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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 14

     select ltrim(rtrim(value))
     into g_log_file_dir
     from (select value from v$parameter2 where name='utl_file_dir'
	     order by rownum desc)
     where rownum <2;
Line: 86

     select msc_form_query_s.nextval
     from dual;
Line: 98

     select msc_analysis_query_s.nextval
     from dual;
Line: 111

    select higher_item_id
    from msc_item_substitutes
    where plan_id = p_plan_id
      and relationship_type = c_mis_repair_to_type
      and lower_item_id = p_lower_item_id;
Line: 131

    from msc_form_query
    where query_id = ll_query_id
      and number4 = ll_level;
Line: 141

    from msc_form_query
    where query_id = ll_query_id;
Line: 150

    select b.effective_date,
    from msc_item_substitutes b, msc_plans mp
    where b.plan_id = -1
      and b.relationship_type = 8
      and b.lower_item_id = l_number1
      and b.higher_item_id = l_number2
      and mp.plan_id = p_plan
      and b.sr_instance_id = mp.sr_instance_id;
Line: 168

    insert into msc_form_query(query_id,
    	  creation_date, created_by, last_updated_by, last_update_date, number1, number2, number3, number4,
	  number5, number6, number7, date1, date2)
        select  l_query_id,sysdate, -1, -1, sysdate,
          b.lower_item_id, b.higher_item_id, b.highest_item_id, l_level, b.reciprocal_flag,
          msc_sda_utils.getRepairItem(b.plan_id, b.lower_item_id, b.highest_item_id) repair_item_id,
    from msc_item_substitutes b, msc_plans mp
      where b.plan_id = p_plan
        and b.relationship_type = c_mis_supersession_type
        and b.highest_item_id = p_item
        and b.inferred_flag = 2
        and b.forward_rule = 1
        and (trunc(sysdate) between trunc(b.effective_date) and trunc(nvl(b.disable_date, sysdate))
              or trunc(b.effective_date) >= trunc(sysdate) )
        and b.plan_id = mp.plan_id
        and b.sr_instance_id = mp.sr_instance_id
        and b.higher_item_id = p_item;
Line: 193

        insert into msc_form_query(query_id,
    	  creation_date, created_by, last_updated_by, last_update_date, number1, number2, number3, number4,
	  number5, number6, number7, date1, date2)
        select  l_query_id,sysdate, -1, -1, sysdate,
          b.lower_item_id, b.higher_item_id, b.highest_item_id, l_level, b.reciprocal_flag,
          msc_sda_utils.getRepairItem(b.plan_id, b.lower_item_id, b.highest_item_id) repair_item_id,
    from msc_item_substitutes b, msc_plans mp
      where b.plan_id = p_plan
        and b.relationship_type = c_mis_supersession_type
        and b.highest_item_id = p_item
        and b.inferred_flag = 2
        and b.forward_rule = 1
        and (trunc(sysdate) between trunc(b.effective_date) and trunc(nvl(b.disable_date, sysdate))
              or trunc(b.effective_date) >= trunc(sysdate) )
        and b.plan_id = mp.plan_id
        and b.sr_instance_id = mp.sr_instance_id
        and b.higher_item_id = c_curr_row.number1;
Line: 231

      update msc_form_query
        set date1=l_st_date, date2=l_end_date
      where query_id = l_query_id
        and number1 = c_chain_row.number1
        and number2 = c_chain_row.number2;
Line: 244

    select count(*)
    from msc_item_substitutes mis
    where plan_id = p_plan
      and mis.relationship_type = c_mis_supersession_type
      and mis.inferred_flag = 2
      and mis.forward_rule = 1
      and (trunc(sysdate) between trunc(mis.effective_date) and trunc(nvl(mis.disable_date, sysdate))
            or trunc(mis.effective_date) >= trunc(sysdate) )
      and (lower_item_id = p_item_id or higher_item_id = p_item_id or highest_item_id = p_item_id);
Line: 266

    select count(*)
	from msc_form_query mfq
	where mfq.query_id = ll_qid
	  and mfq.number8 = 100
	  and mfq.number9 <> ll_chain_id
	  and l_highest_item_id in (mfq.number1, mfq.number2, mfq.number3);
Line: 288

    select distinct mis.highest_item_id
    from msc_system_items msi,
      msc_plans mp,
      msc_item_substitutes mis,
      msc_system_items msi2
    where mp.plan_id = p_plan
      and msi.plan_id = mp.plan_id
      and msi.sr_instance_id = mp.sr_instance_id
      and msi.inventory_item_id = p_item
      and msi.group_id is not null
      and mis.plan_id = p_plan
      and mis.relationship_type = c_mis_supersession_type
      and mis.inferred_flag = 2
      and mis.forward_rule = 1
      and (trunc(sysdate) between trunc(mis.effective_date) and trunc(nvl(mis.disable_date, sysdate))
            or trunc(mis.effective_date) >= trunc(sysdate) )
      and mis.plan_id = msi2.plan_id
      and mis.sr_instance_id = msi2.sr_instance_id
      and mis.highest_item_id = msi2.inventory_item_id
      and msi2.group_id = msi.group_id
     order by 1;
Line: 313

