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Line 925: from bom_explosion_temp be,

921: be.component_code compCode,
922: be.rowid beRowID,
923: be.plan_level bomLevel, --level of nesting. 1 is a top level component
924: bic.basis_type /* LBM Project */
925: from bom_explosion_temp be,
926: bom_inventory_components bic,
927: mtl_system_items msi
928: where be.group_id = v_grpID
929: and be.component_sequence_id = bic.component_sequence_id

Line 966: from bom_explosion_temp be,

962: decode(mp.project_reference_enabled,
963: null,milk.concatenated_segments,
964: 2,milk.concatenated_segments,
965: 1, inv_project.get_pjm_locsegs(milk.concatenated_segments)) locatorName
966: from bom_explosion_temp be,
967: bom_inventory_components bic,
968: mtl_system_items_kfv msi,
969: mtl_item_locations_kfv milk,
970: mtl_parameters mp

Line 1118: bom_explosion_temp_s.nextval,

1114: end if;
1116: begin
1117: select bp.inherit_phantom_op_seq,
1118: bom_explosion_temp_s.nextval,
1119: msi.bom_item_type,
1120: bp.maximum_bom_level
1121: into l_inheritPhOpSeq,
1122: l_grpID,

Line 1197: select count(1) into l_errCode from bom_explosion_temp

1193: raise fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error;
1194: end if;
1196: /* Fix for Bug 5646262. Added code to check if there are any LOOP in BOM */
1197: select count(1) into l_errCode from bom_explosion_temp
1198: where group_id = l_grpID and loop_flag=1;
1200: if(l_errCode <> 0) then
1201: fnd_message.set_name('WIP', 'WIP_BOM_LOOP');

Line 1209: delete bom_explosion_temp

1205: end if;
1207: --don't explode, just delete all exploded components
1208: if(l_bomItemType in (wip_constants.option_class_type, wip_constants.model_type)) then
1209: delete bom_explosion_temp
1210: where group_id = l_grpID
1211: and plan_level > 2;
1212: else
1213: --first pass: update quantities and delete components

Line 1246: from bom_explosion_temp

1242: if(l_compRec.wipSupplyType = wip_constants.phantom) then --if item is a phantom
1243: if(l_inheritPhOpSeq = wip_constants.no) then
1244: select operation_seq_num
1245: into l_opSeqNum
1246: from bom_explosion_temp
1247: where rowid = l_compRec.beRowID;
1249: --Bug#13455457: Added sort_order condition. '_' has been added to ensure that only the childs are updated
1250: update bom_explosion_temp

Line 1250: update bom_explosion_temp

1246: from bom_explosion_temp
1247: where rowid = l_compRec.beRowID;
1249: --Bug#13455457: Added sort_order condition. '_' has been added to ensure that only the childs are updated
1250: update bom_explosion_temp
1251: set operation_seq_num = l_opSeqNum
1252: where group_id = l_grpID
1253: and operation_seq_num = 1
1254: and component_code like l_compRec.compCode || '-%'

Line 1280: update bom_explosion_temp

1276: *For phantoms, recalcuate component_yield_factor by multiplying it with child yield */
1277: /* Fix for bug 5221306 lot basis was taken care for children of phantom
1278: Added decode in basis_type of component
1279: Bug#13455457: Added sort_order condition. '_' has been added to ensure that only the childs are updated*/
1280: update bom_explosion_temp
1281: set component_quantity = (component_quantity * decode (basis_type , wip_constants.lot_based_mtl,1,l_compRec.priQty) ) / (1 - l_compRec.shrinkageRate),
1282: /* For phantoms, recalcuate component_yield_factor by multiplying it with child yield only for components
1283: having basis_type as item. Bug fix 5524603. */
1284: component_yield_factor = decode(basis_type,wip_constants.lot_based_mtl,component_yield_factor,component_yield_factor * l_compRec.compYield),

Line 1293: delete bom_explosion_temp

1291: else
1292: --delete all descendants of the subassembly
1293: delete bom_explosion_temp
1294: where group_id = l_grpID
1295: and component_code like l_compRec.compCode || '-%';
1297: l_bomLevel := l_compRec.bomLevel;

Line 1345: from bom_explosion_temp

1341: Added rownum=1 because a combination of operation_seq_num and item_id can appear twice because of phantom items. In that case, either of the component_seq_id is picked */
1344: into l_componentSeqID
1345: from bom_explosion_temp
1346: WHERE group_id = l_grpID AND operation_seq_num=l_compRec.opSeqNum AND component_item_id=l_compRec.itemID AND rownum=1;
1348: if(floor(l_extendCount/g_compTblExtendSize) = 1) then
1349: x_compTbl.extend(g_compTblExtendSize);

Line 1481: delete bom_explosion_temp

1477: x_compTbl.trim(g_compTblExtendSize - l_extendCount);
1479: --finally bom doesn't want us to leave anything in there temp table. delete the rows.
1481: delete bom_explosion_temp
1482: where group_id = l_grpID;
1484: x_returnStatus := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success;
1485: if (l_logLevel <= wip_constants.trace_logging) then