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1 PACKAGE BODY wms_strategy_upgrade_pvt AS
2 /* $Header: WMSSTGUB.pls 115.6 2003/02/21 01:47:36 grao noship $ */
3 --
4 -- File        : WMSSTGUB.pls
5 -- Content     : WMS_Strategy_upgrade_PVT package specification
6 -- Description : WMS private API's
7 -- Notes       :
8 -- Created    : 10/31/02 Grao
9 --
10 -- API name    : Upgrade Script for Strategy search order / Strategy Assignments
11 -- Type        : Private
12 -- Function    : Convert each strategy assignment record into a record in the new table
14 --
15 --
16 --
17 --
18 --
19 -- Pre-reqs    :  record in WMS_STAGINGLANES_ASSIGNMENTS
20 --
21 --
22 -- Input Parameters  :
24 --
25 -- Output Parameter :
27 procedure copy_stg_assignments
28   ( x_return_status        OUT  NOCOPY 	VARCHAR2
29    ,x_msg_count            OUT  NOCOPY 	NUMBER
30    ,x_msg_data             OUT  NOCOPY 	VARCHAR2
31    ) IS
34     Cursor C_stg is select
35      wsa.organization_id
36     ,wsa.object_type_code
37     ,wsa.object_id
38     ,wsa.strategy_type_code
39     ,wsa.strategy_id
40     ,wsa.pk1_value
41     ,wsa.pk2_value
42     ,wsa.pk3_value
43     ,wsa.pk4_value
44     ,wsa.pk5_value
45     ,wsa.effective_from
46     ,wsa.effective_to
47     ,wsa.date_type_code
48     ,wsa.date_type_lookup_type
49     ,wsa.date_type_from
50     ,wsa.date_type_to
51     from  wms_strategy_assignments  wsa,
52           wms_org_hierarchy_objs woho
53     where wsa.organization_id = woho.organization_id
54       and wsa.object_id = woho.object_id
55       and wsa.strategy_type_code   = woho.type_code
56       and wsa.strategy_id  in ( select strategy_id  from wms_strategies_b
57                               where enabled_flag = 'Y')
58     order by wsa.organization_id ,
59 	   wsa.strategy_type_code,
60 	   woho.search_order,
61 	   wsa.pk1_value,
62 	   wsa.pk2_value,
63 	   wsa.pk3_value,
64 	   wsa.pk4_value,
65            wsa.pk5_value,
66 	   wsa.sequence_number;
69      Cursor C_wsct is
70      select count(sequence_number)
71        from wms_selection_criteria_txn;
75      TYPE l_rec is RECORD
76       (  organization_id 	wms_strategy_assignments.organization_id%type
77         ,object_type_code 	wms_strategy_assignments.object_type_code%type
78         ,object_id    		wms_strategy_assignments.object_id%type
79         ,strategy_type_code 	wms_strategy_assignments.strategy_type_code%type
80         ,strategy_id 	        wms_strategy_assignments.strategy_id%type
81         ,pk1_value         	wms_strategy_assignments.pk1_value%type
82         ,pk2_value         	wms_strategy_assignments.pk2_value%type
83         ,pk3_value         	wms_strategy_assignments.pk3_value%type
84         ,pk4_value         	wms_strategy_assignments.pk4_value%type
85         ,pk5_value         	wms_strategy_assignments.pk5_value%type
86         ,effective_from         wms_strategy_assignments.effective_from%type
87         ,effective_to 		wms_strategy_assignments.effective_to%type
88         ,date_type_code         wms_strategy_assignments.date_type_code%type
89 	,date_type_lookup_type  wms_strategy_assignments.date_type_lookup_type%type
90 	,date_type_from         wms_strategy_assignments.date_type_from%type
91         ,date_type_to           wms_strategy_assignments.date_type_to%type
92         );
94  l_stg_rec        l_rec;
96  l_organization_id NUMBER := NULL;
97  l_type_code       NUMBER := NULL;
98  l_counter         NUMBER := 1;
99  l_seq             NUMBER := 0;
100  l_object_id       NUMBER ;
102  l_no_recs         NUMBER := 0;
104  ---local variables
107  l_stg_assignment_id  		wms_selection_criteria_txn.stg_assignment_id%type;
108  l_sequence_number  		wms_selection_criteria_txn.sequence_number%type;
