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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 220

	   TYPE t_selected_entities IS TABLE OF NUMBER
Line: 223

	   g_selected_entities           t_selected_entities;
Line: 264

			 SELECT hierarchy_type_code, supervisor_id, supervisor_assignment_id, assignment_types_code
			   FROM per_perf_mgmt_plans
			  WHERE plan_id = p_plan_id;
Line: 273

			 SELECT 'Y'
					   SELECT 'x'
						 FROM per_all_people_f ppf, per_periods_of_service pps
						WHERE ppf.person_id = p_supervisor_id
						  AND TRUNC (SYSDATE) BETWEEN ppf.effective_start_date AND ppf.effective_end_date
						  AND ppf.person_id = pps.person_id
						  AND TRUNC (SYSDATE) BETWEEN pps.date_start AND NVL (pps.actual_termination_date, TRUNC (SYSDATE)));
Line: 286

			 SELECT 'Y'
					   SELECT 'x'
						 FROM per_all_assignments_f paaf, per_periods_of_service pps
						WHERE paaf.assignment_id = p_supervisor_asg_id
						  AND TRUNC (SYSDATE) BETWEEN paaf.effective_start_date AND paaf.effective_end_date
						  AND paaf.period_of_service_id = pps.period_of_service_id
						  AND TRUNC (SYSDATE) BETWEEN pps.date_start AND NVL (pps.actual_termination_date, TRUNC (SYSDATE)));
Line: 299

			 SELECT 'Y'
					   SELECT 'x'
						 FROM per_all_people_f ppf, per_periods_of_placement ppp
						WHERE ppf.person_id = p_supervisor_id
						  AND TRUNC (SYSDATE) BETWEEN ppf.effective_start_date AND ppf.effective_end_date
						  AND ppf.person_id = ppp.person_id
						  AND TRUNC (SYSDATE) BETWEEN ppp.date_start AND NVL (ppp.actual_termination_date, TRUNC (SYSDATE)));
Line: 312

			 SELECT 'Y'
					   SELECT 'x'
						 FROM per_all_assignments_f paaf, per_periods_of_placement ppp
						WHERE paaf.assignment_id = p_supervisor_asg_id
						  AND TRUNC (SYSDATE) BETWEEN paaf.effective_start_date AND paaf.effective_end_date
						  AND paaf.person_id = ppp.person_id
						  AND paaf.period_of_placement_date_start = ppp.date_start
						  AND TRUNC (SYSDATE) BETWEEN ppp.date_start AND NVL (ppp.actual_termination_date, TRUNC (SYSDATE)));
Line: 466

			 SELECT pap.parameter_value
			   FROM pay_action_parameters pap
			  WHERE pap.parameter_name = p_parameter_name;
Line: 633

		  IF (p_reverse_mode = 'N' AND p_status_code NOT IN ('DRAFT', 'UPDATED', 'SUBMITTED', 'RESUBMITTED'))
			 -- Set the message name, so that exception handler can get translated text
			 IF g_dbg
				op (l_proc, g_debug_log, 20);
Line: 728

			 SELECT     *
				   FROM (SELECT asg.assignment_id, asg.person_id, asg.business_group_id, asg.supervisor_id,
								asg.supervisor_assignment_id, asg.organization_id, asg.position_id
						   FROM per_all_assignments_f asg
						  WHERE (   (    p_plan_rec.assignment_types_code IN ('E', 'C')
									 AND asg.assignment_type = p_plan_rec.assignment_types_code
								 OR (p_plan_rec.assignment_types_code = 'EC' AND asg.assignment_type IN ('E', 'C'))
							AND p_effective_date BETWEEN asg.effective_start_date AND asg.effective_end_date
							AND (   (p_plan_rec.primary_asg_only_flag = 'N')
								 OR p_plan_rec.primary_asg_only_flag = 'Y' AND asg.primary_flag = 'Y'
							AND 'x' =
								   (SELECT 'x'
									  FROM per_all_people_f ppf
									 WHERE asg.person_id = ppf.person_id
									   AND p_effective_date BETWEEN ppf.effective_start_date AND ppf.effective_end_date
									   AND ('Y' =
											   DECODE (p_plan_rec.assignment_types_code,
													   'E', ppf.current_employee_flag,
													   'C', ppf.current_npw_flag,
													   'EC', (SELECT 'Y'
																FROM DUAL
															   WHERE ppf.current_employee_flag = 'Y' OR ppf.current_npw_flag = 'Y')
										   ))) o
			 CONNECT BY o.supervisor_id = PRIOR o.person_id AND LEVEL <= NVL (p_plan_rec.hierarchy_levels, LEVEL) + 1
			 START WITH o.person_id = p_plan_rec.supervisor_id;
Line: 764

			 SELECT     *
				   FROM (SELECT asg.assignment_id, asg.person_id, asg.business_group_id, asg.supervisor_id,
								asg.supervisor_assignment_id, asg.organization_id, asg.position_id
						   FROM per_all_assignments_f asg
						  WHERE (   (    p_plan_rec.assignment_types_code IN ('E', 'C')
									 AND asg.assignment_type = p_plan_rec.assignment_types_code
								 OR (p_plan_rec.assignment_types_code = 'EC' AND asg.assignment_type IN ('E', 'C'))
							AND p_effective_date BETWEEN asg.effective_start_date AND asg.effective_end_date
							AND 'x' =
								   (SELECT 'x'
									  FROM per_all_people_f ppf
									 WHERE asg.person_id = ppf.person_id
									   AND p_effective_date BETWEEN ppf.effective_start_date AND ppf.effective_end_date
									   AND ('Y' =
											   DECODE (p_plan_rec.assignment_types_code,
													   'E', ppf.current_employee_flag,
													   'C', ppf.current_npw_flag,
													   'EC', (SELECT 'Y'
																FROM DUAL
															   WHERE ppf.current_employee_flag = 'Y' OR ppf.current_npw_flag = 'Y')
										   ))) o
			 CONNECT BY o.supervisor_assignment_id = PRIOR o.assignment_id AND LEVEL <= NVL (p_plan_rec.hierarchy_levels, LEVEL) + 1
			 START WITH o.assignment_id = p_plan_rec.supervisor_assignment_id;
Line: 797

