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2 /*$Header: ARCUTILS.pls 120.9.12020000.2 2012/07/28 00:53:27 dgaurab ship $*/
4 -- Update server-patch level here :
6 PG_AR_SERVER_PATCH_LEVEL VARCHAR2(30) ;   -- 1759719
7 PG_OVERAPP_ALLOW_FLAG    VARCHAR2(1); -- Bug 13543605, Defining global variable to store overapplication flag.
10 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
11 -- Debugging functions
12 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
13 PROCEDURE enable_debug;
14 PROCEDURE enable_debug( buffer_size NUMBER );
15 PROCEDURE disable_debug;
16 PROCEDURE debug( line IN VARCHAR2 ) ;
17 PROCEDURE debug( str VARCHAR2, print_level NUMBER );
18 PROCEDURE print_fcn_label( p_label VARCHAR2 );
19 PROCEDURE print_fcn_label2( p_label VARCHAR2 );
22 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
23 -- Amount functions
24 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
25 FUNCTION functional_amount(amount        IN NUMBER,
26                            currency_code IN VARCHAR2,
27                            exchange_rate IN NUMBER,
28                            precision     IN NUMBER,
29                            min_acc_unit  IN NUMBER) RETURN NUMBER ;
32 --Added function for Bug 501260
33 FUNCTION func_amount(amount        IN NUMBER,
34                      currency_code IN VARCHAR2,
35                      exchange_rate IN NUMBER,
36                      precision     IN NUMBER,
37                     min_acc_unit  IN NUMBER) RETURN NUMBER ;
40 FUNCTION calc_dynamic_amount(
41                       p_amount        IN NUMBER,
42                       p_exchange_rate IN NUMBER,
43                       p_currency_code IN fnd_currencies.currency_code%TYPE )
46 FUNCTION CurrRound( p_amount IN NUMBER,
47                     p_currency_code IN VARCHAR2) RETURN NUMBER;
50 -- This function is the PL/SQL equivalent of aracc() in PRO*C.
51 -- It determines the accounted amounts (detail and master) for
52 -- a master and detail amount.
54 PROCEDURE calc_acctd_amount(
55 	p_currency		IN	VARCHAR2,
56 	p_precision		IN	NUMBER,
57 	p_mau			IN	NUMBER,
58 	p_rate			IN	NUMBER,
59 	p_type			IN	VARCHAR2,
60 	p_master_from		IN	NUMBER,
61 	p_acctd_master_from	IN OUT NOCOPY	NUMBER,
62 	p_detail		IN 	NUMBER,
63 	p_master_to		IN OUT NOCOPY 	NUMBER,
64 	p_acctd_master_to	IN OUT NOCOPY	NUMBER,
65 	p_acctd_detail		IN OUT NOCOPY	NUMBER	);
67 ---Added function for Bug 501260
68 PROCEDURE calc_accounted_amount(
69         p_currency              IN      VARCHAR2,
70         p_precision             IN      NUMBER,
71         p_mau                   IN      NUMBER,
72         p_rate                  IN      NUMBER,
73         p_type                  IN      VARCHAR2,
74         p_master_from           IN      NUMBER,
75         p_acctd_master_from     IN OUT NOCOPY   NUMBER,
76         p_detail                IN      NUMBER,
77         p_master_to             IN OUT NOCOPY   NUMBER,
78         p_acctd_master_to       IN OUT NOCOPY   NUMBER,
79         p_acctd_detail          IN OUT NOCOPY   NUMBER  );
81 /* ==================================================================================
82  | PROCEDURE Set_Buckets
83  |
85  |      Sets accounted amount base for tax, charges, freight, line
86  |      from amount buckets of the Receivable application or adjustment.
87  |      We do not store accounted amounts for individual buckets in the
88  |      payment schedule or on application or adjustment. Hence the accounted
89  |      amounts are derived by this routine in order, Tax, Charges, Line and
90  |      Freight by using the foreign currency amounts and multiplying with the
91  |      exchange rate to get the base or functional currency accounted amounts
92  |      with the rounding correction going to the last non zero amount
93  |      bucket in that order. This is the standard that has been established and
94  |      the same algorithm must be used to retain consistency. The usage came
95  |      into being during the Tax accounting for Discounts and Adjustments,
96  |      however in future projects this will be required. This could not be
97  |      derived as an effect on payment schedule becuause the payment schedules
98  |      are update before or after activity by various modules. In addition
99  |      depending on the bucket which is first choosen to be calculated the
100  |      rounding correction is different and goes to the last bucket. The
101  |      approach by this routine is the most desirable way to do things.
