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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 6

  PROCEDURE NAME:	update_line()

  Preetam B.(OPM-GML)	21-feb-2000 Bug# 1056597 added 5 columns to update line.
  Preetam B.(OPM-GML)   21-nov-2003 Bug# 3274039 derive sec qty for shipment.


  PROCEDURE update_line(X_Rowid                          VARCHAR2,
                       X_Po_Line_Id                     NUMBER,
                       X_Last_Update_Date               DATE,
                       X_Last_Updated_By                NUMBER,
                       X_Po_Header_Id                   NUMBER,
                       X_Line_Type_Id                   NUMBER,
                       X_Line_Num                       NUMBER,
                       X_Last_Update_Login              NUMBER,
                       X_Item_Id                        NUMBER,
                       X_Item_Revision                  VARCHAR2,
                       X_Category_Id                    NUMBER,
                       X_Item_Description               VARCHAR2,
                       X_Unit_Meas_Lookup_Code          VARCHAR2,
                       X_Quantity_Committed             NUMBER,
                       X_Committed_Amount               NUMBER,
                       X_Allow_Price_Override_Flag      VARCHAR2,
                       X_Not_To_Exceed_Price            NUMBER,
                       X_List_Price_Per_Unit            NUMBER,
                       X_Unit_Price                     NUMBER,
                       X_Quantity                       NUMBER,
                       X_Un_Number_Id                   NUMBER,
                       X_Hazard_Class_Id                NUMBER,
                       X_Note_To_Vendor                 VARCHAR2,
                       X_From_Header_Id                 NUMBER,
                       X_From_Line_Id                   NUMBER,
                       X_From_Line_Location_Id          NUMBER,   -- 
                       X_Min_Order_Quantity             NUMBER,
                       X_Max_Order_Quantity             NUMBER,
                       X_Qty_Rcv_Tolerance              NUMBER,
                       X_Over_Tolerance_Error_Flag      VARCHAR2,
                       X_Market_Price                   NUMBER,
                       X_Unordered_Flag                 VARCHAR2,
                       X_Closed_Flag                    VARCHAR2,
                       X_User_Hold_Flag                 VARCHAR2,
                       X_Cancel_Flag                    VARCHAR2,
                       X_Cancelled_By                   NUMBER,
                       X_Cancel_Date                    DATE,
                       X_Cancel_Reason                  VARCHAR2,
                       X_Firm_Status_Lookup_Code        VARCHAR2,
                       X_Firm_Date                      DATE,
                       X_Vendor_Product_Num             VARCHAR2,
                       X_Contract_Num                   VARCHAR2,
                       X_Taxable_Flag                   VARCHAR2,
                       X_Tax_Code_Id                    NUMBER,
                       X_Type_1099                      VARCHAR2,
                       X_Capital_Expense_Flag           VARCHAR2,
                       X_Negotiated_By_Preparer_Flag    VARCHAR2,
                       X_Attribute_Category             VARCHAR2,
                       X_Attribute1                     VARCHAR2,
                       X_Attribute2                     VARCHAR2,
                       X_Attribute3                     VARCHAR2,
                       X_Attribute4                     VARCHAR2,
                       X_Attribute5                     VARCHAR2,
                       X_Attribute6                     VARCHAR2,
                       X_Attribute7                     VARCHAR2,
                       X_Attribute8                     VARCHAR2,
                       X_Attribute9                     VARCHAR2,
                       X_Attribute10                    VARCHAR2,
                       X_Reference_Num                  VARCHAR2,
                       X_Attribute11                    VARCHAR2,
                       X_Attribute12                    VARCHAR2,
                       X_Attribute13                    VARCHAR2,
                       X_Attribute14                    VARCHAR2,
                       X_Attribute15                    VARCHAR2,
                       X_Min_Release_Amount             NUMBER,
                       X_Price_Type_Lookup_Code         VARCHAR2,
                       X_Closed_Code                    VARCHAR2,
                       X_Price_Break_Lookup_Code        VARCHAR2,
