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Line 711: ,okc_rules_b rule

707: CURSOR c_party_share_exist_csr(cp_chr_id okc_k_headers_b.id%TYPE, cp_cpl_id okc_k_party_roles_b.id%TYPE)IS
708: SELECT okl_vp_jtf_party_name_pub.get_party_name(pr.rle_code,chr.buy_or_sell,pr.object1_id1,pr.object1_id2) party_name
709: FROM okc_k_party_roles_b pr
710: ,okc_k_headers_b chr
711: ,okc_rules_b rule
712: WHERE pr.id = cp_cpl_id
713: AND rule.rule_information1 = pr.id
714: AND rule.rule_information_category = 'VGLRSP'
715: AND rule.dnz_chr_id = cp_chr_id

Line 764: -- check to see if cpl_id exists in okc_rules_b (even if his percentage is 0 ??) and error out in such a case

760: CLOSE cur_get_dnz_chr_id;
761: /* Manu 29-Jun-2005 END */
763: -- sjalasut, added logic to restrict deletion of party role when the party is involved in residual share
764: -- check to see if cpl_id exists in okc_rules_b (even if his percentage is 0 ??) and error out in such a case
765: OPEN c_party_share_exist_csr(cp_chr_id => l_dnz_chr_id, cp_cpl_id => p_cplv_rec.id);
766: FETCH c_party_share_exist_csr INTO lv_party_name;
767: IF(c_party_share_exist_csr%FOUND)THEN
768: CLOSE c_party_share_exist_csr;