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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 11

 *      and selects the value from the database if the value being input is
 *      null, so that there wouldn't be any change to the data when null is passed
 *      as input.
 *      The conversions are done for the Plan_Res_List_IN_Rec.
 *  Attributes        :
 *           P_Plan_res_list_Rec       : The record which hold's the resource list details.
 *                                       This contains the input record.
 *           P_Mode                    : The mode in which this procedure is called.
 *                                       It can be called in either Update or create mode
 *                                       1 means update. 0 means create.
 *          X_Plan_res_list_Rec        : The record which hold's the resource list details with the
 *                                       changed values to the fields of the record.
 *          X_Error_Msg                : The parameter will hold a message if there is an
 *                                       error in this API.
 * There can be two modes in which this procedure can be called
 * Update and create
 * P_Mode = 1 means update
 * P_Mode = 0 means create
 * In Update
 * if Update then Resource list id can be present.
 * if Resource lsit id is not present then resource list name would be present .
 * You can retreive the  Resource list id from the resource list name.
 * And then convert all GMISS to the database values.
 * In create mode the Resource list name would be present
 * Convert all missing values to null.
PROCEDURE Convert_Missing_List_IN_Rec
(P_Plan_res_list_Rec IN 	Plan_Res_List_IN_Rec,
 X_Plan_res_list_Rec OUT NOCOPY 	Plan_res_list_IN_Rec, -- 4537865
 P_Mode              IN         NUMBER)

   Cursor C_Res_List_Details(P_Res_List_Id IN Number) IS
   Select *
   From Pa_Resource_Lists_All_Bg
   Where resource_list_id=P_Res_List_Id;
Line: 74

              SELECT resource_list_id
              INTO   l_resource_list_id
              FROM   pa_resource_lists_all_bg
              WHERE  name=l_resource_list_name;
Line: 210

 * In Update
 * This API can be called in both update and create mode. In both the cases
 * the resource format identifier is checked against GMiss value. If it is Gmiss value
 * the then identifier is converted into null.

PROCEDURE Convert_Missing_Format_IN_Rec
(P_Plan_RL_Format_Tbl IN Plan_RL_Format_In_Tbl,
 X_Plan_RL_Format_Tbl OUT NOCOPY Plan_RL_Format_In_Tbl) -- 4537865

l_resource_format_id NUMBER;
Line: 255

 *      and selects the value from the database if the value being input is
 *      null, so that there wouldn't be any change to the data when null is passed
 *      as input.
 *      The conversions are done for the Planning_Resource_In_Tbl.
 *  Attributes        :
 *           P_Plan_res_list_Rec       : The record which hold's the resource list
 *                                       members details.
 *                                       This contains the input record.
 *           P_Mode                    : The mode in which this procedure is called.
 *                                       It can be called in either Update or create mode
 *                                       1 means update. 0 means create.
 *          X_Plan_res_list_Rec        : The record which hold's the resource list members
 *                                       details with the
 *                                       changed values to the fields of the record.
 * There can be two modes in which this procedure can be called
 * Update and create
 * P_Mode = 1 means update
 * P_Mode = 0 means create
 * In Update
 * if Update then Resource list member id can be present.
 * Convert all GMISS to the database values.
 * In create mode,
 * Convert all missing values to null.
PROCEDURE Convert_Missing_Member_IN_Rec
(P_planning_resource_in_tbl IN  Planning_Resource_In_Tbl,
 P_Plan_res_list_Rec        IN  Plan_Res_List_IN_Rec,
 X_planning_resource_in_tbl OUT NOCOPY Planning_Resource_In_Tbl, -- 4537865
 P_Mode  IN Number)

  Cursor C_Member_Details(P_Member_Id IN Number) Is
  Select *
  From Pa_resource_list_members
Line: 328

                  SELECT resource_list_member_id
                  INTO l_member_id
                  FROM  pa_resource_list_members
                  WHERE alias = p_planning_resource_in_tbl(i).P_resource_alias
                  and resource_list_id = P_Plan_res_list_Rec.p_resource_list_id;
Line: 349

                  SELECT resource_list_member_id
                  INTO l_member_id
                  WHERE resource_list_id = P_Plan_res_list_Rec.p_resource_list_id
                  AND ALIAS = p_planning_resource_in_tbl(i).p_resource_alias
                  AND object_type = l_object_type
                  AND object_id = l_object_id;
Line: 1192

 *               from CREATE_RESOURCE_LIST or UPDATE_RESOURCE_LIST API in this
 *               package.