			 SELECT asg.assignment_id, asg.person_id, asg.business_group_id, asg.supervisor_id, asg.supervisor_assignment_id,
					asg.organization_id, asg.position_id
			   FROM per_all_assignments_f asg
			  WHERE (   (p_plan_rec.assignment_types_code IN ('E', 'C') AND asg.assignment_type = 'E')
					 OR (p_plan_rec.assignment_types_code = 'EC' AND asg.assignment_type IN ('E', 'C'))
				AND p_effective_date BETWEEN asg.effective_start_date AND asg.effective_end_date
				AND ((p_plan_rec.primary_asg_only_flag = 'N') OR p_plan_rec.primary_asg_only_flag = 'Y' AND asg.primary_flag = 'Y')
				AND 'x' =
					   (SELECT 'x'
						  FROM per_all_people_f ppf
						 WHERE asg.person_id = ppf.person_id
						   AND p_effective_date BETWEEN ppf.effective_start_date AND ppf.effective_end_date
						   AND ('Y' =
								   DECODE (p_plan_rec.assignment_types_code,
										   'E', ppf.current_employee_flag,
										   'C', ppf.current_npw_flag,
										   'EC', (SELECT 'Y'
													FROM DUAL
												   WHERE ppf.current_employee_flag = 'Y' OR ppf.current_npw_flag = 'Y')
				AND asg.organization_id IN (
					   SELECT o.organization_id_child
						 FROM (SELECT     o.organization_id_child
									 FROM per_org_structure_elements o
							   CONNECT BY o.organization_id_parent = PRIOR o.organization_id_child
									  AND o.org_structure_version_id = PRIOR o.org_structure_version_id
									  AND LEVEL <= NVL (p_plan_rec.hierarchy_levels, LEVEL)
							   START WITH o.organization_id_parent = p_plan_rec.top_organization_id
									  AND o.org_structure_version_id = p_plan_rec.org_structure_version_id
							   SELECT p_plan_rec.top_organization_id organization_id_child
								 FROM DUAL) o,
							  hr_organization_units org
						WHERE o.organization_id_child = org.organization_id
						  AND p_effective_date BETWEEN org.date_from AND NVL (org.date_to, p_effective_date));
Line: 841

			 SELECT asg.assignment_id, asg.person_id, asg.business_group_id, asg.supervisor_id, asg.supervisor_assignment_id,
					asg.organization_id, asg.position_id
			   FROM per_all_assignments_f asg
			  WHERE (   (p_plan_rec.assignment_types_code IN ('E', 'C') AND asg.assignment_type = p_plan_rec.assignment_types_code)
					 OR (p_plan_rec.assignment_types_code = 'EC' AND asg.assignment_type IN ('E', 'C'))
				AND p_effective_date BETWEEN asg.effective_start_date AND asg.effective_end_date
				AND ((p_plan_rec.primary_asg_only_flag = 'N') OR p_plan_rec.primary_asg_only_flag = 'Y' AND asg.primary_flag = 'Y')
				AND 'x' =
					   (SELECT 'x'
						  FROM per_all_people_f ppf
						 WHERE asg.person_id = ppf.person_id
						   AND p_effective_date BETWEEN ppf.effective_start_date AND ppf.effective_end_date
						   AND ('Y' =
								   DECODE (p_plan_rec.assignment_types_code,
										   'E', ppf.current_employee_flag,
										   'C', ppf.current_npw_flag,
										   'EC', (SELECT 'Y'
													FROM DUAL
												   WHERE ppf.current_employee_flag = 'Y' OR ppf.current_npw_flag = 'Y')
				AND (asg.position_id IN (
						SELECT o.subordinate_position_id
						  FROM (SELECT     p.subordinate_position_id
									  FROM per_pos_structure_elements p
								CONNECT BY p.parent_position_id = PRIOR p.subordinate_position_id
									   AND p.pos_structure_version_id = PRIOR p.pos_structure_version_id
									   AND LEVEL <= NVL (p_plan_rec.hierarchy_levels, LEVEL)
								START WITH p.parent_position_id = p_plan_rec.top_position_id
									   AND p.pos_structure_version_id = p_plan_rec.pos_structure_version_id) o,
							   per_positions pos
						 WHERE o.subordinate_position_id = pos.position_id
						   AND p_effective_date BETWEEN pos.date_effective AND NVL (pos.date_end, p_effective_date)
						SELECT p_plan_rec.top_position_id subordinate_position_id
						  FROM DUAL)
Line: 882

			 SELECT prds.appraisal_period_id, prds.appraisal_template_id, templ.business_group_id
			   FROM per_appraisal_periods prds, per_appraisal_templates templ
			  WHERE prds.plan_id = p_pln_id AND templ.appraisal_template_id = prds.appraisal_template_id;
Line: 899

Line: 1025

						 op (' Selected Population is not in Appraisal Template BG ', g_regular_log, 90);
Line: 1203

			 SELECT assignment_id, scorecard_id, object_version_number, status_code
			   FROM per_personal_scorecards
			  WHERE creator_type = 'AUTO' AND plan_id = p_plan_id AND status_code <> 'TRANSFER_OUT';
Line: 1342

			 SELECT objective_id, objective_name, valid_from, valid_to, target_date, next_review_date, group_code, priority_code,
					appraise_flag, weighting_percent, target_value, uom_code, measurement_style_code, measure_name,
					measure_type_code, measure_comments, details, success_criteria, comments, elig.elig_obj_id
			   FROM per_objectives_library pol, ben_elig_obj_f elig
			  WHERE (   pol.valid_from BETWEEN p_start_date AND p_end_date
					 OR p_start_date BETWEEN pol.valid_from AND NVL (pol.valid_to, TO_DATE ('31-12-4712', 'DD-MM-YYYY'))
				AND pol.eligibility_type_code <> 'N_P'
				AND elig.table_name = 'PER_OBJECTIVES_LIBRARY'
				AND column_name = 'OBJECTIVE_ID'
				AND elig.COLUMN_VALUE = pol.objective_id
				-- added 23-Jun-2009 schowdhu
				AND TRUNC (SYSDATE) BETWEEN elig.effective_start_date AND elig.effective_end_date;
Line: 1506

			 SELECT copied_from_library_id, objective_id, object_version_number
			   FROM per_objectives pob
			  WHERE pob.copied_from_library_id IS NOT NULL AND pob.scorecard_id = p_scorecard_id;
Line: 1523

Line: 1650

			 SELECT appraisal_period_id, appraisal_template_id, start_date, end_date, task_start_date, task_end_date, initiator_code,
					appraisal_system_type, auto_conc_process, days_before_task_st_dt, appraisal_assmt_status, appraisal_type
			   FROM per_appraisal_periods pap
			  WHERE pap.plan_id = p_plan_id;
Line: 1863

	-- |----------------------< update_scorecard_for_person >---------------------|
	-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
	-- {Start Of Comments}
	-- Description:
	--   Updates the given scorecard  when plan is republished.
	-- Prerequisites:
	--   None.
	-- In Arguments:
	-- Post Success:
	--  Processing continues if scorecard is updated.
	-- Post Failure:
	--  An application error is raised if scorecard is not updated.
	-- Access Status:
	--   Internal Only.
	-- {End Of Comments}
	-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
	   PROCEDURE update_scorecard_for_person (
		  p_effective_date          IN   DATE,
		  p_scorecard_id            IN   NUMBER,
		  p_object_version_number   IN   NUMBER,
		  p_scorecard_name          IN   VARCHAR2 DEFAULT hr_api.g_varchar2,
		  p_start_date              IN   DATE DEFAULT hr_api.g_date,
		  p_end_date                IN   DATE DEFAULT hr_api.g_date,
		  p_status_code                IN   VARCHAR2 DEFAULT hr_api.g_varchar2,
		  p_supervisor_id              IN   NUMBER DEFAULT NULL,
		  p_supervisor_assignment_id   IN   NUMBER DEFAULT NULL
		  -- Declare local variables
		  l_proc                     VARCHAR2 (72) := g_package || 'update_scorecard_for_person';
Line: 1915

