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Line 293: from per_assignments_f asg

289: if ln_person_id is not null then
291: lv_sql_string :=
292: 'select distinct asg.person_id person_id
293: from per_assignments_f asg
294: where person_id = ' || ln_person_id ||
295: ' and :payroll_action_id > 0';
297: hr_utility.trace('Range for person_id not null');

Line 304: per_assignments_f paf

301: lv_sql_string :=
302: 'select distinct paf.person_id
303: from hr_assignment_set_amendments asgset,
304: per_assignments_f paf
305: where assignment_set_id = ' || ln_asg_set || '
306: and asgset.assignment_id = paf.assignment_id
307: and asgset.include_or_exclude = ''I''
308: and :payroll_action_id > 0

Line 319: per_assignments_f paf,

315: lv_sql_string :=
316: 'select distinct paf.person_id
317: from pay_payroll_actions ppa_rep,
318: pay_assignment_actions paa_rep,
319: per_assignments_f paf,
320: pay_payroll_actions ppa
321: where paa_rep.assignment_id = paf.assignment_id
322: and ppa.payroll_action_id = :payroll_action_id
323: and ppa_rep.business_group_id = ppa.business_group_id

Line 337: per_assignments_f paf,

333: lv_sql_string :=
334: 'select distinct paf.person_id
335: from pay_payroll_actions ppa_rep,
336: pay_assignment_actions paa_rep,
337: per_assignments_f paf,
338: pay_payroll_actions ppa
339: where paa_rep.assignment_id = paf.assignment_id
340: and ppa.payroll_action_id = :payroll_action_id
341: and ppa_rep.business_group_id = ppa.business_group_id

Line 429: per_assignments_f paf,

425: ,cp_asg_set in number
426: ,cp_effective_date in date) is
427: select distinct paf.person_id
428: from hr_assignment_set_amendments asgset,
429: per_assignments_f paf,
430: pay_payroll_actions ppa,
431: pay_assignment_actions paa
432: where asgset.assignment_set_id = cp_asg_set
433: and asgset.include_or_exclude = 'I'

Line 452: per_assignments_f paf,

448: ,cp_asg_set in number
449: ,cp_effective_date in date) is
450: select distinct paf.person_id
451: from hr_assignment_set_amendments asgset,
452: per_assignments_f paf,
453: pay_payroll_actions ppa,
454: pay_assignment_actions paa,
455: pay_population_ranges ppr
456: where asgset.assignment_set_id = cp_asg_set

Line 504: per_assignments_f paf

500: cp_end_person number) is
501: select distinct paf.person_id
502: from pay_payroll_actions ppa_rep,
503: pay_assignment_actions paa_rep,
504: per_assignments_f paf
505: where ppa_rep.business_group_id = cp_bg_id
506: and ppa_rep.report_type in ('PAYCAT4APDF','PAYCAT4AAMPDF')
507: and ppa_rep.report_qualifier = 'DEFAULT'
508: and ppa_rep.effective_date = cp_eff_date

Line 527: per_assignments_f paf,

523: cp_end_person number) is
524: select distinct paf.person_id
525: from pay_payroll_actions ppa_rep,
526: pay_assignment_actions paa_rep,
527: per_assignments_f paf,
528: pay_population_ranges ppr
529: where ppa_rep.business_group_id = cp_bg_id
530: and ppa_rep.report_type in ('PAYCAT4APDF','PAYCAT4AAMPDF')
531: and ppa_rep.report_qualifier = 'DEFAULT'

Line 559: per_assignments_f paf

555: paa.serial_number,
556: paf.effective_end_date
557: from pay_payroll_actions ppa,
558: pay_assignment_actions paa,
559: per_assignments_f paf
560: where paf.person_id = to_char(cp_person_id)
561: and paf.assignment_id = paa.assignment_id
562: and paa.tax_unit_id = nvl(cp_tax_unit_id,paa.tax_unit_id)
563: and ppa.business_group_id = ln_business_group_id

