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Line 81: AND a.tax_type in (jai_constants.tax_type_exc_edu_cess,jai_constants.tax_type_cvd_edu_cess)

77: WHERE a.org_unit_id = b.org_unit_id
78: AND b.organization_id = p_organization_id
79: AND b.location_id = p_location_id
80: AND a.register_type = p_register_type
81: AND a.tax_type in (jai_constants.tax_type_exc_edu_cess,jai_constants.tax_type_cvd_edu_cess)
82: AND a.tax_type = NVL(p_tax_type,a.tax_type);
83: /*Bug 5989740 bduvarag start*/
84: CURSOR c_sh_oth_balances(p_organization_id IN JAI_CMN_INVENTORY_ORGS.organization_id%TYPE,
85: p_location_id IN JAI_CMN_INVENTORY_ORGS.location_id%TYPE,

Line 96: AND a.tax_type in (jai_constants.tax_type_sh_exc_edu_cess,jai_constants.tax_type_sh_cvd_edu_cess)

92: WHERE a.org_unit_id = b.org_unit_id
93: AND b.organization_id = p_organization_id
94: AND b.location_id = p_location_id
95: AND a.register_type = p_register_type
96: AND a.tax_type in (jai_constants.tax_type_sh_exc_edu_cess,jai_constants.tax_type_sh_cvd_edu_cess)
97: AND a.tax_type = NVL(p_tax_type,a.tax_type);
98: /*Bug 5989740 bduvarag end*/
99: CURSOR balances_to_exist IS
100: select count(1)

Line 449: v_tax_type := jai_constants.tax_type_exc_edu_cess;

445: v_tax_type := NULL;
446: v_cess_amount := 0;
447: IF i = 1 AND p_excise_cess_amount is not null THEN /*Added not null condition for bug # 13547511*/
449: v_tax_type := jai_constants.tax_type_exc_edu_cess;
450: v_cess_amount := p_excise_cess_amount;
451: jai_cmn_utils_pkg.write_fnd_log_msg('rg_transfer','Value of v_tax_type '||v_tax_type);
452: jai_cmn_utils_pkg.write_fnd_log_msg('rg_transfer','Value of v_cess_amount '||v_cess_amount);

Line 456: v_tax_type := jai_constants.tax_type_cvd_edu_cess;

452: jai_cmn_utils_pkg.write_fnd_log_msg('rg_transfer','Value of v_cess_amount '||v_cess_amount);
454: ELSIF i = 2 AND p_cvd_cess_amount is not null THEN /*Added not null condition for bug # 13547511*/
456: v_tax_type := jai_constants.tax_type_cvd_edu_cess;
457: v_cess_amount := p_cvd_cess_amount;
458: jai_cmn_utils_pkg.write_fnd_log_msg('rg_transfer','Value of v_tax_type '||v_tax_type);
459: jai_cmn_utils_pkg.write_fnd_log_msg('rg_transfer','Value of v_cess_amount '||v_cess_amount);
460: /*Bug 5989740 bduvarag start*/

Line 463: v_tax_type := jai_constants.tax_type_sh_exc_edu_cess;

459: jai_cmn_utils_pkg.write_fnd_log_msg('rg_transfer','Value of v_cess_amount '||v_cess_amount);
460: /*Bug 5989740 bduvarag start*/
461: ELSIF i = 3 AND p_sh_exc_cess_amount is not null THEN /*Added not null condition for bug # 13547511*/
463: v_tax_type := jai_constants.tax_type_sh_exc_edu_cess;
464: v_cess_amount := p_sh_exc_cess_amount;
465: jai_cmn_utils_pkg.write_fnd_log_msg('rg_transfer','Value of v_tax_type '||v_tax_type);
466: jai_cmn_utils_pkg.write_fnd_log_msg('rg_transfer','Value of v_cess_amount '||v_cess_amount);

Line 469: v_tax_type := jai_constants.tax_type_sh_cvd_edu_cess;

465: jai_cmn_utils_pkg.write_fnd_log_msg('rg_transfer','Value of v_tax_type '||v_tax_type);
466: jai_cmn_utils_pkg.write_fnd_log_msg('rg_transfer','Value of v_cess_amount '||v_cess_amount);
468: ELSIF i = 4 AND p_sh_cvd_cess_amount is not null THEN /*Added not null condition for bug # 13547511*/
469: v_tax_type := jai_constants.tax_type_sh_cvd_edu_cess;
470: v_cess_amount := p_sh_cvd_cess_amount;
471: jai_cmn_utils_pkg.write_fnd_log_msg('rg_transfer','Value of v_tax_type '||v_tax_type);
472: jai_cmn_utils_pkg.write_fnd_log_msg('rg_transfer','Value of v_cess_amount '||v_cess_amount);
473: /*Bug 5989740 bduvarag end*/

