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2 --  /* $Header: pyusenro.pkb 120.5 2011/03/24 06:42:58 nkjaladi noship $ */
3 /*
5    Name        : PAY_US_RETRO_OVERLAP
7    Description : This procedure is used to Enable the Retro Overlap Functionality
9    Change List
10    -----------
11    Date        Name       Vers   Bug No   Description
12    ----------- ---------- ------ ------- -----------------------------------
13    06-06-2008 svannian    115.0          Intial Version
14    07-03-2011 nkjaladi    115.3  10428204 Modified procedure enable_retro_overlap
15                                           to check if any retro pay by element
16                                           process is run, if the data upgrdation
17                                           is not run. If no retro pay by element
18                                           process is run then enable the retro
19                                           overlap functionality
20    09-03-2011 nkjaladi    115.3  10428204 Modified query of cursor
21                                           c_check_retro_pay_element for better
22                                           performance.
23    09-03-2011 nkjaladi    115.4  10428204 Modified query of cursor
24                                           c_check_retro_pay_element to change
25                                           the table name to
26                                           hr_all_organization_units
27    17-03-2011 nkjaladi    115.5  10428204 Modified procedure enable_retro_overlap
28                                           to check pay_retro_assignments table
29                                           rather than action_type 'L' to verfiy
30                                           if retropay(enhanced) is used by
31                                           customer or not
33 */
34 AS
35 gv_package_name       VARCHAR2(100);
37 -- This procedure is used to Enable Retro Overlap functionality
38 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
39 -- |-------------------------< enable_retro_overlap >--------------------------|
40 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
41  PROCEDURE enable_retro_overlap( errbuf      OUT NOCOPY varchar2
42                                 ,retcode     OUT NOCOPY varchar2
43  )
44  IS
46 -- Cursor to fetch legislation rule mode
47    CURSOR c_retro_rule_check( cp_rule_type IN varchar2
48                              ,cp_legislation_code IN Varchar2)
49    IS
50      SELECT rule_mode
51        FROM pay_legislation_rules
52       WHERE legislation_code = cp_legislation_code
53         AND rule_type = cp_rule_type;
55 --  Cursor to fetch upgrade definition id of Enhanced Retropay
56     CURSOR c_upgrade_definitions( cp_short_name IN varchar2
57                                  ,cp_legislation_code IN Varchar2)
58     IS
59      SELECT upgrade_definition_id
60        FROM pay_upgrade_definitions
61       WHERE legislation_code = cp_legislation_code
62         AND short_name=cp_short_name;
64 --  Cursor to fetch the status of Enhanced Retropay
65     CURSOR c_upgrade_status( cp_upgrade_defINation_id IN varchar2
66                             ,cp_legISlation_code IN Varchar2)
67     IS
68      SELECT status
69        FROM pay_upgrade_status
70       WHERE legislation_code = cp_legislation_code
71         AND upgrade_definition_id = cp_upgrade_defination_id;
72    --
74 -- #10428204 start
75 -- Cursor to check if retro pay by element process is run or not
76 /*
77      CURSOR c_check_retro_pay_element (p_legislation_code IN varchar2)
78      IS
79        SELECT 'Y'
80          FROM pay_payroll_actions ppa
81         WHERE ppa.action_type = 'L'
82           AND EXISTS ( SELECT 'Y'
83                          FROM hr_organization_information hoi,
84                               hr_all_organization_units   hou
85                         WHERE hoi.org_information_context = 'Business Group Information'
86                           AND hou.organization_id         = hoi.organization_id
87                           AND hoi.org_information9 = UPPER(p_legislation_code)
88                           AND hoi.organization_id = ppa.business_group_id
89 									   )
90         AND ROWNUM < 2;            */
91      /*  Above query is introduced to improve performance
92        SELECT 'Y'
93         FROM pay_payroll_actions ppa
94        WHERE ppa.action_type = 'L'
95          AND EXISTS ( SELECT 'Y'
96                         FROM hr_organization_information hoi
97                        WHERE hoi.org_information_context = 'Business Group Information'
98                          AND hoi.org_information9 = UPPER(p_legislation_code)
99                          AND hoi.organization_id = ppa.business_group_id)
100         AND ROWNUM < 2;*/
101      CURSOR c_get_legislative_bg(p_legislation_code IN VARCHAR2)
102      IS
103        SELECT business_group_id
104          FROM per_business_groups pbg,
105               hr_organization_information hoi
106         WHERE hoi.organization_id = pbg.business_group_id
107           AND hoi.org_information_context = 'Business Group Information'
108           AND hoi.org_information9 = UPPER(p_legislation_code);
110      CURSOR c_chk_adv_retro_pay_enabled(p_business_group_id IN NUMBER)
111      IS
112        SELECT 'Y'
113          FROM pay_assignment_actions paa ,
114               pay_retro_assignments pra,
115               pay_payroll_actions ppa
116         WHERE ppa.action_type = 'L'
117           AND ppa.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
