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Line 237: from bom_operation_sequences bos1, bom_standard_operations bso1

233: and (p_tpct_from is NULL or bor.total_product_cycle_time >= p_tpct_from)
234: and (p_tpct_to is NULL or bor.total_product_cycle_time <= p_tpct_to)
235: and (p_lineop_code is NULL or exists (
236: select 1
237: from bom_operation_sequences bos1, bom_standard_operations bso1
238: where bos1.routing_sequence_id = bor.common_routing_sequence_id
239: and p_lineop_code = bso1.operation_code
240: and bos1.standard_operation_id = bso1.standard_operation_id
241: and bso1.organization_id = p_organization_id

Line 247: from bom_operation_sequences bos1, bom_standard_operations bso1

243: and bos1.operation_type = 3)
244: )
245: and (p_process_code is NULL or exists (
246: select 1
247: from bom_operation_sequences bos1, bom_standard_operations bso1
248: where bos1.routing_sequence_id = bor.common_routing_sequence_id
249: and p_process_code = bso1.operation_code
250: and bos1.standard_operation_id = bso1.standard_operation_id
251: and bso1.organization_id = p_organization_id

Line 390: From bom_operation_sequences_v bosv

386: ,NULL Delete_Group_Name
387: ,NULL DG_Description
390: From bom_operation_sequences_v bosv
391: Where bosv.routing_sequence_id = p_routing_sequence_id
392: and ((bosv.effectivity_date <= l_today and nvl(bosv.disable_date,l_today+1) > l_today)
393: or (bosv.effectivity_date > l_today and nvl(bosv.disable_date, bosv.effectivity_date+1) > bosv.effectivity_date))
394: Order by bosv.operation_type desc;

Line 535: bom_operation_sequences bos1,

531: ,bonv.original_system_reference Original_System_Reference
532: ,'CREATE' Transaction_Type
533: ,NULL Return_Status
534: From bom_operation_networks_v bonv,
535: bom_operation_sequences bos1,
536: bom_operation_sequences bos2
537: Where bonv.routing_sequence_id = p_routing_sequence_id
538: and bonv.from_op_seq_id = bos1.operation_sequence_id
539: and ((bos1.effectivity_date <= l_today and nvl(bos1.disable_date,l_today+1) > l_today)

Line 536: bom_operation_sequences bos2

532: ,'CREATE' Transaction_Type
533: ,NULL Return_Status
534: From bom_operation_networks_v bonv,
535: bom_operation_sequences bos1,
536: bom_operation_sequences bos2
537: Where bonv.routing_sequence_id = p_routing_sequence_id
538: and bonv.from_op_seq_id = bos1.operation_sequence_id
539: and ((bos1.effectivity_date <= l_today and nvl(bos1.disable_date,l_today+1) > l_today)
540: or (bos1.effectivity_date > l_today and nvl(bos1.disable_date, bos1.effectivity_date+1) > bos1.effectivity_date))

Line 550: From bom_operation_sequences_v bosv

546: Cursor c_std_ops(p_routing_sequence_id number) Is
547: Select distinct standard_operation_id
548: ,standard_operation_code
549: ,operation_type
550: From bom_operation_sequences_v bosv
551: Where routing_sequence_id = p_routing_sequence_id
552: and ((effectivity_date <= l_today and nvl(disable_date,l_today+1) > l_today)
553: or (effectivity_date > l_today and nvl(disable_date, effectivity_date+1) > effectivity_date))
554: Order by standard_operation_code;

Line 573: From bom_operation_sequences

569: and nvl(alternate_routing_designator,'NONE') = nvl(p_alternate,'NONE') ;
571: Cursor c_op_seq_id(p_rtg_seq_id number, p_op_type number, p_op_seq_num number) Is
572: Select operation_sequence_id
573: From bom_operation_sequences
574: Where routing_sequence_id = p_rtg_seq_id
575: and nvl(operation_type,0) = nvl(p_op_type,0)
576: and operation_seq_num = p_op_seq_num;

Line 1530: copy_attach('BOM_OPERATION_SEQUENCES','BOM_OPERATION_SEQUENCES',l_2_seq_ids);

1526: END LOOP;
1527: end if;
1528: end if;
1529: if l_2_seq_ids.COUNT > 0 then
1531: end if;
1532: success := success + 1;
1533: end if;
1534: --Added skip till here for bugfix:8416058