    select distinct msi2.inventory_item_id
    from msc_system_items msi,
      msc_system_items msi2
    where msi.plan_id = p_plan
      and msi.inventory_item_id = p_item
      and msi.group_id is not null
      and msi2.plan_id = msi.plan_id
      and msi2.group_id = msi.group_id
     order by 1;
Line: 324

    select distinct mis.highest_item_id
    from msc_item_substitutes mis,
	  msc_form_query mfq
    where mis.plan_id = p_plan
      and mis.relationship_type = c_mis_supersession_type
      and mis.inferred_flag = 2
      and mis.forward_rule = 1
      and (trunc(sysdate) between trunc(mis.effective_date) and trunc(nvl(mis.disable_date, sysdate))
            or trunc(mis.effective_date) >= trunc(sysdate) )
	  and mfq.query_id = ll_query_id
	  and mfq.number8 = 1
	  and mfq.number1 in (mis.lower_item_id, mis.higher_item_id, mis.highest_item_id)
	  and mis.higher_item_id = mis.highest_item_id;
Line: 340

	  select distinct mfq.number3, mfq.number9
	  from msc_form_query mfq
	  where mfq.query_id = ll_query_id
	  and mfq.number8 = 100
	  and mfq.number2 = mfq.number3
	  order by 2,1;
Line: 355

	--get all items with same group id and insert into l_qid1 and number8 with values 1,2
    for c_row in c_grouped_items_cur
	  l_flag := is_item_in_chain(p_plan, c_row.inventory_item_id);
Line: 359

      insert into msc_form_query(query_id, creation_date, created_by, last_updated_by, last_update_date, number1, number8)
      values  (l_qid1, sysdate, -1, -1, sysdate, c_row.inventory_item_id, l_flag);
Line: 364

	--get all items with same group id and insert into l_qid1 and number8 with 100, number9 chain_id, number10 1--duplicate chain, 2-not-dup
    for c_row in c_highest_item_cur(l_qid1)
	  println('c_highest_item_cur item_id name '||c_row.highest_item_id||msc_get_name.item_name(c_row.highest_item_id, null, null, null));
Line: 371

        insert into msc_form_query(query_id,
    	  creation_date, created_by, last_updated_by, last_update_date,
		  number1, number2, number3, number4,
		  number5, number6, number7, date1, date2, number8, number9,number10)
        select  l_qid1, sysdate, -1, -1, sysdate,
          number1, number2, number3, number4+l_level,
		  number5, number6, number7, date1, date2, 100, l_chain_id,2
		from msc_form_query
		where query_id = l_query_id
		order by number3, number4 desc;
Line: 389

        update msc_form_query
          set number10 = 1
		where query_id = l_qid1
		  and number9 = c_row.number9;
Line: 397

    insert into msc_form_query(query_id,
      creation_date, created_by, last_updated_by, last_update_date,
	  number1, number2, number3, number4,
	  number5, number6, number7, date1, date2, number8, number9,number10)
    select  l_related_query_id, sysdate, -1, -1, sysdate,
      number1, number2, number3, number4,
	  number5, number6, number7, date1, date2, number8, number9,number10
	from msc_form_query
	where query_id = l_qid1
	  and number8 = 100
	  and number10 = 2
	order by number3, number4 desc;
Line: 411

    insert into msc_form_query(query_id,
      creation_date, created_by, last_updated_by, last_update_date,
	  number1, number2, number3, number4,
	  number5, number6, number7, date1, date2, number8, number9,number10)
    select  l_related_query_id, sysdate, -1, -1, sysdate,
      number1, number2, number1 number3, -1,
	  number5, number6, number7, date1, date2, number8, number9,number10
	from msc_form_query
	where query_id = l_qid1
	  and number8 = 2
	order by number1 desc;
Line: 434

        insert into msc_form_query(query_id,
    	  creation_date, created_by, last_updated_by, last_update_date,
		  number1, number2, number3, number4,
		  number5, number6, number7, date1, date2)
        select  l_related_query_id, sysdate, -1, -1, sysdate,
          number1, number2, number3, number4+l_level,
		  number5, number6, number7, date1, date2
		from msc_form_query
		where query_id = l_query_id
		order by number3, number4 desc;
Line: 455

    insert into msc_form_query(query_id,
    creation_date, created_by, last_updated_by, last_update_date, number1, number2, number3, number4,
    number5, number6, number7, date1, date2)
    select  l_query_id,sysdate, -1, -1, sysdate,
      b.lower_item_id, b.higher_item_id, b.highest_item_id, level,
      msc_sda_utils.getRepairItem(plan_id, b.lower_item_id, b.highest_item_id) repair_item_id,
     (select min(a.effective_date) from msc_item_substitutes a
       where a.plan_id=p_plan
       and a.lower_item_id = b.lower_item_id
       and a.HIGHER_ITEM_ID=b.higher_item_id
       and a.relationship_type = c_mis_supersession_type
       and a.inferred_flag = 2
       and a.forward_rule = 1) as effective_date,
    from msc_item_substitutes b
      where b.plan_id = p_plan
        and b.relationship_type = c_mis_supersession_type
        and b.highest_item_id = p_item
        and b.inferred_flag = 2
        and b.forward_rule = 1
      start with b.highest_item_id = p_item
        and b.inferred_flag = 2
        and b.highest_item_id = b.higher_item_id
      connect by nocycle b.higher_item_id = prior b.lower_item_id
        and b.plan_id = prior b.plan_id
        and b.relationship_type = prior b.relationship_type
	and b.inferred_flag = prior b.inferred_flag
        and b.forward_rule = prior b.forward_rule
        --  and effective_date = prior effective_date
      order by level desc;
Line: 493

