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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 13

( p_options_tbl           IN  OE_Process_Options_Pvt.Selected_Options_Tbl_Type
 ,p_model_line_rec        IN  OUT NOCOPY OE_Order_Pub.Line_Rec_Type
 ,p_ui_flag               IN  VARCHAR2
 ,x_return_status         OUT NOCOPY /* file.sql.39 change */ VARCHAR2);
Line: 26

 ,p_x_options_tbl IN OUT NOCOPY OE_Process_Options_Pvt.SELECTED_OPTIONS_TBL_TYPE
 ,x_return_status        OUT NOCOPY /* file.sql.39 change */ VARCHAR2);
Line: 32

 ,p_options_tbl           IN OE_Process_Options_Pvt.Selected_Options_Tbl_Type
 ,x_result                OUT NOCOPY /* file.sql.39 change */ BOOLEAN);
Line: 37

( p_options_tbl           IN  OE_Process_Options_Pvt.Selected_Options_Tbl_Type
 ,x_return_status         OUT NOCOPY /* file.sql.39 change */ VARCHAR2
Line: 43

( p_options_tbl         IN  OE_Process_Options_Pvt.SELECTED_OPTIONS_TBL_TYPE
Line: 48

( p_x_option_rec IN OUT NOCOPY OE_Process_Options_Pvt.SELECTED_OPTIONS_REC
 ,p_top_model_line_id  IN  NUMBER);
Line: 54

This procedure works on the selected options from options window.
1) It first completes the configuration, which means some of the classes
that are not selected by the user are filled in the table of options.
2) After that the configuration is validated using BOM rules.
3) Then we call process_order API to create the option / class lines in
oe tables.

There can not be a duplicate class(llid caode will fail),
however I do not know about a duplicate options. May be we should
have a handled exception for this.

Exception block:
options window UI populates process_messages window to display errors.
If the return status is unexp error, the continue button is disabled
if it is execution error, continue button on msg window is enabled.

we want user to continue only in case of bom based validation failure.
other cases no matter what is the ret status(ex: process_order returned
execution error, we can not commit user changes, so no point in keeping
continue enabled.)
So I am manipulating the return status to always return unexp error
in exception handling block here, in case of a UI call.
In case of delayed request call, we will return what ever
is the error.
The return status is not used in any other way by Options window UI.

Change record:
3687870 : check the fulfilled_flag, open flag etc. for UI.
---------------------------------------------------------------------- */

Procedure Process_Config_Options
( p_options_tbl         IN  OE_Process_Options_Pvt.Selected_Options_Tbl_Type
 ,p_header_id           IN  NUMBER
 ,p_top_model_line_id   IN  NUMBER
 ,p_ui_flag             IN  VARCHAR2 := 'Y'
 ,p_caller              IN  VARCHAR2 := '' -- bug 4636208
 ,x_valid_config        OUT NOCOPY /* file.sql.39 change */ VARCHAR2
 ,x_complete_config     OUT NOCOPY /* file.sql.39 change */ VARCHAR2
 ,x_change_flag         OUT NOCOPY /* file.sql.39 change */ VARCHAR2
 ,x_msg_count           OUT NOCOPY /* file.sql.39 change */ NUMBER
 ,x_msg_data            OUT NOCOPY /* file.sql.39 change */ VARCHAR2
 ,x_return_status       OUT NOCOPY /* file.sql.39 change */ VARCHAR2
  l_model_line_rec      OE_Order_Pub.Line_Rec_Type;
Line: 101

  l_options_tbl         OE_Process_Options_Pvt.Selected_Options_Tbl_Type;
Line: 102

  l_db_options_tbl      OE_Process_Options_Pvt.SELECTED_OPTIONS_TBL_TYPE;
Line: 110

  l_deleted_options_tbl OE_Order_PUB.request_tbl_type;
Line: 111

  l_updated_options_tbl OE_Order_PUB.request_tbl_type;
Line: 186

  ( p_entity_code                => 'LINE'
   ,p_entity_id                  => l_model_line_rec.line_id
   ,p_header_id                  => l_model_line_rec.header_id
   ,p_line_id                    => l_model_line_rec.line_id
   ,p_order_source_id            => l_model_line_rec.order_source_id
   ,p_orig_sys_document_ref      => l_model_line_rec.orig_sys_document_ref
   ,p_orig_sys_document_line_ref => l_model_line_rec.orig_sys_line_ref
   ,p_orig_sys_shipment_ref      => l_model_line_rec.orig_sys_shipment_ref
   ,p_change_sequence            => l_model_line_rec.change_sequence
   ,p_source_document_id         => l_model_line_rec.source_document_id
   ,p_source_document_line_id    => l_model_line_rec.source_document_line_id
   ,p_source_document_type_id    => l_model_line_rec.source_document_type_id);
Line: 284