		  -- Call update_scorecard
		  hr_personal_scorecard_api.update_scorecard (p_effective_date              => p_effective_date,
													  p_scorecard_id                => p_scorecard_id,
													  p_object_version_number       => l_object_version_number,
													  p_scorecard_name              => p_scorecard_name,
													  p_start_date                  => p_start_date,
													  p_end_date                    => p_end_date,
													  p_status_code                 => p_status_code,
													  p_duplicate_name_warning        => l_duplicate_name_warning,
													  p_supervisor_id                 => p_supervisor_id,
													  p_supervisor_assignment_id      => p_supervisor_assignment_id
Line: 1979

	   END update_scorecard_for_person;
Line: 1983

	-- |----------------------< delete_scorecard_for_person >---------------------|
	-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
	-- {Start Of Comments}
	-- Description:
	--   Delete the given scorecard.
	-- Prerequisites:
	--   None.
	-- In Arguments:
	-- Post Success:
	--  Processing continues if scorecard is deleted.
	-- Post Failure:
	--  An application error is raised if scorecard is not deleted.
	-- Access Status:
	--   Internal Only.
	-- {End Of Comments}
	-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
	   PROCEDURE delete_scorecard_for_person (p_scorecard_id IN NUMBER, p_object_version_number IN NUMBER)
		  -- Declare local variables
		  l_proc                      VARCHAR2 (72) := g_package || 'delete_scorecard_for_person';
Line: 2023

		  -- Call update_scorecard
		  hr_personal_scorecard_api.delete_scorecard (p_scorecard_id                 => p_scorecard_id,
													  p_object_version_number        => p_object_version_number,
													  p_created_by_plan_warning      => l_created_by_plan_warning
Line: 2073

	   END delete_scorecard_for_person;
Line: 2271

	-- |----------------------< update_scorecard_objective >----------------------|
	-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
	-- {Start Of Comments}
	-- Description:
	--   Updates objective for a given scorecard when plan is republished.
	-- Prerequisites:
	--   None.
	-- In Arguments:
	-- Post Success:
	--  Processing continues if objective is updated.
	-- Post Failure:
	--  An application error is raised if objective is not updated.
	-- Access Status:
	--   Internal Only.
	-- {End Of Comments}
	-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
	   PROCEDURE update_scorecard_objective (
		  p_effective_date           IN   DATE,
		  p_objective_id             IN   NUMBER,
		  p_object_version_number    IN   NUMBER,
		  p_scorecard_id             IN   NUMBER DEFAULT hr_api.g_number,
		  p_start_date               IN   DATE DEFAULT hr_api.g_date,
		  p_end_date                 IN   DATE DEFAULT hr_api.g_date,
		  p_objective_name           IN   VARCHAR2 DEFAULT hr_api.g_varchar2,
		  p_valid_from               IN   DATE DEFAULT hr_api.g_date,
		  p_valid_to                 IN   DATE DEFAULT hr_api.g_date,
		  p_target_date              IN   DATE DEFAULT hr_api.g_date,
		  p_copied_from_library_id   IN   NUMBER DEFAULT hr_api.g_number,
		  p_next_review_date         IN   DATE DEFAULT hr_api.g_date,
		  p_group_code               IN   VARCHAR2 DEFAULT hr_api.g_varchar2,
		  p_priority_code            IN   VARCHAR2 DEFAULT hr_api.g_varchar2,
		  p_appraise_flag            IN   VARCHAR2 DEFAULT hr_api.g_varchar2,
		  p_weighting_percent        IN   NUMBER DEFAULT hr_api.g_number,
		  p_target_value             IN   NUMBER DEFAULT hr_api.g_number,
		  p_uom_code                 IN   VARCHAR2 DEFAULT hr_api.g_varchar2,
		  p_measurement_style_code   IN   VARCHAR2 DEFAULT hr_api.g_varchar2,
		  p_measure_name             IN   VARCHAR2 DEFAULT hr_api.g_varchar2,
		  p_measure_type_code        IN   VARCHAR2 DEFAULT hr_api.g_varchar2,
		  p_measure_comments         IN   VARCHAR2 DEFAULT hr_api.g_varchar2,
		  p_details                  IN   VARCHAR2 DEFAULT hr_api.g_varchar2,
		  p_success_criteria         IN   VARCHAR2 DEFAULT hr_api.g_varchar2,
		  p_comments                 IN   VARCHAR2 DEFAULT hr_api.g_varchar2
		  -- Declare local variables
		  l_proc                           VARCHAR2 (72) := g_package || 'update_scorecard_objective';
Line: 2385

		  -- Call update_objective
		  /* KGOWRIPE: removing the update API call for bug#10289224. This is to take care of the OVN getting
			 incremented when the plan is republished for Library objectives.
										(p_effective_date                   => p_effective_date,
										 p_objective_id                     => p_objective_id,
										 p_object_version_number            => l_object_version_number,
										 p_scorecard_id                     => p_scorecard_id,
										 p_start_date                       => p_start_date,
										 p_name                             => p_objective_name,
										 p_target_date                      => l_target_date,
										 p_copied_from_library_id           => p_copied_from_library_id,
										 p_next_review_date                 => l_next_review_date,
										 p_group_code                       => p_group_code,
										 p_priority_code                    => p_priority_code,
										 p_appraise_flag                    => p_appraise_flag,
										 p_weighting_percent                => p_weighting_percent,
										 p_target_value                     => p_target_value,
										 p_uom_code                         => p_uom_code,
										 p_measurement_style_code           => p_measurement_style_code,
										 p_measure_name                     => p_measure_name,
										 p_measure_type_code                => p_measure_type_code,
										 p_measure_comments                 => p_measure_comments,
										 p_detail                           => p_details,
										 p_comments                         => p_comments,
										 p_success_criteria                 => p_success_criteria
																								 --    ,p_duplicate_name_warning         =>  l_duplicate_name_warning
										 p_weighting_over_100_warning       => l_comb_weight_over_100_warning
																											 --    ,p_comb_weight_over_100_warning   =>  l_comb_weight_over_100_warning
										 p_weighting_appraisal_warning      => l_weighting_appraisal_warning
										--    ,p_pc_v_act_mismatch_warning      =>  l_pc_v_act_mismatch_warning
										--    ,p_quant_met_not_pc_warning       =>  l_quant_met_not_pc_warning
										--    ,p_qual_met_not_pc_warning        =>  l_qual_met_not_pc_warning
Line: 2429