    select query_name
    from msc_personal_queries
    where query_id = p_query_id;
Line: 506

    select query_name
    from msc_personal_queries
    where query_id = p_query_id;
Line: 519

    select decode(region_type,
      10, mr.zone) reg_list_name
    from msc_regions mr
    where mr.region_id = p_region_id;
Line: 608

    select b.prime_item_id,
    from msc_item_substitutes b, msc_plans mp
    where b.plan_id = p_plan_id
      and b.relationship_type = c_mis_supersession_type
      and b.inferred_flag = 2
      and b.forward_rule = 1
      and b.lower_item_id = p_item_id
      and (trunc(sysdate) between trunc(b.effective_date) and trunc(nvl(b.disable_date,sysdate))
            or trunc(b.effective_date) >= trunc(sysdate))
      and b.plan_id = mp.plan_id
      and b.sr_instance_id = mp.sr_instance_id
      order by b.effective_date DESC;
Line: 626

    select b.highest_item_id prime_item_id,
    from msc_item_substitutes b, msc_plans mp
    where b.plan_id = p_plan_id
      and b.relationship_type = c_mis_supersession_type
      and b.inferred_flag = 2
      and b.forward_rule = 1
      and b.higher_item_id = p_item_id
      and (trunc(sysdate) between trunc(b.effective_date) and trunc(nvl(b.disable_date,sysdate))
            or trunc(b.effective_date) >= trunc(sysdate))
      and b.plan_id = mp.plan_id
      and b.sr_instance_id = mp.sr_instance_id
      order by effective_date DESC;
Line: 659

    select count(*)
    from msc_analysis_query
    where query_id = p_query_id
      and parent_row_index = p_row_index
      and nvl(org_list_id, -1) = nvl(p_org_list_id, -1)
      and nvl(inst_id, -1) = nvl(p_inst_id, -1)
      and nvl(org_id, -1) = nvl(p_org_id, -1)
      and nvl(top_item_id, -1) = nvl(p_top_item_id, -1)
      and nvl(item_id, -1) = nvl(p_item_id, -1)
      and nvl(org_list_state, -1) = nvl(p_orglist_action, -1)
      and nvl(top_item_name_state, -1) = nvl(p_itemlist_action, -1) ;
Line: 687

    select distinct
      to_number(null) region_list_id,
      to_char(null) region_list,
      p_region_list region_id,
      msc_sda_utils.getRegionName(p_region_list) region_code,
      p_region_list sort_column
    from dual
    where p_region_type = c_reg_view
      and p_view_type = 1
    union all
    select distinct
      mpq.query_id region_list_id,
      mpq.query_name region_list,
      mpt.object_type region_id,
      msc_sda_utils.getRegionName(mpt.object_type) region_code,
      mpt.sequence_id sort_column
    from msc_pq_types mpt,
      msc_personal_queries mpq
    where  mpq.query_id = p_region_list
      and mpq.query_id  = mpt.query_id
      and p_region_type = c_reg_list_view
      and p_view_type = 1
    order by 5;
Line: 714

    select md.zone_id region_id,
      md.sr_instance_id inst_id,
      md.organization_id org_id,
      msc_get_name.org_code(md.organization_id, md.sr_instance_id) org_code,
    from msc_demands md,
      msc_form_query mfq
    where mfq.query_id = p_region_query_id
      and md.plan_id = p_plan_id
      and md.zone_id = mfq.number2;
Line: 726

    select distinct mfq.number2 region_id,
      mtp.sr_instance_id inst_id,
      mtp.sr_tp_id org_id,
      msc_get_name.org_code(mpo.organization_id, mpo.sr_instance_id) org_code,
      to_number(null) inventory_item_id
      --msc_region_locations mrl,
      --msc_location_associations mla,
      msc_trading_partners mtp,
      msc_plan_organizations mpo,
      msc_form_query mfq
      --,msc_zone_regions mzr
    where mfq.query_id = p_region_query_id
      and nvl(mfq.number2,-1) > 0
      --and mzr.parent_region_id = mfq.number2
      --and mrl.region_id = mzr.region_id
      --and mrl.location_id = mla.location_id
      --and mla.partner_id = mtp.partner_id
      and mtp.partner_type = 3
      and mpo.plan_id = p_plan_id
      and mpo.sr_instance_id = mtp.sr_instance_id
      and mpo.organization_id = mtp.sr_tp_id
      and p_view_type = 1 --region list selected by user
      --pabram..commented out --msc_location_associations, msc_trading_partners for testing,
      --we need to enable this when these tables are flushed correctly
      --6736491, need to add mrl back
    union all
    select distinct
      c_mbp_not_null_value region_id,
      mtp.sr_instance_id inst_id,
      mtp.sr_tp_id org_id,
      msc_get_name.org_code(mtp.sr_tp_id, mtp.sr_instance_id) org_code,
      to_number(null) inventory_item_id
    from msc_trading_partners mtp
    where mtp.sr_tp_id = p_org_id
      and mtp.sr_instance_id = p_inst_id
      and mtp.partner_type = 3
      and p_org_type = c_org_view
      and p_view_type = 2
    union all
    select distinct
      c_mbp_not_null_value region_id,
      mpt.source_type inst_id,
      mpt.object_type org_id,
      msc_get_name.org_code(mpt.object_type, mpt.source_type) org_code,
      to_number(null) inventory_item_id
    from msc_pq_types mpt,
      msc_personal_queries mpq
    where mpq.query_id = p_org_list
      and mpq.query_id  = mpt.query_id
      and p_org_type = c_org_list_view
      and p_view_type = 2
    order by 4;
Line: 802

