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2 /* $Header: pyblc01t.pkb 115.5 2002/12/06 14:20:26 alogue ship $ */
3 --
4  /*==========================================================================+
5  |               Copyright (c) 1993 Oracle Corporation                       |
6  |                  Redwood Shores, California, USA                          |
7  |                       All rights reserved.                                |
8  +===========================================================================+
9   Name
10     pay_bal_classifications_pkg
11   Purpose
12     Used by PAYWSDBT (Define Balance Type) for the balance classification
13     block (BLC).
14   Notes
16   History
17     01-Mar-94  J.S.Hobbs   40.0         Date created.
18     20-Apr-94  J.S.Hobbs   40.1         Added rtrim to Lock_Row.
19     01-Feb-95  J.S.Hobbs   40.5         Removed aol WHO columns.
20     24-Apr-95  J.S.Hobbs   40.6         Added extra validation to stop the
21                                         mixing of manual and automatic balance
22                                         feeds (via classifications).
23     05-Mar-97  J.Alloun    40.7         Changed all occurances of system.dual
24                                         to sys.dual for next release
25                                         requirements.
26     16-NOV-2001 RThirlby  115.2  930964 New parameter X_mode added to procedure
27              delivered in patch 2000669 insert_row so that the startup mode
28                                         (either GENERIC, STARTUP or USER) can
29                                         be identified. This is required, as a
30                                         enhancement request was made where by
31                                         functionality for chk_bal_clasification
32                                         if different depending on what mode
33                                         you are in. In USER mode there is no
34                                         change. In STARTUP mode, it is now
35                                         possible to feed a balance from more
36                                         than one secondary classifcation.
37     16-NOV-2001 RThirlby  115.3         Added commit to end of file for GSCC
38                                         standards.
39     01-JUL-2002 RCallaghan 115.4        Added checkfile line.
40     06-DEC-2002 ALogue     115.5        NOCOPY changes.  Bug 2692195
41  ============================================================================*/
42 --
43  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
44  -- Name                                                                    --
45  --   chk_balance_classification                                            --
46  -- Purpose                                                                 --
47  --   Make sure the balance classification is unique ie. only one           --
48  --   classification per family is allowed for a balance.                   --
49  --   Bug 930964 - It is now possible to have more than one balance         --
50  --                classification per family, when in STARTUP mode.         --
51  --                The restriction will remain for USER mode, to help       --
52  --                prevent users creating duplicate feeds to balances.      --
53  -- Arguments                                                               --
54  --   See below.                                                            --
55  --   Bug 930964 - Added new parameter p_mode. The where clause restriction --
56  --                alters depending on this value. This should be left null --
57  --                when in USER mode.
58  -- Notes                                                                   --
59  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
60 --
61  procedure chk_balance_classification
62  (
63   p_row_id            varchar2,
64   p_balance_type_id   number,
65   p_classification_id number,
66   p_mode              varchar2 default null
67  ) is
68    --
69    cursor csr_unique_bal_classification (p_startup_mode varchar2) is
70       select ecl.classification_id
71       from   pay_element_classifications ecl
72       where  ecl.classification_id = p_classification_id
73         and  not exists
74              (select null
75               from   pay_balance_classifications bcl
76               where  bcl.balance_type_id = p_balance_type_id
77       	        and  bcl.classification_id = ecl.classification_id
78 	        and  (p_row_id is null or
79 	             (p_row_id is not null and
80 		      chartorowid(p_row_id) <> bcl.rowid)))
81         and ((p_startup_mode is null
82         and ((ecl.parent_classification_id is null and
83               not exists
84       	      (select null
85       	        from   pay_balance_classifications bcl2,
86       	               pay_element_classifications ecl2
87       	        where  bcl2.balance_type_id = p_balance_type_id
88       	          and  ecl2.classification_id = bcl2.classification_id
89       	          and  ecl2.parent_classification_id = ecl.classification_id
90 	          and  (p_row_id is null or
91 	               (p_row_id is not null and
92 		        chartorowid(p_row_id) <> bcl2.rowid))))
93          or  (ecl.parent_classification_id is not null and
94               not exists
95               (select null
96                from   pay_balance_classifications bcl3,
97       	              pay_element_classifications ecl3
98                where  bcl3.balance_type_id = p_balance_type_id
99                  and  ecl3.classification_id = bcl3.classification_id
100                  and (ecl3.parent_classification_id =
101 			ecl.parent_classification_id or
102       	              ecl3.classification_id =
103 			ecl.parent_classification_id)
104 	          and  (p_row_id is null or
105 	               (p_row_id is not null and
106 		        chartorowid(p_row_id) <> bcl3.rowid))))))
107           or (p_startup_mode is not null));
108    --
109    v_bal_classification_id number;
110    l_mode                  varchar2(10);
111    --
112  begin
113    --
114    -- If p_mode is passed through as USER, set it to null. It should only
115    -- be populated if in STARTUP or GENERIC mode.
