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APPS.GMS_WF_PKG dependencies on FND_USER

Line 549: FROM fnd_user f, per_people_f p /*Bug 5122724 */

545: IS
546: SELECT f.user_id
547: , f.user_name
548: , p.first_name||' '||p.last_name
549: FROM fnd_user f, per_people_f p /*Bug 5122724 */
550: WHERE p.effective_start_date = (SELECT min(pp.effective_start_date)
551: FROM per_all_people_f pp where pp.person_id = p.person_id
552: AND pp.effective_end_date >=trunc(sysdate))
553: AND ((p.employee_number is not null) OR (p.npw_number is not null))

Line 2080: from fnd_user f, per_people_f p

2077: cursor l_starter_full_name_csr
2078: is
2079: select p.first_name||' '||p.last_name /*Bug 5122724 */
2080: from fnd_user f, per_people_f p
2081: where p.effective_start_date = (select min(pp.effective_start_date)
2082: from per_all_people_f pp
2083: where pp.person_id = p.person_id
2084: and pp.effective_end_date >=trunc(sysdate))

Line 2598: from fnd_user f, per_people_f p

2595: cursor l_starter_full_name_csr
2596: is
2597: select p.first_name||' '||p.last_name /*Bug 5122724 */
2598: from fnd_user f, per_people_f p
2599: where p.effective_start_date = (select min(pp.effective_start_date)
2600: from per_all_people_f pp
2601: where pp.person_id = p.person_id
2602: and pp.effective_end_date >=trunc(sysdate))

Line 2948: FROM FND_USER

2945: --Obtain the user_id based on the unique user_name
2947: INTO l_user_id
2949: WHERE user_name = FND_GLOBAL.User_Name;
2950: exception
2951: when NO_DATA_FOUND then
2952: l_user_id := to_number(null);

Line 3274: FROM gms_notifications gn, fnd_user fu

3270: --Cursor to select corresponding user id attached to each award personnel .
3271: CURSOR gms_notification_cursor ( p_award_id NUMBER) IS
3272: SELECT gn.user_id ,
3273: fu.user_name
3274: FROM gms_notifications gn, fnd_user fu
3275: WHERE gn.user_id = fu.user_id
3276: AND event_type = 'INSTALLMENT_CLOSEOUT'
3277: AND award_id = p_award_id;

Line 3285: l_user_id fnd_user.user_id%TYPE;

3281: -- Declare the variables Used during the workflow process
3283: l_award_id gms_awards.award_id%TYPE;
3284: l_installment_id gms_installments.installment_id%TYPE;
3285: l_user_id fnd_user.user_id%TYPE;
3286: l_user_name fnd_user.user_name%TYPE;
3287: l_role_name VARCHAR2(1000);
3288: l_role_name_disp VARCHAR2(1000); -- Fix for NOCOPY related issues.
3289: --start bug fix 2204122 changed the width of var to 32000 from 4000--

Line 3286: l_user_name fnd_user.user_name%TYPE;

3283: l_award_id gms_awards.award_id%TYPE;
3284: l_installment_id gms_installments.installment_id%TYPE;
3285: l_user_id fnd_user.user_id%TYPE;
3286: l_user_name fnd_user.user_name%TYPE;
3287: l_role_name VARCHAR2(1000);
3288: l_role_name_disp VARCHAR2(1000); -- Fix for NOCOPY related issues.
3289: --start bug fix 2204122 changed the width of var to 32000 from 4000--
3290: l_role_users VARCHAR2(32000) := NULL;

Line 3433: from fnd_user fndu

3429: and gmsp.person_id = p_person_id;
3430: /*******
3431: and gmsp.person_id in
3432: (select fndu.employee_id
3433: from fnd_user fndu
3434: where fndu.user_id = p_user_id) ;
3435: *******/ --commented as per bug# 3495840 fix
3437: --Bug# 3495840

Line 3445: from fnd_user fndu

3441: --blank employee_id should be rejected
3442: cursor is_user_active
3443: is
3444: select fndu.employee_id /*Bug 5122724 */
3445: from fnd_user fndu
3446: ,per_people_f p
3447: where p.effective_start_date = (select min(pp.effective_start_date)
3448: from per_all_people_f pp
3449: where pp.person_id = p.person_id