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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 363

         SELECT description
              , start_date_active
              , end_date_active
         FROM   fnd_flex_values_vl
         WHERE  flex_value_set_id = cp_vs_id
         AND    flex_value = cp_code;
Line: 418

         SELECT flex_value_set_name
         FROM   fnd_flex_value_sets
         WHERE  flex_value_set_id = cp_vs_id;
Line: 475

      OPEN c_list FOR ' SELECT VS.flex_value_set_id,'||
                             ' VS.flex_value_set_name'||
                      ' FROM fnd_id_flex_segments_vl SEG,'||
                           ' fnd_flex_value_sets VS'||
                      ' WHERE UPPER(SEG.id_flex_code) = ''GL#'''||
                      ' AND SEG.application_id = 101'||
                      ' AND SEG.flex_value_set_id = VS.flex_value_set_id'||
                      ' AND SEG.enabled_flag = ''Y'''||
                      ' AND id_flex_num = :1'||
                      ' AND application_column_name = :2'
                  USING p_coa_id, p_segment;
Line: 656

         SELECT DISTINCT UNITS.business_group_id
         FROM   hr_all_organization_units UNITS
              , hr_organization_information CLASS
              , hr_organization_information CC
         WHERE  UNITS.organization_id = CLASS.organization_id
         AND    CLASS.org_information_context = 'CLASS'
         AND    CLASS.org_information1 = 'CC'
         AND    CLASS.organization_id = CC.organization_id
         AND    CC.org_information_context = 'Company Cost Center'
         AND    CC.org_information2 = cp_co_vs_id
         AND    CC.org_information3 = cp_co
         AND    CC.org_information4 IS NULL
         AND    CC.org_information5 IS NULL;
Line: 730

         SELECT chart_of_accounts_id
         FROM   gl_code_combinations
         WHERE  code_combination_id = cp_ccid;
Line: 783

         SELECT org_information2
              , org_information3
              , org_information4
              , org_information5
         FROM   hr_organization_information
         WHERE  organization_id = p_org_id
         AND    org_information_context = 'Company Cost Center';
Line: 835

         SELECT 1
         FROM   hr_organization_information
         WHERE  organization_id = p_org_id
         --AND    org_information_context = 'HR_ORG';
Line: 888

         SELECT org_information2
         FROM   hr_organization_information
         WHERE  organization_id = p_org_id
         AND    org_information_context = 'CLASS'
         AND    org_information1 = 'CC';
Line: 1202

         SELECT organization_id
         FROM   hr_all_organization_units
         WHERE  name = p_org_name
         AND    business_group_id = p_bg_id;
Line: 1394

         INTO p_org_name
         FROM dual;
Line: 1736

      OPEN c_list FOR 'SELECT coa_id, co, co_vs_id, cc, cc_vs_id FROM '||g_temp_table_name;
Line: 1773

            EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'UPDATE '||g_temp_table_name||
                              ' SET co_desc = :1'       ||
                                 ', cc_desc = :2'       ||
                                 ', co_vs_name = :3'    ||
                                 ', cc_vs_name = :4'    ||
                                 ', org_name = :5'      ||
                                 ', org_start_date = :6'||
                              ' WHERE co = :7'            ||
                              ' AND   co_vs_id = :8'      ||
                              ' AND   cc = :9'            ||
                              ' AND   cc_vs_id = :10'
                              USING l_co_desc
                                  , l_cc_desc
                                  , l_co_vs_name
                                  , l_cc_vs_name
                                  , l_org_name
                                  , l_org_start_date
                                  , l_co
                                  , l_co_vs_id
                                  , l_cc
                                  , l_cc_vs_id;
Line: 1831

   function update_org_name_date(
            p_mode              in varchar2
           ,p_sync_org_name     in varchar2 default 'N'
           ,p_sync_org_dates    in varchar2 default 'N'
           ) return number is
     -- Local variables
     l_rowid          rowid;
Line: 1855

