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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 15

/*  sunitha bug # 5484529 selecting the sum of the plan    */
/*  quantity without converting it to the UOM that the user entered */
/*  while creating the batch into l_temp_qty .Convert the  */
/*  p_batch_size(user entered product plan quantity        */
/*  to the Routing uom and then Compare it with l_temp_qty.*/
/*  Kapil M. Bug# 5458674                                  */
/*  Changes to Support LCF Batches for GMO                 */
/*  Archana Mundhe Bug 5763818 Modified the code to use    */
/*  ERES constants that are added to gme_common_pvt instead*/
/*  of using the hardcoded ERES event names such as        */
/*  'oracle.apps.gme...'                                   */
/*  Swapna K Bug#6398619 calls to validate_wip_entity are changed */
/*   for the manual doc ordering                             */

/* Please use this new format for comments going forward.

  G. Muratore     12/26/2007  Bug 6665602 Back out fix for 5484529. This fix was
     incorrect. The select fixed in 5484529 was not correct because it did not convert
     all product lines to one common uom. Therefore the summation is invalid.
     Bug 5484529 will ahve to be re-addressed in a different way.
  Swapna K Bug#6738476 Added parameter,p_batch_header_rec
    to the procedure call,gme_phantom_pvt.create_phantom
 10-JAN-2008 Rajesh Patangya Bug # 6752637
 MTQ Quantity should be calculated based on product in place of just copy from
 the routing, This is required by PS engine, New Function UPDATE_STEP_MTQ added

  G. Muratore     07/31/2008  Bug 7265006 Correct fix for 5512352.
     This fix was incorrect as to where the new condition was used when trying to optimize shortage checking.
     Moved g_no_phant_short_check to shortage check condition as it was originally intended
     for shortage checking only. Unfortunately it stopped all the other logic for phantom batches.
     Now invisible move orders and high level reservations will get created for phantom batches.

  G. Muratore     08/18/2008  Bug 7284242
     This fix was to correct the algorithm for deriving the scale factor when creating a batch by
     'PRODUCT'.  Prior to this fix the code did not treat fixed scale products differently from
     linear scale products.

  K. swapna       10/21/2008  Bug 7493614
     Moved the call to wf_event.raise call to the end of the create_batch
      procedure as the sample can be created at the end of the batch creation.

  G. Muratore     18-NOV-2008  Bug 7565054 - Rework of 7284242
     This fix was to correct the algorithm for deriving the scale factor when creating a batch by
     'PRODUCT'. When a batch is created from APS, the Quantity being passed is in reference to the
     primary product line only. Create batch did not treat it the same way if the same item existed in
     multiple product lines. Added parameter p_sum_all_prod_lines to the procedure create_batch.
     Parameter values: "A" means sum all the lines i.e. original functionality. "S" means single product summation.
     The original fix dealt with fixed scale type only which we now know was not the real issue. The
     New paramater will allow APS a way to tell this code to consider only the primary product line.
     In the future this could be extended to the forms since the parameter now exists.

  G. Muratore     25-NOV-2008  Bug 7578476 - Some Rework of 4917631 also done.
     This fix was to correct the algorithm for deriving the original_primary_qty. The user reported
     that it was not considering scrap_factor. That in fact was an issue but also it was not calculated
     properly if the dtl uom was not the primary, in some cases. Changed the code to correct all areas where
     original_primary_qty is derived. Note: Removed some redundant cursors and code. Also, made use of
     l_item_masters table array properly to get the correct conversions.

  G. Muratore     05-FEB-2009  Bug 7830838
     Use the same value of fixed_process_loss_applied from the parent batch so that FPL
     gets properly applied, or not applied, to the phantom batch based on user settings.
     Also includes fix for Bug 7656415. This rounds the plan_qty to make sure it adheres to 5 decimal places.

  G. Muratore     09-FEB-2009  Bug 8226667
     Changed select from inline calculation to using variables and making sure that
     denominator cannot be zero. Procedure: update_step_mtq

  G. Muratore     26-FEB-2009  Bug 7710435
     Changed call to gme_material_details_dbl.update_row which now accepts a p_called_by parameter. This allows
     us to disregard the timestamp used for record locking. It is not required to lock records, during batch create,
     which are not committed to the database yet. Sometimes, the timestamp in the database record did not match
     the one in the memory table and therefore updates were failing. Also refetch the material records after the
     last call to update_row to update the memory tables. PROCEDURE: create_batch.

