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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 40

   T Grisco    16-MAY-1996	Fixed bug #366661 where selecting from
				pay_balance_feeds_f returns more than 1 row
				because it's date-tracked.
   T Grisco    25-MAY-1996	Fixed performance bug #368631.
   N Bristow   17-JUN-1996      Bug 374880. Changed structure creation to
                                make use of pl/sql tables to improve
                                performance. Also fixed previous change.
   J Alloun    30-JUL-1996      Added error handling.
   M Fender    10-JUL-1997      Removed show errors call
   A Mills     28-AUG-1997	Altered date checking for NLS compliance.
   N Bristow   06-JUL-1998      Bug 692520. Now checking the balance types
                                and dimensions for business group id.
   M Reid      25-JUL-2000      Corrected call to ins_balance_feed to use
   JARTHURT    15-JAN-2001      Changed hard-coded USD currency code to use
                                instead the business group's currency code.
                                Change made so this script can be used for
                                Canadian legislation.
   M Reid      18-APR-2001      Use uom_code instead of uom for Jurisdiction
   T Habara    15-JUL-2004 115.6   Bug 3768760. Modified csr_is_balance_fed.
                                   Added nocopy. GSCC standards.
-- Global declarations
type char_array is table of varchar2(80) index by binary_integer;
Line: 167

       select balance_type_id,
              nvl(jurisdiction_level, 999),
       into   l_balance_type_id, l_jurisdiction_level, l_bal_uom
       from   pay_balance_types
       where  upper(balance_name) = l_baltyp_name
       and    ((business_group_id = p_busgrp_id)
             or(   business_group_id is null
               and legislation_code = p_leg_code)
             or(   business_group_id is null
               and legislation_code is null)
       for update of balance_type_id;
Line: 239

       select balance_dimension_id
       into   l_balance_dim_id
       from   pay_balance_dimensions
       where  upper(dimension_name) = l_baldim_name
       and    ((business_group_id = p_busgrp_id)
             or(   business_group_id is null
               and legislation_code = p_leg_code)
             or(   business_group_id is null
               and legislation_code is null)
Line: 285

         select balance_name,
         from   pay_balance_batch_lines
         where  batch_id = c_batch_id;
Line: 293

         select hou.business_group_id,
           into l_bg_id,
         from   per_business_groups       hou,
                pay_balance_batch_headers bbh
         where  bbh.batch_id = p_batch_id
         and    upper(hou.name) = upper(bbh.business_group_name);
Line: 351

         select balance_feed_id
         from   pay_balance_feeds_f BF,
                pay_input_values_f IV,
                pay_element_types_f ET,
                pay_element_classifications EC
         where  EC.balance_initialization_flag = 'Y'
         and    ET.classification_id    = EC.classification_id
         and    ET.effective_start_date = to_date('0001/01/01','YYYY/MM/DD')
         and    ET.effective_end_date   = to_date('4712/12/31','YYYY/MM/DD')
         and    IV.element_type_id      = ET.element_type_id
         and    IV.input_value_id       = BF.input_value_id
         and    IV.effective_start_date = to_date('0001/01/01','YYYY/MM/DD')
         and    IV.effective_end_date   = to_date('4712/12/31','YYYY/MM/DD')
         and    BF.balance_type_id      = p_balance_type_id
         and    BF.effective_start_date = to_date('0001/01/01','YYYY/MM/DD')
         and    BF.effective_end_date   = to_date('4712/12/31','YYYY/MM/DD')
         and    nvl(BF.business_group_id, p_business_group) = p_business_group;
Line: 372

      select pbg.business_group_id, pbg.name ,
      into l_bg_id, l_bg_name,
      from   pay_balance_batch_headers bbh,
             per_business_groups       pbg
      where  batch_id = p_batch_id
      and    upper(pbg.name) = upper(bbh.business_group_name);
Line: 465

                        update pay_element_types_f ELEM
                        set ELEM.element_information1 = 'B'
                        where element_type_id = l_element_type_id;
Line: 499

                              p_insert_type           => 'INSERT_INPUT_VALUE',
                              p_element_link_id       => l_elem_link_id,
                              p_input_value_id        => l_input_val_id,
                              p_input_value_name      => 'Jurisdiction',
                              p_costable_type         => NULL,
                              p_validation_start_date =>
                              p_validation_end_date   =>
                              p_default_value         => NULL,
                              p_max_value             => NULL,
                              p_min_value             => NULL,
                              p_warning_or_error_flag => NULL,
                              p_hot_default_flag      => NULL,
                              p_legislation_code      => NULL,
                              p_pay_value_name        => NULL,
                              p_element_type_id       => l_element_type_id);
Line: 519

                        create an input value for each balance_name selected and
                        name it after the balance it is created for.
                     l_input_val_id := pay_db_pay_setup.create_input_value (
                           p_element_name         => l_element_name,
                           p_name                 =>
                                                 substr(l_bal_name, 1, 28)||j,
                           p_uom_code             =>
                           p_business_group_name  => l_bg_name,
	                   p_effective_start_date =>
                           p_effective_end_date   =>
                           p_display_sequence     => j+1);
Line: 558

                           p_insert_type           => 'INSERT_INPUT_VALUE',
                           p_element_link_id       => l_elem_link_id,
                           p_input_value_id        => l_input_val_id,
                           p_input_value_name      =>
                                             substr(l_bal_name, 1 , 28)||j,
                           p_costable_type         => NULL,
                           p_validation_start_date =>
                           p_validation_end_date   =>
                           p_default_value         => NULL,
                           p_max_value             => NULL,
                           p_min_value             => NULL,
                           p_warning_or_error_flag => NULL,
                           p_hot_default_flag      => NULL,
                           p_legislation_code      => NULL,
                           p_pay_value_name        => NULL,
                           p_element_type_id       => l_element_type_id);