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2 /* $Header: PONVCONS.pls 120.1 2011/11/03 05:40:52 puppulur ship $ */
4 ---
5 --- +=======================================================================+
6 --- |    Copyright (c) 2004 Oracle Corporation, Redwood Shores, CA, USA     |
7 --- |                         All rights reserved.                          |
8 --- +=======================================================================+
9 --- |
10 --- | FILENAME
11 --- |     PONVCONS.pls
12 --- |
13 --- |
15 --- |
16 --- |     This package contains procedures called from the live console
17 --- |     for Supplier activites
18 --- |
19 --- | HISTORY
20 --- |
21 --- |     14-Jun-2004 sparames   Initial version
22 --- |     30-Jun-2004 sahegde    Added procedrues for supplier activities,
23 --- |                            debugging
24 --- |     02-Dec-2004 sahegde    Added procedure for calculate_console_summary
25 --- |
26 --- |
27 --- +=======================================================================+
28 ---
30 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
31 --                   get_time_axis_tick_labels                                --
32 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
33 -- Start of Comments
34 --
35 -- API Name: get_time_axis_tick_labels
36 --
37 -- Type    : Private
38 --
39 -- Pre-reqs: None
40 --
41 -- Function: This API provides the live console UI with the values of the ticks
42 --           for the time-axis graphs.  Time-axis graphs have been implemented
43 --           in FPK using BI Beans.  However, the time-axis graphs available
44 --           in BI Beans do not have all the features required by Sourcing.
45 --           Hence these graphs have been implemented as regular scatter graphs
46 --           which plot numeric values on the x and y-axes.  Since the requirement
47 --           was to plot time on the x-axis, this procedure helps define the
48 --           ticks on the x-axis and other parameters that help the calling
49 --           function plot values correctly
50 --
51 -- Parameters:
52 --
53 --              p_auction_header_id     IN           NUMBER
54 --                   Auction header id - required
55 --
56 --              p_graph_start_date      IN           DATE,
57 --                   If the caller knows the starting point of the graph,
58 --                   then passing this parameter in will help this procedure
59 --                   recognize that it does not need to determine it
60 --                   independently.  The first time this procedure is called
61 --                   for the header or a line, this will be NULL.  The procedure
62 --                   will determine this date and pass it back in
63 --                   x_graph_start_date
64 --
65 --              p_auction_close_date    IN           DATE,
66 --                   This is the final date of the graph.  All the graphs are
67 --                   used to plot bids coming in and since all bids have to be
68 --                   in by the close date, this will determine the end point of
69 --                   the graph
70 --
71 --              x_graph_start_date      OUT NOCOPY   DATE,
72 --                   As mentioned above, this is the starting point of the graph
73 --                   on the x-axis.  This is also the value that the caller must
74 --                   use to determine the offset so that it can be converted to
75 --                   a number.  For example, if the start date is 01-Jan-04 and
76 --                   the end date is 30-Jan-04, then the entire graph spans 30
77 --                   days or a little more.  This 30 days is made equivalent to
78 --                   a constant defined in the package body - 2882880.  If a bid
79 --                   comes in on 04-Jan-04, then it is 3 days after the start date
80 --                   and is plotted proportionately. The start date may not be
81 --                   the date of the first bid but may be at a convenient point
82 --                   in time slightly before it so that dates are displayed
83 --                   pleasingly to the user.  This is in the server timezone.
84 --
85 --              x_graph_end_date        OUT NOCOPY   DATE,
86 --                   The end date of the graph.  This may not be the auction
87 --                   but will be the date of the last tick.  Currently not
88 --                   used by the caller.  This is in the server timezone.
89 --
90 --              x_number_of_ticks       OUT NOCOPY   NUMBER,
91 --                   This tells the caller the number of divisions on the
92 --                   graph.  This does not include the starting point of the
93 --                   graph.  Hence if there are three divisions, this field
94 --                   will be 3 but 4 points will be plotted on the x-axis
95 --
96 --              x_multiplier            OUT NOCOPY   NUMBER,
97 --                  The caller will multiply the difference between the date
98 --                  to be plotted and the start date of the graph with this value
99 --                  to obtain a numeric value that is passed to BI Beans
100 --
101 --              x_tick_length           OUT NOCOPY   NUMBER,
102 --                  This contains the length of each tick as a numeric value.
103 --                  This is sent to BI Beans so that it knows where to plot
104 --                  each tick.  It is the range of the graph / number of ticks.
105 --
106 --              x_tick_label_1-14       OUT NOCOPY   VARCHAR2,
107 --                  This is the tick label as plotted on the graph
108 --                  Depending on the scale of the graph, this will include
109 --                  the date or date and time or just time.  e.g. of values:
110 --                  07jun, 07jun 10:40, 10:40
111 --                  These are coded as individual elements and not as a
112 --                  table because Java does not understand tables.  These times
113 --                  are in the client's timezone since these have to be displayed
114 --                  to the user.
