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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 14

  select organization_id
  from   hr_operating_units
  ,      fnd_product_groups
  where  product_group_id = 1
  and    multi_org_flag = 'Y'
  select to_number(null)
  from   dual
  where not exists (
         select null
         from   fnd_product_groups
         where  multi_org_flag = 'Y')
  order by 1;
Line: 52

    select u.editions_enabled
    into   l_enabled
    from   fnd_oracle_userid f,
           dba_users u
    where  f.read_only_flag='U'
    and    u.username=f.oracle_username;
Line: 59

    select editions_enabled
    into   l_enabled
    from   dba_users
    where  username=p_username;
Line: 103

     select 'table exists',t.owner
     into   l_dummy,
     from   user_synonyms s,
            dba_tables    t
     where  s.synonym_name = upper(X_table_name)
       and  t.owner        = s.table_owner
       and  t.table_name   = s.table_name
       and  rownum = 1;
Line: 113

     select 'table exists',t.owner
     into   l_dummy,
     from   user_synonyms s,
            dba_editioning_views t
     where  s.synonym_name = upper(X_table_name)
       and  t.owner        = s.table_owner
       and  t.view_name    = s.table_name
       and  rownum = 1;
Line: 306

           select num_rows
             into l_num_rows
             from dba_tables
            where table_name = x_table_name
              and owner= l_table_owner;
Line: 439

    select distinct col.column_name, col.column_id
    from  user_synonyms syn, dba_tab_columns col
    where syn.synonym_name = X_table_name
    and col.owner      =  syn.table_owner
    and col.table_name = syn.table_name
    and col.column_name <> 'ORG_ID'
    and  col.data_type not in ('LONG', 'LONG RAW')
    order by col.column_id;
Line: 449

    select c.column_name, pkc.primary_key_sequence
    from   fnd_columns             c
    ,      fnd_primary_key_columns pkc
    ,      fnd_primary_keys        pk
    ,      fnd_tables              t
    where  t.application_id   >= 0
    and    t.table_name        = X_table_name
    and    pk.application_id   = t.application_id
    and    pk.table_id         = t.table_id
    and    pk.primary_key_type = 'D'
    and    pkc.application_id  = pk.application_id
    and    pkc.table_id        = pk.table_id
    and    pkc.primary_key_id  = pk.primary_key_id
    and    c.application_id    = pkc.application_id
    and    c.table_id          = pkc.table_id
    and    c.column_id         = pkc.column_id
    and    c.column_name      <> 'ORG_ID'
    order by pkc.primary_key_sequence;
Line: 487

                  ' SELECT NULL FROM ' || X_table_name ||
                  ' WHERE NVL(ORG_ID, -99) = NVL(:X_target_org_id, -99)';
Line: 495

  statement := 'INSERT INTO ' || X_table_name || ' (' ||
               column_list || 'ORG_ID) SELECT ' ||
               column_list || ':X_target_org_id FROM ' || X_table_name || ' A' ||
Line: 558

    select distinct col.column_name, col.column_id
    from  user_synonyms syn, dba_tab_columns col
    where syn.synonym_name = X_table_name
    and col.owner      =  syn.table_owner
    and col.table_name = syn.table_name
    and col.column_name <>'ORG_ID'
    and col.data_type not in ('LONG', 'LONG RAW')
    order by col.column_id;
Line: 568

    select c.column_name, pkc.primary_key_sequence
    from   fnd_columns             c
    ,      fnd_primary_key_columns pkc
    ,      fnd_primary_keys        pk
    ,      fnd_tables              t
    where  t.application_id   >= 0
    and    t.table_name        = X_table_name
    and    pk.application_id   = t.application_id
    and    pk.table_id         = t.table_id
    and    pk.primary_key_type = 'D'
    and    pkc.application_id  = pk.application_id
    and    pkc.table_id        = pk.table_id
    and    pkc.primary_key_id  = pk.primary_key_id
    and    c.application_id    = pkc.application_id
    and    c.table_id          = pkc.table_id
    and    c.column_id         = pkc.column_id
    and    c.column_name      <> 'ORG_ID'
    order by pkc.primary_key_sequence;
Line: 603

  in_line_view := ' (SELECT /*+ no_merge */ ORGANIZATION_ID FROM' ||
                  ' fnd_product_groups, hr_operating_units' ||
                  ' WHERE product_group_id = 1' ||
                  ' AND multi_org_flag = ''Y'' UNION' ||
                  ' (SELECT NULL FROM fnd_product_groups WHERE' ||
                  ' multi_org_flag = ''Y'')) V';
Line: 612