     l_proc           varchar2(72) := g_package||'.update_org_name_date';
Line: 1876

       open c_ref for ' select units.rowid, units.name, units.organization_id, units.date_from, units.date_to, '||
                   ' t.co_vs_id, t.co, t.cc_vs_id, t.cc'||
                   ' from '|| g_temp_table_name ||' t , '||
                          ' hr_organization_information cc,'||
                          ' hr_organization_information class,'||
                          ' hr_all_organization_units units'||
                   ' where to_char(t.co_vs_id) =  cc.org_information2 '||
                   ' and   t.co = cc.org_information3 '||
                   ' and   to_char(t.cc_vs_id) = cc.org_information4 '||
                   ' and   t.cc = cc.org_information5 '||
                   ' and   units.organization_id = class.organization_id'||
                   ' and   class.org_information_context = ''CLASS'''||
                   ' and   class.org_information1 = ''CC'''||
                   ' and   class.organization_id = cc.organization_id'||
                   ' and   cc.org_information_context = ''Company Cost Center'''||
                   ' for   update of units.name nowait ';
Line: 1924

               update hr_all_organization_units units
                  set units.name = l_org_name,
                      units.date_from = l_org_start_date,
                      units.date_to = l_org_end_date
                where units.rowid = l_rowid;
Line: 1930

               update hr_all_organization_units_tl
                  set name= l_org_name
                where organization_id = l_org_id
                  and language in (language, source_lang);
Line: 1945

               update hr_all_organization_units units
                  set units.name = l_org_name
                where units.rowid = l_rowid;
Line: 1949

               update hr_all_organization_units_tl
                  set name=l_org_name
                where organization_id = l_org_id
                  and language in (language, source_lang);
Line: 1965

               update hr_all_organization_units units
                  set units.date_from = l_org_start_date,
                      units.date_to = l_org_end_date
                where units.rowid = l_rowid;
Line: 1985

         writelog('Updated '||l_updrowcount||' organization details.','N');
Line: 2007

   end update_org_name_date;
Line: 2036

            select distinct cc.org_information3 company_code
              from hr_all_organization_units units,
                   hr_organization_information class,
                   hr_organization_information cc
             where units.organization_id = class.organization_id
               and class.org_information_context = 'CLASS'
               and class.org_information1 = 'CC'
               and class.organization_id = cc.organization_id
               and cc.org_information_context = 'Company Cost Center'
               and cc.org_information2 is not null
               and cc.org_information3 is not null
               and cc.org_information3 = nvl(cp_co, cc.org_information3)
               and cc.org_information4 is null
               and cc.org_information5 is null
               and units.business_group_id = cp_business_group_id
               and cc.org_information3 in (
                   select flex_value
                     from fnd_flex_values_vl
                    where flex_value_set_id = cp_co_vs_id);
Line: 2058

            select ffv.flex_value cost_center_code
              from fnd_flex_values_vl ffv
             where ffv.flex_value_set_id = cp_cc_vs_id
             order by ffv.flex_value;
Line: 2102

             execute immediate 'insert into '||g_temp_table_name||
                               ' ( coa_id'||
                               ' , co'||
                               ' , co_vs_id'||
                               ' , cc'||
                               ' , cc_vs_id'||
                               ' ) values'||
                               ' ( :1, :2, :3, :4, :5 )'
                               using p_coa_id
Line: 2124

           writelog('Inserted '||l_rowcount||' Company-CostCenter records into temp','Y');
Line: 2132

         execute immediate 'insert into '||g_temp_table_name||
                           ' ( coa_id'||
                           ' , co'||
                           ' , co_vs_id'||
                           ' , cc'||
                           ' , cc_vs_id )'||
                           ' select distinct'||
                           '  '||p_coa_id||
                           ', '||l_co_seg||
                           ', '||l_co_vs_id||
                           ', '||l_cc_seg||
                           ', '||l_cc_vs_id||
                           ' from  gl_code_combinations'||
                           ' where summary_flag = ''N'''||
                           ' and   chart_of_accounts_id = :1'||
                           ' and   '||l_co_seg||' = nvl(:2,'||l_co_seg||')'
                           using p_coa_id, p_co;
Line: 2154

