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1 package body pay_yrend_reports_pkg as
2 /* $Header: pyusw2cu.pkb 120.7 2011/09/15 17:52:44 sgotlasw ship $ */
3 /*
4    Copyright (c) Oracle Corporation 1991,1992,1993. All rights reserved
6    Name        :This package defines the cursors needed to run Year End Reports Multi-Threaded
8    Change List
9    -----------
10    Date         Name        Vers   Description
11    -----------  ----------  -----  -----------------------------------
12    09-MAR-1999  meshah      40.0   created
13    20-JUL-2001	irgonzal    115.1  Modified action_creation and sort_
14                                    action procedures. Bug fixes:
15                                    1850043, 1488083, 1894165.
16    22-JUL-2001 ndorai       115.2  Commented the join clause and the
17                                    call to API hr_us_w2_rep.person_in_set
18                                    in range_cursor to improve performance and
19                                    modified the query of action_creation.
20    26-JUL-2001 ndorai       115.3  Modified the action_creation cursor and
21                                    range_cursor.
22    30-JUL-2001 ndorai       115.4  Replaced per_assignments_f with
23                                    per_all_assignments_f in sort_action_cursor.
24    26-SEP-2001 ndorai       115.5  Fixed the sort_action string so that the
25                                    variable value will be substituted properly.
26    24-DEC-2001 meshah       115.8  Changed hr_locations to hr_locations_all.
27    06-JAN-2002 meshah       115.9  inlcuded a space in range cursor while
28                                    constructing the sqlstr.
29    11-SEP-2002 ppanda	    115.10 Sort cursor sql string changed to use
30                                    pay_assignment_actions instead of per_all_assignments_f
31                                    in for update clause
33    09-JAN-2003 ahanda	    115.13 Sort cursor changed ti Fix Bug 2743186
34    09-JAN-2003 asasthan	    115.14 nocopy changes
35    07-AUG-2003 jgoswami     115.15 Action cursor changed to Fix Bug 2573628
36                                    split into two cursors as c_actions_with_asg_set
37                                    and c_actions_without_asg_set
38    11-AUG-2003 jgoswami     115.16 Commented the to_char(USERENV('SESSIONID'))
39    05-SEP-2003 ahanda       115.17 Changed sort_action to not go to secure view.
40                                    As the action is already created the sort_cursor
41                                    should go to the base table(Bug 3131302).
42    09-SEP-2004 rsethupa     115.18 Modified cursors in the action_creation
43                                    procedure to fetch only from
44 				   secure view per_assignments_f.
45    14-MAR-2005 sackumar     115.19 Bug 4222032
46                                    Change in the Range Cursor removing redundant
47                                    use of bind Variable (:pactid)
48    25-MAY-2005 ahanda       115.20 Bug 4378773
49                                    Changed function get_parameter to check for
50                                    exact name i.e. ' ' || name || '='
54    31-AUG-2006 saurgupt     115.24 Bug 3913757 : Made change to sort_action. Added the employee
51    12-SEP-2005 ynegoro      115.21 Bug 2538173, added locality parameter
52    21-SEP-2005 ynegoro      115.22 Bug 2538173, Modifed for locality parameter
53    22-SEP-2005 ahanda       115.23 Changed action creation for locality param.
55                                    name in the sort2 and sort3 if no sort option is provided in
56                                    sort2 and sort3.
57    12-MAY-2008 keyazawa     115.24 bug 5896290 added deinitialize_code
58    15-SEP-2011 sgotlasw     115.27 Bug 10254849
59                                    Added Debug log messages to print Person ID and
60                                    Assignment ID of the employee in range_cursor code
61                                    and action_creation code.
62 */
63 --
64 c_package    constant varchar2(31) := 'pay_yrend_reports_pkg.';
65 c_commit_num constant number := 1000;
66 --
67 g_debug      boolean := hr_utility.debug_enabled;
68 --
69 ----------------------------------- range_cursor ----------------------------------
70 procedure range_cursor (pactid in number, sqlstr out nocopy varchar2) is
71   /*   Bug : 10254849   */
72   CURSOR get_person_id_debug
73       (  pactid number,
74          l_eoy_payroll_action_id  pay_payroll_actions.payroll_action_id%type,
75          l_tax_unit_id pay_assignment_actions.tax_unit_id%type
76        ) is
77       select distinct to_number(act.serial_number),act.assignment_id
78       from    pay_assignment_actions act  /* W2 Register Information */
79       where  pactid is not null
80            and act.payroll_action_id = l_eoy_payroll_action_id
81  	         and act.tax_unit_id = l_tax_unit_id
82 	         order by to_number(act.serial_number);
83   person_id number;
84   assignment_id number;
85   num number;
86   l_assign_year number;
87   l_tax_unit_id pay_assignment_actions.tax_unit_id%type;
88   l_eoy_payroll_action_id pay_payroll_actions.payroll_action_id%type;
89 begin
91   /* EOY reg code */
92   /* year end pre-processor stores person id in serial number */
93   -- Query is added to fetch the tax_unit_id, year, EOY payroll_action_id to be
94   -- passed to the sqlstring to improve the performance.