                       X_Ussgl_Transaction_Code         VARCHAR2,
                       X_Government_Context             VARCHAR2,
                       X_Closed_Date                    DATE,
                       X_Closed_Reason                  VARCHAR2,
                       X_Closed_By                      NUMBER,
                       X_Transaction_Reason_Code        VARCHAR2,
                       X_unapprove_doc           IN OUT NOCOPY BOOLEAN,
                       X_authorization_status    IN OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
                       X_approved_flag           IN OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
                       --< NBD TZ/Timestamp FPJ Start >
                       --X_combined_param          IN     VARCHAR2,
                       -- The following 5 parameters were being combined
                       -- into one due to the historic reasons. That is not
                       -- required now.
                       p_ship_window_open IN VARCHAR2,
                       p_type_lookup_code IN VARCHAR2,
                       p_change_date      IN VARCHAR2,
                       p_promised_date    IN DATE,
                       p_need_by_date     IN DATE,
                       --< NBD TZ/Timestamp FPJ End >
                       p_shipment_block_status   IN VARCHAR2, -- bug 4042434
                       X_orig_unit_price         IN     NUMBER,
                       X_orig_quantity           IN     NUMBER,
                       X_Global_Attribute_Category          VARCHAR2,
                       X_Global_Attribute1                  VARCHAR2,
                       X_Global_Attribute2                  VARCHAR2,
                       X_Global_Attribute3                  VARCHAR2,
                       X_Global_Attribute4                  VARCHAR2,
                       X_Global_Attribute5                  VARCHAR2,
                       X_Global_Attribute6                  VARCHAR2,
                       X_Global_Attribute7                  VARCHAR2,
                       X_Global_Attribute8                  VARCHAR2,
                       X_Global_Attribute9                  VARCHAR2,
                       X_Global_Attribute10                 VARCHAR2,
                       X_Global_Attribute11                 VARCHAR2,
                       X_Global_Attribute12                 VARCHAR2,
                       X_Global_Attribute13                 VARCHAR2,
                       X_Global_Attribute14                 VARCHAR2,
                       X_Global_Attribute15                 VARCHAR2,
                       X_Global_Attribute16                 VARCHAR2,
                       X_Global_Attribute17                 VARCHAR2,
                       X_Global_Attribute18                 VARCHAR2,
                       X_Global_Attribute19                 VARCHAR2,
                       X_Global_Attribute20                 VARCHAR2,
                       X_Expiration_Date                    DATE,
--Preetam Bamb (GML)     10-feb-2000  Added 5 columns to the insert_row procedure
--Bug# 1056597
                       X_Base_Uom                           VARCHAR2,
                       X_Base_Qty                           NUMBER,
                       X_Secondary_Uom                      VARCHAR2,
                       X_Secondary_Qty                      NUMBER,
                       X_Qc_Grade                           VARCHAR2,
		       --togeorge 10/03/2000
		       --added oke columns
		       X_oke_contract_header_id   	    NUMBER default null,
		       X_oke_contract_version_id   	    NUMBER default null,
-- 1548597.. added 3 fields for process item..
                       X_Secondary_Unit_of_measure       VARCHAR2 default null,
                       X_Secondary_Quantity              NUMBER default null,
                       X_preferred_Grade                 VARCHAR2 default null,
                       p_contract_id                   IN NUMBER DEFAULT NULL,  -- 
                       X_job_id                         NUMBER   default null, -- 
                       X_contractor_first_name          VARCHAR2 default null, -- 
                       X_contractor_last_name           VARCHAR2 default null, -- 
                       X_assignment_start_date          DATE     default null, -- 
                       X_amount_db                      NUMBER   default null,  -- 
                       X_Base_Unit_Price                NUMBER DEFAULT NULL,
                       p_manual_price_change_flag       VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, --
                       p_planned_item_flag		VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL --bug 5533267
) IS