109  l_rule_type_code   		wms_selection_criteria_txn.rule_type_code%type;
110  l_return_type_code     	wms_selection_criteria_txn.return_type_code%type;
111  l_return_type_id               wms_selection_criteria_txn.return_type_id%type;
112  l_enabled_flag                 wms_selection_criteria_txn.enabled_flag%type;
113  l_date_type_code               wms_selection_criteria_txn.date_type_code%type;
114  l_date_type_from               wms_selection_criteria_txn.date_type_from%type;
115  l_date_type_to                 wms_selection_criteria_txn.date_type_to%type;
116  l_date_type_lookup_type        wms_selection_criteria_txn.date_type_lookup_type%type;
117  l_effective_from               wms_selection_criteria_txn.effective_from%type;
118  l_effective_to                 wms_selection_criteria_txn.effective_to%type;
119  l_from_organization_id         wms_selection_criteria_txn.from_organization_id%type;
120  l_from_subinventory_name       wms_selection_criteria_txn.from_subinventory_name%type;
121  l_to_organization_id           wms_selection_criteria_txn.to_organization_id%type;
122  l_to_subinventory_name         wms_selection_criteria_txn.to_subinventory_name%type;
123  l_customer_id                  wms_selection_criteria_txn.customer_id%type;
124  l_freight_code                 wms_selection_criteria_txn.freight_code%type;
125  l_inventory_item_id            wms_selection_criteria_txn.inventory_item_id%type;
126  l_item_type                    wms_selection_criteria_txn.item_type%type;
127  l_assignment_group_id          wms_selection_criteria_txn.assignment_group_id%type;
128  l_abc_class_id                 wms_selection_criteria_txn.abc_class_id%type;
129  l_category_set_id              wms_selection_criteria_txn.category_set_id%type;
130  l_category_id                  wms_selection_criteria_txn.category_id%type;
131  l_order_type_id                wms_selection_criteria_txn.order_type_id%type;
132  l_vendor_id                    wms_selection_criteria_txn.vendor_id%type;
133  l_project_id                   wms_selection_criteria_txn.project_id%type;
134  l_task_id                      wms_selection_criteria_txn.task_id%type;
135  l_user_id                      wms_selection_criteria_txn.user_id%type;
136  l_transaction_action_id        wms_selection_criteria_txn.transaction_action_id%type;
137  l_reason_id                    wms_selection_criteria_txn.reason_id%type;
138  l_transaction_source_type_id   wms_selection_criteria_txn.transaction_source_type_id%type;
139  l_transaction_type_id          wms_selection_criteria_txn.transaction_type_id%type;
140  l_uom_code                     wms_selection_criteria_txn.uom_code%type;
141  l_uom_class                    wms_selection_criteria_txn.uom_class%type;
142  l_last_updated_by              wms_selection_criteria_txn.last_updated_by%type;
143  l_last_update_date             wms_selection_criteria_txn.last_update_date%type;
144  l_created_by                   wms_selection_criteria_txn.created_by%type;
145  l_creation_date                wms_selection_criteria_txn.creation_date%type;
146  l_last_update_login 		wms_selection_criteria_txn.last_update_login%type;
148  --
150   begin
151      --- Opening Cursor for  Checkin if the data is already
152      --- migrated into wms_selection_criteria_txn
154      open c_wsct;
155      fetch c_wsct into l_no_recs;
156      close c_wsct;
158      open c_stg;
159      fetch c_stg into l_stg_rec;
161      --- Process each record, if data found in the source table "wms_strategy_assignments"
162      --- and no data found in the target table "wms_selection_criteria_txn"
164      WHILE ( c_stg%found and l_no_recs =  0)   LOOP
166      --- Initilize the local variables for each record
169       l_stg_assignment_id            := NULL;