 Procedure Create_Plan_RL_Format(
        p_commit                 IN          VARCHAR2 DEFAULT FND_API.G_FALSE,
        p_init_msg_list          IN          VARCHAR2 DEFAULT FND_API.G_FALSE,
        P_Res_List_id            IN          NUMBER,
        P_Plan_RL_Format_Tbl     IN          Plan_RL_Format_In_Tbl,
        X_Plan_RL_Format_Tbl     OUT NOCOPY  Plan_RL_Format_Out_Tbl,
        X_Return_Status          OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2,
        X_Msg_Count              OUT NOCOPY  NUMBER,
        X_Msg_Data               OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2);
Line: 1315

Line: 1494

 * Procedure : Update_Resource_List
 * Description : AMG API, used to Update a resource list
 *               and its corresponding members and formats.
 *		 The detailed information is in the spec.
PROCEDURE Update_Resource_List(
     p_commit                    IN             VARCHAR2 := FND_API.G_FALSE,
     p_init_msg_list             IN             VARCHAR2 := FND_API.G_FALSE,
     p_api_version_number        IN             NUMBER,
     P_plan_res_list_Rec         IN             Plan_Res_List_IN_Rec,
     X_plan_res_list_Rec         OUT    NOCOPY  Plan_Res_List_OUT_Rec,
     P_Plan_RL_Format_Tbl        IN             Plan_RL_Format_In_Tbl,
     X_Plan_RL_Format_Tbl        OUT    NOCOPY  Plan_RL_Format_Out_Tbl,
     P_planning_resource_in_tbl  IN             Planning_Resource_In_Tbl,
     X_planning_resource_out_tbl OUT    NOCOPY  Planning_Resource_Out_Tbl,
     X_Return_Status             OUT    NOCOPY  VARCHAR2,
     X_Msg_Count                 OUT    NOCOPY  NUMBER,
     X_Msg_Data                  OUT    NOCOPY  VARCHAR2)


   l_api_version_number      CONSTANT   NUMBER       := G_API_VERSION_NUMBER;
Line: 1516

   l_api_name                CONSTANT   VARCHAR2(30) := 'Update_Resource_List';
Line: 1540

          SELECT resource_list_id,
          WHERE resource_list_id = p_resource_list_id;
Line: 1661

                    * Call to API Pa_Create_Resource.Update_Resource_List to update
                    * the resource_list with the newly passed values. Values are
                    * passed thro the record struc P_plan_res_list_Rec.

                         (p_resource_list_name  => L_plan_res_list_Rec.p_resource_list_name,
                          p_description         => L_plan_res_list_Rec.p_description,
                          p_start_date          => L_plan_res_list_Rec.p_start_date,
                          p_end_date            => L_plan_res_list_Rec.p_end_date,
                          p_job_group_id        => L_Plan_Res_List_Rec.p_job_group_id,
                          p_job_group_name      => L_plan_res_list_Rec.p_job_group_name,
                          p_use_for_wp_flag     => L_plan_res_list_Rec.p_use_for_wp_flag,
                          p_control_flag        => L_plan_res_list_Rec.p_control_flag,
                          --p_migration_code      => 'N',
                          p_record_version_number => L_Plan_res_list_Rec.p_record_version_number,
                          p_resource_list_id    => L_plan_res_list_Rec.p_resource_list_id,
                          x_msg_count           => l_msg_count,
                          x_return_status       => l_return_status,
                          x_msg_data            => l_msg_data);
Line: 1716

      * We can either create/delete resource formats.
      * Deletion is taken care thro another api. So here we are
      * going to create_resource_format using the pl/sql tables
      * P_Plan_RL_Format_Tbl and X_Plan_RL_Format_Tbl passed.
     --SAVEPOINT Update_Resource_List_Pub_A;
Line: 1730

