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Line 218: ben_per_in_ler to get l_person_id

214: for not NULL l_person_id prior to
215: opening cursor c_prv_of_previous_
216: pil. Also modified c_prv_of_
217: previous_pil to include join to
218: ben_per_in_ler to get l_person_id
219: based on this cursor rather than
220: c_ben_prtt_rt_val.
221: 03-JAN-01 tilak 115.53 - Bug 1182293 reimburement reqist table added
222: 09-feb-01 ikasire 115.54 Bug 1627373 and 1584238 to fix the

Line 507: ben_per_in_ler pil,

503: epe.object_version_number,
504: epe.prtt_enrt_rslt_id
505: from
506: ben_prtt_enrt_rslt_f pen,
507: ben_per_in_ler pil,
508: ben_elig_per_elctbl_chc epe
509: where pen.prtt_enrt_rslt_id = c_prtt_enrt_rslt_id
510: and pen.effective_end_date = hr_api.g_eot
511: and pen.enrt_cvg_thru_dt = hr_api.g_eot

Line 525: from ben_per_in_ler pil,

521: l_upd_epe c_get_pil_id%rowtype;
523: cursor c_prev_pil_id is
524: select per_in_ler_id
525: from ben_per_in_ler pil,
526: ben_ler_f ler
527: where pil.per_in_ler_id <> p_per_in_ler_id
528: and pil.per_in_ler_stat_cd not in ('VOIDD','BCKDT')
529: and pil.person_id = (select person_id from ben_per_in_ler where

Line 529: and pil.person_id = (select person_id from ben_per_in_ler where

525: from ben_per_in_ler pil,
526: ben_ler_f ler
527: where pil.per_in_ler_id <> p_per_in_ler_id
528: and pil.per_in_ler_stat_cd not in ('VOIDD','BCKDT')
529: and pil.person_id = (select person_id from ben_per_in_ler where
530: per_in_ler_id = p_per_in_ler_id)
531: and pil.ler_id = ler.ler_id
532: and ler.typ_cd not in ('COMP', 'ABS', 'GSP', 'IREC')
533: and p_effective_date between ler.effective_start_date and ler.effective_end_date

Line 595: ben_per_in_ler pil,

591: cursor get_contacts_pils(cv_person_id in number,
592: cv_csd_by_ptnl_ler_for_per_id in number) is
593: select pil.*
594: from per_contact_relationships pcr,
595: ben_per_in_ler pil,
596: ben_PTNL_LER_FOR_PER ppl
597: where --pcr.contact_person_id = cv_person_id
598: pcr.person_id = cv_person_id -- Bug 6620291
599: and pcr.business_group_id = p_business_group_id

Line 620: ben_per_in_ler pil,

616: cursor get_fut_dtd_cntct_pils(cv_person_id in number
617: ) is
618: select pil.*
619: from per_contact_relationships pcr,
620: ben_per_in_ler pil,
621: ben_PTNL_LER_FOR_PER ppl
622: where pcr.contact_person_id = cv_person_id
623: and pcr.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
624: and pil.lf_evt_ocrd_dt > (Select pil1.lf_evt_ocrd_dt

Line 625: from ben_per_in_ler pil1

621: ben_PTNL_LER_FOR_PER ppl
622: where pcr.contact_person_id = cv_person_id
623: and pcr.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
624: and pil.lf_evt_ocrd_dt > (Select pil1.lf_evt_ocrd_dt
625: from ben_per_in_ler pil1
626: where pil1.per_in_ler_id= p_per_in_ler_id)
627: and pcr.personal_flag = 'Y'
628: and pil.person_id = pcr.person_id
629: and pil.per_in_ler_stat_cd in ('STRTD', 'PROCD')

Line 757: procedure unprocess_ptnl_ler(p_per_in_ler in out nocopy BEN_PER_IN_LER%ROWTYPE