		   UPDATE     per_objectives
		   SET        scorecard_id = decode(p_scorecard_id,hr_api.g_number,per_obj_shd.g_old_rec.scorecard_id,p_scorecard_id)
					 ,start_date   = decode(p_start_date,hr_api.g_date,per_obj_shd.g_old_rec.start_date,p_start_date)
					 ,name         = decode(p_objective_name,hr_api.g_varchar2,per_obj_shd.g_old_rec.name,p_objective_name)
					 ,target_date  = l_target_date
					 ,copied_from_library_id = decode(p_copied_from_library_id,hr_api.g_number,per_obj_shd.g_old_rec.copied_from_library_id,p_copied_from_library_id)
					 ,next_review_date = l_next_review_date
					 ,group_code = decode(p_group_code,hr_api.g_varchar2,per_obj_shd.g_old_rec.group_code,p_group_code)
					 ,priority_code = decode(p_priority_code,hr_api.g_varchar2,per_obj_shd.g_old_rec.priority_code,p_priority_code)
					 ,appraise_flag = decode(p_appraise_flag,hr_api.g_varchar2,per_obj_shd.g_old_rec.appraise_flag,p_appraise_flag)
					 ,weighting_percent = decode(p_weighting_percent,hr_api.g_number,per_obj_shd.g_old_rec.weighting_percent,p_weighting_percent)
					 ,target_value  = decode(p_target_value,hr_api.g_number,per_obj_shd.g_old_rec.target_value,p_target_value)
					 ,uom_code      = decode(p_uom_code,hr_api.g_varchar2,per_obj_shd.g_old_rec.uom_code,p_uom_code)
					 ,measurement_style_code = decode(p_measurement_style_code,hr_api.g_varchar2,per_obj_shd.g_old_rec.measurement_style_code,p_measurement_style_code)
					 ,measure_name  = decode(p_measure_name,hr_api.g_varchar2,per_obj_shd.g_old_rec.measure_name,p_measure_name)
					 ,measure_type_code = decode(p_measure_type_code,hr_api.g_varchar2,per_obj_shd.g_old_rec.measure_type_code,p_measure_type_code)
					 ,measure_comments = decode(p_measure_comments,hr_api.g_varchar2,per_obj_shd.g_old_rec.measure_comments,p_measure_comments)
					 ,detail = decode(p_details,hr_api.g_varchar2,per_obj_shd.g_old_rec.detail,p_details)
					 ,comments = decode(p_comments,hr_api.g_varchar2,per_obj_shd.g_old_rec.comments,p_comments)
					 ,success_criteria = decode(p_success_criteria,hr_api.g_varchar2,per_obj_shd.g_old_rec.success_criteria,p_success_criteria)
		   WHERE     objective_id = p_objective_id;
Line: 2494

	   END update_scorecard_objective;
Line: 2498

	-- |----------------------< delete_scorecard_objective >---------------------|
	-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
	-- {Start Of Comments}
	-- Description:
	--   Deletes a given objective.
	-- Prerequisites:
	--   None.
	-- In Arguments:
	-- Post Success:
	--  Processing continues if objective is deleted.
	-- Post Failure:
	--  An application error is raised if objective is not deleted.
	-- Access Status:
	--   Internal Only.
	-- {End Of Comments}
	-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
	   PROCEDURE delete_scorecard_objective (p_objective_id IN NUMBER, p_object_version_number IN NUMBER)
		  -- Declare local variables
		  l_proc   VARCHAR2 (72) := g_package || 'delete_scorecard_objective';
Line: 2537

		  -- Call delete_objective
		  hr_objectives_api.delete_objective (p_objective_id => p_objective_id, p_object_version_number => p_object_version_number);
Line: 2584

	   END delete_scorecard_objective;
Line: 2598

		  l_selected_menu         fnd_menus.menu_name%TYPE                DEFAULT NULL;
Line: 2608

			 SELECT menu_functions.function_id, ff.function_name, ff.PARAMETERS, menu_id
			   FROM fnd_compiled_menu_functions menu_functions, fnd_form_functions ff
			  WHERE menu_id = (SELECT menu_id
								 FROM fnd_menus
								WHERE menu_name = p_menu_name)
				AND ff.function_id = menu_functions.function_id
				AND ff.PARAMETERS LIKE p_search_func;
Line: 2671

			 l_selected_menu := l_appraisal_mgr_menu;
Line: 2676

			 l_selected_menu := l_appraisal_empl_menu;
Line: 2683

			 op ('l_selected_menu = ' || l_selected_menu, g_debug_log);
Line: 2686

		  OPEN get_appraisal_function (l_selected_menu, l_system_type);
Line: 2743

			 SELECT pc.NAME competence_name, pce.competence_id, pce.competence_element_id, pce.mandatory, pce.proficiency_level_id,
					pce.high_proficiency_level_id, pce.organization_id, NVL (pce.job_id, -1) job_id,
					NVL (pce.position_id, -1) position_id, pce.valid_grade_id, NVL (pce.business_group_id, -1) business_group_id,
					pce.enterprise_id, hrl.meaning structure_type,
					DECODE (job_id, NULL, DECODE (position_id, NULL, 1, 0), 0) read_only_attr, 0 detail_attr, pc.competence_alias,
					DECODE (pc.business_group_id, NULL, 'Y', 'N') GLOBAL, pc.description, pc.date_from, pc.certification_required,
					pc.behavioural_indicator, r1.step_value low_step_value, r1.NAME low_step_name, r2.step_value high_step_value,
					r2.NAME high_step_name, hrl.lookup_code,
					DECODE (r1.step_value, NULL, NULL, r1.step_value || ' - ' || r1.NAME) minimum_proficiency,
					DECODE (r2.step_value, NULL, NULL, r2.step_value || ' - ' || r2.NAME) maximum_proficiency, pce.TYPE
			   FROM per_competence_elements pce,
					per_competences_vl pc,
					hr_lookups hrl,
					per_rating_levels_vl r1,
					per_rating_levels_vl r2
				AND pce.competence_id = pc.competence_id
				AND TRUNC (SYSDATE) BETWEEN NVL (pce.effective_date_from, TRUNC (SYSDATE))
										AND NVL (pce.effective_date_to, TRUNC (SYSDATE))
				AND hrl.lookup_type(+) = 'STRUCTURE_TYPE'
				AND hrl.lookup_code(+) =
					   DECODE (pce.organization_id,
							   NULL, (DECODE (pce.job_id, NULL, (DECODE (pce.position_id, NULL, 'BUS', 'POS')), 'JOB')),
				AND pce.proficiency_level_id = r1.rating_level_id(+)
				AND pce.high_proficiency_level_id = r2.rating_level_id(+)
				AND pce.business_group_id = enterprise_id
				AND (   pce.enterprise_id = NVL (enterprise_id, -1)
					 OR pce.organization_id = NVL (org_id, -1)
					 OR pce.job_id = NVL (job_id, -1)
					 OR pce.position_id = NVL (pos_id, -1)
Line: 2998

			 SELECT scorecard_id, assignment_id, person_id, scorecard_name
			   FROM per_personal_scorecards
			  WHERE scorecard_id = p_scorecard_id;
Line: 3004

			 SELECT assignment_id, business_group_id, grade_id, position_id, job_id, organization_id, supervisor_id,
			   FROM per_all_assignments_f
			  WHERE assignment_id = p_assignment_id AND TRUNC (SYSDATE) BETWEEN effective_start_date AND effective_end_date;
Line: 3011

			 SELECT appraisal_template_id, assessment_type_id, objective_asmnt_type_id, business_group_id
			   FROM per_appraisal_templates
			  WHERE appraisal_template_id = p_appraisal_templ_id;
Line: 3017

			 SELECT ce.competence_id, ce.competence_element_id, ce.TYPE, ce.parent_competence_element_id, c.NAME,
					RANK () OVER (PARTITION BY ce.competence_id ORDER BY ce.competence_element_id) RANK
			   FROM per_competence_elements a, per_competence_elements ce, per_competences_vl c
			  WHERE a.assessment_type_id = p_assess_type_id
				AND (NVL (c.date_from, TRUNC (SYSDATE)) <= TRUNC (SYSDATE))
				AND a.competence_element_id = ce.parent_competence_element_id
				AND ce.competence_id = c.competence_id;
Line: 3029

			 SELECT default_job_competencies
			   FROM per_assessment_types
			  WHERE assessment_type_id = p_assessment_type_id;
Line: 3035