               SELECT 'Y'
               INTO l_exists
               FROM  pa_res_formats_b
               WHERE res_format_id = L_Plan_RL_Format_Tbl(i).P_Res_Format_Id;
Line: 1799

        * Pa_Planning_resource_pvt.Update_Planning_Resource api,
        * which would just update the corr record in the table.
        * If it is not present then we'll call the
        * pa_planning_resource_pvt.Create_Planning_Resource api,
        * which would take care of creating the corr record in
        * the table. Once a resource list member is succ created/Updated,
        * we'll commit it in the db.
        --commented out for bug 4103909
        If L_planning_resource_in_tbl(i).p_resource_list_member_id Is Null Then

            IF l_planning_resource_in_tbl(i).p_resource_alias is null THEN

                       P_App_Short_Name => 'PA',
                       P_Msg_Name       => 'PA_RLM_ALIAS_AND_ID_NULL');
Line: 1826

                 SELECT resource_list_member_id,
                 INTO L_planning_resource_in_tbl(i).p_resource_list_member_id,
                 WHERE resource_list_id = l_old_resource_list_rec.resource_list_id
                 AND ALIAS = L_planning_resource_in_tbl(i).p_resource_alias;
Line: 1851

                 SELECT resource_list_member_id,
                 INTO l_planning_resource_in_tbl(i).p_resource_list_member_id,
                 WHERE resource_list_id = l_old_resource_list_rec.resource_list_id
                 AND ALIAS = L_planning_resource_in_tbl(i).p_resource_alias
                 AND object_type = l_object_type
                 AND object_id = l_object_id;
Line: 1874

                 Select record_version_number
                 Into l_rlm_record_version_number
                 From pa_resource_list_members
                 Where resource_list_member_id = L_planning_resource_in_tbl(i).p_resource_list_member_id;
Line: 1906

                 SELECT resource_class_flag
                 INTO l_res_class_flag
                 FROM pa_res_formats_b
                 WHERE res_format_id = L_planning_resource_in_tbl(i).p_res_format_id;
Line: 1929

                  SELECT 'Y'
                  INTO l_project_exists
                  FROM pa_projects_all
                  WHERE project_id = L_planning_resource_in_tbl(i).p_project_id;
Line: 1953

                  SELECT 'Y'
                  INTO l_format_exists
                  FROM pa_plan_rl_formats
                  WHERE resource_list_id = L_Plan_res_list_Rec.p_resource_list_id
                  AND res_format_id = L_planning_resource_in_tbl(i).p_res_format_id;
Line: 1974

            SELECT meaning || ' ' || to_char(i) || ':'
            INTO   Pa_Planning_Resource_Pvt.g_token
            FROM   pa_lookups
            WHERE  lookup_type = 'PA_PLANNING_RESOURCE'
            AND    lookup_code = 'PLANNING_RESOURCE';
Line: 2094

            SELECT meaning || ' ' || to_char(i) || ':'
            INTO   Pa_Planning_Resource_Pvt.g_token
            FROM   pa_lookups
            WHERE  lookup_type = 'PA_PLANNING_RESOURCE'
            AND    lookup_code = 'PLANNING_RESOURCE';
Line: 2113