116    --
117    if p_mode = 'USER' then
118       l_mode := '';
119    else
120       l_mode := p_mode;
121    end if;
122    --
123    open csr_unique_bal_classification(l_mode);
124    fetch csr_unique_bal_classification into v_bal_classification_id;
125    if csr_unique_bal_classification%notfound then
126      close csr_unique_bal_classification;
127      hr_utility.set_message(801, 'HR_6116_BAL_UNI_CLAS');
128      hr_utility.raise_error;
129    else
130      close csr_unique_bal_classification;
131    end if;
132    --
133  end chk_balance_classification;
134 --
135  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
136  -- Name                                                                    --
137  --   Insert_Row                                                            --
138  -- Purpose                                                                 --
139  --   Table handler procedure that supports the insert of a balance         --
140  --   classification via the Define Balance Type form.                      --
141  -- Arguments                                                               --
142  --   See below.                                                            --
143  --   Bug 930964 - new parameter X_mode, to enable different functionality  --
144  --                in chk_balance_classification depending on the startup   --
145  --                mode. See chk_balance_classification for more details.   --
146  -- Notes                                                                   --
147  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
148 --
149  PROCEDURE Insert_Row(X_Rowid                     IN OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
150                       X_Balance_Classification_Id IN OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
151                       X_Business_Group_Id                NUMBER,
152                       X_Legislation_Code                 VARCHAR2,
153                       X_Balance_Type_Id                  NUMBER,
154                       X_Classification_Id                NUMBER,
155                       X_Scale                            NUMBER,
156                       X_Legislation_Subgroup             VARCHAR2,
157                       X_mode                             VARCHAR2 default null)
158  IS
159    --
160    CURSOR C IS SELECT rowid FROM pay_balance_classifications
161                WHERE  balance_classification_id = X_Balance_Classification_Id;
162    --
163    CURSOR C2 IS SELECT pay_balance_classifications_s.nextval FROM sys.dual;
164    --
165  BEGIN
166    --
167    -- Lock balance type to stop other users changing the balance.
168    --
169    hr_balance_feeds.lock_balance_type(X_Balance_Type_Id);
170    --
171    -- Make sure that balance is not fed by manual balance feeds which would
172    -- disable the use of classifications and therefore make this operation
173    -- invalid.
174    --
175    if hr_balance_feeds.manual_bal_feeds_exist(X_Balance_Type_Id) then
176      hr_utility.set_message(801, 'HR_7445_BAL_CLASS_NO_CREATE');
177      hr_utility.raise_error;
178    end if;
179    --
180    -- Make sure that there are no duplicate balance classifications NB. there
181    -- can only be one classification per family ie. one of parent and its sub
182    -- classifications.
