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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 104

  PROCEDURE object_version_select
  (p_table_name                  IN VARCHAR2,
   p_col_id                      IN VARCHAR2,
   x_rowid                       IN OUT NOCOPY ROWID,
   x_object_version_number       IN OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
   x_last_update_date            IN OUT NOCOPY DATE,
   x_id_value                    IN OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
   x_return_status               IN OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
   x_msg_count                   IN OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
   x_msg_data                    IN OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2 )
     CURSOR cu_contact_point_version IS
      WHERE CONTACT_POINT_ID = p_col_id;
Line: 123

    l_last_update_date   DATE;
Line: 131

           l_last_update_date     ,
Line: 143

     IF TO_CHAR(x_last_update_date,'DD-MON-YYYY HH:MI:SS') <>
        TO_CHAR(l_last_update_date,'DD-MON-YYYY HH:MI:SS')
Line: 213

		select 	count(1)
        	into    primary_count
		from	hz_contact_points cont_point,
                        hz_cust_account_roles car
		where	car.party_id = cont_point.owner_table_id
                and     cont_point.owner_table_name = 'HZ_PARTIES'
                and     cont_point.contact_point_type not
                                    in ('EDI','EMAIL','WEB')
                and     car.cust_account_id = p_id
		and	car.cust_acct_site_id  is null
		and	car.cust_account_role_id  is null
		and  	cont_point.primary_flag = 'Y'
		and     ( (p_phone_id is null)
                         or cont_point.contact_point_id <> p_phone_id );
Line: 235

		select 	count(1)
        	into    primary_count
		from	hz_contact_points cont_point,
                        hz_cust_account_roles car
		where   car.party_id = cont_point.owner_table_id
                and     cont_point.owner_table_name = 'HZ_PARTIES'
                and     cont_point.contact_point_type not
                                in ('EDI','EMAIL','WEB')
                and     car.cust_acct_site_id	= p_id
		and	car.cust_account_role_id is null
		and  	cont_point.primary_flag = 'Y'
		and     ( (p_phone_id is null)
                         or cont_point.contact_point_id <> p_phone_id );
Line: 255

		select 	count(1)
        	into    primary_count
                from    hz_contact_points cont_point,
                        hz_cust_account_roles car
                where   car.party_id = cont_point.owner_table_id
                and     cont_point.owner_table_name = 'HZ_PARTIES'
                and     cont_point.contact_point_type not
                                in ('EDI','EMAIL','WEB')
		and	car.cust_account_role_id  	= p_id
		and  	cont_point.primary_flag = 'Y'
		and     ( (p_phone_id is null)
                         or cont_point.contact_point_id <> p_phone_id );
Line: 281

                       X_Phone_Id                IN OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
                       X_Last_Update_Date               DATE,
                       X_Last_Updated_By                NUMBER,
                       X_Creation_Date                  DATE,
                       X_Created_By                     NUMBER,
                       X_Phone_Number                   VARCHAR2,
                       X_Status                         VARCHAR2,
                       X_Phone_Type                     VARCHAR2,
                       X_Last_Update_Login              NUMBER,
                       X_Customer_Id                    NUMBER,
                       X_Address_Id                     NUMBER,
                       X_Contact_Id                     NUMBER,
                       X_Country_Code                   VARCHAR2,
                       X_Area_Code                      VARCHAR2,
                       X_Extension                      VARCHAR2,
                       X_Primary_Flag                   VARCHAR2,
                       X_Orig_System_Reference   IN OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
                       X_Attribute_Category             VARCHAR2,
                       X_Attribute1                     VARCHAR2,
                       X_Attribute2                     VARCHAR2,
                       X_Attribute3                     VARCHAR2,
                       X_Attribute4                     VARCHAR2,
                       X_Attribute5                     VARCHAR2,
                       X_Attribute6                     VARCHAR2,
                       X_Attribute7                     VARCHAR2,
                       X_Attribute8                     VARCHAR2,
                       X_Attribute9                     VARCHAR2,
                       X_Attribute10                    VARCHAR2,
                       X_Attribute11                    VARCHAR2,
                       X_Attribute12                    VARCHAR2,
                       X_Attribute13                    VARCHAR2,
                       X_Attribute14                    VARCHAR2,
                       X_Attribute15                    VARCHAR2,
                       X_Attribute16                    VARCHAR2,
                       X_Attribute17                    VARCHAR2,
                       X_Attribute18                    VARCHAR2,
                       X_Attribute19                    VARCHAR2,
                       X_Attribute20                    VARCHAR2,
                       x_party_id                       NUMBER,
                       x_party_site_id                  NUMBER,
                       x_primary_by_purpose             VARCHAR2,
                       x_contact_point_purpose          VARCHAR2,
                       x_email_format                   VARCHAR2,
                       x_email_address                  VARCHAR2,
                       x_url                            VARCHAR2,
                       x_msg_count                  OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
                       x_msg_data                   OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
                       x_return_status              OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
) IS
  l_type varchar2(4);
Line: 399