           writelog('Inserted '||l_rowcount||' Company-CostCenter records from GLCC into temp','Y');
Line: 2159

         execute immediate 'delete from '||g_temp_table_name||
                           ' where (co,to_char(co_vs_id)) not in ('||
                           ' select distinct cc.org_information3, cc.org_information2'||
                           ' from hr_all_organization_units units,'||
                           ' hr_organization_information class,'||
                           ' hr_organization_information cc'||
                           ' where units.organization_id = class.organization_id'||
                           ' and   class.org_information_context = ''CLASS'''||
                           ' and   class.org_information1 = ''CC'''||
                           ' and   class.organization_id = cc.organization_id'||
                           ' and   cc.org_information_context = ''Company Cost Center'''||
                           ' and   units.business_group_id = :1 '||
                           ' and   cc.org_information4 is null'||
                           ' and   cc.org_information5 is null )'
                           using p_business_group_id;
Line: 2177

         writelog('Deleted '||l_delrowcount||' missing Company-ORG records from temp','Y');
Line: 2226

   function delete_sync_orgs_from_temp(
     p_mode              in varchar2
    ,p_business_group_id in number
    ,p_coa_id            in number
    ,p_rowcount          in number -- Added for bug4346785.
    ) return number is
     -- Local variables
     l_retcode     number := 0;
Line: 2243

     l_proc         varchar2(50) := g_package||'.delete_sync_orgs_from_temp';
Line: 2284

       EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'DELETE FROM '||g_temp_table_name||
                    ' WHERE (co,cc) IN ('||
                    ' SELECT DISTINCT '||l_co_seg||','||l_cc_seg||' FROM gl_code_combinations'||
                    ' WHERE chart_of_accounts_id = :1 AND company_cost_center_org_id IS NOT NULL)'
                    USING p_coa_id;
Line: 2291

       writelog('Deleted '||l_delrowcount||' already synchronized records from temp table','Y');
Line: 2304

       EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'DELETE FROM '||g_temp_table_name||
                     ' WHERE (TO_CHAR(co_vs_id), co'||
                     ', TO_CHAR(cc_vs_id), cc) IN ('||
                     ' SELECT CC.org_information2, CC.org_information3,'||
                     ' CC.org_information4, CC.org_information5'||
                     ' FROM hr_all_organization_units UNITS,'||
                     ' hr_organization_information CLASS,'||
                     ' hr_organization_information CC'||
                     ' WHERE UNITS.organization_id = CLASS.organization_id'||
                     ' AND   CLASS.org_information_context = ''CLASS'''||
                     ' AND   CLASS.org_information1 = ''CC'''||
                     ' AND   CLASS.organization_id = CC.organization_id'||
                     ' AND   CC.org_information_context = ''Company Cost Center'''||
                     ' AND   UNITS.business_group_id = :1 )'
                     USING p_business_group_id;
Line: 2321

       writelog('Deleted '||l_del1rowcount||' ORG already existing records from temp table','Y');
Line: 2354

   END delete_sync_orgs_from_temp;
Line: 2411

      l_delete_synced_orgs_flag BOOLEAN := FALSE;
Line: 2423

         SELECT DISTINCT CC.org_information3 company_code
         FROM   hr_all_organization_units   UNITS
               ,hr_organization_information CLASS
               ,hr_organization_information CC
         WHERE UNITS.organization_id = CLASS.organization_id
         AND   CLASS.org_information_context = 'CLASS'
         AND   CLASS.org_information1 = 'CC'
         AND   CLASS.organization_id = CC.organization_id
         AND   CC.org_information_context = 'Company Cost Center'
         AND   CC.org_information2 IS NOT NULL
         AND   CC.org_information3 IS NOT NULL
         AND   CC.org_information3 = NVL(cp_co, CC.org_information3)
         AND   CC.org_information4 IS NULL
         AND   CC.org_information5 IS NULL
         AND   UNITS.business_group_id = cp_business_group_id
         AND   CC.org_information3 IN ( SELECT flex_value
                                        FROM   fnd_flex_values_vl
                                        WHERE  flex_value_set_id = cp_co_vs_id
Line: 2445