  G. Muratore     09-SEP-2010  Bug 10086349
     Use precision of 4 instead of 5 to make comparison against batch size requested.
     This is necessary because of potential precision loss.

  G. Muratore     21-DEC-2010  Bug 10379034 - REWORK OF 10086349
     Change the comparison against batch size requested so we do not rely on potential rounding issues.

  G. Muratore     24-JAN-2011  Bug 10624995
     Rearrange logic as to handle integer scale items for non scaled batches during batch creation.

  G. Muratore     04-OCT-2011  Bug 12909216 - TWEEK OF 10379034
     Avoid divide by zero error when qty is zero. This will allow zero phantom batches to be created.

  A. Mishra       09-DEC-2011  Bug 13256866 -
     Adding the who columns for every update statement.

  G. Muratore     09-DEC-2011  Bug 11815699
     Check to make sure the item is not inactive for process execution based on item status code.

  G. Muratore     28-FEB-2012  Bug 13785754
     Changed logic to try 3 times if necessary to get a unique batch number for auto doc numbering.
     This change was needed for customers firing off creation of many batches by many users. Periodically
     there was a key constraint issue on the wip entities table.

  G. Muratore     20-MAR-2012  Bug 13811289
     Make sure all items returned are valid for the specific organization.

  G. Muratore     23-MAR-2012  Bug 13785754/13815190
     Changed logic to try 20 times if necessary to get a unique batch number for auto doc numbering.

  QZENG           12-Mar-2013  Bug 16457668
     No need to check batch no for verified in bulk validation when used from batch open interface

  G. Muratore     21-MAR-2013  Bug 16474091
     Changed change precision from 5 to 32 for totals that are used in deriving routing scale factor.
************************************************************************************************************  */

*                                                           *
* CONSTRUCT_BATCH_HEADER                                    *
*                                                           *
   FUNCTION construct_batch_header (
      p_batch_header_rec   IN              gme_batch_header%ROWTYPE
     ,x_batch_header_rec   OUT NOCOPY      gme_batch_header%ROWTYPE)
      l_count               NUMBER;
Line: 171

      x_batch_header_rec.delete_mark := 0;
Line: 201

        SELECT 1
        FROM   DUAL
                       FROM   wip_entities
                       WHERE  organization_id = p_organization_id
                              AND wip_entity_name = p_batch_no);
Line: 351

         SELECT *
           FROM gmd_recipe_validity_rules
          WHERE recipe_validity_rule_id = NVL (v_recipe_validity_rule_id, -1);
Line: 357

         SELECT *
           FROM gmd_recipes
          WHERE recipe_id = v_recipe_id;
Line: 363

         SELECT   a.*
             FROM fm_matl_dtl a, gmd_recipes_b b
            WHERE a.formula_id = b.formula_id AND b.recipe_id = v_recipe_id
         ORDER BY line_no;
Line: 370

         SELECT   *
             FROM fm_text_tbl
            WHERE text_code = NVL (v_text_code, -1)
         ORDER BY line_no;
Line: 381

         SELECT inventory_item_id, concatenated_segments,
                eng_item_flag, process_execution_enabled_flag,
                primary_uom_code, inventory_item_status_code
           FROM mtl_system_items_kfv
          WHERE inventory_item_id = v_inventory_item_id
            AND organization_id = v_org_id;
Line: 391

         SELECT DISTINCT concatenated_segments
           FROM mtl_system_items_kfv
          WHERE inventory_item_id = v_inventory_item_id
            AND rownum = 1;
Line: 399

         SELECT NVL(st.attribute_value, 'N')
           FROM mtl_stat_attrib_values_all_v st
          WHERE st.inventory_item_status_code = v_inventory_item_status_code
Line: 412

         SELECT primary_uom_code, eng_item_flag, process_execution_enabled_flag
           FROM mtl_system_items_kfv
          WHERE inventory_item_id = v_inventory_item_id
            AND organization_id = v_org_id;
Line: 422

         SELECT std_lot_size, primary_uom_code
           FROM mtl_system_items_b
          WHERE inventory_item_id = v_inventory_item_id
            AND organization_id = v_org_id;
Line: 429

         SELECT DECODE (v_batch_type
                       ,10, fpo_doc_numbering
                       ,batch_doc_numbering) assignment_type
           FROM gme_parameters
          WHERE organization_id = v_org_id;
Line: 440