102  |
104  |
106  |      p_header_acctd_amt   IN      Header accounted amount to reconcile
107  |      p_base_currency      IN      Base or functional currency
108  |      p_exchange_rate      IN      Exchange rate
109  |      p_base_precision     IN      Base precision
110  |      p_base_min_acc_unit  IN      Minimum accountable unit
111  |      p_tax_amt            IN      Tax amount in currency of Transaction
112  |      p_charges_amt        IN      Charges amount in currency of Transaction
113  |      p_freight_amt        IN      Freight amount in currency of Transaction
114  |      p_line_amt           IN      Line amount in currency of Transaction
115  |      p_tax_acctd_amt      IN OUT NOCOPY Tax accounted amount in functional currency
116  |      p_charges_acctd_amt  IN OUT NOCOPY Charges accounted amount in functional currency
117  |      p_freight_acctd_amt  IN OUT NOCOPY Freight accounted amount in functional currency
118  |      p_line_acctd_amt     IN OUT NOCOPY Line accounted amount in functional currency
119  |
120  | Notes
121  |      Introduced for 11.5 Tax accounting - used by ARALLOCB.pls and ARTWRAPB.pls
122  *===================================================================================*/
123    PROCEDURE Set_Buckets(
124       p_header_acctd_amt   IN     NUMBER        ,
125       p_base_currency      IN     fnd_currencies.currency_code%TYPE,
126       p_exchange_rate      IN     NUMBER        ,
127       p_base_precision     IN     NUMBER        ,
128       p_base_min_acc_unit  IN     NUMBER        ,
129       p_tax_amt            IN     NUMBER        ,
130       p_charges_amt        IN     NUMBER        ,
131       p_line_amt           IN     NUMBER        ,
132       p_freight_amt        IN     NUMBER        ,
133       p_tax_acctd_amt      IN OUT NOCOPY NUMBER        ,
134       p_charges_acctd_amt  IN OUT NOCOPY NUMBER        ,
135       p_line_acctd_amt     IN OUT NOCOPY NUMBER        ,
136       p_freight_acctd_amt  IN OUT NOCOPY NUMBER         );
138 -- This function is only used to test calc_acctd_amount:
140 PROCEDURE calc_acctd_amount_test;
145 --
142 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
143 -- Date functions
144 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
146 -- This is a just a stub to call the validate_and_default_gl_date in
147 -- ARP_STANDARD package
148 --
149 FUNCTION validate_and_default_gl_date(
150                                        gl_date                in date,
151                                        trx_date               in date,
152                                        validation_date1       in date,
153                                        validation_date2       in date,
154                                        validation_date3       in date,
155                                        default_date1          in date,
156                                        default_date2          in date,
157                                        default_date3          in date,
158                                        p_allow_not_open_flag  in varchar2,
159                                        p_invoicing_rule_id    in varchar2,
160                                        p_set_of_books_id      in number,
161                                        p_application_id       in number,
162                                        default_gl_date       out NOCOPY date,
163                                        defaulting_rule_used  out NOCOPY varchar2,
164                                        error_message         out NOCOPY varchar2
165                                      ) RETURN BOOLEAN;
167 --
168 -- overloaded function to return period name
169 --
170 FUNCTION validate_and_default_gl_date(
171                                        gl_date                in date,
172                                        trx_date               in date,
173                                        validation_date1       in date,
174                                        validation_date2       in date,
175                                        validation_date3       in date,
176                                        default_date1          in date,
177                                        default_date2          in date,
178                                        default_date3          in date,
179                                        p_allow_not_open_flag  in varchar2,
180                                        p_invoicing_rule_id    in varchar2,
181                                        p_set_of_books_id      in number,
182                                        p_application_id       in number,
183                                        default_gl_date       out NOCOPY date,
184                                        defaulting_rule_used  out NOCOPY varchar2,
185                                        error_message         out NOCOPY varchar2,
186                                        p_period_name         out NOCOPY varchar2
187                                      ) RETURN BOOLEAN;
189 --
190 FUNCTION is_gl_date_valid( p_gl_date IN DATE ) RETURN BOOLEAN;
191 --
192 FUNCTION is_gl_date_valid( p_gl_date IN DATE,
193 			   p_allow_not_open_flag IN VARCHAR ) RETURN BOOLEAN;
194 --
195 PROCEDURE validate_gl_date( p_gl_date IN DATE,
196                             p_module_name IN VARCHAR2,
197                             p_module_version IN VARCHAR2 );
198 --