Line 581: p_process_flag := jai_constants.unexpected_error;/*Bug 5989740 bduvarag*/

578: /* Added by Ramananda for bug#4407165 */
581: p_process_flag := jai_constants.unexpected_error;/*Bug 5989740 bduvarag*/
582: p_process_message := 'error in insert_rg_others proc ' ||sqlerrm;/*Bug 5989740 bduvarag*/
585: FND_MESSAGE.SET_TOKEN('JAI_PROCESS_MSG', lv_object_name ||'. Err:'||sqlerrm );

Line 768: v_source_register := jai_constants.reg_rg23a_2; --Added by Sanjikum for cess for Bug #4136939

764: jai_cmn_utils_pkg.write_fnd_log_msg('rg_transfer','Going inside conditiom of RG23A');
765: v_rg23a_bal := nvl(v_rg23a_bal,0) - nvl(p_amount,0);
766: v_check_amount := v_rg23a_bal;
767: v_register := 'A';
768: v_source_register := jai_constants.reg_rg23a_2; --Added by Sanjikum for cess for Bug #4136939
769: ELSIF p_register = 'RG23C' THEN
770: jai_cmn_utils_pkg.write_fnd_log_msg('rg_transfer','Going inside conditiom of RG23C');
771: v_rg23c_bal := nvl(v_rg23c_bal,0) - nvl(p_amount,0);
772: v_check_amount := v_rg23c_bal;

Line 774: v_source_register := jai_constants.reg_rg23c_2; --Added by Sanjikum for cess for Bug #4136939

770: jai_cmn_utils_pkg.write_fnd_log_msg('rg_transfer','Going inside conditiom of RG23C');
771: v_rg23c_bal := nvl(v_rg23c_bal,0) - nvl(p_amount,0);
772: v_check_amount := v_rg23c_bal;
773: v_register := 'C';
774: v_source_register := jai_constants.reg_rg23c_2; --Added by Sanjikum for cess for Bug #4136939
775: ELSIF p_register = 'PLA' THEN
776: jai_cmn_utils_pkg.write_fnd_log_msg('rg_transfer','Going inside conditiom of PLA');
777: v_pla_bal := nvl(v_pla_bal,0) - nvl(p_amount,0);
778: v_check_amount := v_pla_bal;

Line 779: v_source_register := jai_constants.reg_pla; --Added by Sanjikum for cess for Bug #4136939

775: ELSIF p_register = 'PLA' THEN
776: jai_cmn_utils_pkg.write_fnd_log_msg('rg_transfer','Going inside conditiom of PLA');
777: v_pla_bal := nvl(v_pla_bal,0) - nvl(p_amount,0);
778: v_check_amount := v_pla_bal;
779: v_source_register := jai_constants.reg_pla; --Added by Sanjikum for cess for Bug #4136939
780: END IF;
782: jai_cmn_utils_pkg.write_fnd_log_msg('rg_transfer','Value of v_check_amount is '||v_check_amount);
783: jai_cmn_utils_pkg.write_fnd_log_msg('rg_transfer','Value of v_source_register is '||v_source_register);

Line 813: OPEN c_oth_balances(p_organization_id, p_location_id, p_register, jai_constants.tax_type_exc_edu_cess);

809: to_char(p_organization_id) || ' and for location_id '|| to_char(p_location_id));
810: END If;*/
812: --Get the balance for excise cess
813: OPEN c_oth_balances(p_organization_id, p_location_id, p_register, jai_constants.tax_type_exc_edu_cess);
814: FETCH c_oth_balances INTO v_excise_cess_bal;
815: CLOSE c_oth_balances;
817: IF NVL(p_cess_amount,0) > v_excise_cess_bal THEN

Line 846: OPEN c_sh_oth_balances(p_organization_id, p_location_id, p_register, jai_constants.tax_type_sh_exc_edu_cess);

