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2 /* $Header: MSCWDATS.pls 120.7 2008/03/27 20:01:47 mtsui noship $ */
4 -- =============================================================
5 --  A note about output levels.
6 --  Output levels can be grouped into four categories, Item, Organization,
7 --  Customer and Demand Class. Category Item is mandatory, the rest are optional.
8 --  When any category is included in the set of output levels, only one member
9 --  from the category can be specified.
10 --    Calegory Item has 1(Item) and 3(Product Family).
11 --    Category Organization has single member, 7(Organization).
12 --    Category Customer has four members, 11(Customer Ship To Site),
13 --      15(Customer), 41(Customer Zone) and 42(Zone).
14 --    Category Demand Class has single member, 34(Demand Class).
15 -- =============================================================
18 -- =============================================================
19 -- Desc: Upload demand forecasts into msd_dp_scn_entries_denorm table.
20 --
21 -- Input:
22 --        UserName           User name.
23 --        RespName           Responsibility name.
24 --        RespAppName        Responsibility application name.
25 --        SecurityGroupName  Security group name.
26 --        Language           Language.
27 --        ScenarioName       Scenario Name, it is used to retrieve the scenario_id.
28 --        ItemOutputLevel    Item output level, either ITEM or PRODUCT_FAMILY.
29 --        OrganizationOutputLevel
30 --                           Organization output level, either Y or N.
31 --        CustomerOutputLevel
32 --                           Customer output level, either NONE, CUSTOMER_SHIP_TO_SITE,
33 --                           CUSTOMER, CUSTOMER_ZONE or ZONE.
34 --        DemandClassOutputLevel
35 --                           Demand class output level, either Y or N.
36 --        PurgeAllFlag       Allowed input is Y or N.
37 --                           If this parameter is set to Y, this operation will delete
38 --                           msd_dp_scn_entries_denorm for 5555555 + senario_id before
39 --                           any upload data is inserted/updated.
40 --        ForecastTbl        List of forecasts to be uploaded to msd_dp_scn_entries_denorm.
41 --            BucketType         Type of time bucket, allowed value is 1(Day), 2(Week), 3(Month).
42 --            StartDate          Start date of the bucket, ignore the time part.
43 --            EndDate            End Start date of the bucket, ignore the time part.
44 --            Quantity           Quantity.
45 --            SrOrganizationId   Source organization id. Ignore this if OutputToOrganization is N.
46 --            SrInstanceId       Source instance id.
47 --            ErrorType          Error type, allowed value is MAD, MAPE or NULL.
48 --            ForecastError      NULL, or >= 0 for MAD, 0 - 100 for MAPE.
49 --            ItemId             Inventory item. This parameter will be used to query the SR_INVENTORY_ITEM_ID.
50 --                               If OutputToItem is ITEM, this is an item id.
51 --                               If OutputToItem is PRODUCT_FAMILY, this is a product family id.
52 --            ShipToLocation     Ship to location. Ignore this if OutputToCustomer is not CUSTOMER_SHIP_TO_SITE.
53 --            SrCustomerId       Source customer id. Ignore this unless OutputToCustomer is either Customer or Customer Zone.
54 --            SrZoneId           Source Zone id. Ignore this if OutputToCustomer is not Customer Zone.
55 --            Priority           Priority.
56 --            Uom                Primary UOM code, ASCP.
57 --            DemandClass        Demand class. Ignore this if OutputToDemandClass is N.
58 --            UnitPrice          Unit price.
59 --            ErrorStatus        Always ignore this,
60 --
61 -- Output:
62 --        Status             The possible return statuses are:
63 --                           SUCCESS               if everything is ok
64 --                           COMPLETED_WITH_ERROR  if any record in ForecastTbl failed the validation, the bad
65 --                                                 forecast record will be added to BadRecTbl
66 --                           INVALID_FND_USERID
67 --                           INVALID_FND_RESPONSIBILITYID
68 --                           INVALID_SCENARIO_NAME
69 --                           DUPLICATE_SCENARIO_NAME
70 --                           INCONSIST_OUTPUT_LEVELS
71 --                           NO_DATA
72 --        BadRecTbl          List of forecasts that are failed the validation.