753: --
754: -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
755: -- |------------------------< unprocess_ptnl_ler >-----------------------------|
756: -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
757: procedure unprocess_ptnl_ler(p_per_in_ler in out nocopy BEN_PER_IN_LER%ROWTYPE
758: ,p_bckt_stat_cd in varchar2
759: ,p_effective_date in date) is
760: --
761: l_proc varchar2(72) := g_package||'unprocess_ptnl_ler';

Line 1469: from ben_per_in_ler pil

1465: pil.ptnl_ler_for_per_id,
1466: pil.person_id,
1467: pil.lf_evt_ocrd_dt,
1468: pil.ler_id
1469: from ben_per_in_ler pil
1470: where pil.per_in_ler_id = p_per_in_ler_id;

Line 1476: from ben_per_in_ler pil

1474: cursor c_get_all_per_in_ler is
1475: select *
1476: from ben_per_in_ler pil
1477: where pil.per_in_ler_id = p_per_in_ler_id and
1478: pil.business_group_id=p_business_group_id
1479: ;

Line 1492: ben_per_in_ler pil

1488: --
1489: cursor c_ler_typ is
1490: select ler.typ_cd
1491: from ben_ler_f ler,
1492: ben_per_in_ler pil
1493: where pil.per_in_ler_id = p_per_in_ler_id
1494: and ler.ler_id = pil.ler_id
1495: /*and ler.business_group_id = p_business_group_id*/ --CWBGLOBAL
1496: and pil.lf_evt_ocrd_Dt between

Line 1514: from ben_per_in_ler

1510: -- 2982606
1511: cursor c_prev_pil_id (p_person_id number, p_lf_evt_ocrd_dt date) is
1512: select per_in_ler_id ,
1513: lf_evt_ocrd_dt
1514: from ben_per_in_ler
1515: where per_in_ler_id <> p_per_in_ler_id
1516: and per_in_ler_stat_cd = 'PROCD'
1517: and person_id = p_person_id
1518: and lf_evt_ocrd_dt <= p_lf_evt_ocrd_dt

Line 1543: from ben_per_in_ler pil,

1540: cursor c_prv_pil(p_person_id number, p_lf_evt_ocrd_dt date) is
1541: select per_in_ler_id ,
1542: lf_evt_ocrd_dt
1543: from ben_per_in_ler pil,
1544: ben_ler_f ler
1545: where per_in_ler_id <> p_per_in_ler_id
1546: and per_in_ler_stat_cd = 'PROCD'
1547: and person_id = p_person_id

Line 1631: -- BEN_PER_IN_LER (PIL)

1627: --
1628: -- Tables that will be deleted from include and must be deleted from in
1629: -- a bottom to top fashion :
1630: --
1631: -- BEN_PER_IN_LER (PIL)
1633: -- BEN_PL_BNF_F (PBN) (join to pil to check status)
1634: -- BEN_PRTT_ENRT_ACTN_F (PEA) (join to pil to check status)
1635: -- BEN_BNFT_PRVDD_LDGR_F (BPL)(join to pil to check status)

Line 2440: ben_per_in_ler pil

2436: --
2437: cursor c_get_past_pil (p_per_in_ler_id number) is
2438: select max(pea.per_in_ler_id)
2439: from ben_prtt_enrt_actn_f pea,
2440: ben_per_in_ler pil
2441: where pea.prtt_enrt_rslt_id = p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id
2442: and pea.per_in_ler_id <> p_per_in_ler_id
2443: and pea.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
2444: and pea.per_in_ler_id = pil.per_in_ler_id

Line 2811: -- BEN_PER_IN_LER

2807: --
2809: --
2810: -- Source Table
2811: -- BEN_PER_IN_LER
2812: --
2813: cursor c_ben_ELIG_PER_OPT_f is
2814: select epo.ELIG_PER_OPT_id,
2815: epo.object_version_number,

Line 2818: ben_per_in_ler pil

2814: select epo.ELIG_PER_OPT_id,
2815: epo.object_version_number,
2816: epo.effective_start_date --AMN bug 12732878
2817: from ben_ELIG_PER_OPT_f epo,
2818: ben_per_in_ler pil
2819: where pil.per_in_ler_id = p_per_in_ler_id
2820: and pil.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
2821: and epo.per_in_ler_id = pil.per_in_ler_id
2822: and epo.business_group_id = pil.business_group_id

