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2 --$Header: JMFVSKAS.pls 120.5.12020000.2 2012/07/26 08:55:44 abhissri ship $
3 --+===========================================================================+
4 --|                    Copyright (c) 2005 Oracle Corporation                  |
5 --|                       Redwood Shores, California, USA                     |
6 --|                            All rights reserved.                           |
7 --+===========================================================================+
8 --|                                                                           |
9 --|  FILENAME   :      JMFVSKAS.pls                                           |
10 --|                                                                           |
11 --|  DESCRIPTION:      Specification file of the Allocations package          |
12 --|                    for the Charge Based SHIKYU project.                   |
13 --|                                                                           |
14 --| PUBLIC FUNCTIONS/PROCEDURES:                                              |
15 --|   Allocate_Quantity                                                       |
16 --|   Allocate_Quantity                                                       |
17 --|   Get_Available_Replenishment_So                                          |
18 --|   Get_Available_Replenishment_Po                                          |
19 --|   Create_New_Replenishment_Po_So                                          |
20 --|   Create_New_Replenishment_So                                             |
21 --|   Create_New_Allocations                                                  |
22 --|   Allocate_Prepositioned_Comp                                             |
23 --|   Allocate_Syncship_Comp                                                  |
24 --|   Reduce_Allocations                                                      |
25 --|   Delete_Allocations                                                      |
26 --|   Reconcile_Partial_Shipments                                             |
27 --|   Reconcile_Closed_Shipments                                              |
28 --|   Reconcile_Replen_Excess_Qty                                             |
29 --|                                                                           |
30 --|  HISTORY:                                                                 |
31 --|   29-APR-2005      vchu  Created.                                         |
32 --|   07-JUL-2005      vchu  Uncommented COMMIT and EXIT statements.          |
33 --|   12-AUG-2005      vchu  Changed type definitions because of code fixes   |
34 --|                          in package body.                                 |
35 --|   18-AUG-2005      vchu  Removed the global exceptions.                   |
36 --|   09-NOV-2005      vchu  Added schedule_ship_date to the                  |
37 --|                          g_replen_so_qty_rec_type record type, in order   |
38 --|                          to support the newly added order by statement of |
39 --|                          the c_avail_replen_so_cur cursor declared for    |
40 --|                          the Get_Available_Replenishment_So procedure.    |
41 --|   02-MAY-2006      vchu  Bug 5197415: Added the p_skip_po_replen_creation |
42 --|                          parameter to Create_New_Allocations and          |
43 --|                          Allocate_Syncship_Comp, in order to give the     |
44 --|                          option of skipping the creation of new           |
45 --|                          Replenishment POs for sync-ship components.      |
46 --|                          The Interlock Concurrent Program would use this  |
47 --|                          option if creation of Replenishment SOs has      |
48 --|                          already failed when trying to create             |
49 --|                          Replenishment SOs for the Replenishment POs      |
50 --|                          that do not yet present in the                   |
51 --|                          JMF_SHIKYU_REPLENISHMENTS table.                 |
52 --+===========================================================================+
54 --===================
56 --===================
60 TYPE g_replen_so_qty_rec_type IS RECORD
61   ( replenishment_so_line_id NUMBER
62   , component_id             NUMBER
63   , qty                      NUMBER
64   , uom                      VARCHAR2(3)
65   , primary_uom_qty          NUMBER
66   , primary_uom              VARCHAR2(3)
67   , schedule_ship_date       DATE
68   --Bugfix 14246759: Adding a new field actual_shipment_date
69   , actual_shipment_date     DATE
70   );
72 TYPE g_replen_so_qty_tbl_type IS TABLE OF g_replen_so_qty_rec_type INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER;
74 TYPE g_replen_po_qty_rec_type IS RECORD
75   ( replenishment_po_shipment_id NUMBER
76   , component_id                 NUMBER
77   , qty                          NUMBER
78   , uom                          VARCHAR2(3)