         SELECT 1
           FROM DUAL
          WHERE EXISTS (
                   SELECT 1
                     FROM gme_batch_header
                    WHERE batch_no = v_batch_no
                      AND organization_id = v_org_id
                      AND batch_type = v_batch_type);
Line: 451

         SELECT   plan_qty, dtl_um
             FROM gme_material_details
            WHERE batch_id = v_batch_id
              AND inventory_item_id = v_inventory_item_id
              AND line_type = gme_common_pvt.g_line_type_prod
         ORDER BY line_no ASC;
Line: 466

         SELECT SUM (inv_convert.inv_um_convert (v_inventory_item_id
                                                ,NULL) ), 1 as line_no
           FROM gme_material_details
          WHERE batch_id = v_batch_id
            AND inventory_item_id = v_inventory_item_id
            AND line_type = gme_common_pvt.g_line_type_prod
            AND v_sum_all_prod_lines = 'A'
         SELECT inv_convert.inv_um_convert (v_inventory_item_id
                                                ,NULL), line_no
           FROM gme_material_details
          WHERE batch_id = v_batch_id
            AND inventory_item_id = v_inventory_item_id
            AND line_type = gme_common_pvt.g_line_type_prod
            AND v_sum_all_prod_lines <> 'A'
          ORDER BY line_no;
Line: 495

         SELECT SUM (plan_qty )
           FROM gme_material_details
          WHERE batch_id = v_batch_id
            AND inventory_item_id = v_inventory_item_id
            AND line_type = gme_common_pvt.g_line_type_prod; */
Line: 503

         SELECT concatenated_segments
           FROM mtl_system_items_kfv
          WHERE inventory_item_id = v_inventory_item_id
            AND organization_id = v_org_id;
Line: 510

         SELECT b.*
           FROM gme_batch_step_items a, gme_batch_steps b
          WHERE a.batchstep_id = b.batchstep_id AND a.material_detail_id = p_material_detail_id;
Line: 543

      update_step_mtq_failure        EXCEPTION;
Line: 605

            x_batch_header_rec.update_inventory_ind :=
Line: 609

            x_batch_header_rec.update_inventory_ind := 'Y';
Line: 613

         x_batch_header_rec.update_inventory_ind :=
Line: 617

         x_batch_header_rec.update_inventory_ind := 'Y';
Line: 764

            OR l_formula_master.delete_mark = 1
            OR l_formula_master.inactive_ind = 1 THEN
            gme_common_pvt.log_message ('GME_API_INVALID_FORMULA');
Line: 1573

      /*5698727 rework Begin we use timestamp initially as its unique. later we update
        with actual batch_no
      gme_common_pvt.create_document_no (l_in_batch_header
Line: 1577

      SELECT trim(TO_CHAR(systimestamp,'DD:MM:YYYY HH24:MI:SS:FF6')) INTO l_doc_timestamp FROM DUAL;
Line: 1626

                gme_text_dbl.insert_header_row (l_text_header, l_text_header);
Line: 1633

              gme_debug.put_line ('Error in inserting text code = '||l_formula_master.text_code);
Line: 1640

      /* update automatic_step_calculation */
      x_batch_header_rec.automatic_step_calculation :=
Line: 1666

      /* call create flex procedure to insert the default values of the BACTH_FLEX
          DFF's segments if they are enabled */
Line: 1679

         gme_batch_header_dbl.insert_row (x_batch_header_rec
Line: 1690

             gme_debug.put_line ('Inserting formula header text in batch header edit text');
Line: 1734

                  gme_text_dbl.insert_header_row (l_text_header
Line: 1781

                   gme_debug.put_line ('Error in inserting text header');
Line: 1827

               gme_debug.put_line ('MATERTIAL lines to be INSERTED ' || l_row_count);
Line: 1831

                                            (l_material_details (l_row_count)
                                            ,l_material_details (l_row_count) );
Line: 1836

               gme_debug.put_line ('MATERTIAL_INSERTED');
Line: 1871

               gme_text_dbl.insert_text_row (l_text_table (l_row_count)
                                            ,l_text_table (l_row_count) );
Line: 1889

      SELECT primary_uom_code
        INTO l_prim_item_um
        FROM mtl_system_items_b
       WHERE inventory_item_id = l_recipe_validity_rule.inventory_item_id
         AND organization_id = x_batch_header_rec.organization_id;
Line: 2112

