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1 PACKAGE iby_transactioneft_pkg AUTHID CURRENT_USER AS
2 /*$Header: ibytefts.pls 120.14.12020000.4 2013/03/25 20:25:35 gmamidip ship $ */
4 /*
5  * The purpose of this procedure is to check if there is any open
6  * transaction which are due.
7  * If there is, it will insert a row into the iby_batches_all table
8  * to keep track of the batch status, and change the transactions status
9  * to other status. So, the open transactions will be sent as part of
10  * future batch close. Also, it will not allow any modification and
11  * cancellation to these transactions.
12  */
13 PROCEDURE createBatchCloseTrxns(
14             merch_batchid_in     IN    VARCHAR2,
15             merchant_id_in       IN    VARCHAR2,
16             vendor_id_in         IN    NUMBER,
17             vendor_key_in        IN    VARCHAR2,
18             newstatus_in         IN    NUMBER,
19             oldstatus_in         IN    NUMBER,
20             batchstate_in        IN    NUMBER DEFAULT null,
21             settlement_date_in   IN    DATE DEFAULT sysdate,
22             req_type_in          IN    VARCHAR2 DEFAULT null,
23             numtrxns_out         OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
24             );
26 /*
27  * The purpose of this procedure is to check if there is any open
28  * transaction which are due.
29  * If there is, it will insert a row into the iby_batches_all table
30  * to keep track of the batch status, and change the transactions status
31  * to other status. So, the open transactions will be sent as part of
32  * future batch close. Also, it will not allow any modification and
33  * cancellation to these transactions.
34  */
35 PROCEDURE createBatchCloseTrxnsNew(
36             merch_batchid_in     IN    VARCHAR2,
37             profile_code_in      IN    iby_batches_all.
38                                            process_profile_code%TYPE,
39             merchant_id_in       IN    VARCHAR2,
40             vendor_id_in         IN    NUMBER,
41             vendor_key_in        IN    VARCHAR2,
42             newstatus_in         IN    NUMBER,
43             oldstatus_in         IN    NUMBER,
44             batchstate_in        IN    NUMBER DEFAULT null,
45             settlement_date_in   IN    DATE DEFAULT sysdate,
46             req_type_in          IN    VARCHAR2 DEFAULT null,
47             instr_type_in        IN    iby_batches_all.
48                                            instrument_type%TYPE,
49             br_disputed_flag_in  IN    iby_batches_all.
50                                            br_disputed_flag%TYPE,
51             f_pmt_channel_in     IN    iby_trxn_summaries_all.
52                                            payment_channel_code%TYPE,
53             f_curr_in            IN    iby_trxn_summaries_all.
54                                            currencynamecode%TYPE,
55             f_settle_date        IN    iby_trxn_summaries_all.
56                                            settledate%TYPE,
57             f_due_date           IN    iby_trxn_summaries_all.
58                                            settlement_due_date%TYPE,
59             f_maturity_date      IN    iby_trxn_summaries_all.
60                                            br_maturity_date%TYPE,
61             f_instr_type         IN    iby_trxn_summaries_all.
62                                            instrtype%TYPE,
63             numtrxns_out         OUT   NOCOPY NUMBER,
64             mbatch_ids_out       OUT   NOCOPY JTF_NUMBER_TABLE,
65             batch_ids_out        OUT   NOCOPY JTF_VARCHAR2_TABLE_100
66             );
68 /*
69  * This is the overloaded form of the previous API. This takes an array of
70  * profile codes as input parameter (instead of a single one)
71  * The purpose of this procedure is to check if there is any open
72  * transaction which are due.  If there is, it will insert a row into
73  * the iby_batches_all table to keep track of the batch status, and
74  * change the transactions status to other status. So, the open
75  * transactions will be sent as part of future batch close. Also, it
76  * will not allow any modification and cancellation to these transactions.
77  */
78 PROCEDURE createBatchCloseTrxnsNew(
79             merch_batchid_in     IN    VARCHAR2,
80             profile_code_array   IN    JTF_VARCHAR2_TABLE_100,
81             merchant_id_in       IN    VARCHAR2,
82             vendor_id_in         IN    NUMBER,
83             vendor_key_in        IN    VARCHAR2,
84             newstatus_in         IN    NUMBER,
85             oldstatus_in         IN    NUMBER,
86             batchstate_in        IN    NUMBER,
87             settlement_date_in   IN    DATE,
88             req_type_in          IN    VARCHAR2,
89             instr_type_in        IN    iby_batches_all.