170       l_return_type_id               := NULL;
171       l_enabled_flag                 := NULL;
172       l_date_type_code               := NULL;
173       l_date_type_from               := NULL;
174       l_date_type_to                 := NULL;
175       l_date_type_lookup_type        := NULL;
176       l_effective_from               := NULL;
177       l_effective_to                 := NULL;
178       l_from_organization_id         := NULL;
179       l_from_subinventory_name       := NULL;
180       l_to_organization_id           := NULL;
181       l_to_subinventory_name         := NULL;
182       l_customer_id                  := NULL;
183       l_freight_code                 := NULL;
184       l_inventory_item_id            := NULL;
185       l_item_type                    := NULL;
186       l_assignment_group_id          := NULL;
187       l_abc_class_id                 := NULL;
188       l_category_set_id              := NULL;
189       l_category_id                  := NULL;
190       l_order_type_id                := NULL;
191       l_vendor_id                    := NULL;
192       l_project_id                   := NULL;
193       l_task_id                      := NULL;
194       l_user_id                      := NULL;
195       l_transaction_action_id        := NULL;
196       l_reason_id                    := NULL;
197       l_transaction_source_type_id   := NULL;
198       l_transaction_type_id          := NULL;
199       l_uom_code                     := NULL;
200       l_uom_class                    := NULL;
201       l_last_updated_by              := nvl(to_number(fnd_profile.value('USER_ID')), -1);
202       l_last_update_date             := SYSDATE;
203       l_created_by                   := nvl(to_number(fnd_profile.value('USER_ID')), -1);
204       l_creation_date                := SYSDATE;
205       l_last_update_login 	     := to_number(fnd_profile.value('LOGIN_ID'));
207      ---  Compute sequence_number. The sequence_number is reset, for each
208      ---  diffrent rule type  or diffrent org
209      ---
211       if (( nvl(l_organization_id, -999)  =  nvl(l_stg_rec.organization_id, -999)) ) and
212          (( nvl(l_type_code, -1) =  nvl(l_stg_rec.strategy_type_code, -1))) then
214          -- l_counter 	    := l_counter +  1;
215             l_seq  :=   l_seq + 5;
216      else
217          -- l_counter :=  1;
218 	 -- l_organization_id  := l_stg_rec.organization_id;
219 	 -- l_rule_type_code   := l_stg_rec.strategy_type_code;
220 	    l_seq   := 5;
221      end if;
222      -- l_counter 	       := l_counter +  1;
224      -- Set the other common values
226     l_type_code 	:= l_stg_rec.strategy_type_code;
227     l_organization_id   := l_stg_rec.organization_id;
228     l_rule_type_code   := l_stg_rec.strategy_type_code;
229     l_return_type_code := 'S';
230     l_return_type_id   := l_stg_rec.strategy_id;
231     l_object_id        := l_stg_rec.object_id;
232     l_date_type_code   := l_stg_rec.date_type_code;
233     l_date_type_from   := l_stg_rec.date_type_from;
234     l_date_type_to     := l_stg_rec.date_type_to;
235     l_date_type_lookup_type := l_stg_rec.date_type_lookup_type;
236     l_effective_from   := l_stg_rec.effective_from;
237     l_effective_to     := l_stg_rec.effective_to;
238     l_enabled_flag     := 1;
239     l_sequence_number  := l_seq;
240     l_from_organization_id := l_stg_rec.organization_id;
242     select wms_selection_criteria_txn_s.nextval
243            into l_stg_assignment_id
244        from dual;
246     --- Set the Pk1, Pk2, Pk3, Pk4 and Pk5 from the wms_strategy_assigenment table to the
247     --- corresponding column in the wms_selection_criteria_txn table
249            if l_object_id 	  	= 3  then 	--- Source Organization
