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Line 53: emunisek 17-NOV-2011 For Bug#13375560,replaced LONG datatype by ff_routes.text%TYPE

49: SDoshi 22-MAR-1999 Flexible Dates Conversion
50: irgonzal 24-SEP-2001 Bug fix 2004226. Enabled index on per_business_groups
51: table by removing "+ 0" from the WHERE clause.
52: Modified create_contr_items procedure.
53: emunisek 17-NOV-2011 For Bug#13375560,replaced LONG datatype by ff_routes.text%TYPE
55: */
56: --
57: PROCEDURE create_usdbi_startup is

Line 58: l_text ff_routes.text%TYPE;

55: */
56: --
57: PROCEDURE create_usdbi_startup is
58: l_text ff_routes.text%TYPE;
59: l_date_earned_context_id number;
60: l_assign_id_context_id number;
61: l_payroll_context_id number;
62: l_payroll_action_context_id number;

Line 84: select ff_routes_s.currval,

80: sequence_no,
81: parameter_name,
82: data_type,
83: route_parameter_id)
84: select ff_routes_s.currval,
85: p_sequence_no,
86: p_parameter_name,
87: p_data_type,
88: ff_route_parameters_s.nextval

Line 105: select ff_routes_s.currval,

101: insert into ff_route_context_usages
102: (route_id,
103: context_id,
104: sequence_no)
105: select ff_routes_s.currval,
106: p_context_id,
107: p_sequence_no
108: from dual;
109: end insert_route_context_usages;

Line 176: select ff_routes_s.nextval

172: AND BCONTR.coverage_type(+) = EEV2.screen_entry_value
173: AND upper(INPUTV2.name) = ''COVERAGE''';
174: --
175: hr_utility.set_location('pay_us_contr_dbi.create_usdbi_startup', 5);
176: select ff_routes_s.nextval
177: into l_temp
178: from dual;
179: --
180: -- now do the normal insert

Line 183: insert into ff_routes

179: --
180: -- now do the normal insert
181: --
182: hr_utility.set_location('pay_us_contr_dbi.create_usdbi_startup', 6);
183: insert into ff_routes
184: (route_id,
185: route_name,
186: user_defined_flag,
187: description,

Line 194: values (ff_routes_s.currval,

190: last_updated_by,
191: last_update_login,
192: created_by,
193: creation_date)
194: values (ff_routes_s.currval,
196: 'N',
197: 'route for contribution values using benefit contributions',
198: l_text,

Line 249: FROM ff_routes

245: --
246: hr_utility.set_location ('pay_us_contr_dbi.get_route', 1);
247: SELECT route_id
248: INTO l_route_id
249: FROM ff_routes
250: WHERE route_name = p_route_name;
251: --
252: return(l_route_id);
253: --