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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 5

      SELECT   appraisal_id,
          FROM per_appraisals
         WHERE appraisee_person_id = p_person_id AND appraisal_date <= TRUNC (SYSDATE)
      ORDER BY appraisal_date DESC;
Line: 50

         SELECT step_value || ' - ' || NAME "APPRAISAL_RATING"
           FROM per_rating_levels
          WHERE rating_level_id = l_overall_performance_level_id;
Line: 117

         SELECT meaning
           FROM hr_lookups
          WHERE lookup_type = 'APPRAISAL_SYSTEM_STATUS' AND lookup_code = l_appraisal_system_status;
Line: 159

         SELECT DISTINCT 'Y' AS if_current
                    FROM per_appraisal_periods
                   WHERE plan_id = c_plan_id
                     AND TRUNC (SYSDATE) BETWEEN NVL (task_start_date, SYSDATE)
                                             AND NVL (task_end_date, SYSDATE);
Line: 217

         SELECT 'Y'
           FROM DUAL
                          FROM per_objectives
                         WHERE aligned_with_objective_id = c_obj_id);    --  8789635 bug fix changes
Line: 247

         SELECT DISTINCT 'Y' AS enabled
                    FROM per_objectives
                   WHERE objective_id = c_align_id;
Line: 277

      SELECT supervisor_id
        INTO l_personid
        FROM per_perf_mgmt_plans
       WHERE plan_id = p_planid;
Line: 333

         SELECT   potential
             FROM (SELECT pei_information1 potential,
                          fnd_date.canonical_to_date (pei_information5) start_date,
                          fnd_date.canonical_to_date (pei_information6) end_date,
                          fnd_date.canonical_to_date (pei_information8) completion_date
                     FROM per_people_extra_info
                    WHERE person_id = p_person_id AND information_type = 'PER_SUCCESSION_MGMT_INFO')
            WHERE (NVL (start_date, p_effective_date) <= p_effective_date)
         ORDER BY NVL (completion_date, start_date) DESC;
Line: 346

         SELECT pei_information1 potential
           FROM per_people_extra_info
          WHERE person_id = p_person_id AND information_type = 'PER_SUCCESSION_PLANNING';
Line: 353

         SELECT information1                 --- return from BG specific. If not defined then Global
           FROM per_shared_types
          WHERE lookup_type = 'READINESS_LEVEL'
            AND system_type_cd = p_potential
            AND business_group_id = hr_general.get_business_group_id
         UNION ALL
         SELECT information1
           FROM per_shared_types
          WHERE lookup_type = 'READINESS_LEVEL'
            AND system_type_cd = p_potential
            AND business_group_id IS NULL;
Line: 368

         SELECT information1                 --- return from BG specific. If not defined then Global
           FROM per_shared_types
          WHERE lookup_type = 'PER_SUCC_PLAN_POTENTIAL'
            AND system_type_cd = p_potential
            AND business_group_id = hr_general.get_business_group_id
         UNION ALL
         SELECT information1
           FROM per_shared_types
          WHERE lookup_type = 'PER_SUCC_PLAN_POTENTIAL'
            AND system_type_cd = p_potential
            AND business_group_id IS NULL;
Line: 450

         SELECT   performance_rating
             FROM per_performance_reviews
            WHERE person_id = p_person_id AND review_date <= p_effective_date
         ORDER BY review_date DESC;
Line: 457

         SELECT information1                        --- return from BG specific. If not defined then
           FROM per_shared_types
          WHERE lookup_type = 'PERFORMANCE_RATING'
            AND system_type_cd = p_perf
            AND NVL (business_group_id, -1) =
                                       NVL2 (business_group_id, hr_general.get_business_group_id,
         UNION ALL
         SELECT information1
           FROM per_shared_types
          WHERE lookup_type = 'PERFORMANCE_RATING'
            AND system_type_cd = p_perf
            AND business_group_id IS NULL;
Line: 511

             FROM (SELECT pei_information4 RETENTION,
                          fnd_date.canonical_to_date (pei_information5) start_date,
                          fnd_date.canonical_to_date (pei_information6) end_date,
                          fnd_date.canonical_to_date (pei_information8) completion_date
                     FROM per_people_extra_info
                    WHERE person_id = p_person_id AND information_type = 'PER_SUCCESSION_MGMT_INFO')
            WHERE (NVL (start_date, p_effective_date) <= p_effective_date)
         ORDER BY NVL (completion_date, start_date) DESC;
Line: 524