183    --
184    chk_balance_classification
185      (X_RowId,
186       X_Balance_Type_Id,
187       X_Classification_Id,
188       X_mode);
189    --
190    if (X_Balance_Classification_Id is NULL) then
191      OPEN C2;
192      FETCH C2 INTO X_Balance_Classification_Id;
193      CLOSE C2;
194    end if;
195    --
196    INSERT INTO pay_balance_classifications
197    (balance_classification_id,
198     business_group_id,
199     legislation_code,
200     balance_type_id,
201     classification_id,
202     scale,
203     legislation_subgroup)
204    VALUES
205    (X_Balance_Classification_Id,
206     X_Business_Group_Id,
207     X_Legislation_Code,
208     X_Balance_Type_Id,
209     X_Classification_Id,
210     X_Scale,
211     X_Legislation_Subgroup);
212    --
213    OPEN C;
214    FETCH C INTO X_Rowid;
215    if (C%NOTFOUND) then
216      CLOSE C;
217      hr_utility.set_message(801, 'HR_6153_ALL_PROCEDURE_FAIL');
218      hr_utility.set_message_token('PROCEDURE',
219                                   'pay_bal_classifications_pkg.insert_row');
220      hr_utility.set_message_token('STEP','1');
221      hr_utility.raise_error;
222    end if;
223    CLOSE C;
224    --
225    -- Create balance feeds for elements with the same Classification /
226    -- Sub Classification which have a Pay Value that has the same
227    -- Units as the balance and also the same currency if the
228    -- Units are money.
229    --
230    hr_balance_feeds.ins_bf_bal_class
231      (X_Balance_Type_Id,
232       X_Balance_Classification_Id);
233    --
234  END Insert_Row;
235 --
236  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
237  -- Name                                                                    --
238  --   Lock_Row                                                              --
239  -- Purpose                                                                 --
240  --   Table handler procedure that supports the insert , update and delete  --
241  --   of a balance classification by applying a lock on a balance           --
242  --   classification in the Define Balance Type form.                       --
243  -- Arguments                                                               --
244  --   See below.                                                            --
245  -- Notes                                                                   --
246  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
247 --
248  PROCEDURE Lock_Row(X_Rowid                                 VARCHAR2,
249                     X_Balance_Classification_Id             NUMBER,
250                     X_Business_Group_Id                     NUMBER,
251                     X_Legislation_Code                      VARCHAR2,
252                     X_Balance_Type_Id                       NUMBER,
253                     X_Classification_Id                     NUMBER,
254                     X_Scale                                 NUMBER,
255                     X_Legislation_Subgroup                  VARCHAR2) IS
256    --
257    CURSOR C IS SELECT * FROM pay_balance_classifications
258                WHERE  rowid = X_Rowid FOR UPDATE of Balance_Classification_Id
259 	       NOWAIT;
260    --
261    Recinfo C%ROWTYPE;
262    --
263  BEGIN
264    --
265    OPEN C;
266    FETCH C INTO Recinfo;
267    if (C%NOTFOUND) then
268      CLOSE C;
269      hr_utility.set_message(801, 'HR_6153_ALL_PROCEDURE_FAIL');
270      hr_utility.set_message_token('PROCEDURE',
271                                   'pay_bal_classifications_pkg.lock_row');
272      hr_utility.set_message_token('STEP','1');
273      hr_utility.raise_error;
274    end if;
275    CLOSE C;
279    Recinfo.legislation_code := rtrim(Recinfo.legislation_code);
276    --
277    -- Remove trailing spaces.