			 SELECT objective_id, scorecard_id, object_version_number, NAME
			   FROM per_objectives
			  WHERE scorecard_id = p_scorecard_id AND appraise_flag = 'Y';
Line: 3041

			 SELECT default_job_competencies, assessment_type_id
			   FROM per_assessment_types
			  WHERE assessment_type_id = p_assess_templ;
Line: 3440

				   hr_objectives_api.update_objective (p_validate                         => FALSE,
													   p_objective_id                     => objectives.objective_id,
													   p_object_version_number            => objectives.object_version_number,
													   p_effective_date                   => p_effective_date,
													   p_appraisal_id                     => l_apprl_id,
													   -- to be changed in SWI,API,RHI
													   p_weighting_over_100_warning       => l_weighting_over_100_warning,
													   p_weighting_appraisal_warning      => l_weighting_appraisal_warning
Line: 3457

					  -- to be added a message to identify update objective error
					  IF g_dbg
						 op (SQLERRM, g_regular_log);
Line: 3625

	-- |----------------------< update_appraisal_for_person >---------------------|
	-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
	-- {Start Of Comments}
	-- Description:
	--   Updates appraisal for a given person when plan is published.
	-- Prerequisites:
	--   None.
	-- In Arguments:
	-- Post Success:
	--  Processing continues if appraisal is updated.
	-- Post Failure:
	--  An application error is raised if appraisal is not updated.
	-- Access Status:
	--   Internal Only.
	-- {End Of Comments}
	-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
	   PROCEDURE update_appraisal_for_person (
		  p_effective_date                IN   DATE,
		  p_appraisal_id                  IN   NUMBER,
		  p_object_version_number         IN   NUMBER,
		  p_appraiser_person_id           IN   NUMBER,
		  p_appraisal_period_start_date   IN   DATE,
		  p_appraisal_period_end_date     IN   DATE
		  -- Declare local variables
		  l_proc                    VARCHAR2 (72) := g_package || 'update_appraisal_for_person ';
Line: 3673

		  -- Call update_appraisal
		  hr_appraisals_api.update_appraisal (p_effective_date                   => p_effective_date,
											  p_appraisal_id                     => p_appraisal_id,
											  p_object_version_number            => l_object_version_number,
											  p_appraiser_person_id              => p_appraiser_person_id,
											  p_appraisal_period_start_date      => p_appraisal_period_start_date,
											  p_appraisal_period_end_date        => p_appraisal_period_end_date
Line: 3726

	   END update_appraisal_for_person;
Line: 3730

	-- |----------------------< delete_appraisal_for_person >---------------------|
	-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
	-- {Start Of Comments}
	-- Description:
	--   Deletes appraisal for a given person when plan is published.
	-- Prerequisites:
	--   None.
	-- In Arguments:
	-- Post Success:
	--  Processing continues if appraisal is deleted.
	-- Post Failure:
	--  An application error is raised if appraisal is not deleted.
	-- Access Status:
	--   Internal Only.
	-- {End Of Comments}
	-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
	   PROCEDURE delete_appraisal_for_person (p_appraisal_id IN NUMBER, p_object_version_number IN NUMBER)
		  -- Declare local variables
		  l_proc   VARCHAR2 (72) := g_package || 'delete_appraisal_for_person ';
Line: 3761

			 SELECT assessment_id, object_version_number
			   FROM per_assessments
			  WHERE appraisal_id = apprl_id;
Line: 3767

			 SELECT   competence_element_id, object_version_number
				 FROM per_competence_elements
				WHERE assessment_id = assess_id
			 ORDER BY competence_element_id DESC;
Line: 3782

		  -- Call delete_appraisal
		  FOR assess_records IN get_assessm_for_apprl (p_appraisal_id)
			 FOR assess_comps IN get_competences (assess_records.assessment_id)
				hr_competence_element_api.delete_competence_element (p_validate                   => FALSE,
																	 p_competence_element_id      => assess_comps.competence_element_id,
																	 p_object_version_number      => assess_comps.object_version_number
Line: 3794

			 hr_assessments_api.delete_assessment (p_validate                   => FALSE,
												   p_assessment_id              => assess_records.assessment_id,
												   p_object_version_number      => assess_records.object_version_number
Line: 3800

		  hr_appraisals_api.delete_appraisal (p_validate                   => FALSE,
											  p_appraisal_id               => p_appraisal_id,
											  p_object_version_number      => p_object_version_number
Line: 3848

	   END delete_appraisal_for_person;
Line: 3973

		  SELECT hr_workflow_item_key_s.NEXTVAL
			INTO l_item_key
Line: 4164

			 SELECT *
			   FROM per_perf_mgmt_plans
			  WHERE plan_id = p_plan_id;
Line: 4426

			 SELECT 'Y'
							  FROM per_personal_scorecards
							 WHERE plan_id = p_plan_id AND assignment_id = p_assignment_id);
Line: 4560

			 SELECT *
			   FROM per_perf_mgmt_plans
			  WHERE plan_id = p_plan_id;
Line: 4585

			 -- Update the status of plan
			 IF (p_status_code = 'DRAFT')
				l_status_code := 'SUBMITTED';
Line: 4589

			 ELSIF (p_status_code = 'UPDATED' OR p_status_code = 'FAILED')
				l_status_code := 'RESUBMITTED';
Line: 4647

			 SELECT object_version_number
			   FROM per_perf_mgmt_plans
			  WHERE plan_id = p_plan_id;
Line: 4653

			 SELECT status_code
			   FROM per_perf_mgmt_plans
			  WHERE plan_id = p_plan_id;
Line: 4676

		  SELECT per_wpm_batch_actions_s.NEXTVAL
			INTO l_wpm_batch_action_id
Line: 4682

		  INSERT INTO per_wpm_batch_actions
					  (wpm_batch_action_id, conc_request_id, conc_program_name, plan_id, appraisal_period_id, status, start_date,
			   VALUES (l_wpm_batch_action_id, fnd_global.conc_request_id, 'PERPLNPUB', p_plan_id, NULL, 'PENDING', SYSDATE,
																								 --p_effective_date, -- trunc(sysdate)
Line: 4726

			 -- get the new ovn number to pass it to publish_plan function as update is called before this once
			 OPEN csr_plan_ovn;
Line: 4737

Line: 4759

		  UPDATE per_wpm_batch_actions
			 SET end_date = SYSDATE,
				 status = DECODE (g_retcode, 0, 'SUCCESS', 'WARNING')
		   WHERE wpm_batch_action_id = hr_wpm_mass_apr_push.l_current_wpm_batch_action_id;
Line: 4773

			 UPDATE per_wpm_batch_actions
				SET status = 'ERROR',
					end_date = SYSDATE
			  WHERE wpm_batch_action_id = hr_wpm_mass_apr_push.l_current_wpm_batch_action_id;
Line: 4781

			 -- update status of the plan to 'Failed'
			 UPDATE per_perf_mgmt_plans
				SET status_code = 'FAILED'
			  WHERE plan_id = p_plan_id;
Line: 4845

			 SELECT participant_id, object_version_number, participation_type
			   FROM per_participants
			  WHERE participation_in_id = p_appraisal_id
				AND participation_in_table = 'PER_APPRAISALS'
				AND participation_in_column = 'APPRAISAL_ID'
				AND participation_type <> 'MAINAP'
				AND participation_status = 'OPEN';
Line: 4859