95   --
96   select pay_yrend_reports_pkg.get_parameter('T_U_ID',ppa1.legislative_parameters),
97          pay_yrend_reports_pkg.get_parameter('P_YEAR',ppa1.legislative_parameters),
98          ppa.payroll_action_id
99    into  l_tax_unit_id,
100          l_assign_year,
101          l_eoy_payroll_action_id
102    from pay_payroll_actions ppa,   /* EOY payroll action id */
103         pay_payroll_actions ppa1   /* PYUGEN payroll action id */
104   where ppa1.payroll_action_id = pactid
105     and ppa.effective_date = to_date('31-DEC-'||
106                                   pay_yrend_reports_pkg.get_parameter
107                                    ('P_YEAR',ppa1.legislative_parameters), 'DD-MON-YYYY')
108     and ppa.report_type = 'YREND'
109     and pay_yrend_reports_pkg.get_parameter
110                ('T_U_ID',ppa1.legislative_parameters) =
111                           pay_yrend_reports_pkg.get_parameter
112                               ('TRANSFER_GRE',ppa.legislative_parameters);
114    sqlstr := 'select distinct to_number(act.serial_number)
115                 from    pay_assignment_actions act  /* W2 Register Information */
116                where  :pactid is not null
117                  and    act.payroll_action_id = ' || l_eoy_payroll_action_id ||
118  	       ' and    act.tax_unit_id = ' || l_tax_unit_id ||
119 	       ' order by to_number(act.serial_number)';
120 	 /*  Bug : 10254849   */
121    if g_debug then
122    open get_person_id_debug(pactid, l_eoy_payroll_action_id, l_tax_unit_id);
123    num := 0;
124    hr_utility.trace('List of Person IDs, Assignment IDs picked up by RANGE CURSOR Code');
125    hr_utility.trace('-----------------------------------------------------------------');
126    loop
127          fetch get_person_id_debug into person_id,assignment_id;
128          if get_person_id_debug%found then num := num + 1; end if;
129          exit when get_person_id_debug%notfound;
130          hr_utility.trace('  (' || num || ')  ' || 'PERSON ID :' ||  person_id || '   ASSIGNMENT ID :' ||  assignment_id);
131    end loop;
132 close get_person_id_debug;
133 end if;
135 --hr_utility.trace('Session ID = '||to_char(USERENV('SESSIONID')));
136 end range_cursor;
138 ---------------------------------- action_creation ----------------------------------
139 procedure action_creation(pactid in number,
140                           stperson in number,
141                           endperson in number,
142                           chunk in number) is
143   -- cursor has been modified by adding new parameter c_pay_action_id and removed
144   -- the reference to pay_payroll_actions table by fetching values in a separate query.
145   --
146   -- cursor will be used when asignment_set is  selected.
148   CURSOR c_actions_with_asg_set
149       (
150          pactid    number,
151          stperson  number,
152          endperson number,
153          c_assign_year number,
154          c_tax_unit_id pay_assignment_actions.tax_unit_id%type,
155          c_assign_set hr_assignment_set_amendments.assignment_set_id%type,
156          c_eoy_payroll_action_id pay_payroll_actions.payroll_action_id%type
157       ) is
158       select act.assignment_action_id,
159              act.assignment_id,
160              act.tax_unit_id,
161              to_number(act.serial_number)
162              -- need to select person id to check for assignment set
163        from  pay_assignment_actions  act
164       where  act.payroll_action_id = c_eoy_payroll_action_id
165         and  act.tax_unit_id = c_tax_unit_id
169                             hr_assignment_set_amendments hasa
166         and  to_number(act.serial_number) between stperson and endperson
167         and  exists ( select 1
168                        from per_assignments_f paf,
170                       where hasa.assignment_set_id = c_assign_set
171                         and hasa.assignment_id = paf.assignment_id
172                         and upper(hasa.include_or_exclude) = 'I'
173                         and c_assign_set is not null
174                         and paf.person_id = to_number(act.serial_number)
175                    );
177 /* when assignment_set is not selected */
178 -- #3871087 Included join with per_assignments_f
179   CURSOR c_actions_without_asg_set
180       (
181          pactid    number,
182          stperson  number,
183          endperson number,
184          c_assign_year number,
185          c_tax_unit_id pay_assignment_actions.tax_unit_id%type,
186          c_eoy_payroll_action_id pay_payroll_actions.payroll_action_id%type,
187          c_effective_date  pay_payroll_actions.effective_date%TYPE,
188          c_start_date      pay_payroll_actions.start_date%TYPE
189       ) is
190       select act.assignment_action_id,
191              act.assignment_id,
192              act.tax_unit_id,
193              to_number(act.serial_number)
194              -- need to select person id to check for assignment set
195        from  pay_assignment_actions  act,
196              per_assignments_f paf
197       where  act.payroll_action_id = c_eoy_payroll_action_id
198         and  act.tax_unit_id = c_tax_unit_id
199 	and  paf.assignment_id = act.assignment_id