     X_progress VARCHAR2(3) := NULL;
Line: 190

     SELECT line_location_id,
       FROM po_line_locations
      WHERE po_line_id  = X_po_line_id
        AND nvl(cancel_flag,'N') = 'N'
        AND unit_meas_lookup_code <> X_unit_meas_lookup_code
        AND shipment_type in ('STANDARD','PLANNED')
        AND secondary_unit_of_measure is NOT NULL;
Line: 218

  select order_type_lookup_code,purchase_basis,amount,category_id, ip_category_id
   into l_line_type,l_purchase_basis ,l_orig_amount,l_orig_category_id,l_ip_category_id
   from po_lines_all
   where po_line_id = X_po_line_id;
Line: 287

       /* If the Unit Price on the line has changed, update every shipment of SHIPMENT/PLANNED
       ** shipment type and that is not cancelled,  with this price.
       ** DEBUG : Move this to POXPOSHB.pls

       if X_orig_unit_price <> X_unit_price then

          X_progress := '030';
Line: 296

	  canceled shipments can also be updated. Pl. refer the bug for further
 	  info */

          UPDATE po_line_locations
          SET    price_override   = X_unit_price,
		 calculate_tax_flag = 'Y',
                 approved_flag    = decode(approved_flag, NULL, 'N', 'N','N','R'),
                 last_update_date = sysdate,
    	         last_updated_by    = X_last_updated_by,
                 last_update_login  = X_last_update_login
          WHERE  po_line_id           = X_po_line_id
          AND    shipment_type in ('STANDARD','PLANNED') ;
Line: 330

            SELECT  oi.item_id , oi.item_um2, oi.dualum_ind
              INTO  l_opm_item_id, l_item_um2, l_dualum_ind
              FROM  ic_item_mst oi,
                    mtl_system_items ai
             WHERE  ai.organization_id      = x_ship_org_id
               AND  ai.inventory_item_id    = x_item_id
               AND  ai.segment1             = oi.item_no;
Line: 355

          /*Bug4906693 who columns like last_updated_by and last_update_login
           also needs to be updated.*/

          UPDATE po_line_locations
          SET    secondary_quantity = l_shipment_sec_quantity,
                 last_update_date   = X_last_update_date,
                 last_updated_by    = X_last_updated_by,
                 last_update_login  = X_last_update_login
          WHERE  po_line_id         = X_po_line_id
            AND  line_location_id   = l_line_location_id;
Line: 381

      /*Bug4906693 who columns like last_updated_by and last_update_login
           also needs to be updated.*/

       UPDATE po_line_locations
       SET    unit_meas_lookup_code = X_unit_meas_lookup_code,
              last_update_date = sysdate,
	      last_updated_by    = X_last_updated_by,
              last_update_login  = X_last_update_login
       WHERE  po_line_id           = X_po_line_id
       AND    nvl(cancel_flag,'N') = 'N'
       AND    unit_meas_lookup_code <> X_unit_meas_lookup_code
       AND    shipment_type in ('STANDARD','PLANNED') ;
Line: 396

        ** update the shipment. SImilarly, if there is only one distribution, we need to
        ** update that too.
        ** DEBUG Move this to the appropriate packages ( POXPOSHB for shipments ..)
       -- Bug 3262883
        ---Bug 13067295, Moved the below query to the begining of this procedure.