Line 2866: from ben_per_in_ler

2862: */
2863: /*
2864: --RCHASE 5364
2865: and epo.effective_end_date <= (select lf_evt_ocrd_dt
2866: from ben_per_in_ler
2867: where per_in_ler_id = p_per_in_ler_id); */
2868: --
2869: cursor c_epo_max_esd_of_past_pil(v_ELIG_PER_OPT_id in number) is
2870: select epo.effective_end_date, epo.object_version_number

Line 2872: ben_per_in_ler pil

2868: --
2869: cursor c_epo_max_esd_of_past_pil(v_ELIG_PER_OPT_id in number) is
2870: select epo.effective_end_date, epo.object_version_number
2871: from ben_ELIG_PER_OPT_f epo,
2872: ben_per_in_ler pil
2873: where epo.ELIG_PER_OPT_id = v_ELIG_PER_OPT_id
2874: and nvl(epo.per_in_ler_id , -1) <> p_per_in_ler_id
2875: and epo.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
2876: and epo.per_in_ler_id = pil.per_in_ler_id

Line 2899: -- BEN_PER_IN_LER

2895: --
2897: --
2898: -- Source Table
2899: -- BEN_PER_IN_LER
2900: --
2901: cursor c_ben_elig_per_f is
2902: select pep.elig_per_id,
2903: pep.object_version_number,

Line 2906: ben_per_in_ler pil

2902: select pep.elig_per_id,
2903: pep.object_version_number,
2904: pep.effective_start_date --AMN bug 12732878
2905: from ben_elig_per_f pep,
2906: ben_per_in_ler pil
2907: where pil.per_in_ler_id = p_per_in_ler_id
2908: and pil.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
2909: and pep.per_in_ler_id = pil.per_in_ler_id
2910: and pep.business_group_id = pil.business_group_id

Line 2940: ben_per_in_ler pil

2936: */
2937: cursor c_pep_max_esd_of_past_pil(v_elig_per_id in number) is
2938: select pep.effective_end_date, pep.object_version_number
2939: from ben_elig_per_f pep,
2940: ben_per_in_ler pil
2941: where pep.elig_per_id = v_elig_per_id
2942: and ((pep.per_in_ler_id <> p_per_in_ler_id
2943: and pep.per_in_ler_id is not null)
2944: or

Line 2999: -- BEN_PER_IN_LER

2997: --
2998: -- Source Table
2999: -- BEN_PER_IN_LER
3000: --
3001: ----7133998
3002: cursor c_ben_prtt_prem_f_corr is
3003: select ppe.*

Line 3005: ben_per_in_ler pil,

3001: ----7133998
3002: cursor c_ben_prtt_prem_f_corr is
3003: select ppe.*
3004: from ben_prtt_prem_f ppe,
3005: ben_per_in_ler pil,
3006: BEN_LE_CLSN_N_RSTR bkup
3007: where pil.per_in_ler_id = p_per_in_ler_id
3008: and pil.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
3009: and ppe.per_in_ler_id = pil.per_in_ler_id

Line 3037: ben_per_in_ler pil

3033: cursor c_ben_prtt_prem_f is
3034: select ppe.prtt_prem_id,
3035: ppe.object_version_number
3036: from ben_prtt_prem_f ppe,
3037: ben_per_in_ler pil
3038: where pil.per_in_ler_id = p_per_in_ler_id
3039: and pil.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
3040: and ppe.per_in_ler_id = pil.per_in_ler_id
3041: and ppe.business_group_id = pil.business_group_id

Line 3072: ben_per_in_ler pil

3068: */
3069: cursor c_ppe_max_esd_of_past_pil(v_prtt_prem_id in number) is
3070: select prm.effective_end_date, prm.object_version_number
3071: from ben_prtt_prem_f prm,
3072: ben_per_in_ler pil
3073: where prm.prtt_prem_id = v_prtt_prem_id
3074: and nvl(prm.per_in_ler_id , -1) <> p_per_in_ler_id
3075: and prm.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
3076: and prm.per_in_ler_id = pil.per_in_ler_id

