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Line 22: FROM rcv_transactions rt

20: SELECT nvl(sum(rt.primary_quantity), 0)
21: INTO x_correct_qty
22: FROM rcv_transactions rt
23: WHERE rt.parent_transaction_id = x_parent_trx_id
24: AND rt.transaction_type = 'CORRECT';
26: x_net_qty := x_primary_qty - x_correct_qty;

Line 36: select sum(quantity) into l_quantity from rcv_transactions where

32: FUNCTION get_receive_rcv( x_shipment_line_id in number) return number
33: is
34: l_quantity number;
35: begin
36: select sum(quantity) into l_quantity from rcv_transactions where
37: shipment_line_id = x_shipment_line_id
38: and transaction_type = 'RECEIVE';
40: return l_quantity;

Line 47: * rcv_transactions for the Correct transaction type

44: /* Bug 1086123
45: * We used to call the function get_net_quantity to get
46: * the quantity received in which we the primary_quantity from
47: * rcv_transactions for the Correct transaction type
48: * and x_net_qty := x_net_qty - x_correct_qty;
49: * This is wrong since it should ve x_net_qty + x_correct_qty.
50: * Also now we have to consider RETURN transactions.
51: * So created this new function get_net_qty_rcv which will

Line 52: * be called from the view POS_RCV_TRANSACTIONS_V.

48: * and x_net_qty := x_net_qty - x_correct_qty;
49: * This is wrong since it should ve x_net_qty + x_correct_qty.
50: * Also now we have to consider RETURN transactions.
51: * So created this new function get_net_qty_rcv which will
52: * be called from the view POS_RCV_TRANSACTIONS_V.
53: */
54: /* Bug 9648379
55: modified the function to pass the transaction id of the received shipment transaction
56: which can be used to get correct net received quantity for a particular distribution

Line 66: FROM rcv_transactions rt2, rcv_transactions rt

62: IS
64: cursor c1(x_shipment_line_id NUMBER, x_parent_id NUMBER) IS
65: SELECT rt2.quantity, rt2.transaction_type, rt.transaction_type
66: FROM rcv_transactions rt2, rcv_transactions rt
67: WHERE rt2.shipment_line_id = x_shipment_line_id
68: AND
69: (
70: (rt2.parent_transaction_id = x_parent_id AND rt2.transaction_type IN ('CORRECT', 'RETURN TO VENDOR') AND rt.transaction_id = x_parent_id) OR

Line 116: FROM rcv_transactions rt2, rcv_transactions rt

112: IS
114: cursor c1(x_shipment_line_id NUMBER, x_parent_id NUMBER) is
115: SELECT rt2.amount, rt2.transaction_type, rt.transaction_type
116: FROM rcv_transactions rt2, rcv_transactions rt
117: WHERE rt2.shipment_line_id = x_shipment_line_id
118: AND rt2.parent_transaction_id = x_parent_id
119: AND rt2.transaction_type IN ('CORRECT', 'RETURN TO VENDOR')
120: AND rt.transaction_id = x_parent_id;

Line 167: FROM rcv_transactions

163: SELECT transaction_id,
164: quantity,
165: transaction_type,
166: parent_transaction_id
167: FROM rcv_transactions
168: START WITH transaction_id = c_transaction_id
169: CONNECT BY parent_transaction_id = PRIOR transaction_id;
171: BEGIN

Line 192: FROM rcv_transactions

188: /* The correction function is based on parent transaction type */
190: SELECT transaction_type
191: INTO l_parent_type
192: FROM rcv_transactions
193: WHERE transaction_id = l_parent_id;
195: IF l_parent_type = 'RECEIVE' THEN
196: X_received_quantity := X_received_quantity + l_quantity;