118           AND paa.payroll_action_id = ppa.payroll_action_id
119           AND pra.retro_assignment_action_id=paa.assignment_action_id
120           AND ROWNUM < 2;
122 -- #10428204 end
123    lv_qualified             VARCHAR2(1);
124    lv_procedure_name        VARCHAR2(100);
125    lv_legislation_code      VARCHAR2(150);
126    lv_short_name            VARCHAR2(100);
127    lv_upgrade_defination_id NUMBER;
128    ln_exists                VARCHAR2(1);
129    lv_upgrade_status        VARCHAR2(1);
130    l_enro_flag              VARCHAR2(1);  --  #10428204
131    l_retro_elem_chk_flag    VARCHAR2(1);  --  #10428204
133    TYPE character_data_table IS TABLE OF VARCHAR2(280)
135    ltt_rule_type            character_data_table;
136    ltt_rule_mode            character_data_table;
137    l_bg_count               NUMBER;   --  #10428204
138    l_adv_ret_bg_count       NUMBER;   --  #10428204
139    l_retro_payroll_count    NUMBER;   --  #10428204
141  BEGIN
143    lv_procedure_name := '.enable_retro_overlap';
144    fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log,'Entering ' || gv_package_name || lv_procedure_name);
145    lv_legislation_code := 'US';
147 -- These are the legislation rules to check whether Enhanced Retropay is enabled or not
148    ltt_rule_type(1) := 'RETRO_DELETE';
149    ltt_rule_mode(1) := 'N';
150    ltt_rule_type(2) := 'ADVANCED_RETRO';
151    ltt_rule_mode(2) := 'Y';
153 -- Legislation rules for enabling Retro Overlap
154    ltt_rule_type(3) := 'RETRO_OVERLAP';
155    ltt_rule_mode(3) := 'N';
157 -- Checking whether Enhanced Retropay is enabled or not
158    FOR i in 1 ..2 LOOP
159     OPEN c_retro_rule_check(ltt_rule_type(i),lv_legislation_code) ;
160     FETCH c_retro_rule_check into ln_exists;
162         IF (c_retro_rule_check%FOUND) AND (ltt_rule_mode(i) = ln_exists )
163         THEN
164             lv_qualified := 'Y';
165         ELSE
166             lv_qualified := 'N';
167             fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log,'Retro Overlap upgrade not performed when '||ltt_rule_type(i)||' legislation rule is not set to '||ltt_rule_mode(i));
168             fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log,'Enhanced RetroPay is not enabled');
169             exit;
170         END IF;
172     CLOSE c_retro_rule_check;
173    END LOOP;
174 --  #10428204
175   l_enro_flag := 'N';
177     IF lv_qualified = 'Y'
178     THEN
179         lv_short_name := 'US_ENHANCED_RETROPAY';
180         OPEN c_upgrade_definitions(lv_short_name,lv_legislation_code);
181         FETCH c_upgrade_definitions into lv_upgrade_defination_id;
183         -- Checking whether Enhanced Retropay entire is found in the table  pay_upgrade_definitions or not
184         IF(c_upgrade_definitions%FOUND)
185         THEN
186             lv_upgrade_status  := 'C';
187             OPEN c_upgrade_status(lv_upgrade_defination_id,lv_legislation_code);
188             FETCH c_upgrade_status into ln_exists;
190             -- Checking the status of Enhanced Retro pay
191                 IF(c_upgrade_status%FOUND) AND (lv_upgrade_status = ln_exists or ln_exists = 'P' )
192                 THEN
193                 /*   #10428204 Moved the legislation parameter creation inorder to
194                      make it common for upgrade definition check and retro pay
195                      by element process check*/
196                    l_enro_flag :='Y';
198 /*                #10428204 commented and moved it outside this if condition.
199                     OPEN c_retro_rule_check(ltt_rule_type(3),lv_legislation_code);
200                     FETCH c_retro_rule_check into ln_exists;
202                     -- Checking whether Retro Overlap is Enabled or not
203                     IF c_retro_rule_check%FOUND
204                     THEN
205                         IF (ltt_rule_mode(3)= ln_exists)
206                         THEN
207                             fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log,'Retro Overlap is already Enabled');
208                         ELSE
209                             -- Updating Rero Ovelap rule mode to N
210                             UPDATE  pay_legislation_rules
211                             SET     RULE_MODE = ltt_rule_mode(3)
212                             WHERE   legislation_code = lv_legislation_code
213                             AND     rule_type =  ltt_rule_type(3);
214                             fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log,'Retro Overlap Enabled successfully');
215                         END IF;
217                     ELSE
218                         --If Retro Overlap is not enabled inserting new legislation rule
219                         INSERT INTO pay_legislation_rules(legislation_code,rule_type,rule_mode)
220                         VALUES( lv_legislation_code,ltt_rule_type(3),ltt_rule_mode(3));
221                         fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log,'Retro Overlap Enabled successfully');
222                     END IF;
224                     CLOSE c_retro_rule_check;  */
226                 ELSE
227                 /*   #10428204 Modified code to handle the scenario of customer using
228                     enhanced retro pay from starting and not used Retro Pay by Element
229                     at all. In this scenario customer doesn't have to run the Generic
230                     upgrade process for migrating the elements. Then need to check
231                     if any payroll action of action type "retro pay by element" exists.