			 SELECT cr.request_id, cr.phase_code
			   FROM fnd_concurrent_programs cp, fnd_concurrent_requests cr
			  WHERE cp.concurrent_program_name = 'WPMAPRPUSH'
				AND cp.application_id = 800
				AND cp.concurrent_program_id = cr.concurrent_program_id
				AND cr.argument2 = TO_CHAR (plan_id)
				AND cr.argument3 = TO_CHAR (appraisal_period_id)
				AND cr.actual_start_date IS NULL
				AND cr.actual_completion_date IS NULL
				AND cr.phase_code = 'P';
Line: 4873

			 SELECT *
			   FROM per_perf_mgmt_plans
			  WHERE plan_id = p_plan_id;
Line: 4880

			 SELECT objective_id, object_version_number
			   FROM per_objectives
			  WHERE scorecard_id = p_scorecard_id;
Line: 4886

			 SELECT appraisal_id, object_version_number
			   FROM per_appraisals
			  WHERE plan_id = plan_id;
Line: 4895

			 SELECT pa.appraisal_id, pa.object_version_number, pa.appraisal_system_status
			   FROM per_appraisals pa, per_personal_scorecards pps
			  WHERE pa.plan_id = p_plan_id AND appraisee_person_id = pps.person_id AND pps.scorecard_id = p_scorecard_id;
Line: 4903

			 SELECT elig.elig_obj_id
			   FROM ben_elig_obj_f elig
			  WHERE elig.table_name = 'PER_PERF_MGMT_PLANS'
				AND elig.column_name = 'PLAN_ID'
				AND elig.COLUMN_VALUE = p_plan_id
				AND TRUNC (SYSDATE) BETWEEN elig.effective_start_date AND elig.effective_end_date;
Line: 4912

			 SELECT full_name
			   FROM per_all_people_f ppf
			  WHERE ppf.person_id = p_person_id AND l_effective_date BETWEEN ppf.effective_start_date AND ppf.effective_end_date;
Line: 5003

			 IF (l_plan_rec.status_code IN ('UPDATED', 'RESUBMITTED', 'PUBLISHED'))
				IF g_dbg
				   op (l_proc, g_debug_log, 50);
Line: 5048

		  -- Loop through plan population to create/update/delete scorecards, objectives and appraisal
		  l_qual_pop_index := g_qual_pop_tbl.FIRST;
Line: 5080

				 OR (l_plan_rec.status_code IN ('UPDATED', 'RESUBMITTED') AND NOT g_curr_sc_pop_tbl.EXISTS (l_qual_pop_index))
				-- If objective setting flag is set
				IF ((l_plan_rec.include_obj_setting_flag = 'Y') OR (l_plan_rec.include_appraisals_flag = 'Y'))
				   --Check for the elibility of the employee/assignment
				   --23-Jun-2009 schowdhu Eligibility Profile Enhc.- start
				   OPEN get_elig_obj_id_for_person (l_plan_rec.plan_id);
Line: 5403

			 ELSIF (l_plan_rec.status_code IN ('UPDATED', 'RESUBMITTED') AND g_curr_sc_pop_tbl.EXISTS (l_qual_pop_index))
				-- If objective setting flag is set
				IF ((l_plan_rec.include_obj_setting_flag = 'Y') OR (l_plan_rec.include_appraisals_flag = 'Y'))
				   -- Update the scorecard for this assignment
				   IF g_dbg
					  op (l_proc, g_debug_log, 90);
Line: 5448

												(p_effective_date             => l_effective_date,
												 p_scorecard_id               => l_scorecard_id,
												 p_object_version_number      => g_curr_sc_pop_tbl (l_qual_pop_index).object_version_number,
												 p_scorecard_name             => l_plan_rec.plan_name,
												 p_start_date                 => l_plan_rec.start_date,
												 p_end_date                   => l_plan_rec.end_date,
												 p_status_code                => l_scorecard_status_code
Line: 5458

											   (p_effective_date             => l_effective_date,
												p_scorecard_id               => l_scorecard_id,
												p_object_version_number      => g_curr_sc_pop_tbl (l_qual_pop_index).object_version_number,
												p_scorecard_name             => l_plan_rec.plan_name,
												p_start_date                 => l_plan_rec.start_date,
												p_end_date                   => l_plan_rec.end_date
Line: 5550

							-- if it's newly qualified objective then create else update
							IF (NOT g_curr_sc_obj_tbl.EXISTS (g_qual_obj_tbl (l_qual_obj_index).objective_id))
							   -- Create the objective
												(p_effective_date              => l_effective_date,
												 p_scorecard_id                => l_scorecard_id,
												 p_business_group_id           => g_qual_pop_tbl (l_qual_pop_index).business_group_id,
												 p_person_id                   => g_qual_pop_tbl (l_qual_pop_index).person_id,
												 p_start_date                  => l_plan_rec.start_date,
												 p_end_date                    => l_plan_rec.end_date,
												 p_objective_name              => g_qual_obj_tbl (l_qual_obj_index).objective_name,
												 p_valid_from                  => g_qual_obj_tbl (l_qual_obj_index).valid_from,
												 p_valid_to                    => g_qual_obj_tbl (l_qual_obj_index).valid_to,
												 p_target_date                 => g_qual_obj_tbl (l_qual_obj_index).target_date,
												 p_copied_from_library_id      => g_qual_obj_tbl (l_qual_obj_index).objective_id,
												 p_next_review_date            => g_qual_obj_tbl (l_qual_obj_index).next_review_date,
												 p_group_code                  => g_qual_obj_tbl (l_qual_obj_index).group_code,
												 p_priority_code               => g_qual_obj_tbl (l_qual_obj_index).priority_code,
												 p_appraise_flag               => g_qual_obj_tbl (l_qual_obj_index).appraise_flag,
												 p_weighting_percent           => g_qual_obj_tbl (l_qual_obj_index).weighting_percent,
												 p_target_value                => g_qual_obj_tbl (l_qual_obj_index).target_value,
												 p_uom_code                    => g_qual_obj_tbl (l_qual_obj_index).uom_code,
												 p_measurement_style_code      => g_qual_obj_tbl (l_qual_obj_index).measurement_style_code,
												 p_measure_name                => g_qual_obj_tbl (l_qual_obj_index).measure_name,
												 p_measure_type_code           => g_qual_obj_tbl (l_qual_obj_index).measure_type_code,
												 p_measure_comments            => g_qual_obj_tbl (l_qual_obj_index).measure_comments,
												 p_details                     => g_qual_obj_tbl (l_qual_obj_index).details,
												 p_success_criteria            => g_qual_obj_tbl (l_qual_obj_index).success_criteria,
												 p_comments                    => g_qual_obj_tbl (l_qual_obj_index).comments
Line: 5584