79   , primary_uom_qty              NUMBER
80   , primary_uom                  VARCHAR2(3)
81   , po_shipment_need_by_date   PO_LINE_LOCATIONS_ALL.NEED_BY_DATE%TYPE
82   , po_header_num              PO_HEADERS_ALL.SEGMENT1%TYPE
83   , po_line_num                PO_LINES.LINE_NUM%TYPE
84   , po_shipment_num            PO_LINE_LOCATIONS_ALL.SHIPMENT_NUM%TYPE
85   );
87 TYPE g_replen_po_qty_tbl_type IS TABLE OF g_replen_po_qty_rec_type INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER;
89 TYPE g_allocation_qty_rec_type IS RECORD
90   ( subcontract_po_shipment_id NUMBER
91   , replenishment_so_line_id   NUMBER
92   , component_id               NUMBER
93   , qty                        NUMBER
94   , qty_uom                    VARCHAR2(3)
95   );
97 TYPE g_allocation_qty_tbl_type IS TABLE OF g_allocation_qty_rec_type INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER;
99 --==============================
101 --==============================
103 PROCEDURE Allocate_Quantity
104 ( p_api_version                IN  NUMBER
105 , p_init_msg_list              IN  VARCHAR2
106 , x_return_status              OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
107 , x_msg_count                  OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
108 , x_msg_data                   OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
109 , p_subcontract_po_shipment_id IN  NUMBER
110 , p_component_id               IN  NUMBER
111 , p_replen_so_line_id          IN  NUMBER
112 , p_primary_uom                IN  VARCHAR2
113 , p_qty_to_allocate            IN  NUMBER
114 , x_qty_allocated              OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
115 );
117 PROCEDURE Allocate_Quantity
118 ( p_api_version                IN  NUMBER
119 , p_init_msg_list              IN  VARCHAR2
120 , x_return_status              OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
121 , x_msg_count                  OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
122 , x_msg_data                   OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
123 , p_subcontract_po_shipment_id IN  NUMBER
124 , p_component_id               IN  NUMBER
125 , p_qty_to_allocate            IN  NUMBER
126 , p_available_replen_tbl       IN  g_replen_so_qty_tbl_type
127 , x_qty_allocated              OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
128 );
130 PROCEDURE Get_Available_Replenishment_So
131 ( p_api_version                IN  NUMBER
132 , p_init_msg_list              IN  VARCHAR2
133 , x_return_status              OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
134 , x_msg_count                  OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
135 , x_msg_data                   OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
136 , p_subcontract_po_shipment_id IN  NUMBER
137 , p_component_id               IN  NUMBER
138 , p_qty                        IN  NUMBER
139 , p_include_additional_supply  IN  VARCHAR2
140 , p_arrived_so_lines_only      IN  VARCHAR2
141 , x_available_replen_tbl       OUT NOCOPY g_replen_so_qty_tbl_type
142 , x_remaining_qty              OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
143 );
145 PROCEDURE Get_Available_Replenishment_Po
146 ( p_api_version                IN  NUMBER
147 , p_init_msg_list              IN  VARCHAR2
148 , x_return_status              OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
149 , x_msg_count                  OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
150 , x_msg_data                   OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
151 , p_subcontract_po_shipment_id IN  NUMBER
152 , p_component_id               IN  NUMBER
153 , p_qty                        IN  NUMBER
154 , x_available_replen_tbl       OUT NOCOPY g_replen_po_qty_tbl_type
155 , x_remaining_qty              OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
156 );
158 PROCEDURE Create_New_Replenishment_Po_So
159 ( p_api_version                IN  NUMBER
160 , p_init_msg_list              IN  VARCHAR2
161 , x_return_status              OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
162 , x_msg_count                  OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
163 , x_msg_data                   OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
164 , p_subcontract_po_shipment_id IN  NUMBER
165 , p_component_id               IN  NUMBER
166 , p_qty                        IN  NUMBER
167 , x_new_replen_so_rec          OUT NOCOPY g_replen_so_qty_rec_type
168 );
170 PROCEDURE Create_New_Replenishment_So
171 ( p_api_version                IN  NUMBER
172 , p_init_msg_list              IN  VARCHAR2
173 , x_return_status              OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
174 , x_msg_count                  OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
175 , x_msg_data                   OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
176 , p_subcontract_po_shipment_id IN  NUMBER
177 , p_component_id               IN  NUMBER
178 , p_qty                        IN  NUMBER