115 --
116 -- End of Comments
117 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
119 PROCEDURE  get_time_axis_tick_labels(
120 		 p_auction_header_id     IN           NUMBER,
121 		 p_graph_start_date      IN           DATE,
122 		 p_auction_close_date    IN           DATE,
123                  x_graph_start_date      OUT NOCOPY   DATE,
124 		 x_graph_end_date        OUT NOCOPY   DATE,
125 		 x_number_of_ticks       OUT NOCOPY   NUMBER,
126 		 x_multiplier            OUT NOCOPY   NUMBER,
127 		 x_tick_length           OUT NOCOPY   NUMBER,
128                  x_tick_label_1          OUT NOCOPY   VARCHAR2,
129                  x_tick_label_2          OUT NOCOPY   VARCHAR2,
130                  x_tick_label_3          OUT NOCOPY   VARCHAR2,
131                  x_tick_label_4          OUT NOCOPY   VARCHAR2,
132                  x_tick_label_5          OUT NOCOPY   VARCHAR2,
133                  x_tick_label_6          OUT NOCOPY   VARCHAR2,
134                  x_tick_label_7          OUT NOCOPY   VARCHAR2,
135                  x_tick_label_8          OUT NOCOPY   VARCHAR2,
136                  x_tick_label_9          OUT NOCOPY   VARCHAR2,
137                  x_tick_label_10         OUT NOCOPY   VARCHAR2,
138                  x_tick_label_11         OUT NOCOPY   VARCHAR2,
139                  x_tick_label_12         OUT NOCOPY   VARCHAR2,
140                  x_tick_label_13         OUT NOCOPY   VARCHAR2,
141                  x_tick_label_14         OUT NOCOPY   VARCHAR2);
143 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
144 --                      check_estimated_qty_available                         --
145 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
146 -- Start of Comments
147 --
148 -- API Name: check_estimated_qty_available
149 --
150 -- Type    : Private
151 --
152 -- Pre-reqs: None
153 --
154 -- Function: This API is called by the live console UI for a blanket or CPA
155 --           that has lines.  It determines whether the estimated quantity is
156 --           available on all lines.  If estimated quantity is not available,
157 --           then certain graphs like the savings or amount graphs cannot
158 --           be shown.
159 --
160 --
161 -- Parameters:
162 --
163 --              p_auction_header_id       IN      NUMBER
164 --                   Auction header id - required
165 --
166 --              p_auction_line_number     IN      NUMBER
167 --                   If the graph is being plotted for a line, then the line
168 --                   number is required. If this is omitted, the procedure
169 --                   assumes that a header-level graph is being plotted.
170 --                   The caller can pass -1 or null to indicate that this
171 --                   is a header level graph
172 --
173 --              x_est_qty_available_flag OUT      VARCHAR2
174 --                   Returns Y if estimated quantity is available N if not
175 --
176 --
177 -- End of Comments
178 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
180 PROCEDURE  check_estimated_qty_available(
181 			       p_auction_header_id       IN        NUMBER,
182 			       p_auction_line_number     IN        NUMBER,
183 			       x_est_qty_available_flag OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2);
185 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
186 --                      upgrade_bid_colors                                    --
187 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
188 -- Start of Comments
189 --
190 -- API Name: upgrade_bid_colors
191 --
192 -- Type    : Private
193 --
194 -- Pre-reqs: None
195 --
196 -- Function: This API is called by the live console UI when a negotiation
197 --           that is being handled does not have colors set for bids.
198 --
199 --           Colors are assigned to each bid for the first time.  If
200 --           a rebid occurs, the color is carried forward.  This enables
201 --           the graph to plot all related bids with the same color and
202 --           shape icon.  Though only 16 colors are handled today,
203 --           color ids are assigned sequentially ascending and can exceed
204 --           any number.   The console does a mod 16 to display the color.
205 --           This allows the solution to be scalable - in case it is
206 --           decided to show more colors, the data in the bids does not have
207 --           to be changed.
208 --
209 --           Related bids are identified as having the same supplier,
210 --           supplier site and creator
211 --
212 --           Use of this procedure eliminates the need to do a costly
213 --           upgrade of all the pre-FPK data.  Data is "upgraded" on
214 --           a need basis and the display will only be a little slow
215 --           for the first time any user accesses an old negotiation.