232                     If it doesn't exists set the flag to 'Y' so that retro over lap
233                     legislation rule can be inserted  */
235                    IF(c_upgrade_status%FOUND) THEN
236                      fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log,'Upgrade process of Enhanced RetroPay has Errored' );
237                      fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log,'The status of Enhanced RetroPay must be C in pay_upgrade_status table');
238                      l_enro_flag := 'N';
239                    END IF;
240                    --
241                    IF(c_upgrade_status%NOTFOUND) THEN
242                      /*OPEN c_check_retro_pay_element(lv_legislation_code);
243                      FETCH c_check_retro_pay_element INTO l_retro_elem_chk_flag;
244                      IF  (c_check_retro_pay_element%NOTFOUND) THEN
245                        l_enro_flag := 'Y';
246                      ELSE
247                        fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log,'Retro Pay by Element payroll process has been run.' );
248                        fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log,'Upgrade process of Enhanced Retropay is not run ');
249                        fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log,'There is no entries found in pay_upgrade_status table for Enhanced RetroPay');
250                        l_enro_flag := 'N';
251                      END IF;
252                      CLOSE c_check_retro_pay_element; */
253                      /* Retro Enhanced and Retro Pay by element share same action type 'L'
254                         So To differentiate the process we need to check the pay retro assignments table
255                         this is used only for advanced retro pay. Once advanced retro pay is used
256                         ct. wouldn't be able to move back to retro pay by element process*/
257                      l_bg_count := 0;
258                      l_adv_ret_bg_count := 0;
259                      FOR lc IN c_get_legislative_bg('US')
260                      LOOP
261                        l_bg_count := l_bg_count +1;
262                        OPEN c_chk_adv_retro_pay_enabled(lc.business_group_id);
263                        FETCH c_chk_adv_retro_pay_enabled INTO l_retro_elem_chk_flag;
264                        IF (c_chk_adv_retro_pay_enabled%FOUND) THEN
265                          l_adv_ret_bg_count := l_adv_ret_bg_count + 1;
266                        END IF;
267                        IF (c_chk_adv_retro_pay_enabled%NOTFOUND) THEN
268                          l_retro_payroll_count := -1;
269                          SELECT count(1)
270                          INTO l_retro_payroll_count
271                          FROM pay_payroll_actions
272                          WHERE business_group_id = lc.business_group_id
273                          AND action_type = 'L';
274                          IF l_retro_payroll_count = 0 THEN
275                             l_adv_ret_bg_count := l_adv_ret_bg_count + 1;
276                          END IF;
277                        END IF;
278                        CLOSE c_chk_adv_retro_pay_enabled;
279                      END LOOP;
280                      --
281                      IF l_bg_count =  l_adv_ret_bg_count THEN
282                         l_enro_flag := 'Y';
283                      ELSE
284                         l_enro_flag := 'N';
285                         fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log,'some the business group has Retro pay by element Process ');
286                         fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log,'Need to Run the Upgrade process of Enhanced Retropay ');
287                      END IF;
288                    END IF;
289                 END IF;
291             CLOSE c_upgrade_status;
292         ELSE
293           fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log,'Upgrade process of Enhanced Retropay has not completed ');
294           fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log,'There is no entries found in pay_upgrade_definitions table for Enhanced RetroPay');
295           l_enro_flag := 'N';
296         END IF;
298         --
299         -- #10428204 Moved the retro overlap legislation rule outside
300         --
301         IF l_enro_flag = 'Y' THEN
302            OPEN c_retro_rule_check(ltt_rule_type(3),lv_legislation_code);
303            FETCH c_retro_rule_check into ln_exists;
305            -- Checking whether Retro Overlap is Enabled or not
306            IF c_retro_rule_check%FOUND
307            THEN
308                IF (ltt_rule_mode(3)= ln_exists)
309                THEN
310                   fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log,'Retro Overlap is already Enabled');
311                ELSE
312                   -- Updating Rero Ovelap rule mode to N
313                   UPDATE  pay_legislation_rules
314                   SET     RULE_MODE = ltt_rule_mode(3)
315                   WHERE   legislation_code = lv_legislation_code
316                   AND     rule_type =  ltt_rule_type(3);
317                   fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log,'Retro Overlap Enabled successfully');
318                END IF;
319             ELSE
320                 --If Retro Overlap is not enabled inserting new legislation rule
321                 INSERT INTO pay_legislation_rules(legislation_code,rule_type,rule_mode)
322                 VALUES( lv_legislation_code,ltt_rule_type(3),ltt_rule_mode(3));
323                         fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log,'Retro Overlap Enabled successfully');
324             END IF;
326             CLOSE c_retro_rule_check;
327          END IF;
328      CLOSE c_upgrade_definitions;
329     END IF;
331    fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log,'Leaving ' || gv_package_name || lv_procedure_name);
334      WHEN others
335      THEN
336        fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log,gv_package_name || lv_procedure_name);
337        fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log,'ERROR:' || sqlcode ||'-'|| substr(sqlerrm,1,80));
338        RAISE;
339  END enable_retro_overlap;
342  gv_package_name := 'PAY_US_RETRO_OVERLAP';