              ' USING (SELECT '||column_list||' V.ORGANIZATION_ID '||
              ' FROM '||X_table_name||' A, '||in_line_view||
              ' where  NVL(A.ORG_ID, -99) = nvl(:X_source_org_id, -99) '||
              ' AND NOT (ORG_ID = -3114 AND V.ORGANIZATION_ID IS NOT NULL) '||
              ' )src on '||
              ' (NVL(src.ORGANIZATION_ID,-99) = NVL(targ.ORG_ID, -99) ';
Line: 624

  statement:= statement || ' ) WHEN NOT MATCHED THEN INSERT ( '||column_list||
                         ' ORG_ID) VALUES(';
Line: 708

  select nvl(min(multi_org_flag),'N')
  into   is_org
  from   fnd_product_groups
  where  product_group_id = 1;
Line: 725

      update_book_id(X_org_id, X_table_name);
Line: 742

	  update_book_id(X_org_id, table_list(i));
Line: 815

Line: 816

Line: 817

Line: 818

Line: 819

Line: 820

Line: 882

Line: 896

  add_list('AP_SELECTED_INVOICES_ALL'       , 'AP_SELECTED_INVOICES'           , 'SQLAP' ,'N','N');
Line: 897

Line: 1214

  add_list('JL_BR_AR_SELECT_ACCOUNTS_ALL'   , 'JL_BR_AR_SELECT_ACCOUNTS'       , 'JL'    ,'N','N');
Line: 1215

  add_list('JL_BR_AR_SELECT_CONTROLS_ALL'   , 'JL_BR_AR_SELECT_CONTROLS'       , 'JL'    ,'N','N');
Line: 1360

  add_list('PA_MASS_UPDATE_BATCHES_ALL'     , 'PA_MASS_UPDATE_BATCHES'         , 'PA'    ,'N','N');
Line: 1610

  select count(*)
  into   l_num_org
  from   hr_operating_units
  ,      fnd_product_groups
  where  product_group_id = 1
  and    multi_org_flag = 'Y';
Line: 1681

    select c.column_name, pkc.primary_key_sequence
    from   fnd_columns             c
    ,      fnd_primary_key_columns pkc
    ,      fnd_primary_keys        pk
    ,      fnd_tables              t
    where  t.application_id   >= 0
    and    t.table_name        = p_table
    and    pk.application_id   = t.application_id
    and    pk.table_id         = t.table_id
    and    pk.primary_key_type = 'D'
    and    pkc.application_id  = pk.application_id
    and    pkc.table_id        = pk.table_id
    and    pkc.primary_key_id  = pk.primary_key_id
    and    c.application_id    = pkc.application_id
    and    c.table_id          = pkc.table_id
    and    c.column_id         = pkc.column_id
    and    c.column_name      <> 'ORG_ID'
    order by pkc.primary_key_sequence;
Line: 1733

  statement := ' select '||''' '||''''||'||'||
                       nvl(pk_list, ''''||'no primary key'||'''')
                       ||' pk_value '||
               ' from  '||X_table||' a'||
               ' where org_id in (-3113, -3114)'||
               ' and decode(org_id, -3114, 1, '||X_num_org||') <> ( '||
               ' select count(*)'||
               ' from  '||X_table||' b'||
               ' where '||nvl(where_clause, '1=1 ')||
               ' and nvl(b.org_id, -99) not in (-3113, -3114)'||
               ') order by 1';
Line: 1838

procedure update_book_id
                (X_org_id          in number,
                 X_table_name      in varchar2)
        book_id varchar2(20);
Line: 1848

  select count(*) into cnt
        from dba_tab_columns
        where table_name= X_table_name and
	column_name='SET_OF_BOOKS_ID' and
	nvl(owner, 'null') = nvl(owner, 'null');
Line: 1855

        select SET_OF_BOOKS_ID into book_id
Line: 1860

        	stmt:= 'update ' || X_table_name || ' set SET_OF_BOOKS_ID='||book_id||
' where ORG_ID='||X_org_id;
Line: 1871

end update_book_id;