216 --
217 --           The procedure is an autonomous transaction so that it can
218 --           perform its updates without affecting the transaction of
219 --           the caller
220 --
221 -- Parameters:
222 --
223 --              p_auction_header_id     IN           NUMBER
224 --                   Identifier of the auction that for which the live
225 --                   console is being shown
226 --
227 --
228 -- End of Comments
229 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
231 PROCEDURE  upgrade_bid_colors( p_auction_header_id  IN  NUMBER);
233 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
234 --                      record_supplier_activity                              --
235 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
236 -- Start of Comments
237 --
238 -- API Name: record_supplier_activities
239 --
240 -- Type: Private
241 --
242 -- Pre-reqs: None
243 --
244 -- Function: This API is called from within the recordSupplierActivity Util
245 -- method in the class java/util/SourcingCommonUtil
246 --
247 -- Effectively it will be called from controllers of all the pages that a
248 -- supplier might visit during the course of bidding on a negotiation.
249 --
250 -- IN Parameters:
251 -- p_auction_header_id NUMBER
252 -- p_auction_header_id_orig_amend NUMBER
253 -- p_trading_partner_id NUMBER
254 -- p_trading_partner_contact_id NUMBER
255 -- p_session_id NUMBER
256 -- p_activity_code VARCHAR2(25)
257 -- OUT Parameters:
258 -- p_record_status BOOLEAN
259 --               TRUE - activity recorded successfully
260 --               FALSE - activity recording failed
261 --
262 -- End of Comments
263 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
265 PROCEDURE  record_supplier_activity(   p_auction_header_id            IN  NUMBER
266 	                             , p_auction_header_id_orig_amend IN NUMBER
267 	                             , p_trading_partner_id           IN NUMBER
268 	                             , p_trading_partner_contact_id   IN NUMBER
269 	                             , p_session_id                   IN NUMBER
270 	                             , p_last_activity_code           IN VARCHAR2
271                                      , p_bid_number                   IN NUMBER
272 	                             , x_record_status        OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2);
275 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
276 --                      update_supplier_access                                --
277 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
278 -- Start of Comments
279 --
280 -- API Name: update_supplier_access
281 --
282 -- Type: Private
283 --
284 -- Pre-reqs: None
285 --
286 -- Function: This API is called from within the updateSupplierAccess Util
287 -- method in the class java/util/SourcingCommonUtil
288 --
289 -- Effectively it will be called from the Manage Supplier Activities page
290 -- to update the access for a supplier on a negotiation
291 --
292 -- IN Parameters:
293 -- p_auction_header_id NUMBER
294 -- p_auction_header_id_orig_amend NUMBER
295 -- p_supplier_trading_partner_id NUMBER
296 -- p_buyer_contact_id NUMBER
297 -- p_action VARCHAR2(25)
298 -- OUT Parameters:
299 -- p_record_status BOOLEAN
300 --               TRUE - access update/insert successfully
301 --               FALSE - access updation failed
302 --
303 -- End of Comments
304 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
306 PROCEDURE  update_supplier_access( p_auction_header_id            IN  NUMBER
307 	                         , p_auction_header_id_orig_amend IN NUMBER
308 	                         , p_supplier_trading_partner_id  IN NUMBER
309 	                         , p_buyer_tp_contact_id          IN NUMBER
310 	                         , p_lock_status                  IN VARCHAR2
311 	                         , p_lock_reason                  IN VARCHAR2
312 	                         , x_record_status                OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2);
314 -----------------------------------------------------------------
315 ----              calculate_console_summary                        ----
316 -----------------------------------------------------------------
317 --
318 -- Start of Comments
319 --
320 -- API Name: calculate_console_summary
321 --
322 -- Type    : public
323 --
324 -- Pre-reqs: None
325 --
326 -- Function: This API is called from ConsoleAMImpl.java to calculate
327 --           Auction Value, Current Value, Optimal Value(based on Auto
328 --           Award Recommendation), no bid value and num of lines without bids
329 --
330 -- Parameters:
331 --
332 --       P_AUCTION_ID         IN  NUMBER
333 --            Required - Auction_header_id of the negotiation
334 --
335 --       x_auction_value     OUT NUMBER
336 --            Total value of the negotiation, calculated based on
337 --            line qty and current price
338 --       x_current_value     OUT NUMBER
339 --            Total current value of the negotiation, calculated based on
340 --            awarded qty and current price
341 --       x_optimal_value     OUT NUMBER
342 --            Total Value of the negotiation, calculated based on
343 --            awarded qty and bid price
344 --       x_no_bid_value     OUT NUMBER
345 --            Total value of the lines that didn't receive bids, calculated
346 --            based on line qty and current price
347 --       x_no_bid_lines     OUT NUMBER
348 --            Number of lines without bids
349 -----------------------------------------------------------------
350 PROCEDURE calculate_console_summary( p_auction_id    IN NUMBER,
351                                      x_auction_value OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
352                                      x_current_value OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
353                                      x_optimal_value OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
354                                      x_no_bid_value  OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
355                                      x_no_bid_lines  OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
356                                      );