     ,p_x_updated_options_tbl => l_updated_options_tbl
     ,p_x_deleted_options_tbl => l_deleted_options_tbl);
Line: 287

    IF l_updated_options_tbl.COUNT > 0 OR
       l_deleted_options_tbl.COUNT > 0 THEN

      IF l_debug_level  > 0 THEN
        oe_debug_pub.add(  'CALLING CASCADE_UPDATES_DELETES' , 1 ) ;
Line: 294

      ( p_model_line_id       => p_top_model_line_id
       ,p_model_component     => l_model_line_rec.component_code
       ,p_x_options_tbl       => l_options_tbl
       ,p_deleted_options_tbl => l_deleted_options_tbl
       ,p_updated_options_tbl => l_updated_options_tbl
       ,p_ui_flag             => p_ui_flag
       ,x_return_status       => l_return_status);
Line: 503

used to prepare i/p tables for cascade_update_deletes API.
handles diabled options also.
3563690 => pass ordered_item in param10
PROCEDURE Prepare_Cascade_Tables
( p_options_tbl           IN OUT NOCOPY
 ,p_top_model_line_id     IN NUMBER
 ,p_x_updated_options_tbl IN OUT NOCOPY OE_Order_PUB.request_tbl_type
 ,p_x_deleted_options_tbl IN OUT NOCOPY OE_Order_PUB.request_tbl_type)
  l_count               NUMBER;
Line: 527

  l_count := p_x_updated_options_tbl.COUNT;
Line: 528

  l_index := p_x_deleted_options_tbl.COUNT;
Line: 545

    IF p_options_tbl(I).operation = OE_GLOBALS.G_OPR_UPDATE

      IF l_debug_level  > 0 THEN
        oe_debug_pub.add('GET OLD QTY FOR '|| p_OPTIONS_TBL(I).LINE_ID,1);
Line: 552

      SELECT ordered_quantity
      INTO   p_options_tbl(I).old_ordered_quantity
      FROM   oe_order_lines
      WHERE  line_id = p_options_tbl(I).line_id;
Line: 587

          ('UPDATE: '||L_REQ_REC.PARAM2||' '
Line: 593

      p_x_updated_options_tbl(l_count) := l_req_rec;
Line: 595

    ELSIF p_options_tbl(I).operation = OE_GLOBALS.G_OPR_DELETE
      l_index          := l_index + 1;
Line: 612

        oe_debug_pub.add(  'DELETE: '|| L_REQ_REC.PARAM2 || ' '
                           || L_REQ_REC.PARAM3 , 1 ) ;
Line: 615

      p_x_deleted_options_tbl(l_index) := l_req_rec;
Line: 640

( p_options_tbl  IN OE_Process_Options_Pvt.Selected_Options_Tbl_Type
 ,p_comp_code    IN VARCHAR2)
Line: 663

       p_options_tbl(I).operation <> OE_GLOBALS.G_OPR_INSERT
      RETURN I;
Line: 684

For any updates/deletes user will use sales order form.

To aid performance, in this procedure we first default one option
and use the defaulted record as the base record for all other
options that need to be created. This saves us from defaulting
all n options for 300 or so attributes in oe_order_lines.
We set the item dependent attributes (once that are set dependent
on inventory_item_id in OEXUDEPB.pls) as missing on all the
options so that they will get defaulted individually. Please
note that any future additions to OEXUDEPB.pls should be
added in this API also.

We call process_order and then the change columns procedure
which sets the configuration related links(link to line id etc)
on all the options.

Change Record:
  bug fix 1894020,2184255 to support dff.
  the operation on disabled options should always be none.

  bug fix 3095496, change reason for updates and a call to
  Is_Cancel_Or_Delete for Delete operation.