842: to_char(p_organization_id) || ' and for location_id '|| to_char(p_location_id));
843: END If;*/
845: --Get the balance for excise cess
846: OPEN c_sh_oth_balances(p_organization_id, p_location_id, p_register, jai_constants.tax_type_sh_exc_edu_cess);
847: FETCH c_sh_oth_balances INTO v_sh_excise_cess_bal;
848: CLOSE c_sh_oth_balances;
850: IF NVL(p_sh_cess_amount,0) > v_sh_excise_cess_bal THEN

Line 989: p_process_flag := jai_constants.expected_error;

985: fetch rg23a_account_cur into lv_to_account_id;
986: close rg23a_account_cur;
987: /*added by JMEENA for bug#7260552, start*/
988: if lv_from_account_id IS NULL OR lv_from_cess_account_id.cess_account_id IS NULL OR lv_from_cess_account_id.sh_cess_account_id IS NULL THEN
989: p_process_flag := jai_constants.expected_error;
990: p_process_message := 'Cenvat / Cess / SH Cess Accounts not defined for the Source Organization';
991: return;
992: END IF;
993: /* JMEENA for bug#7260552, end*/

Line 1031: p_process_flag := jai_constants.expected_error;

1027: fetch rg23c_account_cur into lv_to_account_id;
1028: close rg23c_account_cur;
1029: /*added by JMEENA for bug#7260552, start*/
1030: if lv_from_account_id IS NULL OR lv_from_cess_account_id.cess_account_id IS NULL OR lv_from_cess_account_id.sh_cess_account_id IS NULL THEN
1031: p_process_flag := jai_constants.expected_error;
1032: p_process_message := 'Cenvat / Cess / SH Cess Accounts not defined for the Source Organization';
1033: return;
1034: END IF;
1035: /* JMEENA for bug#7260552, end*/

Line 1144: p_process_flag := jai_constants.expected_error;

1140: fetch pla_account_cur into lv_to_account_id;
1141: close pla_account_cur;
1142: /*added by JMEENA for bug#7260552, start*/
1143: if lv_from_account_id IS NULL THEN
1144: p_process_flag := jai_constants.expected_error;
1145: p_process_message := 'Cenvat / Cess / SH Cess Accounts not defined for the Source Organization';
1146: return;
1147: END IF;
1148: /* JMEENA for bug#7260552, end*/

Line 1303: p_process_flag := jai_constants.expected_error;

1299: fetch rg23a_account_cur into lv_to_account_id;
1300: close rg23a_account_cur;
1301: /*added by JMEENA for bug#7260552, start*/
1302: if lv_to_account_id IS NULL OR lv_to_cess_account_id.cess_account_id IS NULL OR lv_to_cess_account_id.sh_cess_account_id IS NULL THEN
1303: p_process_flag := jai_constants.expected_error;
1304: p_process_message := 'Cenvat / Cess / SH Cess Accounts not defined for the Destination Organization';
1305: return;
1306: END IF;
1307: /*JMEENA for bug#7260552, end*/

Line 1347: p_process_flag := jai_constants.expected_error;

1343: fetch rg23c_account_cur into lv_to_account_id;
1344: close rg23c_account_cur;
1345: /*added by JMEENA for bug#7260552, start*/
1346: if lv_to_account_id IS NULL OR lv_to_cess_account_id.cess_account_id IS NULL OR lv_to_cess_account_id.sh_cess_account_id IS NULL THEN
1347: p_process_flag := jai_constants.expected_error;
1348: p_process_message := 'Cenvat / Cess / SH Cess Accounts not defined for the Destination Organization';
1349: return;
1350: END IF;
1351: /*JMEENA for bug#7260552, end*/

Line 1476: p_process_flag := jai_constants.expected_error;

1472: fetch pla_account_cur into lv_to_account_id;
1473: close pla_account_cur;
1474: /*added by JMEENA for bug#7260552, start*/
1475: if lv_to_account_id IS NULL THEN
1476: p_process_flag := jai_constants.expected_error;
1477: p_process_message := 'Cenvat / Cess / SH Cess Accounts not defined for the Destination Organization';
1478: return;
1479: END IF;
1480: /*JMEENA for bug#7260552, end*/

Line 1534: p_process_flag := jai_constants.unexpected_error;

1530: /* Added by Ramananda for bug#4407165 */
1534: p_process_flag := jai_constants.unexpected_error;
1535: p_process_message := sqlerrm;
1538: FND_MESSAGE.SET_TOKEN('JAI_PROCESS_MSG', lv_object_name ||'. Err:'||sqlerrm );