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Line 31: from ame_temp_insertions

27: errorMessage ame_util.longStringType;
28: appr_rec_params varchar2(100);
29: cursor getAnchorInsertions (parameterIn varchar2) is
30: (select name
31: from ame_temp_insertions
32: where application_id = ame_engine.getAmeApplicationId
33: and transaction_id = transactionIdIn
34: and parameter = parameterIn);
35: nameList ame_util.longStringList;

Line 37: cmpParameter ame_temp_insertions.parameter%type;

33: and transaction_id = transactionIdIn
34: and parameter = parameterIn);
35: nameList ame_util.longStringList;
36: anchorsExistException exception;
37: cmpParameter ame_temp_insertions.parameter%type;
38: anchorName varchar2(320);
39: anchorList varchar2(1000);
40: approvers ame_util.approversTable2;
41: nullApprRecordFieldException Exception;

Line 115: delete from ame_temp_insertions

111: approvers(i).item_id = approverIn.item_id then
112: ame_engine.updateInsertions(indexIn => i);
113: end if;
114: end loop;
115: delete from ame_temp_insertions
116: where
117: application_id = ameAppId and
118: transaction_id = transactionIdIn and
119: name = approverIn.name and

Line 190: delete from ame_temp_insertions

186: transactionIdIn => transactionIdIn,
187: transactionTypeIdIn => transactionTypeIn);
188: ameAppId := ame_admin_pkg.getApplicationId(fndAppIdIn => applicationIdIn,
189: transactionTypeIdIn => transactionTypeIn);
190: delete from ame_temp_insertions
191: where
192: application_id = ameAppId and
193: transaction_id = transactionIdIn ;
194: if sql%found then

Line 2199: insert into ame_temp_insertions(

2195: end if;
2196: /* Perform the insertion. */
2197: insertionOrder := ame_engine.getNextInsertionOrder;
2198: ameApplicationId := ame_engine.getAmeApplicationId;
2199: insert into ame_temp_insertions(
2200: transaction_id,
2201: application_id,
2202: insertion_order,
2203: order_type,

Line 2346: Type temp_insList is TABLE OF ame_temp_insertions%rowtype index by binary_integer;

2342: l_order_type varchar2(50);
2343: l_parameter varchar2(3000);
2344: l_parameter_new varchar2(3000);
2345: l_description varchar2(3000);
2346: Type temp_insList is TABLE OF ame_temp_insertions%rowtype index by binary_integer;
2347: anchorList temp_insList;
2348: cursor getAnchor(c_applId in number, c_txnTypeId in varchar2, c_txnId in varchar) is
2349: select *
2350: from ame_temp_insertions

Line 2350: from ame_temp_insertions

2346: Type temp_insList is TABLE OF ame_temp_insertions%rowtype index by binary_integer;
2347: anchorList temp_insList;
2348: cursor getAnchor(c_applId in number, c_txnTypeId in varchar2, c_txnId in varchar) is
2349: select *
2350: from ame_temp_insertions
2351: where application_id =
2352: (select application_id
2353: from ame_calling_apps
2354: where sysdate between start_date and nvl(end_date,sysdate)

Line 2365: from ame_temp_insertions

2361: cursor getInvApproverDets(c_applId in number, c_txnTypeId in varchar2, c_txnId in varchar) is
2362: select parameter,
2363: order_type,
2364: description
2365: from ame_temp_insertions
2366: where application_id =
2367: (select application_id
2368: from ame_calling_apps
2369: where sysdate between start_date and nvl(end_date,sysdate)

Line 2383: update ame_temp_insertions

2379: open getInvApproverDets(p_applicationIdIn,p_transactionTypeIn,p_transactionIdIn);
2380: fetch getInvApproverDets into l_parameter,l_order_type,l_description;
2381: close getInvApproverDets;
2383: update ame_temp_insertions
2384: set parameter = l_parameter,
2385: order_type = l_order_type,
2386: description = l_description
2387: where name = anchorList(1).name

Line 2405: update ame_temp_insertions

2401: for i in 2..anchorList.count loop
2402: l_parameter := anchorList(i).parameter;
2403: l_parameter_new := replace(l_parameter,p_approverIn.name,anchorList(1).name);
2405: update ame_temp_insertions
2406: set parameter = l_parameter_new
2407: where name = anchorList(i).name
2408: and parameter = anchorList(i).parameter
2409: and item_class = anchorList(i).item_class