73 -- =============================================================
75         Status             OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
76         BadRecTbl          OUT NOCOPY MscForecastTbl,
77 --        UserId             IN         NUMBER,
78 --        ResponsibilityId   IN         NUMBER,
79         UserName           IN         VARCHAR2,
80         RespName           IN         VARCHAR2,
81         RespAppName        IN         VARCHAR2,
82         SecurityGroupName  IN         VARCHAR2,
83         Language           IN         VARCHAR2,
84         ScenarioName       IN         VARCHAR2,
85         ItemOutputLevel    IN         VARCHAR2,
86         OrganizationOutputLevel
87                            IN         VARCHAR2,
88         CustomerOutputLevel
89                            IN         VARCHAR2,
90         DemandClassOutputLevel
91                            IN         VARCHAR2,
92         PurgeAllFlag       IN         VARCHAR2,
93         ForecastTbl        IN         MscForecastTbl
94         );
97 -- =============================================================
98 -- Desc: Download demand forecast from msd_dp_scn_entries_denorm table.
99 --
100 -- Input:
101 --        UserName           User name.
102 --        RespName           Responsibility name.
103 --        RespAppName        Responsibility application name.
104 --        SecurityGroupName  Security group name.
105 --        Language           Language.
106 --        DemandPlanName     Demand plan name, it is used to retrieve the demand_plan_id
107 --        ScenarioName       Scenario Name, its is used to retrieve the scenario_id.
108 --        ItemIdList         List of item ids.
109 --        ProductFamilyIdList
110 --                           List of product family ids.
111 --        OrganizationIdList Organization output level, either Y or N.
112 --        ShipToLocIdList    List of ship to location ids.
113 --        CustomerIdList     List of customer ids.
114 --        CustomerZoneList   List of customer id and zone id pairs.
115 --        ZoneIdList         List of zone ids.
116 --        DemandClassList    List of demand classes.
117 --        StartDate          Start date.
118 --        EndDate            End date.
119 --
120 -- Output:
121 --        Status             The possible return statuses are:
122 --                           SUCCESS               if everything is ok
123 --                           INVALID_FND_USERID
124 --                           INVALID_FND_RESPONSIBILITYID
125 --                           INVALID_DEMAND_PLAN_NAME
126 --                           DUPLICATE_DEMAND_PLAN_NAME
127 --                           INVALID_SCENARIO_NAME
128 --                           DUPLICATE_SCENARIO_NAME
129 --                           BOTH_ITEM_AND_PRODUCT_FAMILY
130 --                           INVALID_ITEM_ID
131 --                           INVALID_PRODUCT_FAMILY_ID
132 --                           INVALID_SR_ORGANIZATION_ID
133 --                           INVALID_SHIP_TO_LOCATION_ID
134 --                           MULTIPLE_CUSTOMER_LEVEL_DATA
135 --                           INVALID_SR_CUSTOMER_ID
136 --                           INVALID_SR_ZONE_ID
137 --                           INVALID_DEMAND_CLASS
138 --                           INVALID_START_END_DATE
139 --        ForecastTbl        List of forecasts that are downloaded.
140 -- =============================================================
142         Status             OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
143         ForecastTbl        OUT NOCOPY MscForecastTbl,
144 --        UserId             IN         NUMBER,
145 --        ResponsibilityId   IN         NUMBER,
146         UserName           IN         VARCHAR2,
147         RespName           IN         VARCHAR2,
148         RespAppName        IN         VARCHAR2,
149         SecurityGroupName  IN         VARCHAR2,
150         Language           IN         VARCHAR2,
151         DemandPlanName     IN         VARCHAR2,
152         ScenarioName       IN         VARCHAR2,
153         ItemIdList         IN         MscNumberArr,
154         ProductFamilyIdList
155                            IN         MscNumberArr,
156         OrganizationIdList IN         MscNumberArr,
157         ShipToLocIdList    IN         MscNumberArr,
158         CustomerIdList     IN         MscNumberArr,
159         CustomerZoneList   IN         MscCustZoneTbl,
160         ZoneIdList         IN         MscNumberArr,
161         DemandClassList    IN         MscChar255Arr,
162         StartDate          IN         DATE,
163         EndDate            IN         DATE
164         );
167 -- =============================================================
168 -- Desc: Upload safety stocks into msc_safety_stocks table.