Line 3096: -- BEN_PER_IN_LER

3092: --
3094: --
3095: -- Source Table
3096: -- BEN_PER_IN_LER
3097: --
3098: -- Bug 5222 : Removed the effective date check.
3099: -- See comments at c_ben_prtt_enrt_rslt_f cursor.
3100: --

Line 3107: ben_per_in_ler pil

3103: pdp.object_version_number,
3104: -- bug 5668052
3105: pdp.effective_start_date
3106: from ben_elig_cvrd_dpnt_f pdp,
3107: ben_per_in_ler pil
3108: where pil.per_in_ler_id = p_per_in_ler_id
3109: and pil.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
3110: and pdp.per_in_ler_id = pil.per_in_ler_id
3111: and pdp.business_group_id = pil.business_group_id

Line 3135: ben_per_in_ler pil

3131: */
3132: cursor c_pdp_max_esd_of_past_pil(v_elig_cvrd_dpnt_id in number) is
3133: select pdp.effective_end_date, pdp.object_version_number
3134: from ben_elig_cvrd_dpnt_f pdp,
3135: ben_per_in_ler pil
3136: where pdp.elig_cvrd_dpnt_id = v_elig_cvrd_dpnt_id
3137: and nvl(pdp.per_in_ler_id , -1) <> p_per_in_ler_id
3138: and pdp.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
3139: and pdp.per_in_ler_id = pil.per_in_ler_id

Line 3161: -- BEN_PER_IN_LER

3157: --
3159: --
3160: -- Source Table
3161: -- BEN_PER_IN_LER
3162: --
3163: cursor c_ben_pl_bnf_f is
3164: select pbn.pl_bnf_id,
3165: pbn.object_version_number,

Line 3169: ben_per_in_ler pil

3165: pbn.object_version_number,
3166: -- bug 5668052
3167: pbn.effective_start_date
3168: from ben_pl_bnf_f pbn,
3169: ben_per_in_ler pil
3170: where pil.per_in_ler_id = p_per_in_ler_id
3171: and pil.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
3172: and pbn.per_in_ler_id = pil.per_in_ler_id
3173: and pbn.business_group_id = pil.business_group_id

Line 3208: ben_per_in_ler pil

3204: -- 5895645 : typo fix
3205: cursor c_pbn_max_esd_of_past_pil(v_pl_bnf_id in number) is
3206: select pbn.effective_end_date, pbn.object_version_number
3207: from ben_pl_bnf_f pbn,
3208: ben_per_in_ler pil
3209: where pbn.pl_bnf_id = v_pl_bnf_id
3210: and nvl(pbn.per_in_ler_id , -1) <> p_per_in_ler_id
3211: and pbn.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
3212: and pbn.per_in_ler_id = pil.per_in_ler_id

Line 3234: -- BEN_PER_IN_LER

3230: --
3232: --
3233: -- Source Table
3234: -- BEN_PER_IN_LER
3235: -- Drive Routes
3237: --
3238: --

Line 3245: ben_per_in_ler pil

3241: ppr.effective_start_date,
3242: ppr.object_version_number
3243: from ben_prmry_care_prvdr_f ppr,
3244: ben_prtt_enrt_rslt_f pen,
3245: ben_per_in_ler pil
3246: where pil.per_in_ler_id = p_per_in_ler_id
3247: and pil.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
3248: and pen.per_in_ler_id = pil.per_in_ler_id
3249: and pen.business_group_id = pil.business_group_id

Line 3276: -- BEN_PER_IN_LER

3272: --
3274: --
3275: -- Source Table
3276: -- BEN_PER_IN_LER
3277: --
3278: cursor c_ben_prtt_rt_val is
3279: select prv.prtt_rt_val_id,
3280: prv.object_version_number,