Line 2437: from ame_temp_insertions

2433: c_transactionType := transactionTypeIn;
2434: c_transactionId := transactionIdIn;
2435: select name
2436: bulk collect into nameList
2437: from ame_temp_insertions
2438: where application_id =
2439: (select application_id
2440: from ame_calling_apps
2441: where sysdate between start_date and nvl(end_Date,sysdate)

Line 2454: delete from ame_temp_insertions

2450: ,transactionTypeIn => c_transactionType
2451: ,applicationIdIn => c_aplId);
2452: end loop;
2453: end if;
2454: delete from ame_temp_insertions
2455: where parameter like nameIn||'%'
2456: and application_id =
2457: (select application_id
2458: from ame_calling_apps

Line 2481: tempOrderType ame_temp_insertions.order_type%type;

2477: parameterLocation integer;
2478: ruleIdList ame_util.idList;
2479: sourceDescription ame_util.stringType;
2480: sourceLength integer;
2481: tempOrderType ame_temp_insertions.order_type%type;
2482: tempParameter ame_temp_insertions.parameter%type;
2483: upperLimit integer;
2484: cursor getAnchorInsertions (parameterIn varchar2) is
2485: (select name

Line 2482: tempParameter ame_temp_insertions.parameter%type;

2478: ruleIdList ame_util.idList;
2479: sourceDescription ame_util.stringType;
2480: sourceLength integer;
2481: tempOrderType ame_temp_insertions.order_type%type;
2482: tempParameter ame_temp_insertions.parameter%type;
2483: upperLimit integer;
2484: cursor getAnchorInsertions (parameterIn varchar2) is
2485: (select name
2486: from ame_temp_insertions

Line 2486: from ame_temp_insertions

2482: tempParameter ame_temp_insertions.parameter%type;
2483: upperLimit integer;
2484: cursor getAnchorInsertions (parameterIn varchar2) is
2485: (select name
2486: from ame_temp_insertions
2487: where application_id = ame_engine.getAmeApplicationId
2488: and transaction_id = transactionIdIn
2489: and parameter = parameterIn);
2490: nameList ame_util.longStringList;

Line 2492: cmpParameter ame_temp_insertions.parameter%type;

2488: and transaction_id = transactionIdIn
2489: and parameter = parameterIn);
2490: nameList ame_util.longStringList;
2491: anchorsExistException exception;
2492: cmpParameter ame_temp_insertions.parameter%type;
2493: anchorName varchar2(320);
2494: anchorList varchar2(1000);
2495: appr_rec_params varchar2(100);
2496: nullApprRecordFieldException Exception;

Line 2511: from ame_temp_insertions

2507: if appr_rec_params is null and
2508: not ame_approver_type_pkg.validateApprover(approverIn.name) then
2509: select count(*)
2510: into l_count
2511: from ame_temp_insertions
2512: where parameter like approverIn.name||'%'
2513: and application_id =
2514: (select application_id
2515: from ame_calling_apps

Line 2523: from ame_temp_insertions

2519: and transaction_id = transactionIdIn;
2520: if l_count > 0 then
2521: select order_type
2522: into l_orderType
2523: from ame_temp_insertions
2524: where transaction_id = transactionIdIn
2525: and application_id =
2526: (select application_id
2527: from ame_calling_apps

Line 2543: delete from ame_temp_insertions

2539: transactionTypeIn ,
2540: transactionIdIn ,
2541: approverIn );
2542: end if;
2543: delete from ame_temp_insertions
2544: where
2545: application_id = (select application_id
2546: from ame_calling_apps
2547: where sysdate between start_date and end_date

Line 2640: -- If the approver was inserted, delete the approver from ame_temp_insertions.

2636: -- parse the source to see if the approver was inserted.
2637: ame_util.parseSourceValue(sourceValueIn => approvers(approverIndex).source,
2638: sourceDescriptionOut => sourceDescription,
2639: ruleIdListOut => ruleIdList);
2640: -- If the approver was inserted, delete the approver from ame_temp_insertions.
2641: -- If the approver was OAM generated, check whether deleting OAM-generated approvers
2642: -- is allowed. If so, record the deletion.
2643: --
2644: if(approvers(approverIndex).api_insertion = ame_util.oamGenerated or

Line 2684: delete from ame_temp_insertions

2680: approvers(i).item_id = approverIn.item_id then
2681: ame_engine.updateInsertions(indexIn => i);
2682: end if;
2683: end loop;
2684: delete from ame_temp_insertions
2685: where
2686: application_id = ameApplicationId and
2687: transaction_id = transactionIdIn and
2688: name = approvers(approverIndex).name and