200         and  paf.effective_start_date =
201                          (select max(paf2.effective_start_date)
202                           from per_assignments_f paf2
203                           where paf2.assignment_id = paf.assignment_id
204                             and paf2.effective_start_date <=
205                                                           c_effective_date )
206         AND paf.effective_end_date >= c_start_date
207         AND paf.assignment_type = 'E'
208         and  to_number(act.serial_number) between stperson and endperson;
210       lockingactid  number;
211       lockedactid   number;
212       assignid      number;
213       greid         number;
214       num           number;
215       p_person_id   number;
216       l_assign_set  number;
217       l_assign_year number;
218       l_tax_unit_id pay_assignment_actions.tax_unit_id%type;
219       l_eoy_payroll_action_id pay_payroll_actions.payroll_action_id%type;
221       l_effective_date pay_payroll_actions.effective_date%TYPE;
222       l_start_date     pay_payroll_actions.start_date%TYPE;
224       -- BUG2538173
225       CURSOR c_state_context (p_context_name varchar2) is
226        select context_id from ff_contexts
227        where context_name = p_context_name;
229       l_state_code       pay_us_states.state_code%type;
230       l_locality_code    varchar2(20);
232       TYPE RefCurType is REF CURSOR;
233       c_actions_with_state      RefCurType;
234       c_actions_with_state_sql varchar2(10000);
235       l_tuid_context    ff_contexts.context_id%TYPE;
236       l_juri_context    ff_contexts.context_id%TYPE;
238       CURSOR c_state_ueid (p_user_entity_name varchar2) is
239        select user_entity_id
240        from ff_user_entities
241        where user_entity_name = p_user_entity_name
242          and legislation_code = 'US';
244       l_subj_whable       ff_user_entities.user_entity_id%TYPE;
245       l_subj_nwhable      ff_user_entities.user_entity_id%TYPE;
247       l_procedure_name    VARCHAR2(100);
249    begin
250 --      hr_utility.trace_on(null, 'W2REG');
251       l_procedure_name := 'action_creation';
252       hr_utility.set_location(l_procedure_name, 1);
253       --
254       -- Query has been added to fetch tax_unit_id, year to be passed to the cursor
255       select pay_yrend_reports_pkg.get_parameter('ASSIGN_SET',ppa1.legislative_parameters),
256              pay_yrend_reports_pkg.get_parameter('T_U_ID',ppa1.legislative_parameters),
257              pay_yrend_reports_pkg.get_parameter('P_YEAR',ppa1.legislative_parameters),
258              ppa.payroll_action_id,
259              ppa.effective_date,
260              ppa.start_date
261             ,hr_us_w2_mt.get_parameter('STATE',ppa1.legislative_parameters)
262             ,hr_us_w2_mt.get_parameter('LOCALITY',ppa1.legislative_parameters)
263         into l_assign_set,
264              l_tax_unit_id,
265              l_assign_year,
266              l_eoy_payroll_action_id,
267              l_effective_date,
268              l_start_date
269             ,l_state_code  -- BUG2538173
270             ,l_locality_code
271         from pay_payroll_actions ppa,   /* W2 payroll action id */
272              pay_payroll_actions ppa1   /* PYUGEN payroll action id */
273        where ppa1.payroll_action_id = pactid
274          and ppa.effective_date = to_date('31-DEC-'|| pay_yrend_reports_pkg.get_parameter
275                                    ('P_YEAR',ppa1.legislative_parameters), 'DD-MON-YYYY')
276          and ppa.report_type = 'YREND'
277          and pay_yrend_reports_pkg.get_parameter
278                     ('T_U_ID',ppa1.legislative_parameters) =
279                  pay_yrend_reports_pkg.get_parameter
280                     ('TRANSFER_GRE',ppa.legislative_parameters);
282       hr_utility.trace('l_assign_set= ' || l_assign_set);
283       hr_utility.trace('l_tax_unit_id=' || l_tax_unit_id);
284       hr_utility.trace('l_eoy_payroll_action_id=' || l_eoy_payroll_action_id);
285       hr_utility.trace('l_assign_year=' || l_assign_year);
289       hr_utility.set_location(l_procedure_name, 10);
286       hr_utility.trace('pactid=' || pactid);
287       hr_utility.trace('stperson=' || stperson);
288       hr_utility.trace('endperson=' || endperson);
291    if l_assign_set is not null then
292       hr_utility.set_location(l_procedure_name, 20);
293       open c_actions_with_asg_set(pactid, stperson, endperson,
294                      l_assign_year, l_tax_unit_id,
295                      l_assign_set, l_eoy_payroll_action_id);
296       num := 0;
297       loop
298          fetch c_actions_with_asg_set into lockedactid,assignid,greid,p_person_id;
299          if c_actions_with_asg_set%found then num := num + 1; end if;
300          exit when c_actions_with_asg_set%notfound;
302       /*   Bug : 10254849   */
303          if g_debug then
304          hr_utility.trace('[ ACTION CREATION CODE, ASSIGNMENT SET AS INPUT PARAM ] PERSON ID :' || p_person_id || '  ASSIGNMENT ID :' || assignid );
305          end if;
306        -- Commenting the IF clause as this condition is already taken care
307        -- in the action_creation cursor.
