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2 /* $Header: asxcldos.pls 120.1 2005/06/05 22:52:11 appldev  $ */
4 -- Start of Comments
5 -- Package Name     : AS_LEAD_ROUTING_WF_CUHK
6 -- Purpose          : If user wants to implement custome routing rules,
7 --                    create a package body for this spec.
8 -- Note             :
9 --                    Please do not commit in this package body, once the
10 --                    transaction is complete, Oracle Application code
11 --                    will issue commit.
12 --
13 --                    This user hook will be called while creating and updating
14 --                    lead from OSO leads tab, Telesales leads tab, and lead
15 --                    import program when routing engine is called.
16 --                    The calling package: AS_LEAD_ROUTING_WF.GetOwner.
17 -- History          :
18 --       07/27/2001   SOLIN   Created
19 -- End of Comments
21 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*
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23  |                             PUBLIC CONSTANTS
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29  |                             PUBLIC DATATYPES
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35  |                             PUBLIC VARIABLES
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41  |                             PUBLIC ROUTINES
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45 -- Start of Comments
46 --
47 --   API name   : Get_Owner_Pre
48 --   Parameters :
49 --   IN         :
50 --       p_api_version_number: For 11i Oracle Sales application, this is 2.0.
51 --       p_init_msg_list     : Initialize message stack or not. It's
52 --                             FND_API.G_FALSE by default.
53 --       p_validation_level  : Validation level of pass-in value.
54 --                             It's FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL by default.
55 --       p_commit            : Whether commit the whole API at the end of API.
56 --                             It's FND_API.G_FALSE by default.
57 --
58 --                             The above four parameters are standard input.
59 --       p_resource_id_tbl   :
60 --       p_group_id_tbl      :
61 --       p_person_id_tbl     :
62 --                             The above three parameters store the available
63 --                             resources for this customized package to decide
64 --                             owner of the sales lead. Their datatype is
65 --                             TABLE of NUMBERs.
66 --       p_resource_flag_tbl :
67 --                             This parameter specify the source of the
68 --                             resource.
69 --                             'D': This is default resource, comes from the
70 --                                  profile AS_DEFAULT_RESOURCE_ID, "OS:
71 --                                  Default Resource ID used for Sales Lead
72 --                                  Assignment"
73 --                             'L': This is login user.
74 --                             'T': This resource comes from territory
75 --                                  definition.
76 --
77 --                             If the sales lead matches any territory, the above
78 --                             parameters will include all the resources returned
79 --                             from territory engine and p_resource_flag_tbl will
80 --                             be all 'T'. If it doesn't match any territory:
81 --                             1. Profile "OS: Default Resource ID used for Sales
82 --                                Lead Assignment" is set:
83 --                               p_resource_id_tbl(1), p_group_id_tbl(1),
84 --                               p_person_id_tbl(1) is the default resource
85 --                               defined in this profile.
86 --                               p_resource_flag_tbl(1)='D'
87 --                               p_resource_id_tbl(2), p_group_id_tbl(2),
88 --                               p_person_id_tbl(2) is the login user.
89 --                               p_resource_flag_tbl(2)='L'
90 --                             2. Profile "OS: Default Resource ID used for Sales
91 --                                Lead Assignment" is not set:
92 --                               p_resource_id_tbl(1), p_group_id_tbl(1),
93 --                               p_person_id_tbl(1) is the login user.
94 --                               p_resource_flag_tbl(1)='L'
95 --
96 --       p_sales_lead_rec    :
97 --                             This is the whole definition of the sales lead.
98 --                             This record is provided to help Oracle customer
99 --                             decide sales lead owner.
100 --   OUT NOCOPY /* file.sql.39 change */        :
101 --       x_resource_id       :
102 --       x_group_id          :
103 --       x_person_id         :
104 --                             The above three parameters store the result
105 --                             of this user hook. It will be set as sales
106 --                             lead owner. If x_resource_id is NULL, owner
107 --                             will be decided based upon Oracle's logic.
108 --                             For instance, x_resource_id=1001, x_group_id=10,
109 --                             x_person_id=100, it means the resource with
110 --                             resource id 1001, group id 10 and person id 100
111 --                             will be the owner of the sales lead.
112 --       x_return_status     :
113 --                             The return status. If your code completes
114 --                             successfully, then FND_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS
115 --                             should be returned; if you get an expected error,
116 --                             then return FND_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR; otherwise
117 --                             return FND_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR.
118 --       x_msg_count         :
119 --                             The message count.
120 --                             Call FND_MSG_PUB.Count_And_Get to get the message
121 --                             count and messages.
122 --       x_msg_data          :
123 --                             The messages.
124 --                             Call FND_MSG_PUB.Count_And_Get to get the message
125 --                             count and messages.
126 --
127 --                             The above three parameters are standard output
128 --                             parameters.
129 --
130 PROCEDURE Get_Owner_Pre(
131     p_api_version_number    IN  NUMBER,
132     p_init_msg_list         IN  VARCHAR2 := FND_API.G_FALSE,
133     p_validation_level      IN  VARCHAR2 := FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL,
134     p_commit                IN  VARCHAR2 := FND_API.G_FALSE,
135     p_resource_id_tbl       IN  AS_LEAD_ROUTING_WF.NUMBER_TABLE,
136     p_group_id_tbl          IN  AS_LEAD_ROUTING_WF.NUMBER_TABLE,
137     p_person_id_tbl         IN  AS_LEAD_ROUTING_WF.NUMBER_TABLE,
138     p_resource_flag_tbl     IN  AS_LEAD_ROUTING_WF.FLAG_TABLE,
139     p_sales_lead_rec        IN  AS_SALES_LEADS_PUB.SALES_LEAD_Rec_Type,
140     x_resource_id           OUT NOCOPY /* file.sql.39 change */ NUMBER,
141     x_group_id              OUT NOCOPY /* file.sql.39 change */ NUMBER,
142     x_person_id             OUT NOCOPY /* file.sql.39 change */ NUMBER,
143     x_return_status         OUT NOCOPY /* file.sql.39 change */ VARCHAR2,
144     x_msg_count             OUT NOCOPY /* file.sql.39 change */ NUMBER,
145     x_msg_data              OUT NOCOPY /* file.sql.39 change */ VARCHAR2);