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Line 2225: DELETE FROM gmd_recipe_routing_steps

2221: -- save what has been done so far and go to end. Put message on stack.
2222: IF (P_check_step_mat.ASQC_RECIPES > 0) THEN
2224: ELSE
2225: DELETE FROM gmd_recipe_routing_steps
2226: WHERE (p_check.routingstep_id is not null
2227: AND routingstep_id = P_check.routingstep_id);
2228: END IF;
2229: END IF; -- end if routingstep is being deleted.

Line 2263: -- of the gmd_recipe_routing_steps table.

2260: -- We are in a loop for every recipe where ASQC=Yes. If ASQC was succussful,
2261: -- for each step returned in the step table, put the results in a holding table.
2262: -- This holding table will be sent to the recipe_details pkg for update (maybe insert)
2263: -- of the gmd_recipe_routing_steps table.
2264: -- Counter is only initialized at top of procedure.
2265: FOR asqc_cntr in 1..X_step_tbl.COUNT LOOP
2266: x_step_cntr := x_step_cntr + 1;
2267: X_all_steps_tbl(x_step_cntr).recipe_id := P_recipe_tbl(x_recipe_cntr);

Line 2284: -- After everything has been calculated, update step qty's in gmd_recipe_routing_steps.

2280: END IF; -- end if return status from calc_step_qty = S
2281: END LOOP; -- end loop for each recipe which had the given formulaline or routing
2282: -- in the step/material association
2284: -- After everything has been calculated, update step qty's in gmd_recipe_routing_steps.
2285: IF p_return_status = 'S' THEN
2286: gmd_recipe_detail.recipe_routing_steps
2287: (p_api_version => 1.1,
2288: p_init_msg_list => 'F',