         SELECT pei_information2 RETENTION
           FROM per_people_extra_info
          WHERE person_id = p_person_id AND information_type = 'PER_SUCCESSION_PLANNING';
Line: 531

         SELECT information1                 --- return from BG specific. If not defined then Global
           FROM per_shared_types
          WHERE lookup_type = 'PER_RETENTION_POTENTIAL'
            AND system_type_cd = p_retention
            AND business_group_id = hr_general.get_business_group_id
         UNION ALL
         SELECT information1
           FROM per_shared_types
          WHERE lookup_type = 'PER_RETENTION_POTENTIAL'
            AND system_type_cd = p_retention
            AND business_group_id IS NULL;
Line: 546

         SELECT information1                 --- return from BG specific. If not defined then Global
           FROM per_shared_types
          WHERE lookup_type = 'PER_SUCC_PLAN_RISK_LEVEL'
            AND system_type_cd = p_retention
            AND business_group_id = hr_general.get_business_group_id
         UNION ALL
         SELECT information1
           FROM per_shared_types
          WHERE lookup_type = 'PER_SUCC_PLAN_RISK_LEVEL'
            AND system_type_cd = p_retention
            AND business_group_id IS NULL;
Line: 661

         SELECT information1                 --- return from BG specific. If not defined then Global
           FROM per_shared_types
          WHERE lookup_type = 'READINESS_LEVEL'
            AND system_type_cd = p_potential
            AND business_group_id = hr_general.get_business_group_id
         UNION ALL
         SELECT information1
           FROM per_shared_types
          WHERE lookup_type = 'READINESS_LEVEL'
            AND system_type_cd = p_potential
            AND business_group_id IS NULL;
Line: 714

         SELECT   iol
             FROM (SELECT pei_information9 iol,
                          fnd_date.canonical_to_date (pei_information5) start_date,
                          fnd_date.canonical_to_date (pei_information6) end_date,
                          fnd_date.canonical_to_date (pei_information8) completion_date
                     FROM per_people_extra_info
                    WHERE person_id = p_person_id AND information_type = 'PER_SUCCESSION_MGMT_INFO')
            WHERE (NVL (start_date, p_effective_date) <= p_effective_date)
         ORDER BY NVL (completion_date, start_date) DESC;
Line: 727

         SELECT information1                 --- return from BG specific. If not defined then Global
           FROM per_shared_types
          WHERE lookup_type = 'PER_SP_IMPACT_OF_LOSS'
            AND system_type_cd = p_iol
            AND business_group_id = hr_general.get_business_group_id
         UNION ALL
         SELECT information1
           FROM per_shared_types
          WHERE lookup_type = 'PER_SP_IMPACT_OF_LOSS'
            AND system_type_cd = p_iol
            AND business_group_id IS NULL;
Line: 777

         SELECT information1                        --- return from BG specific. If not defined then
           FROM per_shared_types
          WHERE lookup_type = 'PERFORMANCE_RATING'
            AND system_type_cd = p_perf
            AND NVL (business_group_id, -1) =
                                       NVL2 (business_group_id, hr_general.get_business_group_id,
         UNION ALL
         SELECT information1
           FROM per_shared_types
          WHERE lookup_type = 'PERFORMANCE_RATING'
            AND system_type_cd = p_perf
            AND business_group_id IS NULL;
Line: 829

		SELECT information1                 --- return from BG specific. If not defined then Global
           FROM per_shared_types
          WHERE lookup_type = 'PER_RETENTION_POTENTIAL'
            AND system_type_cd = p_retention
            AND business_group_id = hr_general.get_business_group_id
         UNION ALL
         SELECT information1
           FROM per_shared_types
          WHERE lookup_type = 'PER_RETENTION_POTENTIAL'
            AND system_type_cd = p_retention
            AND business_group_id IS NULL;
Line: 888