308        -- if (hr_assignment_set.person_in_set(l_assign_set,p_person_id)='Y') then
310         -- we need to insert one action for each of the
311         -- rows that we return from the cursor (i.e. one
312         -- for each assignment/pre-payment/reversal).
314         select pay_assignment_actions_s.nextval
315         into   lockingactid
316         from   dual;
318         hr_utility.set_location(l_procedure_name, 30);
319         -- insert the action record.
320         hr_nonrun_asact.insact(lockingactid,assignid,pactid,chunk,greid);
322 /* update pay_assignment_actions with the year end assignment_actions into serial number
323    this might help in faster processing at report level and avoid some joins */
325         update pay_assignment_actions
326         set serial_number = lockedactid
327         where assignment_action_id = lockingactid;
330          -- insert an interlock to this action.
331          -- Bug fix 1850043
332          -- hr_nonrun_asact.insint(lockingactid,lockedactid);
334       -- end if;
336       end loop;
337       close c_actions_with_asg_set;
338    --
339    -- BUG2538173
340    --
341    elsif l_state_code is not null then
342      hr_utility.set_location(l_procedure_name, 40);
343      open c_state_context('TAX_UNIT_ID');
344      fetch c_state_context into l_tuid_context;
345      close c_state_context;
347      open c_state_context('JURISDICTION_CODE');
348      fetch c_state_context into l_juri_context;
349      close c_state_context;
351      hr_utility.set_location(l_procedure_name, 50);
352      c_actions_with_state_sql :=
353       'select act.assignment_action_id,
354              act.assignment_id,
355              act.tax_unit_id,
356              to_number(act.serial_number)
357              -- need to select person id to check for assignment set
358        from  pay_assignment_actions  act,
359              per_assignments_f paf
360       where  act.payroll_action_id = ' || l_eoy_payroll_action_id || '
361         and  act.tax_unit_id = ' || l_tax_unit_id || '
362 	and  paf.assignment_id = act.assignment_id
363         and  paf.effective_start_date =
364                          (select max(paf2.effective_start_date)
365                           from per_assignments_f paf2
366                           where paf2.assignment_id = paf.assignment_id
367                             and paf2.effective_start_date <= ''' ||
368                                                           l_effective_date || ''' )
369         AND paf.effective_end_date >= ''' || l_start_date || '''
370         AND paf.assignment_type = ''E''
371         and  to_number(act.serial_number) between ' || stperson || ' and ' ||endperson;
373      hr_utility.set_location(l_procedure_name, 60);
374      if l_locality_code is null then
375         open c_state_ueid('A_SIT_SUBJ_WHABLE_PER_JD_GRE_YTD');
376         fetch c_state_ueid into l_subj_whable;
377         close c_state_ueid;
379         open c_state_ueid('A_SIT_SUBJ_NWHABLE_PER_JD_GRE_YTD');
380         fetch c_state_ueid into l_subj_nwhable;
381         close c_state_ueid;
383         hr_utility.set_location(l_procedure_name, 70);
384         c_actions_with_state_sql := c_actions_with_state_sql ||
385             ' AND exists ( select 1 from dual
386                              where 1 =
387                             (select decode(sign(nvl(sum(to_number(fai.value)),0)),-1,1,0,0,1)
388                              from ff_archive_items fai,
389                                   ff_archive_item_contexts fic1,
390                                   ff_archive_item_contexts fic2
391                              where fai.context1 = act.assignment_action_id
392                                and fai.user_entity_id in (' || l_subj_whable || ',
393                                                           ' || l_subj_nwhable || ')
394                                and fai.archive_item_id = fic1.archive_item_id
395                                and fic1.context_id = ' || l_tuid_context || '
396                                and ltrim(rtrim(fic1.context)) = to_char(act.tax_unit_id)
397                                and fai.archive_item_id = fic2.archive_item_id