           SELECT  hz_contact_points_s.nextval
           INTO    x_phone_id
           FROM    dual;
Line: 403

          select count(*) into l_count from hz_contact_points
          where contact_point_id  = x_phone_id ;
Line: 408

  SELECT  hz_cust_contact_points_s.nextval
  into    x_cust_contact_point_id
  from    dual;
Line: 501

 END Insert_Row;
Line: 503

 PROCEDURE Update_Row(
                       X_Phone_Id                       NUMBER,
                       X_Last_Update_Date          IN OUT     NOCOPY DATE,
                       X_Last_Updated_By                NUMBER,
                       X_Phone_Number                   VARCHAR2,
                       X_Status                         VARCHAR2,
                       X_Phone_Type                     VARCHAR2,
                       X_Last_Update_Login              NUMBER,
                       X_Customer_Id                    NUMBER,
                       X_Address_Id                     NUMBER,
                       X_Contact_Id                     NUMBER,
                       X_Country_code                   VARCHAR2,
                       X_Area_Code                      VARCHAR2,
                       X_Extension                      VARCHAR2,
                       X_Primary_Flag                   VARCHAR2,
                       X_Attribute_Category             VARCHAR2,
                       X_Attribute1                     VARCHAR2,
                       X_Attribute2                     VARCHAR2,
                       X_Attribute3                     VARCHAR2,
                       X_Attribute4                     VARCHAR2,
                       X_Attribute5                     VARCHAR2,
                       X_Attribute6                     VARCHAR2,
                       X_Attribute7                     VARCHAR2,
                       X_Attribute8                     VARCHAR2,
                       X_Attribute9                     VARCHAR2,
                       X_Attribute10                    VARCHAR2,
                       X_Attribute11                    VARCHAR2,
                       X_Attribute12                    VARCHAR2,
                       X_Attribute13                    VARCHAR2,
                       X_Attribute14                    VARCHAR2,
                       X_Attribute15                    VARCHAR2,
                       X_Attribute16                    VARCHAR2,
                       X_Attribute17                    VARCHAR2,
                       X_Attribute18                    VARCHAR2,
                       X_Attribute19                    VARCHAR2,
                       X_Attribute20                    VARCHAR2,
                       x_cust_contact_point_id          NUMBER,
                       x_primary_by_purpose             VARCHAR2,
                       x_contact_point_purpose          VARCHAR2,
                       x_email_format                   VARCHAR2,
                       x_email_address                  VARCHAR2,
                       x_url                            VARCHAR2,
                       x_msg_count                  OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
                       x_msg_data                   OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
                       x_return_status              OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
                       x_object_version          IN OUT NOCOPY NUMBER

  ) IS

  l_type               VARCHAR2(4);
Line: 563

  l_update_date        DATE;
Line: 631

       (p_table_name            => 'HZ_CONTACT_POINTS',
        p_col_id                => x_phone_Id,
        x_rowid                 => l_rowid,
        x_object_version_number => l_object_version,
        x_last_update_date      => l_update_date,
        x_id_value              => l_dummy,
        x_return_status         => x_return_status,
        x_msg_count             => x_msg_count,
        x_msg_data              => x_msg_data );
Line: 656

     HZ_CONTACT_POINT_V2PUB.update_contact_point (
        p_contact_point_rec                 => cpoint_rec,
        p_edi_rec                           => edi_rec,
        p_email_rec                         => email_rec,
        p_phone_rec                         => phone_rec,
        p_telex_rec                         => telex_rec,
        p_web_rec                           => web_rec,
        p_object_version_number             => l_object_version,
        x_return_status                     => x_return_status,
        x_msg_count                         => x_msg_count,
        x_msg_data                          => x_msg_data
Line: 670

       select last_update_date,
         into X_Last_Update_Date,
         from hz_contact_points
        where contact_point_id = X_Phone_Id;
Line: 686