      insert into msc_form_query (query_id, creation_date, created_by, last_updated_by, last_update_date,
        number1, char1, number2, char2, number3)
      values (p_region_query_id, sysdate, -1, -1, sysdate,
        c_regions.region_list_id, c_regions.region_list, c_regions.region_id, c_regions.region_code, c_regions.sort_column);
Line: 808

      insert into msc_form_query (query_id, creation_date, created_by, last_updated_by, last_update_date,
        number1, number2, number3, char1, number4)
      values (p_org_query_id, sysdate, -1, -1, sysdate,
        c_regions.region_id, to_number(null), -1, to_char(c_mbp_null_value), c_mbp_null_value);
Line: 817

      insert into msc_form_query (query_id, creation_date, created_by, last_updated_by, last_update_date,
        number1, number2, number3, char1, number4)
      values (p_org_query_id, sysdate, -1, -1, sysdate,
        c_mbp_null_value, to_number(null), -1, to_char(c_mbp_null_value), c_mbp_null_value);
Line: 823

      insert into msc_form_query (query_id, creation_date, created_by, last_updated_by, last_update_date,
        number1, char1, number2, char2, number3)
      values (p_region_query_id, sysdate, -1, -1, sysdate,
        to_number(null), null, c_global_reg_type, c_global_reg_type_text, c_global_reg_type);
Line: 829

      insert into msc_form_query (query_id, creation_date, created_by, last_updated_by, last_update_date,
        number1, char1, number2, char2, number3)
      values (p_region_query_id, sysdate, -1, -1, sysdate,
        to_number(null), null, c_local_reg_type, c_local_reg_type_text, c_local_reg_type);
Line: 835

      insert into msc_form_query (query_id, creation_date, created_by, last_updated_by, last_update_date,
        number1, number2, number3, char1, number4)
      values (p_org_query_id, sysdate, -1, -1, sysdate,
        c_local_reg_type, to_number(null), -1, to_char(c_mbp_null_value), c_mbp_null_value);
Line: 844

      insert into msc_form_query (query_id, creation_date, created_by, last_updated_by, last_update_date,
        number1, number2, number3, char1, number4)
      values (p_org_query_id, sysdate, -1, -1, sysdate,
        c_orgs.region_id, c_orgs.inst_id, c_orgs.org_id, c_orgs.org_code, c_orgs.inventory_item_id);
Line: 850

      insert into msc_form_query (query_id, creation_date, created_by, last_updated_by, last_update_date,
        number1, number2, number3, char1, number4)
      values (p_org_query_id, sysdate, -1, -1, sysdate,
        c_global_reg_type, c_orgs.inst_id, c_orgs.org_id, c_orgs.org_code, c_orgs.inventory_item_id);
Line: 856

      insert into msc_form_query (query_id, creation_date, created_by, last_updated_by, last_update_date,
        number1, number2, number3, char1, number4)
      values (p_org_query_id, sysdate, -1, -1, sysdate,
        c_local_reg_type, c_orgs.inst_id, c_orgs.org_id, c_orgs.org_code, c_orgs.inventory_item_id);
Line: 870

    select distinct
      to_number(null) org_list_id,
      to_char(null) org_list,
      mtp.sr_instance_id inst_id,
      mtp.sr_tp_id org_id,
      msc_get_name.org_code(mtp.sr_tp_id, mtp.sr_instance_id) org_code,
      mtp.sr_tp_id sort_column
    from msc_trading_partners mtp,
      msc_analysis_query maq
    where maq.query_id = p_query_id
      and maq.row_index = p_row_index
      and mtp.sr_instance_id = maq.inst_id
      and mtp.sr_tp_id = maq.org_id
      and mtp.partner_type = 3
      and p_org_type = c_org_view
    union all
    select distinct
      mpq.query_id org_list_id,
      mpq.query_name org_list,
      mpt.source_type inst_id,
      mpt.object_type org_id,
      msc_get_name.org_code(mpt.object_type, mpt.source_type) org_code,
      mpt.sequence_id sort_column
    from msc_pq_types mpt,
      msc_personal_queries mpq,
      msc_analysis_query maq
    where maq.query_id = p_query_id
      and maq.row_index = p_row_index
      and mpq.query_id = maq.org_list_id
      and mpq.query_id  = mpt.query_id
      and p_org_type = c_org_list_view
    order by 6;
Line: 907