        SELECT information1                 --- return from BG specific. If not defined then Global
           FROM per_shared_types
          WHERE lookup_type = 'PER_SP_IMPACT_OF_LOSS'
            AND system_type_cd = p_iol
            AND business_group_id = hr_general.get_business_group_id
         UNION ALL
         SELECT information1
           FROM per_shared_types
          WHERE lookup_type = 'PER_SP_IMPACT_OF_LOSS'
            AND system_type_cd = p_iol
            AND business_group_id IS NULL;
Line: 902

		SELECT information1                 --- return from BG specific. If not defined then Global
           FROM per_shared_types
          WHERE lookup_type = 'PER_RETENTION_POTENTIAL'
            AND system_type_cd = p_retention
            AND business_group_id = hr_general.get_business_group_id
         UNION ALL
         SELECT information1
           FROM per_shared_types
          WHERE lookup_type = 'PER_RETENTION_POTENTIAL'
            AND system_type_cd = p_retention
            AND business_group_id IS NULL;
Line: 967

      SELECT   key_worker
          FROM (SELECT pei_information3 key_worker,
                       fnd_date.canonical_to_date (pei_information5) start_date,
                       fnd_date.canonical_to_date (pei_information6) end_date,
                       fnd_date.canonical_to_date (pei_information8) completion_date
                  FROM per_people_extra_info
                 WHERE person_id = p_person_id AND information_type = 'PER_SUCCESSION_MGMT_INFO')
         WHERE (NVL (start_date, p_effective_date) <= p_effective_date)
      ORDER BY NVL (completion_date, start_date) DESC;
Line: 979

      SELECT 'Y'
        FROM DUAL
                SELECT NULL
                  FROM per_sp_plan plans, per_sp_successor_in_plan succ
                 WHERE plans.successee_id = p_person_id
                   AND succ.status = 'A'
                   AND plans.status = 'A'
                   AND plans.plan_type = 'EMP'
                   AND succ.plan_id = plans.plan_id
                   AND p_effective_date BETWEEN TRUNC(start_date) AND NVL(end_date, p_effective_date));
Line: 993

      SELECT 'Y'
        FROM DUAL
                SELECT NULL
                  FROM per_sp_plan plans, per_sp_successor_in_plan succ
                 WHERE succ.successor_id = p_person_id
                   AND succ.status = 'A'
                   AND plans.status = 'A'
                   AND succ.plan_id = plans.plan_id
                   AND p_effective_date BETWEEN TRUNC(start_date) AND NVL(end_date, p_effective_date));
Line: 1006

         SELECT 'Y'
           FROM SYS.DUAL
          WHERE EXISTS (
                   SELECT NULL
                     FROM per_person_types typ, per_person_type_usages_f ptu
                    WHERE typ.system_person_type IN ('EMP', 'CWK', 'EMP_APL', 'APL'
							,decode (fnd_profile.value ('PER_SP_SHOW_TERMINATED')
                                                          ,decode (fnd_profile.value ('PER_SP_SHOW_TERMINATED')
                      AND typ.person_type_id = ptu.person_type_id
                      AND TRUNC (SYSDATE) BETWEEN ptu.effective_start_date AND ptu.effective_end_date
                      AND ptu.person_id = p_person_id);
Line: 1092