							   IF (NVL (l_plan_rec.update_library_objectives, 'N') = 'Y')
							   THEN                                                                                -- 8740021 bug fix
								  -- Update the objective
											   (p_effective_date              => l_effective_date,
												p_objective_id                => g_curr_sc_obj_tbl (l_qual_obj_index).objective_id,
												p_object_version_number       => g_curr_sc_obj_tbl (l_qual_obj_index).object_version_number,
												p_scorecard_id                => l_scorecard_id,
												p_start_date                  => l_plan_rec.start_date,
												p_end_date                    => l_plan_rec.end_date,
												p_objective_name              => g_qual_obj_tbl (l_qual_obj_index).objective_name,
												p_valid_from                  => g_qual_obj_tbl (l_qual_obj_index).valid_from,
												p_valid_to                    => g_qual_obj_tbl (l_qual_obj_index).valid_to,
												p_target_date                 => g_qual_obj_tbl (l_qual_obj_index).target_date,
												p_copied_from_library_id      => g_qual_obj_tbl (l_qual_obj_index).objective_id,
												p_next_review_date            => g_qual_obj_tbl (l_qual_obj_index).next_review_date,
												p_group_code                  => g_qual_obj_tbl (l_qual_obj_index).group_code,
												p_priority_code               => g_qual_obj_tbl (l_qual_obj_index).priority_code,
												p_appraise_flag               => g_qual_obj_tbl (l_qual_obj_index).appraise_flag,
												p_weighting_percent           => g_qual_obj_tbl (l_qual_obj_index).weighting_percent,
												p_target_value                => g_qual_obj_tbl (l_qual_obj_index).target_value,
												p_uom_code                    => g_qual_obj_tbl (l_qual_obj_index).uom_code,
												p_measurement_style_code      => g_qual_obj_tbl (l_qual_obj_index).measurement_style_code,
												p_measure_name                => g_qual_obj_tbl (l_qual_obj_index).measure_name,
												p_measure_type_code           => g_qual_obj_tbl (l_qual_obj_index).measure_type_code,
												p_measure_comments            => g_qual_obj_tbl (l_qual_obj_index).measure_comments,
												p_details                     => g_qual_obj_tbl (l_qual_obj_index).details,
												p_success_criteria            => g_qual_obj_tbl (l_qual_obj_index).success_criteria,
												p_comments                    => g_qual_obj_tbl (l_qual_obj_index).comments
Line: 5629

											   (p_effective_date             => l_effective_date,
												p_start_date                 => l_plan_rec.start_date,
												p_objective_id               => g_curr_sc_obj_tbl (l_qual_obj_index).objective_id,
												p_object_version_number      => g_curr_sc_obj_tbl (l_qual_obj_index).object_version_number,
												p_end_date                   => l_effective_date
Line: 5650

					 --  scorecard update, hence commenting it
				  /*   IF (l_plan_rec.copy_past_objectives_flag = 'Y' AND l_plan_rec.previous_plan_id is not NULL)
						 (p_effective_date            => l_effective_date
						 ,p_business_group_id         => g_qual_pop_tbl(l_qual_pop_index).business_group_id
						 ,p_person_id                 => g_qual_pop_tbl(l_qual_pop_index).person_id
						 ,p_scorecard_id              => l_scorecard_id
						 ,p_start_date                => l_plan_rec.start_date
						 ,p_end_date                  => l_plan_rec.end_date
						 ,p_target_date               => null
						 ,p_assignemnt_id             => g_qual_pop_tbl(l_qual_pop_index).assignment_id
						 ,p_prev_plan_id              => l_plan_rec.previous_plan_id
						 ,p_curr_plan_id              => l_plan_rec.plan_id);
Line: 5678

							  p_effective_date        =>  l_effective_date
							 ,p_start_date             => l_plan_rec.start_date
							 ,p_objective_id          =>  g_curr_sc_obj_tbl(l_curr_sc_obj_index).objective_id
							 ,p_object_version_number =>  g_curr_sc_obj_tbl(l_curr_sc_obj_index).object_version_number
							 ,p_end_date              =>  l_effective_date);
Line: 5697

			   -- Loop though and delete the objectives for scorecard
					FOR obj_rec IN csr_sc_objectives(g_curr_sc_pop_tbl(l_qual_pop_index).scorecard_id)
					  delete_scorecard_objective(p_objective_id          =>  obj_rec.objective_id
												,p_object_version_number =>  obj_rec.object_version_number);
Line: 5704

			   -- Delete the scorecard
Line: 5712

Line: 5734

	--- DELETE the non qualifying scorecards and the appraisals( for terminated employees) changes for 6460457
		  l_curr_sc_pop_index := g_curr_sc_pop_tbl.FIRST;
Line: 5740

				IF (l_plan_rec.status_code IN ('UPDATED', 'RESUBMITTED') AND NOT g_qual_pop_tbl.EXISTS (l_curr_sc_pop_index))
				   -- If objective setting flag is set

				   --IF (l_plan_rec.include_obj_setting_flag = 'Y') THEN
				   IF g_dbg
					  op (l_proc, g_debug_log, 130);
Line: 5750

		 -- Loop though and delete the objectives for scorecard
	-- 7321947 will not delete any record for non-qualifying scorecards.
			/*  FOR obj_rec IN csr_sc_objectives(g_curr_sc_pop_tbl(l_curr_sc_pop_index).scorecard_id)

				delete_scorecard_objective(p_objective_id          =>  obj_rec.objective_id
										  ,p_object_version_number =>  obj_rec.object_version_number);
Line: 5759

				  --- delete the appraisals for the person
				   IF (l_plan_rec.include_appraisals_flag = 'Y')
					  --  FOR plan_appraisals IN csr_plan_appraisals(p_plan_id)
					  OPEN csr_find_appr_for_scorecard (p_plan_id, g_curr_sc_pop_tbl (l_curr_sc_pop_index).scorecard_id);
Line: 5775

							UPDATE per_appraisals
							   SET appraisal_system_status = 'TRANSFER_OUT'
							 WHERE appraisal_id = l_appr_id;
Line: 5782

							   UPDATE per_participants
								  SET participation_status = 'CLOSED'
								WHERE participant_id = i.participant_id;
Line: 5786

	-- we are doing a direct update as update API will not work for terminated and traansfer employees
	-- update it to transfer out so as to not show the details anywhere
						 END IF;
Line: 5796

				   -- Delete the scorecard

				   /*  delete_scorecard_for_person(g_curr_sc_pop_tbl(l_curr_sc_pop_index).scorecard_id
												,g_curr_sc_pop_tbl(l_curr_sc_pop_index).object_version_number);    */
Line: 5800

											 (p_effective_date              => TRUNC (SYSDATE),
											  p_scorecard_id                => g_curr_sc_pop_tbl (l_curr_sc_pop_index).scorecard_id,
											  p_object_version_number       => g_curr_sc_pop_tbl (l_curr_sc_pop_index).object_version_number,
											  p_duplicate_name_warning      => l_dummy,
											  p_status_code                 => 'TRANSFER_OUT'
Line: 5860

	---  DELETE logic ends( replaced by 7321947 changes)
		  IF g_dbg
			 op (l_proc, g_debug_log, 140);
Line: 5872