      println('inserting +');
Line: 908

      insert into msc_form_query (query_id, creation_date, created_by, last_updated_by, last_update_date,
        number1, char1, number2, number3, char4, number4)
      values (l_query_id, sysdate, -1, -1, sysdate,
        c_orgs.org_list_id, c_orgs.org_list, c_orgs.inst_id, c_orgs.org_id, c_orgs.org_code, c_orgs.sort_column);
Line: 923

   select to_number(null) top_item_id,
     to_char(null) top_item_name,
     inventory_item_id item_id,
     1 sort_column
   from msc_items
   where inventory_item_id = p_item_id
     and p_item_view_type = c_item_view
   union all
   select distinct
     p_item_id top_item_id,
     msc_get_name.item_name(p_item_id,null, null, null) top_item_name,
     decode(p_item_id, b.prime_item_id, b.lower_item_id, b.higher_item_id) item_id,
     msc_get_name.item_name(decode(p_item_id, b.prime_item_id, b.lower_item_id, b.higher_item_id),null, null, null) item_name,
     1 sort_column
   from msc_item_substitutes b, msc_plans mp
   where b.plan_id = p_plan_id
     and (b.prime_item_id = p_item_id
       or (higher_item_id = highest_item_id and higher_item_id = p_item_id)
     and b.relationship_type = c_mis_supersession_type
     and p_item_view_type = c_prime_view
     and b.inferred_flag = 2
     and b.forward_rule = 1
     and (trunc(sysdate) between trunc(b.effective_date) and trunc(nvl(b.disable_date,sysdate))
           or trunc(b.effective_date) >= trunc(sysdate))
     and b.plan_id = mp.plan_id
     and b.sr_instance_id = mp.sr_instance_id
   start with prime_item_id = p_item_id
        --and highest_item_id = higher_item_id
      connect by nocycle higher_item_id = prior lower_item_id
        and plan_id = prior plan_id
        and relationship_type = prior relationship_type
	and prime_item_id = prior prime_item_id
	and inferred_flag = prior inferred_flag
        and forward_rule = prior forward_rule
*/ --commented since where cl is enough to fetch this info
   union all
   select distinct
     b.highest_item_id top_item_id,
     msc_get_name.item_name(b.highest_item_id,null, null, null) top_item_name,
     b.lower_item_id item_id,
     msc_get_name.item_name(b.lower_item_id,null, null, null) item_name,
     1 sort_column
   from msc_item_substitutes b, msc_plans mp
   where b.plan_id = p_plan_id
     and b.relationship_type = c_mis_supersession_type
     and p_item_view_type = c_supersession_view
     and b.highest_item_id = p_item_id
     and b.inferred_flag = 2
     and b.forward_rule = 1
     and (trunc(sysdate) between trunc(b.effective_date) and trunc(nvl(b.disable_date,sysdate))
           or trunc(b.effective_date) >= trunc(sysdate))
     and b.plan_id = mp.plan_id
     and b.sr_instance_id = mp.sr_instance_id
   start with highest_item_id = p_item_id
     and inferred_flag = 2
     and highest_item_id = higher_item_id
     --and highest_item_id = higher_item_id
      connect by nocycle higher_item_id = prior lower_item_id
        and plan_id = prior plan_id
        and relationship_type = prior relationship_type
	and inferred_flag = prior inferred_flag
        and forward_rule = prior forward_rule
*/ --commented since where cl is enough to fetch this info
   union all
   select distinct
     p_item_id top_item_id,
     msc_get_name.item_name(p_item_id,null, null, null) top_item_name,
     mfq.number2 item_id,
     msc_get_name.item_name(mfq.number2,null, null, null) item_name,
     mfq.number3 sort_column
   from msc_form_query mfq
   where mfq.query_id = l_rqid_sorted
   order by sort_column desc;
Line: 1007

	  select number1, number2, number3
	  from msc_form_query
	  where query_id = l_rqid
	  order by number1, number4 desc;
Line: 1013

	  select count(*)
	  from msc_form_query
	  where query_id = ll_query_id
	    and number2 = ll_item_id;
Line: 1032

          insert into msc_form_query (query_id, creation_date, created_by, last_updated_by, last_update_date, number1, number2, number3)
          values (l_rqid_sorted, sysdate, -1, -1, sysdate, p_item_id, c_rchain.number1, l_order);
Line: 1041

          insert into msc_form_query (query_id, creation_date, created_by, last_updated_by, last_update_date, number1, number2, number3)
          values (l_rqid_sorted, sysdate, -1, -1, sysdate, p_item_id, c_rchain.number2, l_order);
Line: 1051

            insert into msc_form_query (query_id, creation_date, created_by, last_updated_by, last_update_date, number1, number2, number3)
            values (l_rqid_sorted, sysdate, -1, -1, sysdate, p_item_id, c_rchain.number3, l_order);
Line: 1063