250               l_from_organization_id := l_stg_rec.pk1_value;
251         elsif l_object_id 	= 4  then 	--- Item
252               l_from_organization_id := l_stg_rec.pk1_value;
253               l_inventory_item_id    := l_stg_rec.pk2_value;
254         elsif l_object_id 	= 7  then 	--- Source Subinventory
255               l_from_organization_id := l_stg_rec.pk1_value;
256               l_from_subinventory_name    := l_stg_rec.pk2_value;
260               l_from_subinventory_name    := l_stg_rec.pk3_value;
257         elsif l_object_id 	= 9  then 	--- Item Subinventory/SECONDARY_INVENTORY_CODE
258               l_from_organization_id := l_stg_rec.pk1_value;
259               l_inventory_item_id    := l_stg_rec.pk2_value;
261         elsif l_object_id 	= 11 then       --- Transaction Source Ty/TRANSACTION_SOURCE_TYPE_ID
262               l_transaction_source_type_id  := l_stg_rec.pk1_value;
263         elsif l_object_id 	= 12 then       --- Transaction Type/TRANSACTION_TYPE_ID
264               l_transaction_type_id  := l_stg_rec.pk1_value;
265         elsif l_object_id 	= 13 then       --- Source Project/PROJECT_ID
266               l_project_id := l_stg_rec.pk1_value;
267         elsif l_object_id 	= 14 then       --- Source Project Task/TASK_ID
268               l_task_id := l_stg_rec.pk1_value;
269         elsif l_object_id 	= 15 then       --- Transaction Reason/REASON_ID
270               l_reason_id := l_stg_rec.pk1_value;
271         elsif l_object_id 	= 16 then       --- User/USER_ID
272               l_user_id := l_stg_rec.pk1_value;
273         elsif l_object_id 	= 17 then       --- Transaction Action
274                l_transaction_action_id  := l_stg_rec.pk1_value;
275         elsif l_object_id 	= 18 then       --- Destination Organizat
276               l_to_organization_id := l_stg_rec.pk1_value;
277         elsif l_object_id 	= 19 then       --- Destination Subinvent
278               l_to_organization_id := l_stg_rec.pk1_value;
279               l_to_subinventory_name    := l_stg_rec.pk2_value;
280         elsif l_object_id 	= 21 then       --- UOM
281               l_uom_code := l_stg_rec.pk1_value;
282         elsif l_object_id 	= 22 then       --- UOM Class/UOM_CLASS
284               l_uom_class  := l_stg_rec.pk1_value;
285         elsif l_object_id 	= 23 then       --- Freight Carrier/FREIGHT_CODE
286               l_from_organization_id := l_stg_rec.pk1_value;
287               l_freight_code     := l_stg_rec.pk2_value;
288         elsif l_object_id 	= 30 then       --- Customers/CUSTOMER_ID
290               l_customer_id := l_stg_rec.pk1_value;
291         elsif l_object_id 	= 52 then       --- Item Category/CATEGORY_SET_ID, CATEGORY_ID
292               l_from_organization_id := l_stg_rec.pk1_value;
293               l_category_set_id := l_stg_rec.pk2_value;
294               l_category_id     := l_stg_rec.pk3_value;
295         elsif l_object_id 	= 55 then       --- Item ABC Assignment /ASSIGNMENT_GROUP_ID, ABC_CLASS_ID
296               l_assignment_group_id := l_stg_rec.pk1_value;
297               l_abc_class_id     := l_stg_rec.pk2_value;
298         elsif l_object_id 	= 56 then       --- Item Type/ITEM_TYPE
299               l_item_type  := l_stg_rec.pk1_value;
300         elsif l_object_id 	= 100 then      --- Supplier/VENDOR_ID
301               l_vendor_id := l_stg_rec.pk1_value;
302         elsif l_object_id 	= 1005 then     --- Order Type/ORDER_TYPE_ID
303               l_order_type_id:= l_stg_rec.pk1_value;
304         end if;
305     ---
306     insert_row (
307           x_stg_assignment_id        	=>  l_stg_assignment_id
308          ,x_sequence_number        	=>  l_sequence_number
309     	 ,x_rule_type_code          	=>  l_rule_type_code
