be gathered.
222   --                      If not, only online accrual PO shipments will be included.
223   --                   x_return_status      OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2 Required
224   -- Version         : Current version 1.0
225   --                   Initial version 1.0
226   -- End of comments
227   PROCEDURE Calculate_ReceivingQty(
228     p_api_version          IN         NUMBER,
229     p_organization_id      IN         NUMBER,
230     p_valuation_date       IN         DATE := NULL,
231     p_qty_by_revision      IN         NUMBER := NULL,
232     p_include_period_end   IN         NUMBER := NULL,
233     x_return_status        OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
234    );
236   -- Start of comments
237   -- API name        : Get_ParentReceiveTxn
238   -- Type            : Private
239   -- Pre-reqs        : None
240   -- Function        : Given the transaction_id passed in, returns the
241   --                   parent Receive or Match transaction id in RT.
242   -- Parameters      : p_rcv_transaction_id    IN         NUMBER
243   --                     This is the transaction_id in RCV_TRANSACTIONS
244   --                     for which this function will find the parent
245   --                     Receive or Match transaction in RCV_TRANSACTIONS.
246   -- Version         : Current version 1.0
247   --                   Initial version 1.0
248   -- End of comments
249   FUNCTION Get_ParentReceiveTxn (
250   	p_rcv_transaction_id IN NUMBER
251   )
254   -- Start of comments
255   -- API name        : Calculate_InventoryCost
256   -- Type            : Private
257   -- Pre-reqs        : Calls to Calculate_OnhandQty, Calculate_IntransitQty or
258   --                   Calculate_ReceivingQty
259   -- Function        : Populates temporary table CST_INV_COST_TEMP with the
260   --                   cost of items CST_INV_QTY_TEMP.
261   -- Parameters      : p_api_version        IN         NUMBER   Required
262   --                   p_valuation_date     IN         DATE
263   --                   p_organization_id    IN         NUMBER
264   --                   x_return_status      OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2 Required
265   -- Version         : Current version 1.0
266   --                   Initial version 1.0
267   -- End of comments
268   PROCEDURE Calculate_InventoryCost(
269     p_api_version          IN         NUMBER,
270     p_valuation_date       IN         DATE     := NULL,
271     p_organization_id      IN         NUMBER,
272     x_return_status        OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
273    );
275 END CST_Inventory_PVT;