   Bug 3611416
   Send reason for CREATE operation also, will be required if there is
   a require reason constraint for versioning during create operation.
Procedure Handle_DML
( p_options_tbl           IN  OE_Process_Options_Pvt.Selected_Options_Tbl_Type
 ,p_model_line_rec        IN  OUT NOCOPY OE_Order_Pub.Line_Rec_Type
 ,p_ui_flag               IN  VARCHAR2
 ,x_return_status         OUT NOCOPY /* file.sql.39 change */ VARCHAR2)
  -- process_order in params
  l_control_rec               OE_GLOBALS.Control_Rec_Type;
Line: 785

  l_line_upd_rec.operation          := OE_GLOBALS.G_OPR_UPDATE;
Line: 786

  l_line_del_rec.operation          := OE_GLOBALS.G_OPR_DELETE;
Line: 803

    IF p_options_tbl(I).operation = OE_GLOBALS.G_OPR_INSERT

      IF l_debug_level  > 0 THEN
        oe_debug_pub.add('INSERT: '|| P_OPTIONS_TBL(I).COMPONENT_CODE ,1);
Line: 846

        INTO    l_class_line_rec.line_id
        FROM    DUAL;
Line: 904

    ELSIF p_options_tbl(I).operation = OE_GLOBALS.G_OPR_UPDATE THEN

      l_line_upd_rec.line_id          := p_options_tbl(I).line_id;
Line: 943

        oe_debug_pub.add('UPDATE LINE_ID: '|| P_OPTIONS_TBL(I).LINE_ID ,1);
Line: 946

    ELSIF p_options_tbl(I).operation = OE_GLOBALS.G_OPR_DELETE THEN

      l_line_del_rec.line_id        := p_options_tbl(I).line_id;
Line: 956

          oe_debug_pub.add('calling Is_Cancel_OR_Delete '
          || l_line_del_rec.line_id, 3);
Line: 960

        ( p_line_id           => l_line_del_rec.line_id
         ,p_change_reason     => 'CONFIGURATOR'
         ,p_change_comments   => 'Changes in Options Window'
         ,x_cancellation      => l_cancellation
         ,x_line_rec          => l_line_del_rec);
Line: 973

        oe_debug_pub.add('DELETE LINE_ID: '|| P_OPTIONS_TBL(I).LINE_ID , 1);
Line: 1007

    ,p_update_columns    => TRUE
    ,x_return_status     => l_return_status);
Line: 1027

system can eihter delete or cancel them also populates
message back to user to indicate the same.
PROCEDURE Handle_Disabled_Options
( p_x_option_rec IN OUT NOCOPY OE_Process_Options_Pvt.SELECTED_OPTIONS_REC
 ,p_top_model_line_id  IN  NUMBER)
  l_line_rec            OE_ORDER_PUB.Line_Rec_Type;
Line: 1051

  SELECT ordered_item
  INTO   l_dummy
  FROM   oe_order_lines
  WHERE  line_id = p_top_model_line_id;
Line: 1058

  SELECT line_number || '.' || shipment_number || '.' ||
         option_number || '.' || component_number || '.' ||
  INTO   l_dummy
  FROM   oe_order_lines
  WHERE  line_id = p_x_option_rec.line_id;
Line: 1068

  ( p_line_id          => p_x_option_rec.line_id
   ,p_change_reason    => 'SYSTEM'
   ,p_change_comments  => 'DISABLED'
   ,x_cancellation     => l_cancellation
   ,x_line_rec         => l_line_rec);
Line: 1077

      oe_debug_pub.add('do cancellation hence update with 0', 3 );
Line: 1081

    p_x_option_rec.operation            := OE_GLOBALS.G_OPR_UPDATE;
Line: 1087

    p_x_option_rec.operation            := OE_GLOBALS.G_OPR_DELETE;
Line: 1090

      oe_debug_pub.add('no cancellation, delete ok ', 3 ) ;
Line: 1113

 operation of INSERT indicates that the record is to created in DB.
 operation of CREATE means the record is created however the
 transaction is yet not commited(mainly in case of delyed requests).

Procedure Fill_In_Classes
( p_top_model_line_id        IN NUMBER
 ,p_model_component          IN VARCHAR2
 ,p_model_quantity           IN NUMBER
 ,p_top_bill_sequence_id     IN NUMBER
 ,p_effective_date           IN DATE
 ,p_ui_flag                  IN VARCHAR2
 ,p_x_options_tbl IN OUT NOCOPY OE_Process_Options_Pvt.SELECTED_OPTIONS_TBL_TYPE
 ,x_return_status            OUT NOCOPY /* file.sql.39 change */ VARCHAR2)
  I                          NUMBER;
Line: 1163

                       = OE_GLOBALS.G_OPR_INSERT  OR
       nvl(p_x_options_tbl(I).operation, OE_GLOBALS.G_OPR_NONE)
                       = OE_GLOBALS.G_OPR_CREATE
      J                := 2;
Line: 1195

          p_x_options_tbl(l_options_tbl_index).operation := OE_GLOBALS.G_OPR_INSERT;
Line: 1235