      insert into msc_form_query (query_id, creation_date, created_by, last_updated_by, last_update_date, number1, char1, number2, char2, number3)
      values (l_query_id, sysdate, -1, -1, sysdate, c_sschain.top_item_id, c_sschain.top_item_name, c_sschain.item_id, c_sschain.item_name,
Line: 1074

        insert into msc_form_query (query_id, creation_date, created_by, last_updated_by, last_update_date, number1, char1, number2, char2, number3)
        values (l_query_id, sysdate, -1, -1, sysdate, p_item_id, l_item_name, p_item_id, l_item_name, 1);
Line: 1104

    insert into msc_form_query (query_id, creation_date, created_by, last_updated_by, last_update_date,
      date1, date2, number1)
    values (l_query_id, sysdate, -1, -1, sysdate, l_first_day, l_last_day, l_date_index);
Line: 1124

    select field_type,
	c_item_folder, nvl(group_by,2),
	1) default_flag
    from msc_criteria
    where folder_object = p_folder_object
       and field_name <> 'PRE_POSITION_INVENTORY'
       order by to_number(field_type);
Line: 1190

    select distinct mun.note_id,
      nvl(mun.last_update_date, mun.creation_date) comment_date,
      msc_get_name.item_name(mun.inventory_item_id, null, null, null) item_name,
      substr(mun.note_text1,1,80) comment_text
    from msc_user_notes mun,
      msc_form_query mfq
      mun.entity_type = c_comment_entity_type
      and mun.inventory_item_id  in (mfq.number1, number2)
      and mfq.query_id = p_chain_query_id
      order by 2 desc;
Line: 1228

  select preference_id
  from msc_user_preferences
  where default_flag =1
  and user_id = fnd_global.user_id
  and nvl(plan_type,-1) = p_plan_type;
Line: 1251

  select distinct to_char(sr_instance_id)||'-'||to_char(organization_id)||'-'||to_char(inventory_item_id) node_id,
    item_segments, organization_code, description, planner_code,
    nettable_inventory_quantity, nonnettable_inventory_quantity, buyer_name,
    mrp_planning_code_text, critical_component_flag critical_component_flag,
    bom_item_type_text, end_assembly_pegging_text, base_model,
    category, category_desc, product_family_item, product_family_item_desc,
    planning_exception_set, msc_get_name.lookup_meaning('SYS_YES_NO', nvl(repetitive_type,2)) repetitive_type,
    standard_cost, carrying_cost,
    uom_code, planning_time_fence_date, planning_time_fence_days,
    inventory_use_up_date, planning_make_buy_code_text,
    ato_forecast_control_text, shrinkage_rate, preprocessing_lead_time,
    full_lead_time, postprocessing_lead_time, leadtime_variability,
    fixed_lead_time, variable_lead_time, fixed_order_quantity,
    fixed_lot_multiplier, minimum_order_quantity, maximum_order_quantity,
    safety_stock_days, safety_stock_percent, fixed_days_supply,
    msc_get_name.lookup_meaning('SYS_YES_NO', rounding_control_type) rounding_control_type,
    effectivity_control_type, abc_class_name, selling_price,
    margin, average_discount, net_selling_price, service_level,
    demand_time_fence_days, demand_time_fence_date, safety_stock_code,
    atp_flag, atp_components_flag, drp_planned, weight_uom,
    unit_weight, volume_uom, pip_flag, msc_get_name.lookup_meaning('SYS_YES_NO', create_supply_flag) create_supply_flag,
    convergence_text, divergence_text, continous_transfer_text, exclude_from_budget,
    days_tgt_inv_window, days_max_inv_window, days_tgt_inv_supply,
    days_max_inv_supply, shelf_life_days, release_time_fence_days,
    min_shelf_life_days, unit_volume, to_number(null) max_early_days,
   demand_fulfillment_lt, end_of_life_date, fcst_rule_for_demands_text,
   fcst_rule_for_returns_text, interarrival_time, life_time_buy_date,
   msc_get_name.lookup_meaning('SYS_YES_NO', decode(preposition_point,'Y','1','2')) preposition_point,
   repair_lead_time, repair_program_text, repair_yield, std_dmd_over_horizon,
    msc_get_name.lookup_meaning('SYS_YES_NO', nvl(msiv.INTERMITTENT_DEMAND,2)) INTERMITTENT_DEMAND,
    from msc_system_items_sc_v msiv,
      msc_form_query mfq,  --items
      msc_form_query mfq1 --orgs
    where plan_id = p_plan_id
      and category_set_id = l_category_set_id
      and inventory_item_id  in (mfq.number2) --, number1)
      and mfq.query_id = p_chain_query_id
      and mfq1.query_id = p_org_query_id
      --and nvl(mfq1.number1,1) >0
      and mfq1.number2 = msiv.sr_instance_id
      and mfq1.number3 = msiv.organization_id
    order by msiv.organization_code, mfq.number3 desc;
Line: 1432