    SELECT   legislation_code,
         COUNT (*)
    FROM (SELECT legislation_code,
                    WHEN (100 - average_readiness) < 25
                       THEN 'L'
                    WHEN (100 - average_readiness) BETWEEN 25 AND 75
                       THEN 'M'
                    WHEN (100 - average_readiness) > 75
                       THEN 'H'
                 END overall_readiness
            FROM (SELECT   sp.plan_id,
                           bg.org_information9 legislation_code,
                           NVL (ssd.plan_readiness_rule, 'AVG') plan_readiness_rule,
                           DECODE (NVL (ssd.plan_readiness_rule, 'AVG'),
                                   'AVG', NVL (AVG (readiness_pct), 0),
                                   'MIN', NVL (MIN (readiness_pct), 0),
                                   'MAX', NVL (MAX (readiness_pct), 0)
                                  ) average_readiness
                      FROM per_sp_plan sp,
                           per_sp_successor_in_plan ssp,
                           per_sp_successee_details ssd,
                           hr_organization_information bg,
                           per_people_f ppf,
                           per_assignments_f paf,
		           per_assignments_f pa1,
			   per_assignment_status_types pas
                     WHERE ppf.person_id <> fnd_global.employee_id
                       AND ppf.person_id = paf.person_id
                       AND paf.primary_flag = 'Y'
                       AND pa1.primary_flag = 'Y'
                       AND paf.assignment_type IN ('E','C')
                       AND pa1.assignment_type IN ('E','C','A')
	               AND pa1.assignment_status_type_id = pas.assignment_status_type_id
		       AND pas.per_system_status <> 'TERM_ASSIGN'
                       AND TRUNC(SYSDATE) BETWEEN ppf.effective_start_date AND ppf.effective_end_date
                       AND TRUNC(SYSDATE) BETWEEN paf.effective_start_date AND paf.effective_end_date
                       AND TRUNC(SYSDATE) BETWEEN pa1.effective_start_date AND pa1.effective_end_date
                       AND paf.business_group_id = bg.organization_id
                       AND bg.org_information_context = 'Business Group Information'
                       AND sp.plan_type = 'EMP'
                       AND sp.successee_id = ppf.person_id
                       AND sp.status = 'A'
                       AND ssp.status = 'A'
                       AND sp.plan_id = ssp.plan_id
                       AND ssd.successee_type(+) = 'EMP'
                       AND sp.successee_id = ssd.successee_id(+)
                       AND ssp.successor_id = pa1.person_id
                       AND hr_wpm_util.is_hipo_key_inplan_worker (ppf.person_id, TRUNC (SYSDATE)) IN
                                                                                         ('Y', 'N')
                  GROUP BY sp.plan_id, bg.org_information9, NVL (ssd.plan_readiness_rule, 'AVG')))
	   WHERE legislation_code = p_legislation_code AND overall_readiness = p_mode
    GROUP BY legislation_code;
Line: 1171

       SELECT   DECODE (NVL (ssd.plan_readiness_rule, 'AVG'),
                        'AVG', NVL (AVG (readiness_pct), 0),
                        'MIN', NVL (MIN (readiness_pct), 0),
                        'MAX', NVL (MAX (readiness_pct), 0)
                       ) average_readiness
           FROM per_sp_plan sp,
                per_sp_successor_in_plan ssp,
                per_sp_successee_details ssd,
                per_people_f ppf,
                per_assignments_f paf,
		per_assignments_f pa1,
          	per_assignment_status_types pas
          WHERE sp.plan_id = p_plan_id
            AND ppf.person_id <> fnd_global.employee_id
            AND ppf.person_id = paf.person_id
            AND paf.primary_flag = 'Y'
            AND paf.assignment_type IN ('E','C')
            AND (pa1.assignment_type='A' OR (pa1.assignment_type IN ('E','C') AND pa1.primary_flag = 'Y'))
            AND pa1.assignment_status_type_id = pas.assignment_status_type_id
            AND pas.per_system_status <> 'TERM_ASSIGN'
            AND TRUNC(SYSDATE) BETWEEN ppf.effective_start_date AND ppf.effective_end_date
            AND TRUNC(SYSDATE) BETWEEN paf.effective_start_date AND paf.effective_end_date
            AND TRUNC(SYSDATE) BETWEEN pa1.effective_start_date AND pa1.effective_end_date
           -- AND sp.plan_type = 'EMP'
           -- AND sp.successee_id = ppf.person_id
            AND ssp.status <> 'I'
            AND sp.plan_id = ssp.plan_id
            AND ssd.successee_type(+) = 'EMP'
            AND sp.successee_id = ssd.successee_id(+)
            AND ssp.successor_id = pa1.person_id
       GROUP BY sp.plan_id, NVL (ssd.plan_readiness_rule, 'AVG');
Line: 1241

      SELECT 'Y'
        FROM DUAL
                SELECT 'x'
                  FROM per_personal_scorecards pps, per_assignments_f paf,
per_perf_mgmt_plans pmp
                 WHERE paf.supervisor_id = p_manager_person_id
                   AND TRUNC (SYSDATE) BETWEEN paf.effective_start_date AND
                   AND paf.assignment_id = pps.assignment_id
                   AND pps.plan_id = p_plan_id
                   AND pmp.plan_id = p_plan_id
                   AND TRUNC (SYSDATE) BETWEEN pmp.obj_setting_start_date AND
NVL (pps.obj_setting_deadline,