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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 18

    select value
    where parameter = p_parameter;
Line: 215

  SELECT pp.business_group_id
   FROM  per_all_people_f pp    -- 02/09/2001 changed from per_people_f
  WHERE  pp.person_id = p_person_id;
Line: 242

    select pbg.legislation_code
      from per_business_groups      pbg
         , per_all_people_f         per
     where per.person_id         = p_person_id
       and pbg.business_group_id = per.business_group_id
       and p_effective_date between per.effective_start_date
                                and per.effective_end_date
  order by per.effective_start_date;
Line: 373

                   ,p_icx_update => false);
Line: 720

  select   lookup_code, meaning
  from     hr_lookups
  where    lookup_type = p_lookup_type
  and      enabled_flag = 'Y'
  and      nvl(p_effective_date, trunc(sysdate))
  between  nvl(start_date_active,hr_api.g_sot)
  and      nvl(end_date_active,hr_api.g_eot)
  order by lookup_code;
Line: 912

PROCEDURE insert_session_row(p_effective_date in date) IS
  l_proc varchar2(100) := g_package || 'insert_session_row';
Line: 921

  l_proc := g_package || 'insert_session_row';
Line: 936

END insert_session_row;
Line: 962

  SELECT userenv('sessionid')
  FROM   dual;
Line: 1014

  delete from fnd_sessions
  where session_id = userenv('sessionid');
Line: 1036

                          ,p_icx_update in   boolean default true
                          ,p_icx_commit in   boolean default false) IS
  l_web_username  varchar2(80) default null;
Line: 1051

              ,p_icx_update   => p_icx_update
              ,p_icx_commit   => p_icx_commit);
Line: 1066

                          ,p_icx_update   in   boolean  default true
                          ,p_icx_commit   in   boolean  default false) IS

  CURSOR  csr_hr_installation_status(p_application_id number) IS
  SELECT  fpi.status status
    FROM  fnd_product_installations fpi
   WHERE  fpi.application_id = p_application_id;
Line: 1084

  IF NOT(icx_sec.validateSession(c_update => p_icx_update
                                ,c_commit => p_icx_commit)) THEN
    RAISE g_error_handled;
Line: 1313

                              ,p_icx_update  => false     -- 10/15/97 Changed
                              ,p_icx_commit  => false);   -- 10/15/97 Changed
Line: 1355

procedure insert_attachment_v4
          (p_attachment_text    in CLOB default null  	-- Bug#13375642
          ,p_entity_name        in varchar2 default null
          ,p_pk1_value          in varchar2 default null
          ,p_name               in fnd_document_categories_tl.name%TYPE
          ,p_rowid              out nocopy varchar2
          ,p_login_person_id   in  number) is

  l_attached_document_id  fnd_attached_documents.attached_document_id%TYPE;
Line: 1366

  l_proc constant varchar2(100) := g_package || ' insert_attachment_v4';
Line: 1369

    (p_attachment_text => p_attachment_text
    ,p_entity_name => p_entity_name
    ,p_pk1_value => p_pk1_value
    ,p_name => p_name
    ,p_rowid => p_rowid
    ,p_login_person_id => p_login_person_id
    ,p_attached_document_id => l_attached_document_id
    ,p_document_id => l_document_id
    ,p_media_id => l_media_id);
Line: 1380

end insert_attachment_v4;
Line: 1385

procedure insert_attachment
          (p_attachment_text    in CLOB default null  	-- Bug#13375642
          ,p_entity_name        in varchar2 default null
          ,p_pk1_value          in varchar2 default null
          ,p_name               in fnd_document_categories_tl.name%TYPE
                                   default 'HR_RESUME'
          ,p_attached_document_id  out
          ,p_document_id           out
          ,p_media_id              out
          ,p_rowid                 out nocopy varchar2
          ,p_login_person_id   in  number) is   -- 10/14/97 Changed

  -- Call fnd_attached_documents_pkg.insert_row api to insert into fnd_documents
  -- table.  If customer uses third party software to store the resume, modify
  -- the code here.

  l_rowid                  varchar2(50) default null;
Line: 1416

  l_proc constant varchar2(100) := g_package || ' insert_attachment';
Line: 1418

         select nvl(max(seq_num),0) + 10
           from fnd_attached_documents
          where entity_name = p_entity_name
            and pk1_value   = p_pk1_value
            and pk2_value is null
            and pk3_value is null
            and pk4_value is null
            and pk5_value is null;
Line: 1428

         select category_id
           from fnd_document_categories_tl
          where language = csr_p_lang
            and name = p_name;
Line: 1438

  select userenv('LANG') into l_language from dual;
Line: 1460

     select fnd_attached_documents_s.nextval
       into l_attached_document_id
       from sys.dual;
Line: 1466