                  p_resource_list_id       => L_plan_res_list_Rec.p_resource_list_id,
                  p_resource_list_member_id => L_planning_resource_in_tbl(i).p_resource_list_member_id,
                  p_enabled_flag           => L_planning_resource_in_tbl(i).p_enabled_flag,
                  p_resource_alias         => L_planning_resource_in_tbl(i).p_resource_alias,
                  p_spread_curve_id        => L_planning_resource_in_tbl(i).p_spread_curve_id,
                  p_etc_method_code        => L_planning_resource_in_tbl(i).p_etc_method_code,
                  p_mfc_cost_type_id       => L_planning_resource_in_tbl(i).p_mfc_cost_type_id,
                  p_attribute_category     => L_planning_resource_in_tbl(i).p_attribute_category,
                  p_attribute1             => L_planning_resource_in_tbl(i).p_attribute1,
                  p_attribute2             => L_planning_resource_in_tbl(i).p_attribute2,
                  p_attribute3             => L_planning_resource_in_tbl(i).p_attribute3,
                  p_attribute4             => L_planning_resource_in_tbl(i).p_attribute4,
                  p_attribute5             => L_planning_resource_in_tbl(i).p_attribute5,
                  p_attribute6             => L_planning_resource_in_tbl(i).p_attribute6,
                  p_attribute7             => L_planning_resource_in_tbl(i).p_attribute7,
                  p_attribute8             => L_planning_resource_in_tbl(i).p_attribute8,
                  p_attribute9             => L_planning_resource_in_tbl(i).p_attribute9,
                  p_attribute10            => L_planning_resource_in_tbl(i).p_attribute10,
                  p_attribute11            => L_planning_resource_in_tbl(i).p_attribute11,
                  p_attribute12            => L_planning_resource_in_tbl(i).p_attribute12,
                  p_attribute13            => L_planning_resource_in_tbl(i).p_attribute13,
                  p_attribute14            => L_planning_resource_in_tbl(i).p_attribute14,
                  p_attribute15            => L_planning_resource_in_tbl(i).p_attribute15,
                  p_attribute16            => L_planning_resource_in_tbl(i).p_attribute16,
                  p_attribute17            => L_planning_resource_in_tbl(i).p_attribute17,
                  p_attribute18            => L_planning_resource_in_tbl(i).p_attribute18,
                  p_attribute19            => L_planning_resource_in_tbl(i).p_attribute19,
                  p_attribute20            => L_planning_resource_in_tbl(i).p_attribute20,
                  p_attribute21            => L_planning_resource_in_tbl(i).p_attribute21,
                  p_attribute22            => L_planning_resource_in_tbl(i).p_attribute22,
                  p_attribute23            => L_planning_resource_in_tbl(i).p_attribute23,
                  p_attribute24            => L_planning_resource_in_tbl(i).p_attribute24,
                  p_attribute25            => L_planning_resource_in_tbl(i).p_attribute25,
                  p_attribute26            => L_planning_resource_in_tbl(i).p_attribute26,
                  p_attribute27            => L_planning_resource_in_tbl(i).p_attribute27,
                  p_attribute28            => L_planning_resource_in_tbl(i).p_attribute28,
                  p_attribute29            => L_planning_resource_in_tbl(i).p_attribute29,
                  p_attribute30            => L_planning_resource_in_tbl(i).p_attribute30,
                  p_record_version_number  => L_planning_resource_in_tbl(i).p_record_version_number,
                  x_record_version_number => x_planning_resource_out_tbl(i).x_record_version_number,
                  x_return_status         => x_return_status,
                  x_msg_count             => l_msg_count,
                  x_error_msg_data        => l_msg_data);
Line: 2229

End Update_Resource_List;
Line: 2232

 * Procedure : Delete_Resource_List
 * Description : AMG API, used to Delete a resource list
 *               and its corresponding members and formats.
 * 		 The detailed information is in the sepc.
PROCEDURE Delete_Resource_List(
       p_commit                     IN           VARCHAR2 := FND_API.G_FALSE,
       p_init_msg_list              IN           VARCHAR2 := FND_API.G_FALSE,
       p_api_version_number         IN           NUMBER,
       P_Res_List_Id                IN           NUMBER   ,
       X_Return_Status              OUT NOCOPY   VARCHAR2,
       X_Msg_Count                  OUT NOCOPY   NUMBER,
       X_Msg_Data                   OUT NOCOPY   VARCHAR2)
l_api_version_number      CONSTANT   NUMBER       := G_API_VERSION_NUMBER;
Line: 2247

l_api_name                CONSTANT   VARCHAR2(30) := 'Update_Resource_List';
Line: 2291

    * error when trying to delete a format */
   l_err_code := 0;
Line: 2294

          p_res_list_id, 'Y', l_err_code, l_msg_data);
Line: 2303

    * Call to the Delete_Planning_Resources procedure
    * to Delete all the members from the pa_resource_list_members
    * table. We are passing a table of resource_list_member_id's
    * to the procedure.
     * First Retrieve all the resource list member id's
     * belonging to the resource_list_id passed.
     * Bulk collect into a PL/SQL table l_res_list_member_id_tbl.
     * ******************************************************/
          SELECT resource_list_member_id
          BULK COLLECT INTO l_res_list_member_id_tbl
          FROM Pa_resource_list_members
          WHERE resource_list_id = p_res_list_id;
Line: 2327