         UPDATE gme_batch_header
            SET plan_start_date = x_batch_header_rec.plan_start_date
               ,plan_cmplt_date = x_batch_header_rec.plan_cmplt_date
               ,due_date =
                   NVL (x_batch_header_rec.due_date
               -- Bug 13256866
               ,last_updated_by = gme_common_pvt.g_user_ident
               ,last_update_date = gme_common_pvt.g_timestamp
               ,last_update_login = gme_common_pvt.g_login_id
          WHERE batch_id = x_batch_header_rec.batch_id;
Line: 2155

           /* update the batch_no with the actual value */
           UPDATE gme_batch_header
              SET batch_no = x_batch_header_rec.batch_no
	         -- Bug 13256866
	         ,last_updated_by = gme_common_pvt.g_user_ident
	         ,last_update_date = gme_common_pvt.g_timestamp
	         ,last_update_login = gme_common_pvt.g_login_id
            WHERE batch_id = x_batch_header_rec.batch_id;
Line: 2164

           /*5698727 rework update the wip_entities table with actual batch no*/
           UPDATE wip_entities
              SET wip_entity_name = l_prefix||x_batch_header_rec.batch_no
            WHERE organization_id = x_batch_header_rec.organization_id
              AND wip_entity_name = l_prefix||l_doc_timestamp;
Line: 2204

               UPDATE gme_batch_header
                  SET plan_cmplt_date = p_batch_header_rec.plan_cmplt_date
                     ,due_date =
                         NVL (x_batch_header_rec.due_date
                     ,last_updated_by = gme_common_pvt.g_user_ident
                     ,last_update_date = gme_common_pvt.g_timestamp
                     ,last_update_login = gme_common_pvt.g_login_id
                WHERE batch_id = x_batch_header_rec.batch_id;
Line: 2216

         UPDATE gme_batch_header
            SET plan_cmplt_date = p_batch_header_rec.plan_cmplt_date
               ,due_date =
                   NVL (x_batch_header_rec.due_date
               ,last_updated_by = gme_common_pvt.g_user_ident
               ,last_update_date = gme_common_pvt.g_timestamp
               ,last_update_login = gme_common_pvt.g_login_id
          WHERE batch_id = x_batch_header_rec.batch_id;
Line: 2362

                gme_material_details_dbl.update_row (p_material_detail => l_material_details (l_row_count),
                                                     p_called_by =>'C' );
Line: 2366

               as this update is not allowed in above dbl procedure */

            UPDATE gme_material_details
               SET original_primary_qty = l_material_details (l_row_count).original_primary_qty
             WHERE material_detail_id = l_material_details (l_row_count).material_detail_id;
Line: 2382

               gme_update_step_qty_pvt.update_step_qty (p_batch_step_rec  => l_batchstep_rec,
                                                      x_message_count     => l_message_count,
                                                      x_message_list      => l_message_list,
                                                      x_return_status     => x_return_status,
                                                      x_batch_step_rec    => x_batchstep_rec
Line: 2389

                 gme_debug.put_line ('After update step qty, return status is:' || x_return_status);
Line: 2402

      IF NVL (x_batch_header_rec.update_inventory_ind, 'Y') = 'Y' AND l_item_substituted = TRUE THEN
         IF x_batch_header_rec.automatic_step_calculation = 1 THEN
            /* Assigning the user passed dates so that batch gets rescheduled to the passed dates*/

            -- Restore the dates as supplied by user. If user does not provide either start or cmplt dt, use
            -- newly created batch's planned start date to re-schedule.
            IF p_batch_header_rec.plan_start_date IS NULL AND p_batch_header_rec.plan_cmplt_date IS NULL THEN
              x_batch_header_rec.plan_cmplt_date := p_batch_header_rec.plan_cmplt_date;
Line: 2433

            /* nsinghi bug#5674398 Added the FETCH condition. Reschedule_batch will update the
            material_requirement_date, hence requery material detail records */

            l_in_material_detail.batch_id := x_batch_header_rec.batch_id;
Line: 2440

            UPDATE gme_batch_header
               SET due_date =
                  ,last_updated_by = gme_common_pvt.g_user_ident
                  ,last_update_date = gme_common_pvt.g_timestamp
                  ,last_update_login = gme_common_pvt.g_login_id
             WHERE batch_id = x_batch_header_rec.batch_id;
Line: 2449