END Update_Row;
Line: 691

 PROCEDURE Update_Row(
                       X_Phone_Id                       NUMBER,
                       X_Last_Update_Date          IN OUT     NOCOPY DATE,
                       X_Last_Updated_By                NUMBER,
                       X_Phone_Number                   VARCHAR2,
                       X_Status                         VARCHAR2,
                       X_Phone_Type                     VARCHAR2,
                       X_Last_Update_Login              NUMBER,
                       X_Customer_Id                    NUMBER,
                       X_Address_Id                     NUMBER,
                       X_Contact_Id                     NUMBER,
                       X_Country_code                   VARCHAR2,
                       X_Area_Code                      VARCHAR2,
                       X_Extension                      VARCHAR2,
                       X_Primary_Flag                   VARCHAR2,
                       X_Attribute_Category             VARCHAR2,
                       X_Attribute1                     VARCHAR2,
                       X_Attribute2                     VARCHAR2,
                       X_Attribute3                     VARCHAR2,
                       X_Attribute4                     VARCHAR2,
                       X_Attribute5                     VARCHAR2,
                       X_Attribute6                     VARCHAR2,
                       X_Attribute7                     VARCHAR2,
                       X_Attribute8                     VARCHAR2,
                       X_Attribute9                     VARCHAR2,
                       X_Attribute10                    VARCHAR2,
                       X_Attribute11                    VARCHAR2,
                       X_Attribute12                    VARCHAR2,
                       X_Attribute13                    VARCHAR2,
                       X_Attribute14                    VARCHAR2,
                       X_Attribute15                    VARCHAR2,
                       X_Attribute16                    VARCHAR2,
                       X_Attribute17                    VARCHAR2,
                       X_Attribute18                    VARCHAR2,
                       X_Attribute19                    VARCHAR2,
                       X_Attribute20                    VARCHAR2,
                       x_cust_contact_point_id          NUMBER,
                       x_primary_by_purpose             VARCHAR2,
                       x_contact_point_purpose          VARCHAR2,
                       x_email_format                   VARCHAR2,
                       x_email_address                  VARCHAR2,
                       x_url                            VARCHAR2,
                       x_msg_count                  OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
                       x_msg_data                   OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
                       x_return_status              OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
  l_object_version  NUMBER := -1;
Line: 740

      Update_Row(      X_Phone_Id      ,
                       X_Phone_Number  ,
                       X_Status        ,
                       X_Phone_Type    ,
                       X_Customer_Id   ,
                       X_Address_Id    ,
                       X_Contact_Id    ,
                       X_Country_code  ,
                       X_Area_Code     ,
                       X_Extension     ,
                       X_Primary_Flag  ,
                       X_Attribute1    ,
                       X_Attribute2    ,
                       X_Attribute3    ,
                       X_Attribute4    ,
                       X_Attribute5    ,
                       X_Attribute6    ,
                       X_Attribute7    ,
                       X_Attribute8    ,
                       X_Attribute9    ,
                       X_Attribute10   ,
                       X_Attribute11   ,
                       X_Attribute12   ,
                       X_Attribute13   ,
                       X_Attribute14   ,
                       X_Attribute15   ,
                       X_Attribute16   ,
                       X_Attribute17   ,
                       X_Attribute18   ,
                       X_Attribute19   ,
                       X_Attribute20   ,
                       x_msg_count     ,
                       x_msg_data      ,
                       x_return_status ,
                       l_object_version );
Line: 790

                       X_Phone_Id                IN OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
                       X_Last_Update_Date               DATE,
                       X_Last_Updated_By                NUMBER,
                       X_Creation_Date                  DATE,
                       X_Created_By                     NUMBER,
                       X_Phone_Number                   VARCHAR2,
                       X_Status                         VARCHAR2,
                       X_Phone_Type                     VARCHAR2,
                       X_Last_Update_Login              NUMBER,
                       X_Customer_Id                    NUMBER,
                       X_Address_Id                     NUMBER,
                       X_Contact_Id                     NUMBER,
                       X_Area_Code                      VARCHAR2,
                       X_Extension                      VARCHAR2,
                       X_Primary_Flag                   VARCHAR2,
                       X_Orig_System_Reference   IN OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
                       X_Attribute_Category             VARCHAR2,
                       X_Attribute1                     VARCHAR2,
                       X_Attribute2                     VARCHAR2,
                       X_Attribute3                     VARCHAR2,
                       X_Attribute4                     VARCHAR2,
                       X_Attribute5                     VARCHAR2,
                       X_Attribute6                     VARCHAR2,
                       X_Attribute7                     VARCHAR2,
                       X_Attribute8                     VARCHAR2,
                       X_Attribute9                     VARCHAR2,
                       X_Attribute10                    VARCHAR2,
                       X_Attribute11                    VARCHAR2,
                       X_Attribute12                    VARCHAR2,
                       X_Attribute13                    VARCHAR2,
                       X_Attribute14                    VARCHAR2,
                       X_Attribute15                    VARCHAR2,
                       X_Attribute16                    VARCHAR2,
                       X_Attribute17                    VARCHAR2,
                       X_Attribute18                    VARCHAR2,
                       X_Attribute19                    VARCHAR2,
                       X_Attribute20                    VARCHAR2,
                       x_party_id                       NUMBER,
                       x_party_site_id                  NUMBER,
                       x_msg_count                  OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
                       x_msg_data                   OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
                       x_return_status              OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
) IS