      /* select order_type_lookup_code,purchase_basis,amount
       into l_line_type,l_purchase_basis ,l_orig_amount
       from po_lines_all
       where po_line_id = X_po_line_id;*/
Line: 415

          SELECT count(pll.po_line_id)
          INTO   X_num_of_shipments
          FROM   po_line_locations pll
          WHERE  pll.po_line_id = X_po_line_id
          AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT 'there are encumbered or cancelled or drop shipments'
                          FROM   po_line_locations pll2
                          WHERE  pll2.po_line_id = X_po_line_id
                          AND    pll2.shipment_type IN ('STANDARD','PLANNED')
                          AND    ( nvl(pll2.encumbered_flag, 'N') <> 'N'
                                   OR  nvl(pll2.cancel_flag,'N')  <> 'N'
				   OR  nvl(pll2.closed_code,'OPEN') = 'FINALLY CLOSED' --bug 5856760
                                   OR  nvl(pll2.drop_ship_flag,'N')  <> 'N') --bug 3359011
Line: 440

                SELECT secondary_quantity,
                INTO   X_secondary_quantity_ship,
                FROM   po_line_locations pll
                WHERE  pll.po_line_id = X_po_line_id
                AND    pll.shipment_type IN ('STANDARD','PLANNED')
                AND    nvl(pll.cancel_flag,'N')  <> 'Y';
Line: 453

                      SELECT  oi.item_id , oi.item_um2, oi.dualum_ind
                      INTO    l_opm_item_id, l_item_um2, l_dualum_ind
                      FROM    ic_item_mst oi,
                              mtl_system_items ai
                      WHERE   ai.organization_id      = X_ship_org_id
                      AND     ai.inventory_item_id    = X_item_id
                      AND     ai.segment1             = oi.item_no;
Line: 484

            /* Bug - 1101939 - Need to update the calculate_tax_flag to 'Y' so
            that the tax is recalculated when the shipment quantity is changed
            automatically    */

            IF l_line_type in ('RATE','FIXED PRICE') THEN  -- Bug 3262883

            -- bug 4042434: Add check for p_shipment_block_status.  In
            -- prior versions, this update would erroneously occur if
            -- the line amount was changed before the contents of
            -- the shipment block were analyzed when saving a PO line.

             IF ((p_ship_window_open = 'N') and (p_shipment_block_status <> 'C')) or
                ((p_ship_window_open = 'Y') and (l_purchase_basis = 'TEMP LABOR')) THEN

           /*Bug4906693 who columns like last_updated_by and last_update_login
           also needs to be updated.*/

                 UPDATE po_line_locations
                 SET    amount = X_amount_db,
                        calculate_tax_flag = 'Y',
                        last_update_date = sysdate,
			last_updated_by    = X_last_updated_by,
                        last_update_login  = X_last_update_login,
                        approved_flag    = decode(approved_flag, NULL, 'N', 'N','N', 'R'),
                        -- Bug 5227695. Recalculate tax if tax attributes on
                        -- shipment are being updated
                        tax_attribute_update_code = nvl(tax_attribute_update_code, 'UPDATE')
                 WHERE  po_line_id            = X_po_line_id
                 AND    nvl(cancel_flag,'N') <> 'Y'
                 AND    shipment_type = 'STANDARD';
Line: 526

           /*Bug4906693 who columns like last_updated_by and last_update_login
           also needs to be updated.*/

              UPDATE po_line_locations
              SET    quantity         = X_quantity,
               -- start of 1548597 --PB Bug# 3274039 changed the variable to X_secondary_quantity_ship_new
                    secondary_quantity = decode(secondary_quantity,null,null,X_secondary_quantity_ship_new),
              -- end of 1548597
                    calculate_tax_flag = 'Y',
                    last_update_date = sysdate,
       	            last_updated_by    = X_last_updated_by,
                    last_update_login  = X_last_update_login,
                    approved_flag    = decode(approved_flag, NULL, 'N', 'N','N', 'R'),
                    -- Bug 5227695. Recalculate tax if tax attributes on
                    -- shipment are being updated
                    tax_attribute_update_code = nvl(tax_attribute_update_code, 'UPDATE')
             WHERE  po_line_id            = X_po_line_id
             AND    nvl(cancel_flag,'N') <> 'Y'
             AND    shipment_type IN ('STANDARD','PLANNED');
Line: 557