90                                            instrument_type%TYPE,
91             br_disputed_flag_in  IN    iby_batches_all.
92                                            br_disputed_flag%TYPE,
93             f_pmt_channel_in     IN    iby_trxn_summaries_all.
94                                            payment_channel_code%TYPE,
95             f_curr_in            IN    iby_trxn_summaries_all.
96                                            currencynamecode%TYPE,
97             f_settle_date        IN    iby_trxn_summaries_all.
98                                            settledate%TYPE,
99             f_due_date           IN    iby_trxn_summaries_all.
100                                            settlement_due_date%TYPE,
101             f_maturity_date      IN    iby_trxn_summaries_all.
102                                            br_maturity_date%TYPE,
103             f_instr_type         IN    iby_trxn_summaries_all.
104                                            instrtype%TYPE,
105             numtrxns_out         OUT   NOCOPY NUMBER,
106             mbatch_ids_out       OUT   NOCOPY JTF_NUMBER_TABLE,
107             batch_ids_out        OUT   NOCOPY JTF_VARCHAR2_TABLE_100
108             );
110 /*Update the batch and transactions status and other infomations based on the
111   payeeid and batchid */
112 PROCEDURE updateBatchCloseTrxns(
113             merch_batchid_in     IN    VARCHAR2,
114             merchant_id_in       IN    VARCHAR2,
115             newstatus_in         IN    NUMBER,
116             batchstate_in        IN    NUMBER DEFAULT null,
117             numtrxns_in          IN    NUMBER DEFAULT null,
118             batchtotal_in        IN    NUMBER DEFAULT null,
119             salestotal_in        IN    NUMBER DEFAULT null,
120             credittotal_in       IN    NUMBER DEFAULT null,
121             time_in              IN    DATE DEFAULT sysdate,
122             vendor_code_in       IN    VARCHAR2 DEFAULT null,
123             vendor_message_in    IN    VARCHAR2 DEFAULT null
124             );
126 /*Update the transactions status and other informations by passed the data in as array.*/
127 PROCEDURE updateTrxnResultStatus(
128             i_merch_batchid      IN    VARCHAR2,
129             i_merchant_id        IN    VARCHAR2,
130             i_status_arr         IN    JTF_NUMBER_TABLE,
131             i_errCode_arr        IN    JTF_VARCHAR2_TABLE_100,
132             i_errMsg_arr         IN    JTF_VARCHAR2_TABLE_300,
133             i_tangibleId_arr     IN    JTF_VARCHAR2_TABLE_100,
134             o_status_arr         OUT NOCOPY JTF_NUMBER_TABLE,
135             o_error_code         OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
136             o_error_msg          OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
137             );
139 /** Insert bulk EFT transactions **/
140 PROCEDURE insertEFTBatchTrxns(
141             i_ecappid        IN iby_trxn_summaries_all.ecappid%TYPE,
142             i_payeeid        IN iby_trxn_summaries_all.payeeid%TYPE,
143             i_ecbatchid      IN iby_trxn_summaries_all.ecbatchid%TYPE,
144             i_bepid          IN iby_trxn_summaries_all.bepid%TYPE,
145             i_bepkey         IN iby_trxn_summaries_all.bepkey%TYPE,
146             i_pmtmethod      IN iby_trxn_summaries_all.paymentmethodname%TYPE,
147             i_reqtype        IN iby_trxn_summaries_all.reqtype%TYPE,
148             i_reqdate        IN iby_trxn_summaries_all.reqdate%TYPE,
149             i_payeeinstrid   IN iby_trxn_summaries_all.payeeinstrid%TYPE,
150             i_orgid          IN iby_trxn_summaries_all.org_id%TYPE,
152             i_payerinstrid   IN JTF_NUMBER_TABLE,
153             i_amount         IN JTF_NUMBER_TABLE,
154             i_payerid        IN JTF_VARCHAR2_TABLE_100,
155             i_tangibleid     IN JTF_VARCHAR2_TABLE_100,
156             i_currency       IN JTF_VARCHAR2_TABLE_100,
157             i_refinfo        IN JTF_VARCHAR2_TABLE_100,
158             i_memo           IN JTF_VARCHAR2_TABLE_100,