398                                and fic2.context_id = ' || l_juri_context || '
399                                and substr(ltrim(rtrim(fic2.context)),1,2) = ' || l_state_code || ' ))';
402      --
403      -- County
404      --
405      elsif length(l_locality_code) = 11 and
406            substr(l_locality_code, 8,4) = '0000' then
410         close c_state_ueid;
407         hr_utility.set_location(l_procedure_name, 80);
408         open c_state_ueid('A_COUNTY_SUBJ_WHABLE_PER_JD_GRE_YTD');
409         fetch c_state_ueid into l_subj_whable;
412         open c_state_ueid('A_COUNTY_SUBJ_NWHABLE_PER_JD_GRE_YTD');
413         fetch c_state_ueid into l_subj_nwhable;
414         close c_state_ueid;
416         hr_utility.set_location(l_procedure_name, 90);
417         c_actions_with_state_sql := c_actions_with_state_sql ||
418               ' AND exists ( select 1 from dual
419                              where 1 =
420                 (select decode(sign(nvl(sum(to_number(fai.value)),0)),-1,1,0,0,1)
421                    from ff_archive_items fai,
422                         ff_archive_item_contexts fic1,
423                         ff_archive_item_contexts fic2
424                   where fai.context1 = act.assignment_action_id
425                     and fai.user_entity_id in (' || l_subj_whable || ',
426                                                ' || l_subj_nwhable || ')
427                     and fai.archive_item_id = fic1.archive_item_id
428                     and fic1.context_id = ' || l_tuid_context || '
429                     and ltrim(rtrim(fic1.context)) = to_char(act.tax_unit_id)
430                     and fai.archive_item_id = fic2.archive_item_id
431                     and fic2.context_id = ' || l_juri_context || '
432                     and substr(ltrim(rtrim(fic2.context)),1,6) = substr(''' || l_locality_code || ''',1,6) ))';
434      --
435      -- City
436      --
437      elsif length(l_locality_code) = 11 and
438            substr(l_locality_code, 8,4) <> '0000' then
439         hr_utility.set_location(l_procedure_name, 100);
441         open c_state_ueid('A_CITY_SUBJ_WHABLE_PER_JD_GRE_YTD');
442         fetch c_state_ueid into l_subj_whable;
443         close c_state_ueid;
445         open c_state_ueid('A_CITY_SUBJ_NWHABLE_PER_JD_GRE_YTD');
446         fetch c_state_ueid into l_subj_nwhable;
447         close c_state_ueid;
448         hr_utility.trace('l_subj_whable='||l_subj_whable);
449         hr_utility.trace('l_subj_nwhable='||l_subj_nwhable);
451         c_actions_with_state_sql := c_actions_with_state_sql ||
452                 ' AND exists ( select 1 from dual
453                              where 1 =
454                  (select decode(sign(nvl(sum(to_number(fai.value)),0)),-1,1,0,0,1)
455                     from ff_archive_items fai,
456                          ff_archive_item_contexts fic1,
457                          ff_archive_item_contexts fic2
458                     where fai.context1 = act.assignment_action_id
459                       and fai.user_entity_id in (' || l_subj_whable || ',
460                                                  ' || l_subj_nwhable || ')
461                       and fai.archive_item_id = fic1.archive_item_id
462                       and fic1.context_id = ' || l_tuid_context || '
463                       and ltrim(rtrim(fic1.context)) = to_char(act.tax_unit_id)
464                       and fai.archive_item_id = fic2.archive_item_id
465                       and fic2.context_id = ' || l_juri_context || '
466                       and substr(ltrim(rtrim(fic2.context)),1,11) = ''' || l_locality_code || ''' ))';
468      --
469      -- School District
470      --
471      elsif length(l_locality_code) = 8 then
473         hr_utility.set_location(l_procedure_name, 120);
474         open c_state_ueid('A_SCHOOL_SUBJ_WHABLE_PER_JD_GRE_YTD');
475         fetch c_state_ueid into l_subj_whable;
476         close c_state_ueid;
478         open c_state_ueid('A_SCHOOL_SUBJ_NWHABLE_PER_JD_GRE_YTD');
479         fetch c_state_ueid into l_subj_nwhable;
480         close c_state_ueid;
482         c_actions_with_state_sql := c_actions_with_state_sql ||