             SELECT count(po_distribution_id)
             INTO   X_num_of_distributions
             FROM   po_distributions pd
             WHERE  pd.po_line_id = X_po_line_id
             AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT 'there are encumbered distributions'
                             FROM   po_distributions pd2
                             WHERE  pd2.po_line_id = X_po_line_id
                             AND    nvl(pd2.encumbered_flag, 'N') <> 'N');
Line: 572

          /*Bug4906693 who columns like last_updated_by and last_update_login
           also needs to be updated.*/

                  UPDATE po_distributions
                  SET    amount_ordered = X_amount_db,
                         last_update_date = sysdate,
       	                 last_updated_by    = X_last_updated_by,
                         last_update_login  = X_last_update_login
                  WHERE  po_line_id = X_po_line_id;
Line: 584

         /*Bug4906693 who columns like last_updated_by and last_update_login
           also needs to be updated.*/

                  UPDATE po_distributions
                  SET    quantity_ordered = X_quantity,
                         last_update_date = sysdate,
   		         last_updated_by    = X_last_updated_by,
                         last_update_login  = X_last_update_login
                  WHERE  po_line_id = X_po_line_id;
Line: 605

          SELECT count(pll.po_line_id), max(days_late_receipt_allowed)
          INTO   X_num_of_shipments,
          FROM   po_line_locations pll
          WHERE  pll.po_line_id = X_po_line_id
          AND    nvl(pll.cancel_flag,'N') <> 'Y'
          AND    pll.shipment_type IN ('STANDARD','PLANNED');
Line: 631

        /*Bug4906693 who columns like last_updated_by and last_update_login
           also needs to be updated.*/

             UPDATE po_line_locations
             SET    promised_date    = p_promised_date,
                    need_by_date     = p_need_by_date,
                    last_accept_date = decode(p_promised_date,NULL,NULL,
                    last_update_date = sysdate,
	            last_updated_by    = X_last_updated_by,
                    last_update_login  = X_last_update_login,
                    approved_flag    = decode(approved_flag, NULL, 'N', 'N','N', 'R'),
                    -- Bug 5227695. Recalculate tax if tax attributes on
                    -- shipment are being updated
                    tax_attribute_update_code = nvl(tax_attribute_update_code, 'UPDATE')
             WHERE  po_line_id            = X_po_line_id
             AND    nvl(cancel_flag,'N') <> 'Y'
             AND    shipment_type IN ('STANDARD','PLANNED');
Line: 673