      * Call to API Pa_Planning_Resource_Pvt.Delete_Planning_Resource
      * passing the pl/sql table od resource_list_member_id's
      * This API would take care of deletion.
      SELECT meaning || ' ' || to_char(i) || ':'
      INTO   Pa_Planning_Resource_Pvt.g_token
      FROM   pa_lookups
      WHERE  lookup_type = 'PA_PLANNING_RESOURCE'
      AND    lookup_code = 'PLANNING_RESOURCE';
Line: 2337

         p_resource_list_member_id  => l_res_list_member_id_tbl(i),
         x_return_status            => l_return_status,
         x_msg_count                => l_msg_count,
         x_error_msg_data           => l_msg_data);
Line: 2363

          SELECT res_format_id,plan_rl_format_id
          BULK COLLECT INTO l_res_format_id_tbl,l_plan_rl_format_id_tbl
          FROM Pa_Plan_rl_formats
          WHERE resource_list_id = p_res_list_id;
Line: 2376

    * Call to the Pa_Plan_RL_Formats_Pvt.Delete_Plan_RL_Format API
    * to Delete all the formats from the pa_plan_rl_formats
    * table. We are passing table elements
    Pa_Plan_RL_Formats_Pvt.Delete_Plan_RL_Format (
        P_Res_List_Id           => P_res_list_id,
        P_Res_Format_Id         => l_res_format_id_tbl(i),
        P_Plan_RL_Format_Id     => l_plan_rl_format_id_tbl(i),
        X_Return_Status         => l_return_status,
        X_Msg_Count             => l_msg_count,
        X_Msg_Data              => l_msg_data);
Line: 2412

     * table. If it does then ewe cannot delete the record from
     * the pa_resource_lists_all_bg table, as corr child members
     * are present.
       SELECT 'Y'
       INTO l_exist_res_list
       FROM DUAL
            (SELECT 'Y' from pa_resource_list_members
            WHERE resource_list_id = P_res_list_id
            SELECT 'Y' from pa_plan_rl_formats
            WHERE resource_list_id = P_res_list_id);
Line: 2439

       PA_CREATE_RESOURCE.Delete_Plan_Res_List (
        p_resource_list_id      => P_res_list_id,
        X_Return_Status         => l_return_status,
        X_Msg_Count             => l_msg_count,
        X_Msg_Data              => l_msg_data);
Line: 2488

END Delete_Resource_List;
Line: 2533

   * Validate each one of them and insert accordingly.
    FOR i IN 1..P_Plan_RL_Format_Tbl.COUNT

     --For bug 3675288.

Line: 2546

       Select 'Y'
       Into l_format_exists
       From pa_res_formats_b
       Where res_format_id=L_Plan_RL_Format_Tbl(i).P_Res_Format_Id;
Line: 2615

 * Procedure : Delete_Plan_RL_Format
 * Description : This procedure is used the pass a Table of
 *               Record, and call the
 *               Pa_Plan_RL_Formats_Pvt.Delete_Plan_RL_Format
 *               procedure, which would Delete the res formats.
 * 		 The detailed information is in the spec.
 Procedure Delete_Plan_RL_Format (
        p_commit                 IN          VARCHAR2 DEFAULT FND_API.G_FALSE,
        p_init_msg_list          IN          VARCHAR2 DEFAULT FND_API.G_FALSE,
        P_Res_List_Id            IN          NUMBER DEFAULT PA_INTERFACE_UTILS_PUB.G_PA_MISS_NUM,
        P_Plan_RL_Format_Tbl     IN          Plan_RL_Format_In_Tbl ,
        X_Return_Status          OUT  NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
        X_Msg_Count              OUT  NOCOPY NUMBER,
        X_Msg_Data               OUT  NOCOPY VARCHAR2)

 L_Plan_RL_Format_Tbl Plan_RL_Format_In_Tbl;
Line: 2647

   * Validate each one of them and Update accordingly.
    FOR i IN 1..P_Plan_RL_Format_Tbl.COUNT