483                 ' AND exists ( select 1 from dual
484                          where 1 =
485                  (select decode(sign(nvl(sum(to_number(fai.value)),0)),-1,1,0,0,1)
486                     from ff_archive_items fai,
487                          ff_archive_item_contexts fic1,
488                          ff_archive_item_contexts fic2
489                    where fai.context1 = act.assignment_action_id
490                      and fai.user_entity_id in (' || l_subj_whable || ',
491                                                 ' || l_subj_nwhable || ')
492                      and fai.archive_item_id = fic1.archive_item_id
493                      and fic1.context_id = ' || l_tuid_context || '
494                      and ltrim(rtrim(fic1.context)) = to_char(act.tax_unit_id)
495                      and fai.archive_item_id = fic2.archive_item_id
496                      and fic2.context_id = ' || l_juri_context || '
497                       and substr(ltrim(rtrim(fic2.context)),1,8) = ''' || l_locality_code || '''))';
499      end if;
500      hr_utility.set_location(l_procedure_name, 150);
502      num := 0;
503      OPEN c_actions_with_state FOR c_actions_with_state_sql;
504      loop
505         fetch c_actions_with_state into lockedactid,assignid,greid,p_person_id;
506         if c_actions_with_state%found then
507            num := num + 1;
508            hr_utility.trace('In the c_actions_with_state%found in action cursor');
509          else
510            hr_utility.trace('In the c_actions_with_state%notfound in action cursor');
511            exit;
512          end if;
513          /*   Bug : 10254849   */
514          if g_debug then
515              hr_utility.trace(' [ ACTION CREATION CODE, STATE CODE AS INPUT PARAM ] PERSON ID :' || p_person_id || '   ASSIGNMENT ID:' || assignid);
516          end if;
517          hr_utility.set_location(l_procedure_name, 160);
518          select pay_assignment_actions_s.nextval
522             -- insert the action record.
519             into   lockingactid
520             from   dual;
523             hr_nonrun_asact.insact(lockingactid,assignid,pactid,chunk,greid);
525             update pay_assignment_actions
526             set serial_number = lockedactid
527             where assignment_action_id = lockingactid;
529          end loop;
530        close c_actions_with_state;
531        -- end of l_state_code
532    else
533       hr_utility.set_location(l_procedure_name, 170);
534       open c_actions_without_asg_set(pactid, stperson, endperson,
535                      l_assign_year, l_tax_unit_id,
536                      l_eoy_payroll_action_id,l_effective_date,l_start_date);
537       num := 0;
538       loop
539          fetch c_actions_without_asg_set into lockedactid,assignid,greid,p_person_id;
540          if c_actions_without_asg_set%found then num := num + 1; end if;
541          exit when c_actions_without_asg_set%notfound;
543          /*   Bug : 10254849   */
544          if g_debug then
545             hr_utility.trace(' [ ACTION CREATION CODE, NO SELECTION CRITERIA ] PERSON ID :' || p_person_id || '   ASSIGNMENT ID :' || assignid);
546          end if;
548        -- Commenting the IF clause as this condition is already taken care
549        -- in the action_creation cursor.
550        -- if (hr_assignment_set.person_in_set(l_assign_set,p_person_id)='Y') then
552         -- we need to insert one action for each of the
553         -- rows that we return from the cursor (i.e. one
554         -- for each assignment/pre-payment/reversal).
556         hr_utility.set_location(l_procedure_name, 180);
557         select pay_assignment_actions_s.nextval
558         into   lockingactid
559         from   dual;
561         -- insert the action record.
562         hr_nonrun_asact.insact(lockingactid,assignid,pactid,chunk,greid);
564 /* update pay_assignment_actions with the year end assignment_actions into serial number
565    this might help in faster processing at report level and avoid some joins */
567         update pay_assignment_actions
568         set serial_number = lockedactid
569         where assignment_action_id = lockingactid;
572          -- insert an interlock to this action.