278    --
280    Recinfo.legislation_subgroup := rtrim(Recinfo.legislation_subgroup);
281    --
282    if (    (   (Recinfo.balance_classification_id = X_Balance_Classification_Id)
283             OR (    (Recinfo.balance_classification_id IS NULL)
284                 AND (X_Balance_Classification_Id IS NULL)))
285        AND (   (Recinfo.business_group_id = X_Business_Group_Id)
286             OR (    (Recinfo.business_group_id IS NULL)
287                 AND (X_Business_Group_Id IS NULL)))
288        AND (   (Recinfo.legislation_code = X_Legislation_Code)
289             OR (    (Recinfo.legislation_code IS NULL)
290                 AND (X_Legislation_Code IS NULL)))
291        AND (   (Recinfo.balance_type_id = X_Balance_Type_Id)
292             OR (    (Recinfo.balance_type_id IS NULL)
293                 AND (X_Balance_Type_Id IS NULL)))
294        AND (   (Recinfo.classification_id = X_Classification_Id)
295             OR (    (Recinfo.classification_id IS NULL)
296                 AND (X_Classification_Id IS NULL)))
297        AND (   (Recinfo.scale = X_Scale)
298             OR (    (Recinfo.scale IS NULL)
299                 AND (X_Scale IS NULL)))
300        AND (   (Recinfo.legislation_subgroup = X_Legislation_Subgroup)
301             OR (    (Recinfo.legislation_subgroup IS NULL)
302                 AND (X_Legislation_Subgroup IS NULL)))
303            ) then
304      return;
305    else
308    end if;
309    --
310  END Lock_Row;
311 --
312  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
313  -- Name                                                                    --
314  --   Update_Row                                                            --
315  -- Purpose                                                                 --
316  --   Table handler procedure that supports the update of a balance         --
317  --   classification via the Define Balance Type form.                      --
318  -- Arguments                                                               --
319  --   See below.                                                            --
320  -- Notes                                                                   --
321  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
322 --
323  PROCEDURE Update_Row(X_Rowid                               VARCHAR2,
324                       X_Balance_Classification_Id           NUMBER,
325                       X_Business_Group_Id                   NUMBER,
326                       X_Legislation_Code                    VARCHAR2,
327                       X_Balance_Type_Id                     NUMBER,
328                       X_Classification_Id                   NUMBER,
329                       X_Scale                               NUMBER,
330                       X_Legislation_Subgroup                VARCHAR2) IS
331  BEGIN
332    --
333    UPDATE pay_balance_classifications
334    SET balance_classification_id       =    X_Balance_Classification_Id,
335        business_group_id               =    X_Business_Group_Id,
336        legislation_code                =    X_Legislation_Code,
337        balance_type_id                 =    X_Balance_Type_Id,
338        classification_id               =    X_Classification_Id,
339        scale                           =    X_Scale,
340        legislation_subgroup            =    X_Legislation_Subgroup
341    WHERE rowid = X_rowid;
342    --
343    if (SQL%NOTFOUND) then
344      hr_utility.set_message(801, 'HR_6153_ALL_PROCEDURE_FAIL');
345      hr_utility.set_message_token('PROCEDURE',
346                                   'pay_bal_classifications_pkg.update_row');
347      hr_utility.set_message_token('STEP','1');
348      hr_utility.raise_error;
349    end if;
350    --
351    -- Update all balance feeds that are linked to the balance classification
352    -- NB. the only attribute that can be updated is Add or Subtract.
353    --
354    hr_balance_feeds.upd_del_bf_bal_class
355      ('UPDATE',
356       X_Balance_Classification_Id,
357       X_Scale);
358    --
359  END Update_Row;
360 --
361  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
362  -- Name                                                                    --
363  --   Delete_Row                                                            --
364  -- Purpose                                                                 --
365  --   Table handler procedure that supports the delete of a balance         --
366  --   classification via the Define Balance Type form.                      --
367  -- Arguments                                                               --
368  --   See below.                                                            --
369  -- Notes                                                                   --
370  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
371 --
372  PROCEDURE Delete_Row(X_Rowid                      VARCHAR2,
373                       -- Extra Columns
374                       X_Balance_Classification_Id  NUMBER) IS
375  BEGIN
376    --
377    -- Remove all balance feeds that are linked to the balance classification.
378    --
379    hr_balance_feeds.upd_del_bf_bal_class
380      ('DELETE',
381       X_Balance_Classification_Id,
382       null);
383    --
384    DELETE FROM pay_balance_classifications
385    WHERE  rowid = X_Rowid;
386    --
387    if (SQL%NOTFOUND) then
388      hr_utility.set_message(801, 'HR_6153_ALL_PROCEDURE_FAIL');
389      hr_utility.set_message_token('PROCEDURE',
390                                   'pay_bal_classifications_pkg.delete_row');
391      hr_utility.set_message_token('STEP','1');
395  END Delete_Row;
392      hr_utility.raise_error;
393    end if;
394    --
396 --