            (x_rowid                      => l_rowid
            ,x_attached_document_id       => l_attached_document_id
            ,x_document_id                => l_document_id
            ,x_creation_date              => trunc(sysdate)
            ,x_created_by                 => p_login_person_id --10/14/97Chg
            ,x_last_update_date           => trunc(sysdate)
            ,x_last_updated_by            => p_login_person_id --10/14/97Chg
            ,x_seq_num                    => l_seq_num
            ,x_entity_name                => p_entity_name
            ,x_column1                    => 'PERSON_ID'
            ,x_pk1_value                  => p_pk1_value
            ,x_pk2_value                  => null
            ,x_pk3_value                  => null
            ,x_pk4_value                  => null
            ,x_pk5_value                  => null
            ,x_automatically_added_flag   => 'N'
            ,x_datatype_id                => l_datatype_id
            ,x_category_id                => l_category_id
            ,x_security_type              => 4
            ,x_publish_flag               =>'N'
            ,x_usage_type                 =>'O'
            ,x_language                   => l_language
            ,x_media_id                   => l_media_id
            ,x_doc_attribute_category     => null
            ,x_doc_attribute1             => null
            ,x_doc_attribute2             => null
            ,x_doc_attribute3             => null
            ,x_doc_attribute4             => null
            ,x_doc_attribute5             => null
            ,x_doc_attribute6             => null
            ,x_doc_attribute7             => null
            ,x_doc_attribute8             => null
            ,x_doc_attribute9             => null
            ,x_doc_attribute10            => null
            ,x_doc_attribute11            => null
            ,x_doc_attribute12            => null
            ,x_doc_attribute13            => null
            ,x_doc_attribute14            => null
            ,x_doc_attribute15            => null);
Line: 1514

  insert into fnd_documents_long_text
Line: 1532

end insert_attachment;
Line: 1539

procedure update_attachment
          (p_attachment_text    in CLOB default null  	-- Bug#13375642
          ,p_entity_name        in varchar2 default null
          ,p_pk1_value          in varchar2 default null
          ,p_rowid              in varchar2
          ,p_login_person_id in number) is   -- 10/14/97 Changed

  -- Call fnd_attached_documents_pkg.update_row api to update fnd_documents
  -- table.  If customer uses third party software to store the resume, modify
  -- the code here.

  l_rowid                  varchar2(50);
Line: 1554

  l_proc constant varchar2(100) := g_package || ' update_attachment';
Line: 1562

    select *
    from   fnd_attached_documents
    where  rowid = p_rowid;
Line: 1567

    select *
    from   fnd_documents
    where  document_id = csr_p_document_id;
Line: 1573

    select *
    from   fnd_documents_tl
    where  document_id = csr_p_document_id
    and    language = csr_p_lang;
Line: 1587

  select userenv('LANG') into l_language from dual;
Line: 1685

            (x_rowid                      => p_rowid
            ,x_attached_document_id       =>
            ,x_document_id                => l_doc_pre_upd.document_id
            ,x_last_update_date           => trunc(sysdate)
            ,x_last_updated_by            => p_login_person_id --10/14/97chg
            ,x_seq_num                    => l_attached_doc_pre_upd.seq_num
            ,x_entity_name                => p_entity_name
            ,x_column1                    => 'PERSON_ID'
            ,x_pk1_value                  => p_pk1_value
            ,x_pk2_value                  => l_attached_doc_pre_upd.pk2_value
            ,x_pk3_value                  => l_attached_doc_pre_upd.pk3_value
            ,x_pk4_value                  => l_attached_doc_pre_upd.pk4_value
            ,x_pk5_value                  => l_attached_doc_pre_upd.pk5_value
            ,x_automatically_added_flag   =>
            ,x_attribute_category         =>
            ,x_attribute1                 => l_attached_doc_pre_upd.attribute1
            ,x_attribute2                 => l_attached_doc_pre_upd.attribute2
            ,x_attribute3                 => l_attached_doc_pre_upd.attribute3
            ,x_attribute4                 => l_attached_doc_pre_upd.attribute4
            ,x_attribute5                 => l_attached_doc_pre_upd.attribute5
            ,x_attribute6                 => l_attached_doc_pre_upd.attribute6
            ,x_attribute7                 => l_attached_doc_pre_upd.attribute7
            ,x_attribute8                 => l_attached_doc_pre_upd.attribute8
            ,x_attribute9                 => l_attached_doc_pre_upd.attribute9
            ,x_attribute10                => l_attached_doc_pre_upd.attribute10
            ,x_attribute11                => l_attached_doc_pre_upd.attribute11
            ,x_attribute12                => l_attached_doc_pre_upd.attribute12
            ,x_attribute13                => l_attached_doc_pre_upd.attribute13
            ,x_attribute14                => l_attached_doc_pre_upd.attribute14
            ,x_attribute15                => l_attached_doc_pre_upd.attribute15
            /*   columns necessary for creating a document on the fly  */
            ,x_datatype_id                => l_doc_pre_upd.datatype_id
            ,x_category_id                => l_doc_pre_upd.category_id
            ,x_security_type              => l_doc_pre_upd.security_type
            ,x_security_id                => l_doc_pre_upd.security_id
            ,x_publish_flag               => l_doc_pre_upd.publish_flag
            ,x_image_type                 => l_doc_pre_upd.image_type
            ,x_storage_type               => l_doc_pre_upd.storage_type
            ,x_usage_type                 => l_doc_pre_upd.usage_type
            ,x_start_date_active          => trunc(sysdate)
            ,x_end_date_active            => l_doc_pre_upd.end_date_active
            ,x_language                   => l_language
            ,x_description                => l_doc_tl_pre_upd.description
            ,x_file_name                  => l_doc_tl_pre_upd.file_name
            ,x_media_id                   => l_doc_tl_pre_upd.media_id
            ,x_doc_attribute_category     =>
            ,x_doc_attribute1             => l_doc_tl_pre_upd.doc_attribute1
            ,x_doc_attribute2             => l_doc_tl_pre_upd.doc_attribute2
            ,x_doc_attribute3             => l_doc_tl_pre_upd.doc_attribute3
            ,x_doc_attribute4             => l_doc_tl_pre_upd.doc_attribute4
            ,x_doc_attribute5             => l_doc_tl_pre_upd.doc_attribute5
            ,x_doc_attribute6             => l_doc_tl_pre_upd.doc_attribute6
            ,x_doc_attribute7             => l_doc_tl_pre_upd.doc_attribute7
            ,x_doc_attribute8             => l_doc_tl_pre_upd.doc_attribute8
            ,x_doc_attribute9             => l_doc_tl_pre_upd.doc_attribute9
            ,x_doc_attribute10            => l_doc_tl_pre_upd.doc_attribute10
            ,x_doc_attribute11            => l_doc_tl_pre_upd.doc_attribute11
            ,x_doc_attribute12            => l_doc_tl_pre_upd.doc_attribute12
            ,x_doc_attribute13            => l_doc_tl_pre_upd.doc_attribute13
            ,x_doc_attribute14            => l_doc_tl_pre_upd.doc_attribute14
            ,x_doc_attribute15            => l_doc_tl_pre_upd.doc_attribute15);
Line: 1756