       Pa_Plan_RL_Formats_pvt.Delete_Plan_RL_Format (
           P_Res_List_Id        =>P_Res_List_Id,
           P_Res_Format_Id      =>L_Plan_RL_Format_Tbl(i).P_Res_Format_Id,
           P_Plan_RL_Format_Id  =>Null,
           X_Return_Status      =>X_Return_Status,
           X_Msg_Count          =>X_Msg_Count,
           X_Msg_Data           =>X_Msg_Data);
Line: 2668

 END Delete_Plan_RL_Format;
Line: 2763

 * Validate each one of them and insert accordingly.
 For i IN 1..L_Planning_Resource_In_Tbl.Count

     SELECT meaning || ' ' || to_char(i) || ':'
     INTO   Pa_Planning_Resource_Pvt.g_token
     FROM   pa_lookups
     WHERE  lookup_type = 'PA_PLANNING_RESOURCE'
     AND    lookup_code = 'PLANNING_RESOURCE';
Line: 2799

            select count(*) INTO l_validate_resource_code
            FROM pa_resource_classes_b
            WHERE resource_class_code=L_Planning_resource_in_tbl(i).P_Resource_Class_Code;
Line: 2810

            select count(*) INTO l_validate_resource_id
            FROM pa_resource_classes_b
            WHERE resource_class_id=L_Planning_resource_in_tbl(i).P_Resource_Class_id;
Line: 2823

     SELECT decode(f.RES_TYPE_ENABLED_FLAG, 'Y', t.res_type_code, NULL) ,
            decode(f.FIN_CAT_ENABLED_FLAG, 'Y', 'Financial Category', NULL) ,
            decode(f.ORGN_ENABLED_FLAG, 'Y', 'Organization', NULL) ,
            decode(f.SUPPLIER_ENABLED_FLAG, 'Y', 'Supplier', NULL) ,
            decode(f.ROLE_ENABLED_FLAG, 'Y', 'Role', NULL) ,
            decode(f.INCURRED_BY_ENABLED_FLAG, 'Y', 'Incurred By', NULL)
     FROM pa_res_formats_b f, pa_res_types_b t
     WHERE f.res_format_id = L_Planning_resource_in_tbl(i).P_Res_Format_Id
     AND f.RES_TYPE_ID = t.res_type_id(+);
Line: 2856

           SELECT 'Y'
           INTO l_format_exists
           FROM pa_plan_rl_formats
           WHERE resource_list_id = p_resource_list_id
           AND res_format_id = L_planning_resource_in_tbl(i).p_res_format_id;
Line: 3027

            SELECT 'Y'
            INTO l_project_exists
            FROM pa_projects_all
            WHERE project_id = L_planning_resource_in_tbl(i).p_project_id;
Line: 3050

     Select resource_class_flag
     Into   l_res_class_flag
     From   pa_res_formats_b
     Where  res_format_id = L_planning_resource_in_tbl(i).p_res_format_id;
Line: 3385

 * Procedure : Update_Planning_Resource
 * Description : The purpose of this procedure is to
 *               Validate and update attributes on an existing
 *               planning resource for a resource list.
 *		 The detailed information is in the spec.
PROCEDURE Update_Planning_Resource
    (p_commit                     IN          VARCHAR2 DEFAULT FND_API.G_FALSE,
     p_init_msg_list              IN          VARCHAR2 DEFAULT FND_API.G_FALSE,
     p_resource_list_id           IN          NUMBER,
     p_enabled_flag               IN          VARCHAR2,
     P_planning_resource_in_tbl   IN          Planning_Resource_In_Tbl,
     X_planning_resource_out_tbl  OUT NOCOPY  Planning_Resource_Out_Tbl,
     x_return_status              OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2,
     x_msg_count                  OUT NOCOPY  NUMBER,
     x_error_msg_data             OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2  )