      /* Update the PO LINE itself */

                       X_Rowid                          ,
                       X_Po_Line_Id                     ,
                       X_Last_Update_Date               ,
                       X_Last_Updated_By                ,
                       X_Po_Header_Id                   ,
                       X_Line_Type_Id                   ,
                       X_Line_Num                       ,
                       X_Last_Update_Login              ,
                       X_Item_Id                        ,
                       X_Item_Revision                  ,
                       X_Category_Id                    ,
                       X_Item_Description               ,
                       X_Unit_Meas_Lookup_Code          ,
                       X_Quantity_Committed             ,
                       X_Committed_Amount               ,
                       X_Allow_Price_Override_Flag      ,
                       X_Not_To_Exceed_Price            ,
                       X_List_Price_Per_Unit            ,
                       -- Bug 3417479
                       X_Unit_Price                     ,
                       X_Quantity                       ,
                       X_Un_Number_Id                   ,
                       X_Hazard_Class_Id                ,
                       X_Note_To_Vendor                 ,
                       X_From_Header_Id                 ,
                       X_From_Line_Id                   ,
                       X_From_Line_Location_Id          ,     -- 
                       X_Min_Order_Quantity             ,
                       X_Max_Order_Quantity             ,
                       X_Qty_Rcv_Tolerance              ,
                       X_Over_Tolerance_Error_Flag      ,
                       X_Market_Price                   ,
                       X_Unordered_Flag                 ,
                       X_Closed_Flag                    ,
                       X_User_Hold_Flag                 ,
                       X_Cancel_Flag                    ,
                       X_Cancelled_By                   ,
                       X_Cancel_Date                    ,
                       X_Cancel_Reason                  ,
                       X_Firm_Status_Lookup_Code        ,
                       X_Firm_Date                      ,
                       X_Vendor_Product_Num             ,
                       X_Contract_Num                   ,
                       X_Taxable_Flag                   ,
                       X_Tax_Code_Id                    ,
                       X_Type_1099                      ,
                       X_Capital_Expense_Flag           ,
                       X_Negotiated_By_Preparer_Flag    ,
                       X_Attribute_Category             ,
                       X_Attribute1                     ,
                       X_Attribute2                     ,
                       X_Attribute3                     ,
                       X_Attribute4                     ,
                       X_Attribute5                     ,
                       X_Attribute6                     ,
                       X_Attribute7                     ,
                       X_Attribute8                     ,
                       X_Attribute9                     ,
                       X_Attribute10                    ,
                       X_Reference_Num                  ,
                       X_Attribute11                    ,
                       X_Attribute12                    ,
                       X_Attribute13                    ,
                       X_Attribute14                    ,
                       X_Attribute15                    ,
                       X_Min_Release_Amount             ,
                       X_Price_Type_Lookup_Code         ,
                       X_Closed_Code                    ,
                       X_Price_Break_Lookup_Code        ,
                       NULL                             , --
                       X_Government_Context             ,
                       X_Closed_Date                    ,
                       X_Closed_Reason                  ,
                       X_Closed_By                      ,
                       X_Transaction_Reason_Code        ,
	               X_Global_Attribute_Category	,
        	       X_Global_Attribute1		,
        	       X_Global_Attribute2		,
	               X_Global_Attribute3		,
	               X_Global_Attribute4		,
	               X_Global_Attribute5		,
	               X_Global_Attribute6		,
	               X_Global_Attribute7		,
	               X_Global_Attribute8		,
	               X_Global_Attribute9		,
	               X_Global_Attribute10		,
	               X_Global_Attribute11		,
	               X_Global_Attribute12		,
	               X_Global_Attribute13		,
	               X_Global_Attribute14		,
	               X_Global_Attribute15		,
	               X_Global_Attribute16		,
	               X_Global_Attribute17		,
	               X_Global_Attribute18		,
	               X_Global_Attribute19		,
	               X_Global_Attribute20             ,
--Preetam Bamb (GML)     10-feb-2000  Added 5 columns to the insert_row procedure
--Bug# 1056597
		       X_Base_Uom		,
		       X_Base_Qty		,
		       X_Secondary_Uom		,
		       X_Secondary_Qty		,
		       X_Qc_Grade		,
		       --togeorge 10/03/2000
		       --added oke columns
		       X_oke_contract_header_id ,
-- start of 1548597.add 3 process fields..
-- end of 1548597
                       p_contract_id,               -- 
                       X_job_id,                    -- 
                       X_contractor_first_name,     -- 
                       X_contractor_last_name,      -- 
                       X_assignment_start_date,     -- 
                       X_amount_db,                  -- 
                       p_manual_price_change_flag,   -- 
                       l_ip_category_id             -- Bug 7577670
Line: 805

         p_doc_type              => p_type_lookup_code,
         p_po_line_id            => x_po_line_id,
         p_req_template_name     => NULL,
         p_req_template_line_num => NULL,
         p_org_id                => PO_MOAC_UTILS_PVT.get_current_org_id,
         p_ip_category_id        => l_ip_category_id,
         p_item_description      => x_item_description,
         p_language              => userenv('LANG')
Line: 820

            po_message_s.sql_error('update_line', x_progress, sqlcode);
Line: 822

  END  update_line;