         SELECT FFV.flex_value cost_center_code
         FROM   fnd_flex_values_vl FFV
         WHERE  FFV.flex_value_set_id = cp_cc_vs_id
         ORDER BY FFV.flex_value;
Line: 2492

                  EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'INSERT INTO '||g_temp_table_name||
                                    ' ( coa_id'||
                                    ' , co'||
                                    ' , co_vs_id'||
                                    ' , cc'||
                                    ' , cc_vs_id'||
                                    ' ) VALUES'||
                                    ' ( :1, :2, :3, :4, :5 )'
                                    USING p_coa_id
                                        , cr_company.company_code
                                        , l_co_vs_id
                                        , cr_cost_center.cost_center_code
                                        , l_cc_vs_id;
Line: 2512

               writelog('Inserted '||l_rowcount||' Company-CostCenter records into temp','Y');
Line: 2521

            l_delete_synced_orgs_flag := true;
Line: 2528

            EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'INSERT INTO '||g_temp_table_name||
                              ' ( coa_id'||
                              ' , co'||
                              ' , co_vs_id'||
                              ' , cc'||
                              ' , cc_vs_id )'||
                              ' SELECT DISTINCT'||
                                    '  '||p_coa_id||
                                    ', '||l_co_seg||
                                    ', '||l_co_vs_id||
                                    ', '||l_cc_seg||
                                    ', '||l_cc_vs_id||
                              ' FROM gl_code_combinations'||
                              ' WHERE company_cost_center_org_id IS NULL'||
                              ' AND summary_flag = ''N'''||
                              ' AND chart_of_accounts_id = :1'||
                              ' AND '||l_co_seg||' = NVL(:2,'||l_co_seg||')'
                              USING p_coa_id, p_co;
Line: 2551

               writelog('Inserted '||l_rowcount||' Company-CostCenter records from GLCC into temp','Y');
Line: 2557

            EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'DELETE FROM '||g_temp_table_name||
                              ' WHERE (co,TO_CHAR(co_vs_id)) NOT IN ('||
                              ' SELECT DISTINCT CC.org_information3, CC.org_information2'||
                              ' FROM hr_all_organization_units UNITS,'||
                              ' hr_organization_information CLASS,'||
                              ' hr_organization_information CC'||
                              ' WHERE UNITS.organization_id = CLASS.organization_id'||
                              ' AND   CLASS.org_information_context = ''CLASS'''||
                              ' AND   CLASS.org_information1 = ''CC'''||
                              ' AND   CLASS.organization_id = CC.organization_id'||
                              ' AND   CC.org_information_context = ''Company Cost Center'''||
                              ' AND   UNITS.business_group_id = :1 '||
                              ' AND   CC.org_information4 IS NULL'||
                              ' AND   CC.org_information5 IS NULL )'
                              USING p_business_group_id;
Line: 2574

            writelog('Deleted '||l_delrowcount||' missing Company-ORG records from temp','Y');
Line: 2614

            OPEN c_ref FOR ' SELECT UNITS.ROWID, UNITS.name, UNITS.date_from, UNITS.date_to, '||
                           ' t.CO_VS_ID, t.CO, t.CC_VS_ID, t.CC'||
                        ' FROM '|| g_temp_table_name ||' t , '||
                               ' hr_organization_information CC,'||
                               ' hr_organization_information CLASS,'||
                               ' hr_all_organization_units UNITS'||
                        ' WHERE TO_CHAR(t.co_vs_id) =  CC.org_information2 '||
                        ' AND t.co = CC.org_information3 '||
                        ' AND TO_CHAR(t.cc_vs_id) = CC.org_information4 '||
                        ' AND t.cc = CC.org_information5 '||
                        ' AND UNITS.organization_id = CLASS.organization_id'||
                        ' AND CLASS.org_information_context = ''CLASS'''||
                        ' AND CLASS.org_information1 = ''CC'''||
                        ' AND CLASS.organization_id = CC.organization_id'||
                        ' AND CC.org_information_context = ''Company Cost Center'''||
                        ' FOR UPDATE OF UNITS.name NOWAIT ';
Line: 2653