169 --
170 -- Input:
171 --        UserName           User name.
172 --        RespName           Responsibility name.
173 --        RespAppName        Responsibility application name.
174 --        SecurityGroupName  Security group name.
175 --        Language           Language.
176 --        PlanName           Plan name, use this + OwningOrgId + SrInstanceId to guery plan_id from msc_plans.
177 --        OwningOrgId        Owning organization id for the plan.
178 --        SrInstanceId       Source instance id.
179 --        PurgeAllFlag       Allowed input is Y or N.
180 --                           If this parameter is set to Y, this operation will delete
181 --                           msc_safety_stocks for plan_id + SrInstanceId + OrganizationId + ItemId
182 --                           before any upload data is inserted/updated.
183 --        SafetyStockTbl     List of safety stocks to be uploaded to msc_safety_stocks.
184 --            OrganizationId     Oragnization id.
185 --            SrInstanceId       Source instance id.
186 --            ItemId             Item id.
187 --            PeriodStartDate    Period start date.
188 --            SafetyStockQty     Safety stock quantity.
189 --            TargetSafetyStock  Target safety stock.
190 --            ProjectId          Project Id.
191 --            TaskId             Task Id.
192 --            PlanningGroup      Planning group.
193 --            UserDefinedSafetyStock
194 --                               User defined safety stock quantity.
195 --            UserDefinedDOS     User defined days of supply.
196 --            TargetDOS          Taget days of supply.
197 --            AchievedDOS        Achieved days of supply.
198 --            DemandVarSSPct     Percentage of total Safety Stock held for demand variability.
199 --            MfgLTVarSSPct      Percentage of total Safety Stock held for Mfg. leadtime variability.
200 --            TransitLTVarSSPct  Percentage of total Safety Stock held for Transit leadtime variability.
201 --            SupLTVarSSPct      Percentage of total Safety Stock held for Supplier leadtime variability.
202 --            TotalUnpooledSS    Unpooled Sum of Safety Stocks for all Uncertainity forms.
203 --            ErrorStatus        Always ignore this,
204 --
205 -- Output:
206 --        Status             The possible return statuses are:
207 --                           SUCCESS               if everything is ok
208 --                           COMPLETED_WITH_ERROR  if any record in ForecastTbl failed the validation, the bad
209 --                                                 forecast record will be added to BadRecTbl
210 --                           INVALID_FND_USERID
211 --                           INVALID_FND_RESPONSIBILITYID
212 --                           FAILED_TO_QUERY_PLAN_ID
213 --                           PLAN_IS_NOT_READY
214 --                           NO_DATA
215 --        BadRecTbl          List of safety stocks that are failed the validation.
216 -- =============================================================
218         Status             OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
219         BadRecTbl          OUT NOCOPY MscSafetyStockTbl,
220 --        UserId             IN         NUMBER,
221 --        ResponsibilityId   IN         NUMBER,
222         UserName           IN         VARCHAR2,
223         RespName           IN         VARCHAR2,
224         RespAppName        IN         VARCHAR2,
225         SecurityGroupName  IN         VARCHAR2,
226         Language           IN         VARCHAR2,
227         PlanName           IN         VARCHAR2,
228         OwningOrgId        IN         NUMBER,
229         SrInstanceId       IN         NUMBER,
230         PurgeAllFlag       IN         VARCHAR2,
231         SafetyStockTbl     IN         MscSafetyStockTbl
232         );
235 -- =============================================================
236 -- Desc: Download safety stocks from mss_safety_stocks table.
