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Line 1864: xla_ae_lines xal,

1860: gl_je_batches gjb,
1861: gl_code_combinations gcc,
1862: fv_fund_parameters ffp,
1863: fv_treasury_symbols fts,
1864: xla_ae_lines xal,
1865: xla_ae_headers xah,
1866: xla_distribution_links xdl,
1867: gl_import_references gir
1868: WHERE gjl.ledger_id = :sob_id

Line 5750: xla_ae_lines xl ,

5746: CURSOR be_cursor IS
5747: SELECT xd.source_distribution_id_num_1 transaction_id,
5748: xte.transaction_number
5749: FROM gl_import_references gli,
5750: xla_ae_lines xl ,
5751: xla_ae_headers xh ,
5752: xla_distribution_links xd,
5753: xla_transaction_entities xte
5754: WHERE gli.je_batch_id = p_je_batch_id

Line 5912: xla_ae_lines l,

5908: CURSOR event_lines_cur IS
5909: SELECT event_id
5910: INTO l_sla_event_id
5911: FROM gl_import_references gli,
5912: xla_ae_lines l,
5913: xla_ae_headers h
5914: WHERE gli.je_batch_id = p_je_batch_id
5915: AND gli.je_header_id = p_je_header_id
5916: AND gli.je_line_num = p_je_line_num

Line 5927: xla_ae_lines xl,

5923: FOR sla_event in event_lines_cur LOOP
5925: l_acct_select := 'SELECT SUBSTR(ffv.compiled_value_attributes,5,1)
5926: FROM xla_ae_headers xh,
5927: xla_ae_lines xl,
5928: gl_code_combinations gcc,
5929: fnd_flex_values ffv
5930: WHERE xh.event_id = '||sla_event.event_id||
5931: ' AND xh.ae_header_id = xl.ae_header_id