     update fnd_documents_long_text
        set long_text = l_attachment_text
      where media_id  = l_doc_tl_pre_upd.media_id;
Line: 1765

  End update_attachment;
Line: 1847

  l_update_date           date default null;
Line: 1851

  select category_id
    from fnd_document_categories_tl
   where language = csr_p_lang
     and name = p_user_name;
Line: 1857

  select fatd.rowid, fatd.attached_document_id, fatd.document_id, fatd.seq_num
    from fnd_attached_documents  fatd
         ,fnd_documents          fd
   where fd.category_id = csr_p_cat_id
     and fatd.entity_name = p_entity_name
     and fatd.pk1_value   = p_pk1_value
     and fatd.document_id = fd.document_id
     and p_effective_date
         between nvl(fd.start_date_active, trunc(sysdate))
             and nvl(fd.end_date_active, hr_api.g_eot)
   order by fd.last_update_date desc,
         fd.document_id desc;   -- retrieve the one updated the last
Line: 1872

  select media_id , creation_date
    from fnd_documents_tl
   where document_id = csr_p_document_id
     and media_id is not null;
Line: 1878

  select long_text
    from fnd_documents_long_text
   where media_id = csr_p_media_id;
Line: 1886

  select userenv('LANG') into l_language from dual;
Line: 1923

                                    l_document_id, l_seq_num, l_update_date;
Line: 2067

|                person being updated in LM mode.
|                Returns FALSE if the logged in person is different from the
|                person being updated.
|  In Parameters :
|    p_item_type  = Workflow Item Type for the Current Process (HRSSA).
|    p_item_key   = Workflow Item Key for the Current Process.
|  Returns       : BOOLEAN
|     TRUE       = If it's a manager updating himself in LMDA mode or
|                  If a person logged in EDA mode
|     FALSE      = If it's a employee is updated by his manger in LMDA mode.

FUNCTION isSelfUpdating
        (p_item_type IN VARCHAR2
        ,p_item_key IN VARCHAR
l_text_value VARCHAR2(2000);
Line: 2098

        hr_util_misc_web.validate_session(p_person_id => g_person_id,p_icx_update => false);
Line: 2134

	 SELECT a.function_id
	 FROM   icx_sessions a
	 WHERE  session_id = p_session_id;
Line: 2172

	  FROM	fnd_form_functions
	  WHERE function_id = p_function_id;
Line: 2212

	 SELECT a.function_id
	 FROM   icx_sessions a
	 WHERE  session_id = p_session_id;
Line: 2260

	 SELECT a.function_id
	 FROM   icx_sessions a
	 WHERE  session_id = p_session_id;
Line: 2348

				  ,p_icx_update => false);
Line: 2384

    select person_id from per_people_f
    where person_id = p_person_id;
Line: 2437