Line 572: from per_assignments_f paf

568: and decode(ppa.report_type,'PAYCAT4APDF','LATEST','PAYCAT4AAMPDF',
569: pay_ca_eoy_t4a_cancel_pkg.get_parameter(
570: 'MODE',ppa.legislative_parameters)) = 'LATEST'
571: and paf.effective_end_date = (select max(paf.effective_end_date)
572: from per_assignments_f paf
573: where paf.assignment_id = paa.assignment_id
574: and paf.effective_start_date <= cp_effective_date
575: and paf.effective_end_date >= trunc(cp_effective_date,'Y'))
576: and not exists (select 1

Line 613: per_assignments_f paf

609: paa.serial_number,
610: paf.effective_end_date
611: from pay_payroll_actions ppa,
612: pay_assignment_actions paa,
613: per_assignments_f paf
614: where paf.person_id = to_char(cp_person_id)
615: and paf.assignment_id = paa.assignment_id
616: and paa.tax_unit_id = nvl(cp_tax_unit_id,paa.tax_unit_id)
617: and ppa.business_group_id = ln_business_group_id

Line 623: from per_assignments_f paf

619: and ppa.payroll_action_id = paa.payroll_action_id
620: and ppa.effective_date = cp_effective_date
621: and ppa.report_type in ('PAYCAT4APDF','PAYCAT4AAMPDF')
622: and paf.effective_end_date = (select max(paf.effective_end_date)
623: from per_assignments_f paf
624: where paf.assignment_id = paa.assignment_id
625: and paf.effective_start_date <= cp_effective_date
626: and paf.effective_end_date >= trunc(cp_effective_date,'Y'))
627: and exists

Line 667: per_assignments_f paf,

663: paa.serial_number,
664: paf.effective_end_date
665: from pay_payroll_actions ppa,
666: pay_assignment_actions paa,
667: per_assignments_f paf,
668: per_periods_of_service pds
669: where paf.person_id = to_char(cp_person_id)
670: and paf.assignment_id = paa.assignment_id
671: and paa.tax_unit_id = nvl(cp_tax_unit_id,paa.tax_unit_id)

Line 681: from per_assignments_f paf

677: and decode(ppa.report_type,'PAYCAT4APDF','LATEST','PAYCAT4AAMPDF',
678: pay_ca_eoy_t4a_cancel_pkg.get_parameter(
679: 'MODE',ppa.legislative_parameters)) = 'LATEST'
680: and paf.effective_end_date = (select max(paf.effective_end_date)
681: from per_assignments_f paf
682: where paf.assignment_id = paa.assignment_id
683: and paf.effective_start_date <= cp_effective_date
684: and paf.effective_end_date >= trunc(cp_effective_date,'Y'))
685: and not exists (select 1

Line 724: per_assignments_f paf,

720: paa.serial_number,
721: paf.effective_end_date
722: from pay_payroll_actions ppa,
723: pay_assignment_actions paa,
724: per_assignments_f paf,
725: per_periods_of_service pds
726: where paf.person_id = to_char(cp_person_id)
727: and paf.assignment_id = paa.assignment_id
728: and paa.tax_unit_id = nvl(cp_tax_unit_id,paa.tax_unit_id)

Line 735: from per_assignments_f paf

731: and ppa.payroll_action_id = paa.payroll_action_id
732: and ppa.effective_date = cp_effective_date
733: and ppa.report_type in ('PAYCAT4APDF','PAYCAT4AAMPDF')
734: and paf.effective_end_date = (select max(paf.effective_end_date)
735: from per_assignments_f paf
736: where paf.assignment_id = paa.assignment_id
737: and paf.effective_start_date <= cp_effective_date
738: and paf.effective_end_date >= trunc(cp_effective_date,'Y'))
739: and exists

Line 1430: l_per_id per_assignments_f.person_id%type;

1427: l_dt date;
1428: l_year number ;
1429: l_gre_id pay_assignment_actions.tax_unit_id%type;
1430: l_per_id per_assignments_f.person_id%type;
1431: l_sort1 varchar2(60);
1432: l_sort2 varchar2(60);
1433: l_sort3 varchar2(60);
1434: l_year_start date;