   -- If need to get the resource_list_member_id using the alias then
   -- If control_flag <> 'N' from pa_resource_lists_all_bg this means centralized and only need the
   -- predicates to resource_list_id and alias to get the resource_list_member_id
   -- If the control_flag = 'N' then we need to add predicates for object_type and object_id.
   -- The object_type = 'PROJECT' and the object_id is the project_id.
   Cursor c1(P_Alias       IN Varchar2,
             P_Res_List_Id IN Number,
             P_Prj_Id      IN Number) Is
          Pa_Resource_List_Members rlm,
          Pa_Resource_Lists_All_BG rl
          rlm.Alias = P_Alias
   And    rlm.Resource_List_Id = P_Res_List_Id
   And    rlm.Resource_List_Id = rl.Resource_List_Id
   And    ( rl.Control_Flag <> 'N' Or
            ( rl.Control_Flag = 'N' And
              rlm.Object_Type = 'PROJECT' And
              rlm.Object_Id   = P_Prj_Id) );
Line: 3427

          Resource_List_Member_Id = P_rlm_Id;
Line: 3483

     SELECT meaning || ' ' || to_char(i) || ':'
     INTO   Pa_Planning_Resource_Pvt.g_token
     FROM   pa_lookups
     WHERE  lookup_type = 'PA_PLANNING_RESOURCE'
     AND    lookup_code = 'PLANNING_RESOURCE';
Line: 3490

      savepoint planning_res_list_update;
Line: 3579

           p_resource_list_id   => p_resource_list_id,
           p_resource_list_member_id  => l_rlm_id,
           p_enabled_flag       => p_enabled_flag,
           p_resource_alias     => P_planning_resource_in_tbl(i).p_resource_alias,
           p_spread_curve_id    => P_planning_resource_in_tbl(i).p_spread_curve_id,
           p_etc_method_code    => P_planning_resource_in_tbl(i).p_etc_method_code,
           p_mfc_cost_type_id   => P_planning_resource_in_tbl(i).p_mfc_cost_type_id,
           p_attribute_category => P_planning_resource_in_tbl(i).p_attribute_category,
           p_attribute1         => P_planning_resource_in_tbl(i).p_attribute1,
           p_attribute2         => P_planning_resource_in_tbl(i).p_attribute2,
           p_attribute3         => P_planning_resource_in_tbl(i).p_attribute3,
           p_attribute4         => P_planning_resource_in_tbl(i).p_attribute4,
           p_attribute5         => P_planning_resource_in_tbl(i).p_attribute5,
           p_attribute6         => P_planning_resource_in_tbl(i).p_attribute6,
           p_attribute7         => P_planning_resource_in_tbl(i).p_attribute7,
           p_attribute8         => P_planning_resource_in_tbl(i).p_attribute8,
           p_attribute9         => P_planning_resource_in_tbl(i).p_attribute9,
           p_attribute10        => P_planning_resource_in_tbl(i).p_attribute10,
           p_attribute11        => P_planning_resource_in_tbl(i).p_attribute11,
           p_attribute12        => P_planning_resource_in_tbl(i).p_attribute12,
           p_attribute13        => P_planning_resource_in_tbl(i).p_attribute13,
           p_attribute14        => P_planning_resource_in_tbl(i).p_attribute14,
           p_attribute15        => P_planning_resource_in_tbl(i).p_attribute15,
           p_attribute16        => P_planning_resource_in_tbl(i).p_attribute16,
           p_attribute17        => P_planning_resource_in_tbl(i).p_attribute17,
           p_attribute18        => P_planning_resource_in_tbl(i).p_attribute18,
           p_attribute19        => P_planning_resource_in_tbl(i).p_attribute19,
           p_attribute20        => P_planning_resource_in_tbl(i).p_attribute20,
           p_attribute21        => P_planning_resource_in_tbl(i).p_attribute21,
           p_attribute22        => P_planning_resource_in_tbl(i).p_attribute22,
           p_attribute23        => P_planning_resource_in_tbl(i).p_attribute23,
           p_attribute24        => P_planning_resource_in_tbl(i).p_attribute24,
           p_attribute25        => P_planning_resource_in_tbl(i).p_attribute25,
           p_attribute26        => P_planning_resource_in_tbl(i).p_attribute26,
           p_attribute27        => P_planning_resource_in_tbl(i).p_attribute27,
           p_attribute28        => P_planning_resource_in_tbl(i).p_attribute28,
           p_attribute29        => P_planning_resource_in_tbl(i).p_attribute29,
           p_attribute30        => P_planning_resource_in_tbl(i).p_attribute30,
           p_record_version_number => p_planning_resource_in_tbl(i).p_record_version_number,
           x_record_version_number => x_planning_resource_out_tbl(i).x_record_version_number,
           x_return_status      => x_return_status,
           x_msg_count          => x_msg_count  ,
           x_error_msg_data     => x_error_msg_data);
Line: 3626