573          -- Bug fix 1850043
574          -- hr_nonrun_asact.insint(lockingactid,lockedactid);
576       -- end if;
578       end loop;
579       close c_actions_without_asg_set;
580    end if;
581    hr_utility.set_location(l_procedure_name, 250);
582 end action_creation;
584    ---------------------------------- sort_action ----------------------------------
585 procedure sort_action
586 (
587    payactid   in     varchar2,     /* payroll action id */
588    sqlstr     in out nocopy varchar2,     /* string holding the sql statement */
589    len        out nocopy number        /* length of the sql string */
590 ) is
592   l_dt               date;
593   l_year             number ;
594   l_gre_id           pay_assignment_actions.tax_unit_id%type;
595   l_org_id           per_assignments_f.organization_id%type;
596   l_loc_id           per_assignments_f.location_id%type;
597   l_per_id           per_assignments_f.person_id%type;
598   l_ssn              per_people_f.national_identifier%type;
599   l_state_code       pay_us_states.state_code%type;
600   l_sort1            varchar2(60);
601   l_sort2            varchar2(60);
602   l_sort3            varchar2(60);
603   l_year_start       date;
604   l_year_end         date;
605   l_eoy_payroll_action_id pay_payroll_actions.payroll_action_id%type;
606   l_bg_id pay_payroll_actions.business_group_id%type ;
608    begin
609      begin
610        select hr_us_w2_mt.get_parameter('YEAR',ppa1.legislative_parameters),
611               hr_us_w2_mt.get_parameter('GRE_ID',ppa1.legislative_parameters),
612               hr_us_w2_mt.get_parameter('ORG_ID',ppa1.legislative_parameters),
613               hr_us_w2_mt.get_parameter('LOC_ID',ppa1.legislative_parameters),
614               hr_us_w2_mt.get_parameter('PER_ID',ppa1.legislative_parameters),
615               hr_us_w2_mt.get_parameter('SSN',ppa1.legislative_parameters),
616               hr_us_w2_mt.get_parameter('STATE',ppa1.legislative_parameters),
617               hr_us_w2_mt.get_parameter('P_S1',ppa1.legislative_parameters),
618               hr_us_w2_mt.get_parameter('P_S2',ppa1.legislative_parameters),
619               hr_us_w2_mt.get_parameter('P_S3',ppa1.legislative_parameters),
620               ppa1.effective_date,
621               ppa1.business_group_id
622         into  l_year,
623               l_gre_id,
624               l_org_id,
625               l_loc_id,
626               l_per_id,
627               l_ssn,
628               l_state_code,
629               l_sort1 ,
630               l_sort2,
631               l_sort3,
632               l_dt, --session_date
633               l_bg_id
634          from pay_payroll_actions ppa1 /* PYUGEN payroll action id */
635         where ppa1.payroll_action_id = payactid;
636      exception
637        when no_data_found then
638             hr_utility.trace('Error in Sort Procedure - getting legislative param');
639             raise;
640      end;
641       sqlstr :=  'select paa1.rowid
642                  /* we need the row id of the assignment actions that are
643                     created by PYUGEN */
644                    from hr_all_organization_units  hou,
645                         hr_locations_all       loc,
646             		per_all_people_f       ppf,  -- #1894165
647                         per_all_assignments_f  paf,
651 		   where ppa1.payroll_action_id = :pactid
648                         /*pay_assignment_actions paa,*/
649                         pay_payroll_actions    ppa1,
650                         pay_assignment_actions paa1  /* PYUGEN assignment action */
652                    and   paa1.payroll_action_id = ppa1.payroll_action_id
653                    and   paf.assignment_id = paa1.assignment_id
654                    and   paf.effective_start_date =
655                            (select max(paf2.effective_start_date)
656                               from per_all_assignments_f paf2  -- #3871087
657                              where paf2.assignment_id = paf.assignment_id
658                                and paf2.effective_start_date <= ppa1.effective_date)
659                    and   paf.effective_end_date >= ppa1.start_date
660                    and   paf.assignment_type = ''E''
661                    /* if assignments organization_id is null pick assignment
662                       business_group_id to avoid assertion error. Bug No: 1894165 */
663  		   and   hou.organization_id =
664                              nvl(paf.organization_id,paf.business_group_id) -- #1894165
665                    /* if assignments location_id is null pick assignments
666                       organization/business groups location_id to avoid assertion
667                       error. Bug No: 1894165 */
668 		   and   loc.location_id  = nvl(paf.location_id,hou.location_id)
669 		   and   ppf.person_id = paf.person_id
670 		   and   ppa1.effective_date between
671 		           ppf.effective_start_date and ppf.effective_end_date
672                    order by
673  		     decode(' || '''' || l_sort1 || '''' ||
674 		            ',''Employee_Name'', ppf.last_name||'' ''||ppf.first_name ||'' ''||ppf.middle_names,
675 		            ''Social_Security_Number'',ppf.national_identifier,
676   		            ''Organization'',hou.name,
677 		            ''Location'',loc.location_code,
678                             ppf.last_name||'' ''||ppf.first_name ||'' ''||ppf.middle_names),
679 	             decode(' || '''' || l_sort2 || '''' ||
680 	                    ',''Employee_Name'',ppf.last_name||'' ''||ppf.first_name ||'' ''||ppf.middle_names,
681 	                    ''Social_Security_Number'',ppf.national_identifier,
682                             ''Organization'',hou.name,
683                             ''Location'',loc.location_code,
684 			    ppf.last_name||'' ''||ppf.first_name ||'' ''||ppf.middle_names),
685                      decode(' || '''' || l_sort3 || '''' ||
686 	                    ',''Employee_Name'',ppf.last_name||'' ''||ppf.first_name ||'' ''||ppf.middle_names,
687                             ''Social_Security_Number'',ppf.national_identifier,
688                             ''Organization'',hou.name,
689                             ''Location'',loc.location_code,
690 			    ppf.last_name||'' ''||ppf.first_name ||'' ''||ppf.middle_names)
691 		   ';
692           -- Bug 3913757
693           -- Assignment_id is taken from pay_assignment_action istead of per_all_assignments_f
694 	  --    for update of paf.assignment_id
695           --
696           --
697       len := length(sqlstr); -- return the length of the string.