Line 3288: ben_per_in_ler pil

3284: prv.prtt_enrt_rslt_id,
3285: prv.pk_id,
3286: prv.pk_id_table_name
3287: from ben_prtt_rt_val prv,
3288: ben_per_in_ler pil
3289: where pil.per_in_ler_id = p_per_in_ler_id
3290: and pil.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
3291: and prv.prtt_rt_val_stat_cd is null
3292: and prv.per_in_ler_id = pil.per_in_ler_id

Line 3318: ben_per_in_ler pil

3315: )
3316: ), '1',2,1 ) adj_rec /* Bug 12576710: Added decode statement*/
3317: from ben_prtt_rt_val prv,
3318: ben_per_in_ler pil
3319: where prv.ended_per_in_ler_id = pil.per_in_ler_id
3320: and prv.ended_per_in_ler_id = p_per_in_ler_id
3321: and prv.per_in_ler_id <> p_per_in_ler_id -- Bug 8234902, not to consider the
3322: -- rates of backed out LifeEvent when determining previous pil

Line 3437: ben_per_in_ler pil

3433: /* BUG 3507554 Performance Changes
3434: cursor c_multiple_rate is
3435: select 'Y'
3436: from ben_prtt_rt_val prv,
3437: ben_per_in_ler pil
3438: where pil.per_in_ler_id = p_per_in_ler_id
3439: and pil.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
3440: and prv.prtt_rt_val_stat_cd is null
3441: and prv.per_in_ler_id = pil.per_in_ler_id

Line 3503: -- BEN_PER_IN_LER

3499: --
3501: --
3502: -- Source Table
3503: -- BEN_PER_IN_LER
3504: --
3507: cursor c_ben_prtt_enrt_rslt_f is

Line 3520: ben_per_in_ler pil

3516: pen.effective_start_date,
3517: pen.per_in_ler_id
3518: ,pil.lf_evt_ocrd_dt
3519: from ben_prtt_enrt_rslt_f pen,
3520: ben_per_in_ler pil
3521: where pil.per_in_ler_id = p_per_in_ler_id
3522: and pil.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
3523: and pen.per_in_ler_id = pil.per_in_ler_id
3524: and pen.business_group_id = pil.business_group_id

Line 3685: ben_per_in_ler pil

3681: -- on order by clause.
3682: cursor c_pen_max_esd_of_past_pil(v_prtt_enrt_rslt_id in number) is
3683: select pen.effective_end_date,pen.object_version_number, pen.per_in_ler_id
3684: from ben_prtt_enrt_rslt_f pen,
3685: ben_per_in_ler pil
3686: where prtt_enrt_rslt_id = v_prtt_enrt_rslt_id
3687: and nvl(pen.per_in_ler_id , -1) <> p_per_in_ler_id
3688: and pen.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
3689: and pen.per_in_ler_id = pil.per_in_ler_id

Line 3736: ben_per_in_ler pil

3732: bpl.effective_end_date,
3733: bpl.effective_start_date,
3734: bpl.per_in_ler_id
3735: from ben_bnft_prvdd_ldgr_f bpl,
3736: ben_per_in_ler pil
3737: where pil.per_in_ler_id = p_per_in_ler_id
3738: and pil.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
3739: and bpl.per_in_ler_id = pil.per_in_ler_id
3740: and bpl.business_group_id = pil.business_group_id

Line 3785: ben_per_in_ler pil

3781: -- Bug#2646851 - cursor modified with order by clause and max function removed
3782: cursor c_bpl_max_esd_of_past_pil(v_bnft_prvdd_ldgr_id in number) is
3783: select bpl.effective_end_date, bpl.object_version_number
3784: from ben_bnft_prvdd_ldgr_f bpl,
3785: ben_per_in_ler pil
3786: where bpl.bnft_prvdd_ldgr_id = v_bnft_prvdd_ldgr_id
3787: and nvl(bpl.per_in_ler_id , -1) <> p_per_in_ler_id
3788: and bpl.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
3789: and bpl.per_in_ler_id = pil.per_in_ler_id