199 -- overloaded function to return period name
200 --
201 PROCEDURE validate_gl_date( p_gl_date IN DATE,
202                             p_module_name IN VARCHAR2,
203                             p_module_version IN VARCHAR2,
204                             p_period_name OUT NOCOPY varchar2 );
206 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
207 -- Misc functions
208 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
209 PROCEDURE close_cursor( p_cursor_handle IN OUT NOCOPY NUMBER );
212 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
213 -- Function to support server-side patch-level identification
214 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
215 FUNCTION ar_server_patch_level RETURN VARCHAR2;
217 TYPE attribute_rec_type IS RECORD(
218                         attribute_category    VARCHAR2(30) DEFAULT NULL,
219                         attribute1            VARCHAR2(150) DEFAULT NULL,
220 			attribute2            VARCHAR2(150) DEFAULT NULL,
221        			attribute3            VARCHAR2(150) DEFAULT NULL,
222        			attribute4            VARCHAR2(150) DEFAULT NULL,
223        			attribute5            VARCHAR2(150) DEFAULT NULL,
224        			attribute6            VARCHAR2(150) DEFAULT NULL,
225        			attribute7            VARCHAR2(150) DEFAULT NULL,
226        			attribute8            VARCHAR2(150) DEFAULT NULL,
227        			attribute9            VARCHAR2(150) DEFAULT NULL,
228        			attribute10           VARCHAR2(150) DEFAULT NULL,
229        			attribute11           VARCHAR2(150) DEFAULT NULL,
230        			attribute12           VARCHAR2(150) DEFAULT NULL,
231        			attribute13           VARCHAR2(150) DEFAULT NULL,
232        			attribute14           VARCHAR2(150) DEFAULT NULL,
233        			attribute15           VARCHAR2(150) DEFAULT NULL);
235 PROCEDURE Validate_Desc_Flexfield(
236                            p_desc_flex_rec       IN OUT NOCOPY  arp_util.attribute_rec_type,
237                            p_desc_flex_name      IN VARCHAR2,
238                            p_return_status       IN OUT NOCOPY  varchar2);
240 --This function will get the ID when you pass the corresponding number/or name
241 -- for an entity.The following entitiy can be passed to get the corresponding ID
246 FUNCTION Get_Id(
247                   p_entity    IN VARCHAR2,
248                   p_value     IN VARCHAR2,
249                   p_return_status OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
250                ) RETURN VARCHAR2;
253 -- This function returns the sum of the ra_interface_lines.promised_commitment_
254 -- amount for a given transaction.  Since the interface data is transient,
255 -- this function is really only useful during AutoInvoice processing.
257 FUNCTION Get_Promised_Amount(
258                  p_customer_trx_id IN NUMBER,
259                  p_alloc_tax_freight IN VARCHAR2
260                ) RETURN NUMBER;
261 --This procedure will substitute the balancing segment
263 PROCEDURE Substitute_Ccid(p_coa_id        IN  gl_sets_of_books.chart_of_accounts_id%TYPE        ,
264                           p_original_ccid IN  ar_system_parameters.code_combination_id_gain%TYPE,
265                           p_subs_ccid     IN  ar_system_parameters.code_combination_id_gain%TYPE,
266                           p_actual_ccid   OUT NOCOPY ar_system_parameters.code_combination_id_gain%TYPE);
268 --
269 -- Following procedure is for executing dynamic sql from forms
270 --
271 PROCEDURE Dynamic_Select (p_query  IN  VARCHAR2,
272                           p_result OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2);
274 --
275 -- kmahajan - 4th Aug 2003 - New utility function to retrieve the Start and
276 -- End dates of the time-period to be considered for Sales Group LOVs
277 --
279 PROCEDURE Get_Txn_Start_End_Dates (
280                  p_customer_trx_id IN NUMBER,
281 		 p_start_date OUT NOCOPY DATE,
282 		 p_end_date OUT NOCOPY DATE
283                );
285 --
286 -- kmahajan - 25th Aug 2003 - New utility functions that serve as wrappers
287 -- for the JTF function to return a Default Sales Group given a Sales Rep
288 -- and effective date
289 --
291 FUNCTION Get_Default_SalesGroup (
292                  p_salesrep_id IN NUMBER,
293 		 p_org_id IN NUMBER,
294 		 p_date IN DATE
295                ) RETURN NUMBER;
297 FUNCTION Get_Default_SalesGroup (
298                  p_salesrep_id IN NUMBER,
299 		 p_customer_trx_id IN NUMBER
300                ) RETURN NUMBER;
302 /* Bug fix 4942083:
303    The accounting reports will be run for a GL date range. If within this date range, there
304    is a period which is not Closed or Close Pending, this function will return TRUE. Else
305    this function will return FALSE */
307 FUNCTION Open_Period_Exists(
308                p_reporting_level        IN  VARCHAR2,
309                p_reporting_entity_id    IN  NUMBER,
310                p_gl_date_from           IN  DATE,
311                p_gl_date_to             IN  DATE
312               ) RETURN BOOLEAN ;
314 FUNCTION Open_Period_Exists(
315               p_reporting_level         IN VARCHAR2,
316               p_reporting_entity_id     IN NUMBER,
317               p_in_as_of_date_low       IN DATE
318              ) RETURN BOOLEAN ;
320 /* ER Automatch Cash Application START */
321   -- Function to restrict the new feature from user.
323 /* ER Automatch Cash Application END */
326 END arp_util;