698    end sort_action;
700 ------------------------------ get_parameter -------------------------------
701 function get_parameter(name in varchar2,
702                        parameter_list varchar2) return varchar2
703 is
704   start_ptr number;
705   end_ptr   number;
706   token_val pay_payroll_actions.legislative_parameters%type;
707   par_value pay_payroll_actions.legislative_parameters%type;
708 begin
710      token_val := ' ' || name||'=';
712      start_ptr := instr(parameter_list, token_val) + length(token_val);
713      end_ptr := instr(parameter_list, ' ',start_ptr);
715      /* if there is no spaces use then length of the string */
716      if end_ptr = 0 then
717         end_ptr := length(parameter_list)+1;
718      end if;
720      /* Did we find the token */
721      if instr(parameter_list, token_val) = 0 then
722        par_value := NULL;
723      else
724        par_value := substr(parameter_list, start_ptr, end_ptr - start_ptr);
725      end if;
727      return par_value;
729 end get_parameter;
730 --
731 procedure deinitialize_code(
732   p_payroll_action_id in number)
733 is
734 --
735   l_proc varchar2(80) := c_package||'deinitialize_code';
736 --
737   l_inv_act varchar2(1);
738   l_commit_cnt number := 0;
739   l_del_cnt number := 0;
740 --
741   cursor csr_inv_act
742   is
743   select 'Y'
744   from   dual
745   where  exists(
746            select /*+ ORDERED */
747                   null
748            from   pay_payroll_actions ppa,
749                   pay_us_rpt_totals purt
750            where  ppa.payroll_action_id = p_payroll_action_id
751            and    ppa.action_status = 'E'
752            and    purt.session_id = p_payroll_action_id);
753 --
754   -- cannot use for update (record lock) because commit is needed in middle loop of cursor.
755   -- this will make plsql error.
756   cursor csr_del
757   is
758   select rowid
759   from   pay_us_rpt_totals
760   where  session_id = p_payroll_action_id;
761 --
762   l_csr_del csr_del%rowtype;
763 --
764 begin
765 --
766   if g_debug then
767     hr_utility.set_location(l_proc,0);
768     hr_utility.trace('pay_yrend_report_pkg start deinitialize code');
769   end if;
770 --
771   -- following procedure will be called ordinarily
772   -- without calling directly.
773   --pay_archive.standard_deinit(p_payroll_action_id);
774 --
775   open csr_inv_act;
776   fetch csr_inv_act into l_inv_act;
777   close csr_inv_act;
778 --
779   if l_inv_act = 'Y' then
780   --
781     open csr_del;
782     loop
783     --
784       fetch csr_del into l_csr_del;
785       exit when csr_del%notfound;
786     --
787       delete from pay_us_rpt_totals
788       where  rowid = l_csr_del.rowid;
789     --
790       l_commit_cnt := l_commit_cnt + 1;
791       l_del_cnt := l_del_cnt + 1;
792     --
793       if l_commit_cnt > c_commit_num then
794       --
795         commit;
796         l_commit_cnt := 0;
797       --
798       end if;
799     --
800     end loop;
801     close csr_del;
802   --
803     if g_debug then
804       hr_utility.trace('pay_yrend_report_pkg delete '||to_char(l_del_cnt)||' records');
805     end if;
806   --
807     if l_del_cnt > 0 then
808     --
809       commit;
810     --
811     end if;
812   --
813   end if;
814 --
815   if g_debug then
816     hr_utility.set_location(l_proc,1000);
817     hr_utility.trace('pay_yrend_report_pkg end deinitialize code');
818   end if;
819 --
820 end deinitialize_code;
821 --
822 end pay_yrend_reports_pkg;