159             i_OrderMedium    IN JTF_VARCHAR2_TABLE_100,
160             i_EftAuthMethod  IN JTF_VARCHAR2_TABLE_100,
161             i_instrsubtype   IN JTF_VARCHAR2_TABLE_100,
162             i_settledate     IN JTF_DATE_TABLE,
163             i_issuedate      IN JTF_DATE_TABLE,
164             i_customerref    IN JTF_VARCHAR2_TABLE_100,
165             o_trxnId         OUT NOCOPY JTF_NUMBER_TABLE
166             );
168 /** Insert verify EFT transaction **/
169   PROCEDURE createEFTVerifyTrxn(
170             i_ecappid        IN iby_trxn_summaries_all.ecappid%TYPE,
171             i_reqtype        IN iby_trxn_summaries_all.reqtype%TYPE,
172             i_bepid          IN iby_trxn_summaries_all.bepid%TYPE,
173             i_bepkey         IN iby_trxn_summaries_all.bepkey%TYPE,
174             i_payeeid        IN iby_trxn_summaries_all.payeeid%TYPE,
175             i_payeeinstrid   IN iby_trxn_summaries_all.payeeinstrid%TYPE,
176             i_tangibleid     IN iby_trxn_summaries_all.tangibleid%TYPE,
177             i_amount         IN iby_trxn_summaries_all.amount%TYPE,
178             i_currency       IN iby_trxn_summaries_all.currencynamecode%TYPE,
179             i_status         IN iby_trxn_summaries_all.status%TYPE,
180             i_refinfo        IN iby_tangible.refinfo%TYPE,
181             i_memo           IN iby_tangible.memo%TYPE,
182             i_acctno         IN iby_tangible.acctno%TYPE,
183             i_OrderMedium    IN iby_tangible.order_medium%TYPE,
184             i_EftAuthMethod  IN iby_tangible.eft_auth_method%TYPE,
185             i_orgid          IN iby_trxn_summaries_all.org_id%TYPE,
186             i_pmtmethod      IN iby_trxn_summaries_all.paymentmethodname%TYPE,
187     	    i_payerid        IN iby_trxn_summaries_all.payerid%TYPE,
188             i_instrtype      IN iby_trxn_summaries_all.instrtype%TYPE,
189             i_instrsubtype   IN iby_trxn_summaries_all.instrsubtype%TYPE,
190             i_payerinstrid   IN iby_trxn_summaries_all.payerinstrid%TYPE,
191             i_trxndate       IN iby_trxn_summaries_all.updatedate%TYPE,
192             i_trxntypeid     IN iby_trxn_summaries_all.TrxntypeID%TYPE,
193             i_bepcode        IN iby_trxn_summaries_all.BEPCode%TYPE,
194             i_bepmessage     IN iby_trxn_summaries_all.BEPMessage%TYPE,
195             i_errorlocation  IN iby_trxn_summaries_all.errorlocation%TYPE,
196             i_referenceCode  IN iby_trxn_summaries_all.proc_reference_code%TYPE,
197             o_trxnid         OUT NOCOPY iby_trxn_summaries_all.transactionid%TYPE,
198             i_orgtype        IN iby_trxn_summaries_all.org_type%TYPE,
199             i_pmtchannelcode IN iby_trxn_summaries_all.payment_channel_code%TYPE,
200             i_factoredflag   IN iby_trxn_summaries_all.factored_flag%TYPE,
201             i_pmtinstrassignmentId IN iby_trxn_summaries_all.payer_instr_assignment_id%TYPE,
202             i_process_profile_code IN iby_trxn_summaries_all.process_profile_code%TYPE,
203             o_trxnmid        OUT NOCOPY iby_trxn_summaries_all.trxnmid%TYPE
204             );
206 /*Added funds transfer format code as an additional paramater to fetch validations attached to the format.*/
207  PROCEDURE validate_open_batch
208  (
209  p_bep_id           IN     iby_trxn_summaries_all.bepid%TYPE,
210  p_mbatch_id        IN     iby_batches_all.mbatchid%TYPE,
211  p_funds_xfer_format_code IN iby_fndcpt_sys_eft_pf_b.funds_xfer_format_code%TYPE
212  );
215 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------
216  | NAME:
217  |     print_debuginfo
218  |
219  | PURPOSE:
220  |     This procedure prints the debug message to the concurrent manager
221  |     log file.
222  |
224  |     IN
225  |      p_debug_text - The debug message to be printed
226  |
227  |     OUT
228  |
229  |
230  | RETURNS:
231  |
232  | NOTES:
233  |
234  *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/
235  PROCEDURE print_debuginfo(
236      p_module     IN VARCHAR2,
237      p_debug_text IN VARCHAR2
238      );
240 END iby_transactioneft_pkg;