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Line 420: (p_base_table_name => 'pay_element_types_f'

416: (p_associated_column1 => pay_pel_shd.g_tab_nam || '.PAYROLL_ID');
417: End If;
418: If ((nvl(p_element_type_id, hr_api.g_number) <> hr_api.g_number) and
419: NOT (dt_api.check_min_max_dates
420: (p_base_table_name => 'pay_element_types_f'
421: ,p_base_key_column => 'ELEMENT_TYPE_ID'
422: ,p_base_key_value => p_element_type_id
423: ,p_from_date => p_validation_start_date
424: ,p_to_date => p_validation_end_date))) Then

Line 610: from pay_element_types_f

607: cursor csr_Defaults is
608: select qualifying_age,qualifying_length_of_service,qualifying_units,
609: standard_link_flag,multiply_value_flag
610: from pay_element_types_f
611: where element_type_id = p_element_type_id;
612: --
613: begin
614: hr_utility.set_location('Entering:'||l_proc,10);

Line 843: from ben_benefit_classifications bbc, pay_element_types_f pet

839: ) is
840: --
841: cursor csr_ben_contri_used is
842: select '1'
843: from ben_benefit_classifications bbc, pay_element_types_f pet
844: where bbc.benefit_classification_id(+) = pet.benefit_classification_id
845: and element_type_id = p_element_type_id
846: and p_effective_start_date between pet.effective_start_date
847: and pet.effective_end_date

Line 1332: from pay_element_types_f

1329: cursor csr_CostableFlag is
1330: select costable_flag from pay_element_classifications
1331: where classification_id in (select distinct classification_id
1332: from pay_element_types_f
1333: where element_type_id = p_element_type_id
1334: and p_effective_date between effective_start_date
1335: and effective_end_date);

Line 1347: from pay_element_classifications pec, pay_element_types_f pet,

1345: cursor csr_legcode_cr_db_type is
1346: select distinct pec.costing_debit_or_credit, pbg.legislation_code
1347: from pay_element_classifications pec, pay_element_types_f pet,
1348: per_business_groups pbg
1349: where pec.classification_id = pet.classification_id
1350: and pet.business_group_id = pbg.business_group_id (+)
1351: and pet.element_type_id = p_element_type_id;

Line 1370: from pay_element_type_rules rule, pay_element_types_f type,

1366: exists (
1367: /* check the classifications of elements in the set that are specified
1368: directly by name */
1369: select 1
1370: from pay_element_type_rules rule, pay_element_types_f type,
1371: pay_element_classifications class
1372: where element_set.element_set_id = rule.element_set_id
1373: and class.classification_id = type.classification_id
1374: and type.element_type_id = rule.element_type_id

Line 1393: from pay_element_type_rules rule2, pay_element_types_f type2

1389: exists (
1390: /* check that there are elements directly included in
1391: the set or (see second half of union statement) */
1392: select 1
1393: from pay_element_type_rules rule2, pay_element_types_f type2
1394: where element_set.element_set_id=rule2.element_set_id
1395: and rule2.element_type_id=type2.element_type_id
1396: and rule2.include_or_exclude = 'I'
1397: and (type2.business_group_id = p_business_group_id

Line 1406: from pay_element_types_f type3, pay_ele_classification_rules class_rule2

1402: union all
1403: /* check that there are elements with the classification that is included
1404: in the set */
1405: select 1
1406: from pay_element_types_f type3, pay_ele_classification_rules class_rule2
1407: where class_rule2.element_set_id = element_set.element_set_id
1408: and class_rule2.classification_id = type3.classification_id
1409: and (type3.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
1410: or (type3.business_group_id is null

Line 1571: from pay_element_types_f

1567: where element_link_id = p_element_link_id;
1569: cursor csr_ProcessingType is
1570: select processing_type
1571: from pay_element_types_f
1572: where element_type_id = p_element_type_id
1573: and p_effective_date between effective_start_date and effective_end_date;
1575: /* commented the below block for bug no : 6764215