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Line 176: delete from hr_pump_batch_lines where batch_line_id = blid;

172: else
174: end if;
175: if blid is not null then
176: delete from hr_pump_batch_lines where batch_line_id = blid;
177: delete from hr_pump_batch_exceptions
178: where source_type = 'BATCH_LINE' and source_id = blid;
179: end if;
180: insert into hr_pump_batch_lines

Line 180: insert into hr_pump_batch_lines

176: delete from hr_pump_batch_lines where batch_line_id = blid;
177: delete from hr_pump_batch_exceptions
178: where source_type = 'BATCH_LINE' and source_id = blid;
179: end if;
180: insert into hr_pump_batch_lines
181: (batch_id
182: ,batch_line_id
183: ,business_group_name
184: ,api_module_id

Line 273: ,nvl(blid,hr_pump_batch_lines_s.nextval)

269: ,pval087
270: ,pval088)
271: values
272: (p_batch_id
273: ,nvl(blid,hr_pump_batch_lines_s.nextval)
274: ,p_data_pump_business_grp_name
275: ,1680
276: ,'U'
277: ,p_user_sequence

Line 545: from hr_pump_batch_lines l

541: decode(l.pval087,cn,vn,vn,vn,l.pval087) p87,
542: l.pval087 d87,
543: decode(l.pval088,cn,vn,vn,vn,l.pval088) p88,
544: l.pval088 d88
545: from hr_pump_batch_lines l
546: where l.batch_line_id = p_batch_line_id;
547: --
548: c cr%rowtype;
549: l_validate boolean := false;

Line 577: hr_utility.set_message_token('TABLE','HR_PUMP_BATCH_LINES');

573: open cr;
574: fetch cr into c;
575: if cr%notfound then
576: hr_utility.set_message(800,'HR_50326_DP_NO_ROW');
577: hr_utility.set_message_token('TABLE','HR_PUMP_BATCH_LINES');
578: hr_utility.set_message_token('COLUMN','P_BATCH_LINE_ID');
579: hr_utility.set_message_token('VALUE',p_batch_line_id);
580: hr_utility.raise_error;
581: end if;

Line 592: hr_utility.set_message_token('TABLE','HR_PUMP_BATCH_LINES');

588: hr_utility.set_message(800,'HR_50327_DP_TYPE_ERR');
589: hr_utility.set_message_token('TYPE','BOOLEAN');
590: hr_utility.set_message_token('PARAMETER','P_EVENT_MODE');
591: hr_utility.set_message_token('VALUE',c.p1);
592: hr_utility.set_message_token('TABLE','HR_PUMP_BATCH_LINES');
593: hr_utility.raise_error;
594: end if;
595: --
596: if c.p71 is null then

Line 872: update hr_pump_batch_lines l set

868: hr_data_pump.api_trc_off;
869: --
870: iuk(p_batch_line_id,c.p65,L_ASSIGNMENT_ID);
871: --
872: update hr_pump_batch_lines l set
873: l.pval065 = decode(c.p65,null,cn,c.p65),
874: l.pval066 = decode(c.p66,null,cn,c.p66),
875: l.pval067 = decode(c.p67,null,cn,dc(c.p67)),
876: l.pval068 = decode(c.p68,null,cn,dc(c.p68)),