  select med.exception_type,
    msc_get_name.lookup_meaning('MRP_EXCEPTION_CODE_TYPE', med.exception_type) exception_type_text,
    count(*) excp_all_count,
    sum(decode(nvl(action_taken,2),2,1,0)) excp_no_count
  from msc_exception_details med,
    msc_form_query mfq, --items
    msc_form_query mfq1 --orgs
  where med.plan_id = p_plan_id
    and med.inventory_item_id = mfq.number2
    and mfq.query_id = p_chain_query_id
    and mfq1.query_id = p_org_query_id
    and nvl(mfq1.number1,1) >0
    and mfq1.number2 = med.sr_instance_id
    and mfq1.number3 = med.organization_id
  group by med.exception_type,
    msc_get_name.lookup_meaning('MRP_EXCEPTION_CODE_TYPE', med.exception_type)
   union all
   select -99 exception_type,
    msc_get_name.lookup_meaning('MSC_EXCEPTION_GROUP', 10) exception_type_text,
    count(*) excp_all_count,
    0 excp_no_count
  from msc_supplies ms,
    msc_system_items msi,
    msc_form_query mfq, --items
    msc_form_query mfq1 --orgs
  where ms.plan_id = p_plan_id
    and ms.inventory_item_id = mfq.number2
    and mfq.query_id = p_chain_query_id
    and mfq1.query_id = p_org_query_id
    and nvl(mfq1.number1,1) >0
    and mfq1.number2 = ms.sr_instance_id
    and mfq1.number3 = ms.organization_id
   and ms.plan_id = msi.plan_id
   and ms.sr_instance_id = msi.sr_instance_id
   and ms.organization_id = msi.organization_id
   and ms.inventory_item_id = msi.inventory_item_id
   and ( (ms.order_type = 13)
           or (ms.order_type = 5
	           and nvl(ms.implemented_quantity,0)+nvl(ms.quantity_in_process,0) < nvl(ms.firm_quantity,ms.new_order_quantity)
	     and (nvl(msi.lots_exist,0) <> 2 or ms.new_order_quantity =0)
	     and (((ms.source_organization_id <> ms.organization_id or ms.source_sr_instance_id <> ms.sr_instance_id or ms.source_supplier_id is not null)
			   and msi.purchasing_enabled_flag = 1)
	    or (ms.source_organization_id is null and ms.source_supplier_id is null and msi.planning_make_buy_code = 2 and msi.purchasing_enabled_flag = 1)
	    or (ms.source_organization_id = ms.organization_id and ms.source_sr_instance_id = ms.sr_instance_id and msi.build_in_wip_flag = 1)
	    or (ms.source_organization_id is null and ms.source_supplier_id is null and msi.planning_make_buy_code = 1 and msi.build_in_wip_flag = 1))
  group by -99,
    msc_get_name.lookup_meaning('MSC_EXCEPTION_GROUP', 10);
Line: 1506

  select name, key, nvl(value, c_null_space) value
  from msc_analyze_preference
  where module = c_sda_pref_set
    and userid= fnd_global.user_id
  order by name, key;
Line: 1542

    select lookup_code, meaning
    from mfg_lookups
    where lookup_type = c_sdview_rowtype_lookup
    order by 1;
Line: 1611

    select lookup_code, meaning
    from mfg_lookups
    where lookup_type = c_fcstview_rowtype_lookup
    order by 1;
Line: 1655

    select lookup_code, meaning
    from mfg_lookups
    where lookup_type = c_histview_rowtype_lookup
    order by 1;
Line: 1778

    l_sql_stmt1 := 'select lookup_code, meaning from mfg_lookups where lookup_type = :1 ';
Line: 1826

    select count(*)
    from msc_analyze_preference
    where module = p_module_name
      and name = p_name;
Line: 1842

        update msc_analyze_preference
	set defaultset = to_char(l_default_flag),
	  public_flag = l_public_flag,
	  value = p_folder_value
	where name = p_folder_name
	  and module = c_sda_save_item_folder;
Line: 1849

        insert into msc_analyze_preference
        (userid, name, module, key, value,  defaultset, public_flag,
          last_update_date, last_updated_by, creation_date, created_by, last_update_login)
        values (fnd_global.user_id, p_folder_name, c_sda_save_item_folder, c_sda_save_item_folder, p_folder_value,
	  to_char(l_default_flag), l_public_flag,
          sysdate, -1, sysdate, -1, -1);
Line: 1859

  procedure update_close_settings (p_event varchar2, p_event_list varchar2) is
    pragma autonomous_transaction;
Line: 1863

    select count(*)
    from msc_analyze_preference
    where module = p_module_name
      and userid = fnd_global.user_id;
Line: 1878

        delete from msc_analyze_preference
        where module = c_sda_save_item_folder
          and userid = fnd_global.user_id;
Line: 1883

      insert into msc_analyze_preference
        (userid, name, module, key, value,  defaultset,
        last_update_date, last_updated_by, creation_date, created_by, last_update_login)
      values (fnd_global.user_id, c_sda_save_item_folder, c_sda_save_item_folder, c_sda_save_item_folder, p_event_list, 'N',
        sysdate, -1, sysdate, -1, -1);
Line: 1897

        delete from msc_analyze_preference
        where module = c_sda_save_settings
          and userid = fnd_global.user_id;
Line: 1902

      insert into msc_analyze_preference
        (userid, name, module, key, value,  defaultset,
        last_update_date, last_updated_by, creation_date, created_by, last_update_login)
      values (fnd_global.user_id, c_sda_save_settings, c_sda_save_settings, c_sda_save_settings, p_event_list, 'N',
        sysdate, -1, sysdate, -1, -1);
Line: 1909