    SELECT component_sequence_id, component_item_id, sort_order,
           primary_uom_code, EXTENDED_QUANTITY * p_model_quantity,
           DECODE(bom_item_type, 1, 2, 2, 2, 4, 4)
    INTO  p_x_options_tbl(I).component_sequence_id,
    FROM  bom_explosions be
    WHERE be.explosion_type  = OE_Config_Util.OE_BMX_OPTION_COMPS
    AND   be.top_bill_sequence_id = p_top_bill_sequence_id
    AND   be.plan_level > 0
    AND   be.effectivity_date <= p_effective_date
    AND   be.disable_date > p_effective_date
    AND   be.component_code = p_x_options_tbl(I).component_code
    AND   rownum = 1;
Line: 1254

      SELECT concatenated_segments
      INTO   p_x_options_tbl(I).ordered_item
      WHERE  inventory_item_id = p_x_options_tbl(I).inventory_item_id
      AND    organization_id = l_validation_org;
Line: 1282

If the operation on the matching component record is DELETE, this function
will return a value of false.

PROCEDURE component_exists
( p_component             IN  VARCHAR2
 ,p_options_tbl           IN OE_Process_Options_Pvt.Selected_Options_Tbl_Type
 ,x_result                OUT NOCOPY /* file.sql.39 change */ BOOLEAN)
Line: 1308

      IF l_debug_level  > 0 THEN
        oe_debug_pub.add(  'COMPONENT FOUND' , 1 ) ;
Line: 1339

( p_options_tbl           IN  OE_Process_Options_Pvt.Selected_Options_Tbl_Type
 ,x_return_status         OUT NOCOPY /* file.sql.39 change */ VARCHAR2
  l_outer_index     NUMBER;
Line: 1367

      IF l_debug_level  > 0 THEN
        oe_debug_pub.add(  L_OUTER_INDEX || ' CHECK DUPL: '
                      ||P_OPTIONS_TBL ( L_OUTER_INDEX ) .COMPONENT_CODE , 1 ) ;
Line: 1545

  CURSOR  Get_Options
  SELECT component_code , ordered_quantity, inventory_item_id,
         component_sequence_id, sort_order, order_quantity_uom,
         DECODE(item_type_code, 'MODEL', 1, 'CLASS', 2, 4) bom_item_type,
         ordered_item, configuration_id, config_header_id, line_id,
         attribute1, attribute2, attribute3, attribute4, attribute5,
         attribute6, attribute7, attribute8, attribute9, attribute10,
         attribute11, attribute12, attribute13, attribute14, attribute15,
         attribute16, attribute17, attribute18, attribute19, attribute20,
  FROM   oe_order_lines
  WHERE  top_model_line_id = p_top_model_line_id
  AND    open_flag = 'Y'
  AND    nvl(config_header_id, -1) = -1
  AND    (item_type_code = OE_GLOBALS.G_ITEM_MODEL
  OR      item_type_code = OE_GLOBALS.G_ITEM_OPTION
  OR      item_type_code = OE_GLOBALS.G_ITEM_CLASS
  OR      item_type_code = OE_GLOBALS.G_ITEM_KIT);
Line: 1606

      SELECT inventory_item_id, component_sequence_id
      INTO   l_top_item_id, l_top_bill_sequence_id
      FROM   oe_order_lines
      WHERE  line_id = p_top_model_line_id;
Line: 1640

        SELECT 1
        INTO   l_disable_code
        FROM   bom_explosions
        WHERE  component_item_id = opt_rec.inventory_item_id
        AND    explosion_type    = Oe_Config_Util.OE_BMX_OPTION_COMPS
        AND    top_bill_sequence_id = l_top_bill_sequence_id
        AND    effectivity_date  <= l_config_effective_date
        AND    disable_date      >  l_config_effective_date
        AND    organization_id   =  OE_SYS_PARAMETERS.VALUE
        AND    component_code    =  opt_rec.component_code;
Line: 1681

            oe_debug_pub.add('bom item select error '|| sqlerrm, 1);
Line: 1827

( p_options_tbl         IN  OE_Process_Options_Pvt.SELECTED_OPTIONS_TBL_TYPE
I       NUMBER;
Line: 1856

       nvl(p_options_tbl(I).disabled_flag, 'N') = 'N' THEN

      IF l_debug_level  > 0 THEN
        (  'COMPONENT: '|| P_OPTIONS_TBL ( I ) .COMPONENT_CODE , 2 ) ;