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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 116

   select * from
   select /*+ cardinality( tmp 10 ) */  pv_locator.geocode_distance (l_geo, hzl.geometry, l_dist_unit) dis,
   tmp.party_id, org.party_name, hzl.address1, hzl.address2, hzl.address3,
   hzl.city, hzl.state, hzl.country, hzl.postal_code,
   org.url, cp.phone_country_code, cp.phone_area_code, cp.phone_number, rownum rn
   select p.party_id from
       (SELECT column_value party_id FROM TABLE (CAST( x_matched_id AS JTF_NUMBER_TABLE)) ) p
   ) tmp,
   hz_parties org,
   hz_party_sites hzs,
   hz_locations hzl,
   hz_contact_points cp,
   pv_partner_profiles pvpp
   where tmp.party_id = pvpp.partner_id
   and org.party_id = pvpp.partner_party_id
   and org.party_type = 'ORGANIZATION'
   and org.party_id = cp.owner_table_id (+)
   and cp.owner_table_name (+) = 'HZ_PARTIES'
   and cp.contact_point_type (+) = 'PHONE'
   and cp.primary_flag (+) = 'Y'
   and org.party_id = hzs.party_id
   and hzs.location_id = hzl.location_id
   and hzs.identifying_address_flag = 'Y'
   -- and UPPER(hzl.CITY) = UPPER(p_customer_city)
   and hzl.geometry is not null
   where dis <= p_distance order by 1 asc;
Line: 235

          ,p_attr_selection_mode => 'AND'
          ,p_att_delmter         => '+++'
          ,p_selection_criteria  => 'ALL'
          ,p_resource_id         => NULL
          ,p_lead_id             => NULL
          ,p_auto_match_flag     => 'N'
          ,x_matched_id          => x_matched_id
          ,x_return_status       => x_return_status
          ,x_msg_count           => x_msg_count
          ,x_msg_data            => x_msg_data
Line: 505

        select  hzl.geometry,hzl.address1,hzl.address2,hzl.address3,hzl.city,hzl.state,hzl.country,hzl.postal_code
        from  hz_locations hzl
        where hzl.location_id =pc_location_id;
Line: 703

	   'select * from ( ' ||
	      ' select  /*+ leading(c) */ pv_locator.geocode_distance(:1,hzl.geometry,:2)  dis, ' ||
		  ' pvpp.partner_id party_id, ' ||
		  ' org.party_name, '||
		  ' hzl.address1, '||
	      ' hzl.address2, '||
		  ' hzl.address3, '||
		  ' hzl.city, '||
		  ' hzl.state, '||
		  ' hzl.country, '||
		  ' hzl.postal_code, '||
		  ' rownum rn '||
	      ' from hz_parties org, ' ||
		  ' hz_party_sites hzs, ' ||
		  ' hz_locations hzl, '||
		  ' pv_partner_profiles pvpp, '||
		  ' (SELECT * ' ||
                  ' FROM (SELECT column_value party_id ' ||
                  '  FROM  (SELECT column_value ' ||
                  '         FROM TABLE (CAST(:p_partner_tbl AS JTF_NUMBER_TABLE))))) c ' ||
	      ' where pvpp.partner_id = c.party_id ' ||
		  ' and org.party_id (+) = pvpp.partner_party_id  '||
	      ' and org.party_type (+) = '||''''||'ORGANIZATION'||''''||
		  ' and org.party_id = hzs.party_id (+) '||
		  ' and hzs.location_id = hzl.location_id  (+) and '||
	      ' hzs.identifying_address_flag (+) = '||''''||'Y'||'''' ;
Line: 765

	   -- The second SELECT statement actually starts with /*+ leading(c) */
	   -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
           SELECT *
           FROM  (SELECT pv_locator.geocode_distance(:1,hzl.geometry,:2)  dis,
                         pvpp.partner_id party_id,  org.party_name,  hzl.address1,
                         hzl.address2,  hzl.address3,  hzl.city, hzl.state,  hzl.country,
                         hzl.postal_code,  rownum rn
                  FROM   hz_parties org,
                         hz_party_sites hzs,
                         hz_locations hzl,
                         pv_partner_profiles pvpp,
                        (SELECT *
                         FROM   (SELECT column_value party_id
                                 FROM  (SELECT column_value
                                        FROM   TABLE(CAST(:p_partner_tbl AS JTF_NUMBER_TABLE))))) c
                  WHERE  pvpp.partner_id = c.party_id and
                         org.party_id (+) = pvpp.partner_party_id and
                         org.party_type (+) = 'ORGANIZATION' and
                         org.party_id = hzs.party_id (+) and
                         hzs.location_id = hzl.location_id (+) and
                         hzs.identifying_address_flag (+) = 'Y' and
                         hzl.geometry is not null)
           WHERE  dis<=:3
           ORDER  BY 1 ASC;
Line: 1590

    /*SELECT latitude_str
    INTO latitude
Line: 1614

    /*SELECT longitude_str
    INTO longitude