  end update_close_settings;
Line: 1915

    select value
    from msc_analyze_preference
    where module = p_module_name
      and userid = fnd_global.user_id;
Line: 1935

  procedure update_pref_set (p_name varchar2, p_desc varchar2,
    p_days number, p_weeks number, p_periods number,
    p_factor number, p_decimal_places number,
    p_sd_row_list varchar2, p_fcst_row_list varchar2) is
    pragma autonomous_transaction;
Line: 1942

    select count(*)
    from msc_analyze_preference
    where module = c_sda_pref_set
      and name = p_name;
Line: 1954

	insert into msc_analyze_preference
	(userid, name, module, key, value,  defaultset,
	  last_update_date, last_updated_by, creation_date, created_by, last_update_login)
	values (fnd_global.user_id, p_name, c_sda_pref_set, c_keys_days, p_days, 'N',
	  sysdate, -1, sysdate, -1, -1);
Line: 1960

	insert into msc_analyze_preference
	(userid, name, module, key, value,  defaultset,
	  last_update_date, last_updated_by, creation_date, created_by, last_update_login)
	values (fnd_global.user_id, p_name, c_sda_pref_set, c_keys_weeks, p_weeks, 'N',
	  sysdate, -1, sysdate, -1, -1);
Line: 1966

	insert into msc_analyze_preference
	(userid, name, module, key, value,  defaultset,
	  last_update_date, last_updated_by, creation_date, created_by, last_update_login)
	values (fnd_global.user_id, p_name, c_sda_pref_set, c_keys_periods, p_periods, 'N',
	  sysdate, -1, sysdate, -1, -1);
Line: 1972

	insert into msc_analyze_preference
	(userid, name, module, key, value,  defaultset,
	  last_update_date, last_updated_by, creation_date, created_by, last_update_login)
	values (fnd_global.user_id, p_name, c_sda_pref_set, c_keys_factor, p_factor, 'N',
	  sysdate, -1, sysdate, -1, -1);
Line: 1978

	insert into msc_analyze_preference
	(userid, name, module, key, value,  defaultset,
	  last_update_date, last_updated_by, creation_date, created_by, last_update_login)
	values (fnd_global.user_id, p_name, c_sda_pref_set, c_keys_decimals, p_decimal_places, 'N',
	  sysdate, -1, sysdate, -1, -1);
Line: 1984

	insert into msc_analyze_preference
	(userid, name, module, key, value,  defaultset,
	  last_update_date, last_updated_by, creation_date, created_by, last_update_login)
	values (fnd_global.user_id, p_name, c_sda_pref_set, c_keys_sd, p_sd_row_list, 'N',
	  sysdate, -1, sysdate, -1, -1);
Line: 1990

	insert into msc_analyze_preference
	(userid, name, module, key, value,  defaultset,
	  last_update_date, last_updated_by, creation_date, created_by, last_update_login)
	values (fnd_global.user_id, p_name, c_sda_pref_set, c_keys_fcst, p_fcst_row_list, 'N',
	  sysdate, -1, sysdate, -1, -1);
Line: 1996

        update msc_analyze_preference
          set value = p_days
        where module = c_sda_pref_set and name = p_name and key = c_keys_days;
Line: 2000

        update msc_analyze_preference
          set value = p_weeks
        where module = c_sda_pref_set and name = p_name and key = c_keys_weeks;
Line: 2004

        update msc_analyze_preference
          set value = p_periods
        where module = c_sda_pref_set and name = p_name and key = c_keys_periods;
Line: 2008

        update msc_analyze_preference
          set value = p_factor
        where module = c_sda_pref_set and name = p_name and key = c_keys_factor;
Line: 2012

        update msc_analyze_preference
          set value = p_decimal_places
        where module = c_sda_pref_set and name = p_name and key = c_keys_decimals;
Line: 2016

        update msc_analyze_preference
          set value = p_sd_row_list
        where module = c_sda_pref_set and name = p_name and key = c_keys_sd;
Line: 2020

        update msc_analyze_preference
          set value = p_fcst_row_list
        where module = c_sda_pref_set and name = p_name and key = c_keys_fcst;
Line: 2025

  end update_pref_set;
Line: 2037

    select count(*)
    from msc_doc_attachments
    where sr_instance_id = nvl(p_inst_id, sr_instance_id)
      and entity_name = l_entity_name
      and (
          --for items
          (p_pk_value1 in (pk_value1, nvl(pk_value2,-1))
              and nvl(p_pk_value2,-1) = -1)
          --for superssion
          (pk_value1 = p_pk_value1
           and pk_value2 = p_pk_value2)
Line: 2052

    select count(*)
    from msc_item_substitutes b
    where b.plan_id = l_plan_id
      and b.inferred_flag=2
      and b.forward_rule=1
      and (  ( p_pk_value1 in (b.lower_item_id, b.higher_item_id)
               and nvl(p_pk_value2,-1) = -1 )
           or (b.lower_item_id = p_pk_value1 and b.higher_item_id = p_pk_value2)