Line 3795: -- -- Source Table -- BEN_PER_IN_LER --

3791: order by bpl.effective_end_date desc;
3795: -- -- Source Table -- BEN_PER_IN_LER --
3796: cursor c_ben_pil_elctbl_chc_popl is
3797: select pel.pil_elctbl_chc_popl_id,
3798: pel.object_version_number
3799: from ben_pil_elctbl_chc_popl pel,

Line 3800: ben_per_in_ler pil

3796: cursor c_ben_pil_elctbl_chc_popl is
3797: select pel.pil_elctbl_chc_popl_id,
3798: pel.object_version_number
3799: from ben_pil_elctbl_chc_popl pel,
3800: ben_per_in_ler pil
3801: where pil.per_in_ler_id = p_per_in_ler_id
3802: and pil.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
3803: and pel.per_in_ler_id = pil.per_in_ler_id
3804: and pel.business_group_id = pil.business_group_id;

Line 3832: ,ben_per_in_ler pil

3828: ,prc.effective_start_date
3829: ,pil.person_id
3830: from ben_prtt_reimbmt_rqst_f prc
3831: ,ben_prtt_rt_val prv
3832: ,ben_per_in_ler pil
3833: where prv.per_in_ler_id = p_per_in_ler_id
3834: and prv.PRTT_REIMBMT_RQST_id = prc.PRTT_REIMBMT_RQST_id
3835: and pil.per_in_ler_id = p_per_in_ler_id
3836: -- hnarayan -- bug 2223214

Line 3870: (select per_in_ler_id from ben_per_in_ler pil,

3866: If Open is the first LE,pen.effective_start_date < pen.enrt_cvg_strt_dt holds good for enrollment records that are VOIDD and tries to do delete future
3867: changes which raises APP-PAY-07187 error.So check whether enrolment records exists for previous LE*/
3868: and exists
3869: (select '1' from ben_prtt_enrt_rslt_f pen1,
3870: (select per_in_ler_id from ben_per_in_ler pil,
3871: ben_ler_f ler
3872: where pil.person_id = (select person_id
3873: from ben_per_in_ler pil2
3874: where pil2.per_in_ler_id=p_per_in_ler_id)

Line 3873: from ben_per_in_ler pil2

3869: (select '1' from ben_prtt_enrt_rslt_f pen1,
3870: (select per_in_ler_id from ben_per_in_ler pil,
3871: ben_ler_f ler
3872: where pil.person_id = (select person_id
3873: from ben_per_in_ler pil2
3874: where pil2.per_in_ler_id=p_per_in_ler_id)
3875: and pil.per_in_ler_id <> p_per_in_ler_id
3876: and pil.ler_id = ler.ler_id
3877: and p_effective_date between

Line 3882: ben_per_in_ler pil1

3878: ler.effective_start_date and ler.effective_end_date
3879: and pil.per_in_ler_stat_cd not in ('BCKDT','VOIDD')
3880: and ler.typ_cd not in ('IREC', 'SCHEDDU', 'COMP', 'GSP', 'ABS')
3881: and pil.lf_evt_ocrd_dt < (select lf_evt_ocrd_dt from
3882: ben_per_in_ler pil1
3883: where pil1.per_in_ler_id = p_per_in_ler_id)
3884: order by per_in_ler_id desc) prev_pil
3885: where pen1.per_in_ler_id = prev_pil.per_in_ler_id
3886: and pen1.effective_start_date < pen1.enrt_cvg_strt_dt

Line 3911: ben_per_in_ler pil

3907: cursor c_pen_sus is
3908: select pen.prtt_enrt_rslt_id,
3909: pen.per_in_ler_id
3910: from ben_prtt_enrt_rslt_f pen,
3911: ben_per_in_ler pil
3912: where pen.sspndd_flag = 'Y'
3913: and pen.per_in_ler_id <> pil.per_in_ler_id
3914: and pil.per_in_ler_id = p_per_in_ler_id
3915: and pen.person_id = pil.person_id