  i_return_status         VARCHAR2(1);
Line: 844

  , X_Last_Update_Date
  , X_Last_Updated_By
  , X_Creation_Date
  , X_Created_By
  , X_Phone_Number
  , X_Status
  , X_Phone_Type
  , X_Last_Update_Login
  , X_Customer_Id
  , X_Address_Id
  , X_Contact_Id
  , i_Default_Phone_Country_Code
  , X_Area_Code
  , X_Extension
  , X_Primary_Flag
  , X_Orig_System_Reference
  , X_Attribute_Category
  , X_Attribute1
  , X_Attribute2
  , X_Attribute3
  , X_Attribute4
  , X_Attribute5
  , X_Attribute6
  , X_Attribute7
  , X_Attribute8
  , X_Attribute9
  , X_Attribute10
  , X_Attribute11
  , X_Attribute12
  , X_Attribute13
  , X_Attribute14
  , X_Attribute15
  , X_Attribute16
  , X_Attribute17
  , X_Attribute18
  , X_Attribute19
  , X_Attribute20
  , x_party_id
  , x_party_site_id
  , 'N'
  , NULL
  , NULL
  , NULL
  , NULL
  , i_msg_count
  , i_msg_data
  , i_return_status
Line: 899

END Insert_Row;
Line: 903

  X_Phone_Id                       NUMBER,
  X_Last_Update_Date    IN OUT     NOCOPY DATE,
  X_Last_Updated_By                NUMBER,
  X_Phone_Number                   VARCHAR2,
  X_Status                         VARCHAR2,
  X_Phone_Type                     VARCHAR2,
  X_Last_Update_Login              NUMBER,
  X_Customer_Id                    NUMBER,
  X_Address_Id                     NUMBER,
  X_Contact_Id                     NUMBER,
  X_Area_Code                      VARCHAR2,
  X_Extension                      VARCHAR2,
  X_Primary_Flag                   VARCHAR2,
  X_Attribute_Category             VARCHAR2,
  X_Attribute1                     VARCHAR2,
  X_Attribute2                     VARCHAR2,
  X_Attribute3                     VARCHAR2,
  X_Attribute4                     VARCHAR2,
  X_Attribute5                     VARCHAR2,
  X_Attribute6                     VARCHAR2,
  X_Attribute7                     VARCHAR2,
  X_Attribute8                     VARCHAR2,
  X_Attribute9                     VARCHAR2,
  X_Attribute10                    VARCHAR2,
  X_Attribute11                    VARCHAR2,
  X_Attribute12                    VARCHAR2,
  X_Attribute13                    VARCHAR2,
  X_Attribute14                    VARCHAR2,
  X_Attribute15                    VARCHAR2,
  X_Attribute16                    VARCHAR2,
  X_Attribute17                    VARCHAR2,
  X_Attribute18                    VARCHAR2,
  X_Attribute19                    VARCHAR2,
  X_Attribute20                    VARCHAR2,
  x_cust_contact_point_id          NUMBER,
  x_msg_count                  OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
  x_msg_data                   OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
  x_return_status              OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2

) IS

  i_return_status         VARCHAR2(1);
Line: 954

  , X_Last_Update_Date
  , X_Last_Updated_By
  , X_Phone_Number
  , X_Status
  , X_Phone_Type
  , X_Last_Update_Login
  , X_Customer_Id
  , X_Address_Id
  , X_Contact_Id
  , i_Default_Phone_Country_Code
  , X_Area_Code
  , X_Extension
  , X_Primary_Flag
  , X_Attribute_Category
  , X_Attribute1
  , X_Attribute2
  , X_Attribute3
  , X_Attribute4
  , X_Attribute5
  , X_Attribute6
  , X_Attribute7
  , X_Attribute8
  , X_Attribute9
  , X_Attribute10
  , X_Attribute11
  , X_Attribute12
  , X_Attribute13
  , X_Attribute14
  , X_Attribute15
  , X_Attribute16
  , X_Attribute17
  , X_Attribute18
  , X_Attribute19
  , X_Attribute20
  , x_cust_contact_point_id
  , 'N'
  , NULL
  , NULL
  , NULL
  , NULL
  , i_msg_count
  , i_msg_data
  , i_return_status
Line: 1005

END Update_Row;
Line: 1008

PROCEDURE Delete_Row(X_phoneid VARCHAR2) IS

    DELETE FROM hz_contact_points
    WHERE contact_point_id = X_phoneid;
Line: 1017

END Delete_Row;
Line: 1059

  SELECT  a.phone_country_code
  INTO    l_phone_country_code
  FROM    hz_phone_country_codes a
  WHERE   a.territory_code = l_default_country_code;