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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 48

    x_chrv_rec.deleted_yn := p_chr_rec.deleted_yn;
Line: 54

    x_chrv_rec.last_updated_by := p_chr_rec.last_updated_by;
Line: 55

    x_chrv_rec.last_update_date := p_chr_rec.last_update_date;
Line: 82

    x_chrv_rec.last_update_login := p_chr_rec.last_update_login;
Line: 91

    x_chrv_rec.program_update_date   := p_chr_rec.program_update_date;
Line: 185

                              p_update_mode IN VARCHAR2 ,
                              x_return_status  OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2 ) is

  l_proc  VARCHAR2(30)   := 'Add_Conversion_data';
Line: 191

  p_update_all  VARCHAR2(1)  ;
Line: 206

       p_update_all := 'Y' ;
Line: 215

       p_update_all := 'N' ;
Line: 223

      p_update_all:= 'X';
Line: 231

  If p_update_mode = 'Y'  and p_update_all in ('Y','N') then

--get values from DB into record
     l_chrv_tbl := set_header_rec(p_contracts_rec, y_return_status);
Line: 239

   	   okc_debug.log('640: Calling update_contract_header');
Line: 242

         		p_api_version	=> g_api_version,
                p_init_msg_list => g_init_msg_list,
                x_return_status => l_return_status,
                x_msg_count	=> g_msg_count,
                x_msg_data	=> g_msg_data,
                p_chrv_tbl	=> l_chrv_tbl,
                x_chrv_tbl	=> x_chrv_tbl);
Line: 253

           okc_debug.log('635: update_header returns ' || l_return_status);
Line: 262

        IF p_update_all = 'Y' THEN
           x_return_status := 'A';
Line: 264

        Elsif p_update_all ='N' Then
            x_return_status := 'U';
Line: 301

 p_update_yn VARCHAR2 )  IS

  Cursor contracts_csr is
   Select CHRB.*
   from okc_k_headers_b CHRB, okc_subclasses_b SCS
   where CHRB.template_yn='N'
   and (CHRB.sts_code in (select code from okc_statuses_b
                          where ste_code in ('ACTIVE','SIGNED','HOLD'))
	    CHRB.sts_code in (select code from okc_statuses_b
					  where ste_code='EXPIRED'
					  and date_renewed is null))

    and CHRB.scs_code = SCS.code
    and SCS.cls_code = 'SERVICE'
    and authoring_org_id = p_org_id;
Line: 325

  p_update_mode_yn   VARCHAR2(1);
Line: 336

p_update_mode_yn := nvl(p_update_yn,'N');
Line: 362

  fnd_file.put_line(FND_FILE.LOG,' Update Mode       :'||p_update_mode_yn);
Line: 370

  fnd_file.put_line(FND_FILE.OUTPUT,' Update Mode       :'||p_update_mode_yn);
Line: 390

   Select currency_code
   into l_funct_currency
   from okx_set_of_books_v
   where set_of_books_id=(select set_of_books_id
                        from hr_operating_units
                        where  organization_id = p_org_id);
Line: 404

  If p_update_mode_yn = 'Y' then

Line: 448

			    p_update_mode          =>p_update_mode_yn,
			    x_return_status        =>l_return_status);
Line: 451

          If p_update_mode_YN = 'Y' Then
             If l_return_status='S' Then
               k_success_counter := k_success_counter+1;
Line: 455

                  okc_debug.log('1200: Record Updated ', 2);
Line: 467

                 okc_debug.log('1100: Record not Updated ', 2);
Line: 480

        /* select decode(p_update_mode_yn,'Y',decode(l_return_status,'S','Successful','N',
               	'No change ','Failed'),decode(l_return_status,'U','Incomplete CVN Rule',
				'A','No CVN rule','N','No change required'))
         into l_upgrade_status
	    from dual;*/
Line: 486

         select decode(p_update_mode_yn,'Y',decode(l_return_status,'S','Successful','N',
                    'No change ','Failed'),decode(l_return_status,'U','Incomplete Conversion data',
                    'A','No Conversion data ','N','No change required'))
         into l_upgrade_status
         from dual;
Line: 513

  If p_update_mode_yn = 'Y' then
    fnd_file.put_line(FND_FILE.OUTPUT,'Number of Contracts - Success:    '||k_success_counter);