           RollBack to planning_res_list_update;
Line: 3635

            RollBack to planning_res_list_update;
Line: 3659

End Update_Planning_Resource;
Line: 3663

 * Procedure : Delete_Planning_Resource
 * Description : The purpose of this procedure is to
 *              delete a planning resource if it is not
 *              being used, else disable it.
 *              Further details in the Body.
 * 		The detailed information is in the spec.
PROCEDURE Delete_Planning_Resource(
         p_resource_list_member_id  IN          SYSTEM.PA_NUM_TBL_TYPE,
         p_commit                   IN          VARCHAR2,
         p_init_msg_list            IN          VARCHAR2,
         x_return_status            OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2,
         x_msg_count                OUT NOCOPY  NUMBER,
         x_error_msg_data           OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2)

Pa_Planning_Resource_Pvt.g_amg_flow := 'Y';
Line: 3693

  SELECT meaning || ' ' || to_char(i) || ':'
  INTO   Pa_Planning_Resource_Pvt.g_token
  FROM   pa_lookups
  AND    lookup_code = 'PLANNING_RESOURCE';
Line: 3699

         (p_resource_list_member_id =>p_resource_list_member_id(i),
         x_return_status            =>x_return_status,
         x_msg_count                =>x_msg_count,
         x_error_msg_data           =>x_error_msg_data);
Line: 3715

END Delete_Planning_Resource;
Line: 3734

Line: 3735

Line: 3737

Line: 3738

Line: 3755

 * Procedure  : Init_Update_Resource_List
 * Description : This procedure initializes the global
 *               temporary tables for the resource list,
 *		 resource formats and,
 *               resoure list members.
 *		 The detailed information is in the spec.
PROCEDURE Init_Update_Resource_List
  l_api_name   CONSTANT   VARCHAR2(30) :=  'Init_Update_Resource_List';
Line: 3771

Line: 3772

Line: 3774

Line: 3775

Line: 3787

END Init_Update_Resource_List;
Line: 4182

 * Procedure   : Exec_Update_Resource_List
 * Description : This procedure passes the PL/SQL
 *               globals to the Update_Resource_List API.
 *               The API is typically used with the
 *               load-execute-fetch model.
 *		 The detailed information is in spec.
PROCEDURE Exec_Update_Resource_List
(p_commit                 IN         VARCHAR2 := FND_API.G_FALSE,
 p_init_msg_list          IN         VARCHAR2 := FND_API.G_FALSE,
 p_api_version_number     IN         NUMBER,
 x_return_status          OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
 x_msg_count              OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
 x_msg_data               OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
    l_api_version_number   CONSTANT NUMBER := G_API_VERSION_NUMBER;
Line: 4199

    l_api_name             CONSTANT VARCHAR2(30) := 'Exec_Update_Resource_List';
Line: 4212

          (p_commit                    => p_commit,
           p_init_msg_list             => p_init_msg_list,
           p_api_version_number        => p_api_version_number,
           P_plan_res_list_Rec         => G_Plan_Res_List_IN_Rec,
           X_plan_res_list_Rec         => G_Plan_Res_List_Out_Rec,
           P_Plan_RL_Format_Tbl        => G_Plan_RL_format_In_Tbl,
           X_Plan_RL_Format_Tbl        => G_Plan_RL_format_Out_Tbl,
           P_planning_resource_in_tbl  => G_Planning_resource_in_tbl,
           X_planning_resource_out_tbl => G_Planning_resource_out_tbl,
           X_Return_Status             => x_return_status,
           X_Msg_Count                 => x_msg_count,
           X_Msg_Data                  => x_msg_data);
Line: 4237

END Exec_Update_Resource_List;