                      UPDATE hr_all_organization_units UNITS
                        SET UNITS.name = l_org_name,
                            UNITS.date_from = l_org_start_date,
                            UNITS.date_to = l_org_end_date
                        WHERE UNITS.rowid = l_rowid;
Line: 2664

                    UPDATE hr_all_organization_units UNITS
                      SET UNITS.name = l_org_name
                      WHERE UNITS.rowid = l_rowid;
Line: 2674

                    UPDATE hr_all_organization_units UNITS
                      SET UNITS.date_from = l_org_start_date,
                          UNITS.date_to = l_org_end_date
                      WHERE UNITS.rowid = l_rowid;
Line: 2691

              writelog('Updated '||l_updrowcount||' organization details.','N');
Line: 2693

              writelog('No organization details were updated.','N');
Line: 2709

        END IF; -- Phase 2a update org name and dates
Line: 2718

        IF l_retcode = 0  and l_delete_synced_orgs_flag THEN
               hr_utility.set_location(l_proc, 50);
Line: 2723

          EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'DELETE FROM '||g_temp_table_name||
                           ' WHERE (co,cc) IN ('||
                           ' SELECT DISTINCT '||l_co_seg||','||l_cc_seg||' FROM gl_code_combinations'||
                           ' WHERE chart_of_accounts_id = :1 AND company_cost_center_org_id IS NOT NULL)'
                            USING p_coa_id;
Line: 2730

          writelog('Deleted '||l_delrowcount||' already synchronized records from temp table','Y');
Line: 2743

         EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'DELETE FROM '||g_temp_table_name||
                           ' WHERE (TO_CHAR(co_vs_id), co'||
                           ', TO_CHAR(cc_vs_id), cc) IN ('||
                           ' SELECT CC.org_information2, CC.org_information3,'||
                           ' CC.org_information4, CC.org_information5'||
                           ' FROM hr_all_organization_units UNITS,'||
                           ' hr_organization_information CLASS,'||
                           ' hr_organization_information CC'||
                           ' WHERE UNITS.organization_id = CLASS.organization_id'||
                           ' AND   CLASS.org_information_context = ''CLASS'''||
                           ' AND   CLASS.org_information1 = ''CC'''||
                           ' AND   CLASS.organization_id = CC.organization_id'||
                           ' AND   CC.org_information_context = ''Company Cost Center'''||
                           ' AND   UNITS.business_group_id = :1 )'
                           USING p_business_group_id;
Line: 2760

        writelog('Deleted '||l_del1rowcount||' ORG already existing records from temp table','Y');
Line: 2852

         EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'INSERT INTO '||g_temp_table_name||
                           ' ( coa_id'||
                           ' , co'||
                           ' , co_vs_id'||
                           ' , cc'||
                           ' , cc_vs_id'||
                           ' , ccid'||
                           ' , org_id )'||
                           ' SELECT chart_of_accounts_id'||
                                 ', '||l_co_seg||
                                 ', '||l_co_vs_id||
                                 ', '||l_cc_seg||
                                 ', '||l_cc_vs_id||
                                 ', code_combination_id'||
                                 ', NULL'||
                           ' FROM gl_code_combinations'||
                           ' WHERE company_cost_center_org_id IS NULL'||
                           ' AND summary_flag = ''N'''||
                           ' AND chart_of_accounts_id = :1'
                           USING p_coa_id;
Line: 2878

         writelog('Inserted '||l_rowcount||' records to synchronize into temp table','Y');
Line: 2898

         EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'DELETE FROM '||g_temp_table_name||
                           ' WHERE (TO_CHAR(co_vs_id), co'||
                           ', TO_CHAR(cc_vs_id), cc) NOT IN'||
                           ' (SELECT DISTINCT CC.org_information2'||
                                           ', CC.org_information3'||
                                           ', CC.org_information4'||
                                           ', CC.org_information5'||
                            ' FROM hr_all_organization_units UNITS'||
                                ', hr_organization_information CLASS'||
                                ', hr_organization_information CC'||
                            ' WHERE UNITS.organization_id = CLASS.organization_id'||
                            ' AND CLASS.org_information_context = ''CLASS'''||
                            ' AND CLASS.org_information1 = ''CC'''||
                            ' AND CLASS.organization_id = CC.organization_id'||
                            ' AND CC.org_information_context = ''Company Cost Center'''||
                            ' AND CC.org_information2 IS NOT NULL'||
                            ' AND CC.org_information3 IS NOT NULL'||
                            ' AND CC.org_information4 IS NOT NULL'||
                            ' AND CC.org_information5 IS NOT NULL'||
                            ' AND UNITS.business_group_id = :1)'
                            USING p_business_group_id;
Line: 2921

         writelog('Deleted '||l_delrowcount||' missing Company Cost Center ORG records from temp table','Y');
Line: 2933

         EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'DELETE FROM '||g_temp_table_name||
                           ' WHERE (TO_CHAR(co_vs_id), co'||
                           ', TO_CHAR(cc_vs_id), cc) IN'||
                           ' (SELECT CC.org_information2'||
                                  ', CC.org_information3'||
                                  ', CC.org_information4'||
                                  ', CC.org_information5'||
                            ' FROM hr_all_organization_units UNITS'||
                                ', hr_organization_information CLASS'||
                                ', hr_organization_information CC'||
                            ' WHERE UNITS.organization_id = CLASS.organization_id'||
                            ' AND CLASS.org_information_context = ''CLASS'''||
                            ' AND CLASS.org_information1 = ''CC'''||
                            ' AND CLASS.organization_id = CC.organization_id'||
                            ' AND CC.org_information_context = ''Company Cost Center'''||
                            ' AND CC.org_information2 IS NOT NULL'||
                            ' AND CC.org_information3 IS NOT NULL'||
                            ' AND CC.org_information4 IS NOT NULL'||
                            ' AND CC.org_information5 IS NOT NULL'||
                            ' AND UNITS.business_group_id = :1'||
                            ' GROUP BY CC.org_information2'||
                                    ', CC.org_information3'||
                                    ', CC.org_information4'||
                                    ', CC.org_information5'||
                            ' HAVING COUNT(*) > 1)'
                            USING p_business_group_id;
Line: 2961

         writelog('Deleted '||l_del1rowcount||' duplicate ORG records from temp table','Y');
Line: 3117

      OPEN c_list FOR 'SELECT org_name'       ||
                           ', cc'             ||
                           ', cc_desc'        ||
                           ', co'             ||
                           ', co_desc'        ||
                           ', cc_vs_name'     ||
                           ', co_vs_name'     ||
                           ', org_start_date' ||
                      ' FROM '||g_temp_table_name||
                      ' ORDER BY cc,co';
Line: 3313

         OPEN c_list FOR 'SELECT '||l_co_seg||', '||l_cc_seg||
                         ' FROM gl_code_combinations'||
                         ' WHERE code_combination_id = :1'
                         USING p_ccid;
Line: 3331

         OPEN c_list FOR 'SELECT UNITS.organization_id'||
                         ' FROM hr_all_organization_units UNITS'||
                             ', hr_organization_information CLASS'||
                             ', hr_organization_information CC'||
                         ' WHERE UNITS.organization_id = CLASS.organization_id'||
                         ' AND CLASS.org_information_context = ''CLASS'''||
                         ' AND CLASS.org_information1 = ''CC'''||
                         ' AND CLASS.organization_id = CC.organization_id'||
                         ' AND CC.org_information_context = ''Company Cost Center'''||
                         ' AND CC.org_information2 = :1'||
                         ' AND CC.org_information3 = :2'||
                         ' AND CC.org_information4 = :3'||
                         ' AND CC.org_information5 = :4'
                         USING TO_CHAR(l_co_vs_id), l_co, TO_CHAR(l_cc_vs_id), l_cc;
Line: 3399

         EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'UPDATE gl_code_combinations'||
                           ' SET company_cost_center_org_id = :1'||
                              ', last_update_date = SYSDATE'||
                              ', last_updated_by = :2'||
                           ' WHERE code_combination_id = :3'
                           USING l_org_id, fnd_global.user_id, p_ccid;
Line: 3405

         writelog('Updated GL Code Combinations with Org Id:'||l_org_id||
                  ' for CCID:'||p_ccid, 'Y');
Line: 3407

         hr_utility.set_location('Updated GL Code Combinations with Org Id:'||
                                 l_org_id||' for CCID:'||p_ccid, 150);
Line: 3516

      l_updated_by           NUMBER := 0;
Line: 3548

         EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'UPDATE '||g_temp_table_name||' TEMP'||
                           ' SET TEMP.org_id ='||
                           ' (SELECT UNITS.organization_id'||
                           ' FROM hr_all_organization_units UNITS'||
                                ', hr_organization_information CLASS'||
                                ', hr_organization_information CC'||
                            ' WHERE UNITS.organization_id = CLASS.organization_id'||
                            ' AND CLASS.org_information_context = ''CLASS'''||
                            ' AND CLASS.org_information1 = ''CC'''||
                            ' AND CLASS.organization_id = CC.organization_id'||
                            ' AND CC.org_information_context = ''Company Cost Center'''||
                            ' AND CC.org_information2 = TO_CHAR(TEMP.co_vs_id)'||
                            ' AND CC.org_information3 = TEMP.co'||
                            ' AND CC.org_information4 = TO_CHAR(TEMP.cc_vs_id)'||
                            ' AND CC.org_information5 = TEMP.cc'||
                            ' AND UNITS.business_group_id = :1)'
                            USING p_business_group_id;
Line: 3571

         writelog('Updated '||SQL%ROWCOUNT||' ORGs to temp table','Y');
Line: 3578

         EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'UPDATE gl_code_combinations GCC'||
                           ' SET ( GCC.company_cost_center_org_id'||
                                ', GCC.last_update_date'||
                                ', GCC.last_updated_by) ='||
                                ' (SELECT SYNC.org_id'||
                                       ', TRUNC(SYSDATE)'||
                                 ' FROM '||g_temp_table_name||' SYNC'||
                                 ' WHERE SYNC.ccid = GCC.code_combination_id'||
                                 ' AND SYNC.org_id IS NOT NULL)'||
                           ' WHERE GCC.company_cost_center_org_id IS NULL'||
                           ' AND GCC.code_combination_id IN (SELECT ccid'||
                                                 ' FROM '||g_temp_table_name||
                                                 ' WHERE org_id IS NOT NULL)';
Line: 3593

         writelog('Updated '||SQL%ROWCOUNT||' ORGs to GL Code Combinations','Y');
Line: 3607

         OPEN c_list FOR 'SELECT ccid, co, cc, org_id FROM '||g_temp_table_name;
Line: 3731

        l_retcode := update_org_name_date(
Line: 3743

         l_retcode := delete_sync_orgs_from_temp(
                                 ,l_rowcount  -- Added for bug4346785.
Line: 3757

         OPEN c_list FOR 'SELECT coa_id, co, co_vs_id, cc, cc_vs_id FROM '||g_temp_table_name;
Line: 3812

        l_retcode := update_org_name_date(
Line: 3871

         SELECT 1
         FROM   user_triggers
         WHERE  trigger_name = 'HR_ALL_ORGANIZATION_UNITS_UTF8';
Line: 3877

         SELECT parameter_value
         FROM   pay_action_parameters
         WHERE  parameter_name = 'HR_GL_SYNC_DEBUG';
Line: 4181

         SELECT name
         FROM   hr_all_organization_units
         WHERE  organization_id = p_business_group_id;