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APPS.INV_RULE_GEN_PVT dependencies on DUAL

Line 145: select mtl_inv_picking_rules_s.nextval into l_inv_Rule_id from dual;

141: x_return_status := FND_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS;
142: l_inv_rule_id := p_mtl_picking_rule_rec.inv_rule_id;
143: debug('Procedure Save_to_mtl_picking_rules');
144: If l_inv_rule_id is null then
145: select mtl_inv_picking_rules_s.nextval into l_inv_Rule_id from dual;
146: debug('insert rule: rule_id '||l_inv_rule_id);
147: debug('insert rule: fnd_global.user_id '||fnd_global.user_id);
148: Insert into mtl_inv_picking_rules
149: (

Line 269: select wms_rules_s.nextval into l_wms_rule_Id from dual;

265: l_wms_rule_id := p_mtl_picking_rule_rec.wms_rule_id;
266: debug('Save_to_wms_rule ');
267: debug('wms_rule_id '||l_wms_rule_id);
268: If l_wms_rule_id is null then
269: select wms_rules_s.nextval into l_wms_rule_Id from dual;
270: debug('insert wms rule ');
271: wms_RULES_PKG.Insert_Row
272: (
273: X_Rowid => l_Row_Id,

Line 806: select wms_rule_consistencies_s.nextval into l_consistency_Id from dual;

802: l_picking_rule_rec := p_mtl_picking_rule_rec;
803: If p_mtl_picking_rule_rec.single_lot = 'Y' then
804: -- find the parameter for lot.lot_number
805: l_parameter_id := 60006; -- lot.lot_Number
806: select wms_rule_consistencies_s.nextval into l_consistency_Id from dual;
809: X_ROWID => l_ROW_ID,

Line 1186: select WMS_strategies_s.nextval into l_strategy_id from sys.dual;

1182: if p_mtl_picking_rule_rec.enabled_flag <> 'Y' Then
1183: return;
1184: end if;
1185: -- insert the strategy with the same name of the rule
1186: select WMS_strategies_s.nextval into l_strategy_id from sys.dual;
1187: l_strategy_name := p_mtl_picking_rule_rec.name;
1188: debug('strategy_id '||l_strategy_id);
1189: debug('strategy_name '||l_strategy_name);