179 , p_additional_supply          IN  VARCHAR2
180 , x_new_replen_tbl             OUT NOCOPY g_replen_so_qty_tbl_type
181 );
183 PROCEDURE Create_New_Allocations
184 ( p_api_version                IN  NUMBER
185 , p_init_msg_list              IN  VARCHAR2
186 , x_return_status              OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
187 , x_msg_count                  OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
188 , x_msg_data                   OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
189 , p_subcontract_po_shipment_id IN  NUMBER
190 , p_component_id               IN  NUMBER
191 , p_qty                        IN  NUMBER
192 , p_skip_po_replen_creation    IN  VARCHAR2
193 );
195 PROCEDURE Allocate_Prepositioned_Comp
196 ( p_api_version                IN  NUMBER
197 , p_init_msg_list              IN  VARCHAR2
198 , x_return_status              OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
199 , x_msg_count                  OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
200 , x_msg_data                   OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
201 , p_subcontract_po_shipment_id IN  NUMBER
202 , p_component_id               IN  NUMBER
203 , p_qty                        IN  NUMBER
204 );
206 PROCEDURE Allocate_Syncship_Comp
207 ( p_api_version                IN  NUMBER
208 , p_init_msg_list              IN  VARCHAR2
209 , x_return_status              OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
210 , x_msg_count                  OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
211 , x_msg_data                   OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
212 , p_subcontract_po_shipment_id IN  NUMBER
213 , p_component_id               IN  NUMBER
214 , p_qty                        IN  NUMBER
215 , p_skip_po_replen_creation    IN  VARCHAR2
216 );
218 -- Reduce the current allocation quantity
219 PROCEDURE Reduce_Allocations
220 ( p_api_version                IN  NUMBER
221 , p_init_msg_list              IN  VARCHAR2
222 , x_return_status              OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
223 , x_msg_count                  OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
224 , x_msg_data                   OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
225 , p_subcontract_po_shipment_id IN  NUMBER
226 , p_component_id               IN  NUMBER
227 , p_replen_so_line_id          IN  NUMBER
228 , p_qty_to_reduce              IN  NUMBER
229 , x_actual_reduced_qty         OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
230 , x_reduced_allocations_tbl    OUT NOCOPY g_allocation_qty_tbl_type
231 );
233 -- Delete All Allocations
234 -- All allocations for the subtracting component would be removed
235 -- if p_replen_so_line_id is NULL
236 PROCEDURE Delete_Allocations
237 ( p_api_version                IN  NUMBER
238 , p_init_msg_list              IN  VARCHAR2
239 , x_return_status              OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
240 , x_msg_count                  OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
241 , x_msg_data                   OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
242 , p_subcontract_po_shipment_id IN  NUMBER
243 , p_component_id               IN  NUMBER
244 , p_replen_so_line_id          IN  NUMBER
245 , x_deleted_allocations_tbl    OUT NOCOPY g_allocation_qty_tbl_type
246 );
248 -- Algorithm:
249 -- 1) Decrease Allocations
250 -- 2) Update JMF_SHIKYU_REPLENISHMENTS table:
251 -- i) the ORDERED_QUANTITY and ALLOCABLE_QUANTITY of the splitted (parent) line
252 -- ii) insert the child line into the table
254 PROCEDURE Reconcile_Partial_Shipments
255 ( p_api_version       IN  NUMBER
256 , p_init_msg_list     IN  VARCHAR2
257 , x_return_status     OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
258 , x_msg_count         OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
259 , x_msg_data          OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
260 , p_from_organization IN NUMBER
261 , p_to_organization   IN NUMBER
262 );
264 PROCEDURE Reconcile_Closed_Shipments
265 ( p_api_version                IN  NUMBER
266 , p_init_msg_list              IN  VARCHAR2
267 , x_return_status              OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
268 , x_msg_count                  OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
269 , x_msg_data                   OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
270 );
272 PROCEDURE Reconcile_Replen_Excess_Qty
273 ( p_api_version          IN  NUMBER
274 , p_init_msg_list        IN  VARCHAR2
275 , x_return_status        OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
276 , x_msg_count            OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
277 , x_msg_data             OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
278 , p_replen_order_line_id IN  NUMBER
279 , p_excess_qty           IN  NUMBER
280 );
282 -- Fix 14246759: Adding a new procedure to reconcile rescheduled RSOs.
283 PROCEDURE Reconcile_RSO_Date_Changes
284 ( x_return_status OUT NOCOPY varchar2
285 );