237 --
238 -- Input:
239 --        UserName           User name.
240 --        RespName           Responsibility name.
241 --        RespAppName        Responsibility application name.
242 --        SecurityGroupName  Security group name.
243 --        Language           Language.
244 --        PlanName           Plan name, use this + OwningOrgId + SrInstanceId to guery plan_id from msc_plans.
245 --        OwningOrgId        Owning organization id for the plan.
246 --        SrInstanceId       Source instance id.
247 --        ItemIdList         List of item Ids.
248 --        OrganizationIdList List of organization Ids
249 --
250 -- Output:
251 --        Status             The possible return statuses are:
252 --                           SUCCESS               if everything is ok
253 --                           INVALID_FND_USERID
254 --                           INVALID_FND_RESPONSIBILITYID
255 --                           FAILED_TO_QUERY_PLAN_ID
256 --                           INVALID_ITEM_ID
257 --                           INVALID_ORGANIZATION_ID
258 --        ForecastTbl        List of safety stocks that are downloaded.
259 -- =============================================================
261         Status             OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
262         SafetyStockTbl     OUT NOCOPY MscSafetyStockTbl,
263 --        UserId             IN         NUMBER,
264 --        ResponsibilityId   IN         NUMBER,
265         UserName           IN         VARCHAR2,
266         RespName           IN         VARCHAR2,
267         RespAppName        IN         VARCHAR2,
268         SecurityGroupName  IN         VARCHAR2,
269         Language           IN         VARCHAR2,
270         PlanName           IN         VARCHAR2,
271         OwningOrgId        IN         NUMBER,
272         SrInstanceId       IN         NUMBER,
273         ItemIdList         IN         MscNumberArr,
274         OrganizationIdList IN         MscNumberArr
275         );
278 -- =============================================================
279 -- Desc: Upload firmed plan orders into msc_supplies table.
280 --
281 -- Input:
282 --        UserName           User name.
283 --        RespName           Responsibility name.
284 --        RespAppName        Responsibility application name.
285 --        SecurityGroupName  Security group name.
286 --        Language           Language.
287 --        PlanName           Plan name, use this + OwningOrgId + SrInstanceId to guery plan_id from msc_plans.
288 --        OwningOrgId        Owning organization id for the plan.
289 --        SrInstanceId       Source instance id.
290 --        PlannedSupplyTbl   List of safety stocks to be uploaded to msc_supplies.
291 --            OrganizationId     Organization id.
292 --            ItemId             Item id.
293 --            Quantity           Quantity.
294 --            FirmDate           Firm date.
295 --
296 -- Output:
297 --        Status             The possible return statuses are:
298 --                           SUCCESS               if everything is ok
299 --                           COMPLETED_WITH_ERROR  if any record in ForecastTbl failed the validation, the bad
300 --                                                 forecast record will be added to BadRecTbl
301 --                           INVALID_FND_USERID
302 --                           INVALID_FND_RESPONSIBILITYID
303 --                           FAILED_TO_QUERY_PLAN_ID
304 --                           INVALID_PLAN_TYPE
305 --                           PLAN_IS_NOT_READY
306 --                           NO_DATA
307 --        BadRecTbl          List of firmed plann orders that are failed the validation.
308 -- =============================================================
310         Status             OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
311         BadRecTbl          OUT NOCOPY MscPlannedSupplyTbl,
312 --        UserId             IN         NUMBER,
313 --        ResponsibilityId   IN         NUMBER,
314         UserName           IN         VARCHAR2,
315         RespName           IN         VARCHAR2,
316         RespAppName        IN         VARCHAR2,
317         SecurityGroupName  IN         VARCHAR2,
318         Language           IN         VARCHAR2,
319         PlanName           IN         VARCHAR2,
320         OwningOrgId        IN         NUMBER,
321         SrInstanceId       IN         NUMBER,
322         PlannedSupplyTbl   IN         MscPlannedSupplyTbl
323         );