310      	 ,x_return_type_code          	=>  l_return_type_code
311      	 ,x_return_type_id          	=>  l_return_type_id
312      	 ,x_enabled_flag             	=>  l_enabled_flag
313      	 ,x_date_type_code           	=>  l_date_type_code
314          ,x_date_type_from           	=>  l_date_type_from
315     	 ,x_date_type_to              	=>  l_date_type_to
316      	 ,x_date_type_lookup_type     	=>  l_date_type_lookup_type
317      	 ,x_effective_from            	=>  l_effective_from
318      	 ,x_effective_to              	=>  l_effective_to
319      	 ,x_from_organization_id      	=>  l_from_organization_id
320      	 ,x_from_subinventory_name     	=>  l_from_subinventory_name
321      	 ,x_to_organization_id        	=>  l_to_organization_id
322      	 ,x_to_subinventory_name      	=>  l_to_subinventory_name
323      	 ,x_customer_id               	=>  l_customer_id
324      	 ,x_freight_code              	=>  l_freight_code
325      	 ,x_inventory_item_id         	=>  l_inventory_item_id
326      	 ,x_item_type                 	=>  l_item_type
327      	 ,x_assignment_group_id        	=>  l_assignment_group_id
328      	 ,x_abc_class_id                =>  l_abc_class_id
329      	 ,x_category_set_id             =>  l_category_set_id
330      	 ,x_category_id                 =>  l_category_id
331      	 ,x_order_type_id               =>  l_order_type_id
332      	 ,x_vendor_id                   =>  l_vendor_id
333      	 ,x_project_id                  =>  l_project_id
334      	 ,x_task_id                     =>  l_task_id
335      	 ,x_user_id                     =>  l_user_id
336      	 ,x_transaction_action_id       =>  l_transaction_action_id
337      	 ,x_reason_id                   =>  l_reason_id
338      	 ,x_transaction_source_type_id  =>  l_transaction_source_type_id
339      	 ,x_transaction_type_id         =>  l_transaction_type_id
340      	 ,x_uom_code                    =>  l_uom_code
341      	 ,x_uom_class                   =>  l_uom_class
342      	 ,x_last_updated_by             =>  l_last_updated_by
343      	 ,x_last_update_date            =>  l_last_update_date
344      	 ,x_created_by                  =>  l_created_by
345      	 ,x_creation_date               =>  l_creation_date
346  	 ,x_last_update_login           =>  l_last_update_login);
347     fetch c_stg into l_stg_rec;
349    END LOOP;
350    close c_stg;
351 end copy_stg_assignments;
352 --
353 --
354  Procedure insert_row (
355    x_stg_assignment_id                      in 	   number
356   ,x_sequence_number                        in 	   number
357   ,x_rule_type_code                         in	   number
358   ,x_return_type_code                       in	   varchar2
359   ,x_return_type_id                         in	   number
363   ,x_date_type_to                           in     number
360   ,x_enabled_flag                           in     varchar2
361   ,x_date_type_code                         in     varchar2
362   ,x_date_type_from                         in     number
364   ,x_date_type_lookup_type                  in     varchar2
365   ,x_effective_from                         in     date
366   ,x_effective_to                           in     date
367   ,x_from_organization_id                   in     number
368   ,x_from_subinventory_name                 in     varchar2
369   ,x_to_organization_id                     in     number
370   ,x_to_subinventory_name                   in     varchar2
371   ,x_customer_id                            in     number
372   ,x_freight_code                           in     varchar2
373   ,x_inventory_item_id                      in     number
374   ,x_item_type                              in     varchar2
375   ,x_assignment_group_id                    in     number
