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Line 82: l_data_type := qa_chars_api.datatype(l_char_id);

78: l_bind_var_name := ':'||l_bind_var_count;
80: --depending on the plan char's properties we need to add modifiers to
81: --handle the different datatypes
82: l_data_type := qa_chars_api.datatype(l_char_id);
83: IF l_data_type = 2 THEN
84: --number
85: l_precision := qa_chars_api.decimal_precision(l_char_id);
86: IF l_precision IS NOT NULL THEN

Line 85: l_precision := qa_chars_api.decimal_precision(l_char_id);

81: --handle the different datatypes
82: l_data_type := qa_chars_api.datatype(l_char_id);
83: IF l_data_type = 2 THEN
84: --number
85: l_precision := qa_chars_api.decimal_precision(l_char_id);
86: IF l_precision IS NOT NULL THEN
87: l_bind_var_name := 'round(nvl(qltdate.canon_to_number(' || l_bind_var_name || '), 0), '|| l_precision || ')';
88: ELSE
89: l_bind_var_name := 'nvl(qltdate.canon_to_number(' || l_bind_var_name || '), 0)';

Line 186: l_data_type := qa_chars_api.datatype(l_char_id);

182: l_res_col_value := ''''||qa_core_pkg.dequote(p_search_array(l_char_id).value)||'''';
184: --depending on the plan char's properties we need to add modifiers to
185: --handle the different datatypes
186: l_data_type := qa_chars_api.datatype(l_char_id);
187: IF l_data_type = 2 THEN
188: --number
189: l_precision := qa_chars_api.decimal_precision(l_char_id);
190: IF l_precision IS NOT NULL THEN

Line 189: l_precision := qa_chars_api.decimal_precision(l_char_id);

185: --handle the different datatypes
186: l_data_type := qa_chars_api.datatype(l_char_id);
187: IF l_data_type = 2 THEN
188: --number
189: l_precision := qa_chars_api.decimal_precision(l_char_id);
190: IF l_precision IS NOT NULL THEN
191: l_res_col_value := 'round(nvl(qltdate.canon_to_number(' || l_res_col_value || '), 0), '|| l_precision || ')';
192: ELSE
193: l_res_col_value := 'nvl(qltdate.canon_to_number(' || l_res_col_value || '), 0)';

Line 546: FROM qa_chars

542: c_char_id NUMBER;
544: CURSOR c(c_char_id NUMBER) IS
545: SELECT datatype
546: FROM qa_chars
547: WHERE char_id = c_char_id;
549: BEGIN