      END IF; /* Update inventory*/
Line: 2544

      /* Update WIP entity table to put the primary product id */
      UPDATE wip_entities
         SET primary_item_id = l_recipe_validity_rule.inventory_item_id
       WHERE wip_entity_id = x_batch_header_rec.batch_id;
Line: 2556

                             || 'Calling Update_step_mtq');
Line: 2559

         IF NOT update_step_mtq (x_batch_header_rec.batch_id ) THEN
            RAISE update_step_mtq_failure;
Line: 2617

                  fnd_msg_pub.delete_msg (p_msg_index      => l_error_count_after);
Line: 2628

      IF x_batch_header_rec.batch_type = 0 AND NVL (x_batch_header_rec.update_inventory_ind, 'Y') = 'Y' THEN
         /* Check inventory shortages */
         IF (gme_common_pvt.g_check_shortages_ind = 1 AND g_no_phant_short_check = 0) THEN
            IF g_debug <= gme_debug.g_log_statement THEN
               gme_debug.put_line (   g_pkg_name || '.'|| l_api_name|| ' Calling shortages ');
Line: 2699

         /* Update batch header with move_order_header_id */
         UPDATE gme_batch_header
            SET move_order_header_id = x_batch_header_rec.move_order_header_id
	        -- Bug 13256866
	        ,last_updated_by = gme_common_pvt.g_user_ident
	        ,last_update_date = gme_common_pvt.g_timestamp
	        ,last_update_login = gme_common_pvt.g_login_id
          WHERE batch_id = x_batch_header_rec.batch_id;
Line: 2708

         /* Update material details table we have computed material requirement date and move_order_line_id */
         FOR i IN 1 .. l_material_details.COUNT LOOP
            -- Bug 7710435 - Added p_called_by parameter.
            l_return :=
                gme_material_details_dbl.update_row (p_material_detail => l_material_details (i),
                                                     p_called_by =>'C' );
Line: 2876

      WHEN update_step_mtq_failure THEN
         x_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_error;
Line: 2901

 *   UPDATE_STEP_MTQ                                          *
 *   MTQ Quantity should be calculated based on product       *

   FUNCTION update_step_mtq (p_batch_id IN NUMBER)
                   RETURN BOOLEAN IS

      l_batch_steps         gme_batch_steps%ROWTYPE;
Line: 2910

      l_api_name            CONSTANT VARCHAR2 (30) := 'UPDATE_STEP_MTQ';
Line: 2917

       SELECT *
       FROM  gme_batch_steps
       WHERE batch_id = x_batch_id ;
Line: 2926

        (frh.routing_qty * NVL(frd.minimum_transfer_qty,0)
        * DECODE(fmd.detail_uom, iim.primary_uom_code, fmd.qty,
        / (ffm.total_output_qty * frd.step_qty)
        (frh.routing_qty * NVL(frd.minimum_transfer_qty,0)
        * DECODE(fmd.detail_uom, iim.primary_uom_code, fmd.qty,
      FROM fm_form_mst ffm,
           fm_matl_dtl fmd,
           fm_rout_hdr frh,
           fm_rout_dtl frd,
           mtl_system_items iim,
           gme_batch_header gbh,
           gmd_recipe_validity_rules ffe
      WHERE gbh.batch_id   = x_batch_id
        AND ffm.formula_id = gbh.formula_id
        AND ffm.formula_id = fmd.formula_id
	AND iim.organization_id = NVL(ffe.organization_id,iim.organization_id)
        AND fmd.inventory_item_id = ffe.inventory_item_id
        AND iim.inventory_item_id = fmd.inventory_item_id
	AND iim.organization_id = fmd.organization_id
        AND frh.routing_id = gbh.routing_id
        AND frh.routing_id = frd.routing_id
        AND frd.routingstep_id = l_batch_steps.routingstep_id
        AND ffe.recipe_validity_rule_id = gbh.recipe_validity_rule_id ;
Line: 2996

                 UPDATE gme_batch_steps
                   SET minimum_transfer_qty = l_calculated_mtq
                 WHERE batch_id = l_batch_steps.batch_id
                   AND routingstep_id =  l_batch_steps.routingstep_id
                   AND batchstep_id = l_batch_steps.batchstep_id ;
Line: 3003

                     gme_debug.put_line (' Update Calculated MTQ = ' || l_calculated_mtq );
Line: 3028

   END update_step_mtq ;