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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 17

    x_exception_msg := 'pos_create_relationship():select object_type';
Line: 18

    select party_type
    into l_object_type
    from hz_parties
    where party_id = p_object_id;
Line: 23

    x_exception_msg := 'select subject_type';
Line: 24

    select party_type
    into l_subject_type
    from hz_parties
    where party_id = p_subject_id;
Line: 177

    select count(*)
    into l_count
    from hz_relationships
    where object_table_name = p_object_table_name
    and   subject_table_name = p_subject_table_name
    and   object_type = p_party_object_type
    and   subject_type = p_party_subject_type
    and   relationship_code = p_relationship_code
    and   relationship_type = p_relationship_type
    and   object_id = p_object_id
    and   subject_id = p_subject_id;
Line: 197

    update hz_relationships
    set end_date := SYSDATE, status := 'A'
    where object_table_name = p_object_table_name
    and   subject_table_name = p_subject_table_name
    and   object_type = p_party_object_type
    and   subject_type = p_party_subject_type
    and   relationship_code = p_relationship_code
    and   relationship_type = p_relationship_type
    and   object_id = p_object_id
    and   subject_id = p_subject_id;
Line: 219

procedure pos_hz_update_relationship(p_subject_id IN NUMBER,
                           p_object_id  IN NUMBER,
                           p_relationship_type IN VARCHAR2,
                           p_relationship_code IN VARCHAR2,
                           p_party_object_type IN VARCHAR2,
                           p_party_subject_type IN VARCHAR2,
                           p_subject_table_name IN VARCHAR2,
                           p_object_table_name  IN VARCHAR2,
                          -- p_relationship_status IN VARCHAR2, -- should not be updated
                           p_relationship_start_date IN DATE, -- can be null
                           p_relationship_end_date IN DATE,   -- can be null

                           p_relationship_id IN NUMBER,
                           p_object_version_number in number,

                           p_rel_last_update_date IN OUT NOCOPY DATE,
                           p_party_last_update_date IN OUT NOCOPY  DATE,
                           x_return_status OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
                           x_exception_msg OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2)
  l_rel_rec       hz_relationship_v2pub.relationship_rec_type;
Line: 245

  l_rel_last_update_date date;
Line: 246

  l_party_last_update_date date;
Line: 251

  l_proc_name := 'pos_hz_update_relationship';
Line: 295

  /* Do not update the l_rel_rec.status variable. Because this value
     is slightly confusing is typically handled by TCA.

                          --p_api_version   => 1.0
                         p_init_msg_list => FND_API.G_TRUE
                         --,p_commit => FND_API.G_FALSE
                         ,p_relationship_rec => l_rel_rec
                         ,p_object_version_number => l_obj_ver
                         ,p_party_object_version_number => l_party_obj_ver
                         --,p_rel_last_update_date => l_rel_last_update_date
                         --,p_party_last_update_date => l_party_last_update_date
                         ,x_return_status => l_return_status
                         ,x_msg_count     => l_msg_count
                         ,x_msg_data      => l_msg_data

                         --,x_relationship_id => l_party_relationship_id
                         --,x_party_id      => l_party_id
                         --,x_party_number  => l_party_number
Line: 323

        raise_application_error(-20001,'POS_HZ_RELATIONSHIPS_PKG:pos_outdate_relationship(): Update relationship failed :' || x_exception_msg, true);
Line: 329

      raise_application_error(-20001,'POS_HZ_RELATIONSHIPS_PKG:pos_outdate_relationship(): Update relationship failed :' || x_exception_msg,true);
Line: 332

END pos_hz_update_relationship;
Line: 349

    x_exception_msg := 'pos_outdate_relationship():select object_type';
Line: 350

    select party_type
    into l_object_type
    from hz_parties
    where party_id = p_object_id;
Line: 355

    x_exception_msg := 'select subject_type';
Line: 356

    select party_type
    into l_subject_type
    from hz_parties
    where party_id = p_subject_id;
Line: 361

    x_exception_msg := 'selecting distinct relationship id';
Line: 363

    select distinct relationship_id, object_version_number
    into l_relationship_id, l_obj_ver
    from hz_relationships
    where start_date <= sysdate
    and end_date >= sysdate
    and status = 'A'
    and object_table_name = 'HZ_PARTIES'
    and subject_table_name = 'HZ_PARTIES'
    and object_type = l_object_type
    and subject_type = l_subject_type
    and relationship_code = p_relationship_code
    and relationship_type = p_relationship_type
    and object_id = p_object_id
    and subject_id = p_subject_id;
Line: 378

    x_exception_msg := 'Calling the pos_hz_update_relationship';
Line: 379

    pos_hz_update_relationship( p_subject_id => p_subject_id
                              , p_object_id  => p_object_id
                              , p_relationship_type => p_relationship_type
                              , p_relationship_code => p_relationship_code
                              , p_party_object_type => l_object_type
                              , p_party_subject_type => l_subject_type
                              , p_subject_table_name => 'HZ_PARTIES'
                              , p_object_table_name  => 'HZ_PARTIES'
                              , p_relationship_end_date => SYSDATE
                              , p_relationship_start_date => NULL
                              , p_relationship_id => l_relationship_id
                              , p_object_version_number => l_obj_ver
                              , p_rel_last_update_date => l_rel_date
                              , p_party_last_update_date => l_party_date
                              , x_return_status => x_return_status
                              , x_exception_msg => x_exception_msg
Line: 415

  select object_id
    into l_object_id
    from hz_relationships
   where subject_id = p_subject_id
     and relationship_type = p_relationship_type
     and relationship_code = p_relationship_code
     and status = 'A'
     and start_date <= sysdate
     and end_date >= sysdate;
Line: 460

    l_exception_msg := 'POSHZRPB:V2:Calling hz update relationship:';
Line: 461

                         p_init_msg_list => FND_API.G_TRUE
                         ,p_relationship_rec => l_rel_rec
                         ,p_object_version_number => l_obj_ver
                         ,p_party_object_version_number => l_party_obj_ver
                         ,x_return_status => x_return_status
                         ,x_msg_count     => l_msg_count
                         ,x_msg_data      => l_msg_data