376   ,x_abc_class_id                           in     number
377   ,x_category_set_id                        in     number
378   ,x_category_id                            in     number
379   ,x_order_type_id                          in     number
380   ,x_vendor_id                              in     number
381   ,x_project_id                             in     number
382   ,x_task_id                                in     number
383   ,x_user_id                                in     number
384   ,x_transaction_action_id                  in     number
385   ,x_reason_id                              in     number
386   ,x_transaction_source_type_id             in     number
387   ,x_transaction_type_id                    in     number
388   ,x_uom_code                               in     varchar2
389   ,x_uom_class                              in     varchar2
390   ,x_last_updated_by                        in 	   number
391   ,x_last_update_date                       in 	   date
392   ,x_created_by                             in 	   number
393   ,x_creation_date                          in 	   date
394   ,x_last_update_login                      in     number
395   ) is
397      x_seq NUMBER;
400       cursor c is select stg_assignment_id  from wms_selection_criteria_txn
401          where sequence_number  = x_sequence_number
402            and rule_type_code   = x_rule_type_code
403            and return_type_code = x_return_type_code
404            and return_type_id   = x_return_type_id;
407     begin
409      insert into  wms_selection_criteria_txn (
410          stg_assignment_id
411         ,sequence_number
412  	,rule_type_code
413  	,return_type_code
414  	,return_type_id
415  	,enabled_flag
416  	,date_type_code
417  	,date_type_from
418  	,date_type_to
419  	,date_type_lookup_type
420  	,effective_from
421  	,effective_to
422  	,from_organization_id
423  	,from_subinventory_name
424  	,to_organization_id
425  	,to_subinventory_name
426  	,customer_id
427  	,freight_code
428  	,inventory_item_id
429  	,item_type
430  	,assignment_group_id
431  	,abc_class_id
432  	,category_set_id
433  	,category_id
434  	,order_type_id
435  	,vendor_id
436  	,project_id
437  	,task_id
438  	,user_id
439  	,transaction_action_id
440  	,reason_id
441  	,transaction_source_type_id
442  	,transaction_type_id
443  	,uom_code
444  	,uom_class
445  	,last_updated_by
446  	,last_update_date
447  	,created_by
448  	,creation_date
449          ,last_update_login
450           )     values (
451           x_stg_assignment_id
452          ,x_sequence_number
453  	 ,x_rule_type_code
454  	 ,x_return_type_code
455  	 ,x_return_type_id
456  	 ,x_enabled_flag
457  	 ,x_date_type_code
458  	 ,x_date_type_from
459  	 ,x_date_type_to
460  	 ,x_date_type_lookup_type
461  	 ,x_effective_from
462  	 ,x_effective_to
463  	 ,x_from_organization_id
464  	 ,x_from_subinventory_name
465  	 ,x_to_organization_id
466  	 ,x_to_subinventory_name
467  	 ,x_customer_id
468  	 ,x_freight_code
469  	 ,x_inventory_item_id
470  	 ,x_item_type
471  	 ,x_assignment_group_id
472  	 ,x_abc_class_id
473  	 ,x_category_set_id
474  	 ,x_category_id
475  	 ,x_order_type_id
476  	 ,x_vendor_id
477  	 ,x_project_id
478  	 ,x_task_id
479  	 ,x_user_id
480  	 ,x_transaction_action_id
481  	 ,x_reason_id
482  	 ,x_transaction_source_type_id
483  	 ,x_transaction_type_id
484  	 ,x_uom_code
485  	 ,x_uom_class
486  	 ,x_last_updated_by
487  	 ,x_last_update_date
488  	 ,x_created_by
489  	 ,x_creation_date
490          ,x_last_update_login );
492     open c;
493      fetch c into x_seq;
494      if (c%notfound) then
495       close c;
496       raise no_data_found;
497      end if;
498      close c;
499    end insert_row;
501 end WMS_Strategy_upgrade_PVT ;