		   IF (l_plan_rec.status_code in ('UPDATED','RESUBMITTED') AND l_plan_rec.include_obj_setting_flag = 'Y') THEN
				l_curr_sc_pop_index := g_curr_sc_pop_tbl.FIRST;
Line: 5884

						   p_effective_date        =>  l_effective_date
						  ,p_start_date             => l_plan_rec.start_date
						  ,p_objective_id          =>  obj_rec.objective_id
						  ,p_object_version_number =>  obj_rec.object_version_number
						  ,p_end_date              =>  l_effective_date);
Line: 5895

						   p_effective_date        =>  l_effective_date
						  ,p_start_date            =>  l_plan_rec.start_date --Added for 5725110
						  ,p_scorecard_id          =>  g_curr_sc_pop_tbl(l_curr_sc_pop_index).scorecard_id
						  ,p_object_version_number =>  g_curr_sc_pop_tbl(l_curr_sc_pop_index).object_version_number
						  ,p_end_date              =>  l_effective_date);
Line: 5917

		  -- Update the plan status
		  l_object_version_number := l_plan_rec.object_version_number;
Line: 5998

			  OR (l_plan_rec.status_code IN ('UPDATED', 'RESUBMITTED') AND NOT g_curr_sc_pop_tbl.EXISTS (l_qual_pop_index))
			 -- Create Appraisals if flag is set
			 IF (l_plan_rec.include_appraisals_flag = 'Y')
				l_plan_aprsl_pds_index := g_plan_aprsl_pds_tbl.FIRST;
Line: 6238

			 SELECT administrator_person_id, supervisor_id
			   FROM per_perf_mgmt_plans
			  WHERE plan_id = l_plan_id;
Line: 6524

			 SELECT obj.*
			   FROM per_objectives obj, per_personal_scorecards psc
			  WHERE psc.plan_id = p_prev_plan_id
				AND psc.assignment_id = p_assignemnt_id
				AND psc.scorecard_id = obj.scorecard_id
				AND obj.achievement_date IS NULL
				AND obj.appraisal_id IS NULL
					   SELECT 'X'
						 FROM per_personal_scorecards psc1, per_objectives pobj1
						WHERE psc1.plan_id = p_curr_plan_id
						  AND psc1.assignment_id = psc.assignment_id
						  AND psc1.scorecard_id = pobj1.scorecard_id
						  AND pobj1.copied_from_objective_id = obj.objective_id);
Line: 6778

			 SELECT paa.organization_id
			   FROM per_all_assignments_f paa
			  WHERE (TRUNC (SYSDATE) BETWEEN paa.effective_start_date AND paa.effective_end_date)
				AND paa.person_id = p_person_id
				AND paa.primary_flag = 'Y';
Line: 6810

		  SELECT status_code
			INTO l_status_code
			FROM per_perf_mgmt_plans
		   WHERE plan_id = p_plan_id;
Line: 6818

			 UPDATE per_perf_mgmt_plans
				SET status_code = 'INACTIVE'
			  WHERE plan_id = p_plan_id;
Line: 6823

	--- logic for status code updated to published if already inactive
		  ELSIF (l_status_code = 'INACTIVE')
			 UPDATE per_perf_mgmt_plans
				SET status_code = 'PUBLISHED'
			  WHERE plan_id = p_plan_id;
Line: 6843

			 SELECT   hr_general.decode_lookup ('HR_WPM_SCORECARD_STATUS', status_code) status, COUNT (*) COUNT
				 FROM per_personal_scorecards
				WHERE plan_id = p_plan_id
			 GROUP BY hr_general.decode_lookup ('HR_WPM_SCORECARD_STATUS', status_code)
			 ORDER BY hr_general.decode_lookup ('HR_WPM_SCORECARD_STATUS', status_code);
Line: 6852

			 SELECT   hr_general.decode_lookup ('APPRAISAL_SYSTEM_STATUS', appraisal_system_status) status,
					  pat.NAME appraisal_template_name, pa.appraisal_period_start_date, pa.appraisal_period_end_date, COUNT (*)
				 FROM per_appraisals pa, per_appraisal_templates pat
				WHERE pa.plan_id = p_plan_id AND pa.appraisal_template_id = pat.appraisal_template_id
			 GROUP BY hr_general.decode_lookup ('APPRAISAL_SYSTEM_STATUS', appraisal_system_status),
			 ORDER BY hr_general.decode_lookup ('APPRAISAL_SYSTEM_STATUS', appraisal_system_status),
Line: 6909

	   PROCEDURE delete_scorecards (p_plan_id IN NUMBER)
		  CURSOR csr_sc_ids (p_plan_id IN NUMBER)
			 SELECT scorecard_id
			   FROM per_personal_scorecards
			  WHERE plan_id = p_plan_id;
Line: 6931

			 --Delete any transactions from HR_API_Transactions and transaction steps
			 FORALL i IN l_sc_ids.FIRST .. l_sc_ids.LAST
				DELETE FROM hr_api_transaction_steps step
					  WHERE step.transaction_id IN (
								 SELECT trn.transaction_id
								   FROM hr_api_transactions trn
								  WHERE trn.transaction_ref_id = l_sc_ids (i)
									AND trn.transaction_ref_table = 'PER_PERSONAL_SCORECARDS');
Line: 6940

				DELETE FROM hr_api_transactions
					  WHERE transaction_ref_id = l_sc_ids (i) AND transaction_ref_table = 'PER_PERSONAL_SCORECARDS';
Line: 6942

			 -- Delete all score card objectives
			 FORALL i IN l_sc_ids.FIRST .. l_sc_ids.LAST
				DELETE FROM per_objectives
					  WHERE scorecard_id = l_sc_ids (i);
Line: 6946

			 -- Delete all score cards now
			 FORALL i IN l_sc_ids.FIRST .. l_sc_ids.LAST
				DELETE FROM per_personal_scorecards
					  WHERE scorecard_id = l_sc_ids (i);
Line: 6955

		  log_message ('Score cards deleted successfully for the plan');
Line: 6963

	   END delete_scorecards;
Line: 6968

	   PROCEDURE delete_appraisals (p_plan_id IN NUMBER)
		  CURSOR csr_appr (p_plan_id IN NUMBER)
			 SELECT appraisal_id, object_version_number
			   FROM per_appraisals
			  WHERE plan_id = p_plan_id;
Line: 6980

			 -- hr_appraisals_api.delete_appraisal
			 delete_appraisal_for_person (p_appraisal_id => i.appraisal_id, p_object_version_number => i.object_version_number);
Line: 6984

		  log_message ('Appraisals deleted successfully for the plan');
Line: 6991

	   END delete_appraisals;
Line: 7054

			 SELECT *
			   FROM per_perf_mgmt_plans
			  WHERE plan_id = p_plan_id;
Line: 7063

			 SELECT 'Y'
							  FROM per_personal_scorecards
							 WHERE plan_id = p_plan_id);
Line: 7076

			 SELECT person_id
			   FROM per_personal_scorecards
			  WHERE plan_id = p_plan_id;
Line: 7189

	--Update the  plan status to SUBMITTED so that no further updates can happen to the plan
		  l_object_version_number := l_plan_rec.object_version_number;
Line: 7213

			 delete_scorecards (p_plan_id);
Line: 7219

			 delete_appraisals (p_plan_id);
Line: 7234

		  DELETE      per_wpm_plan_hierarchy
				WHERE plan_id = p_plan_id;
Line: 7238

		  DELETE      per_wpm_appraisal_summary
				WHERE plan_id = p_plan_id;
Line: 7278

		  p_selected_entities_list   IN   VARCHAR2,
		  p_task_code                IN   VARCHAR2
		  l_request_id   NUMBER;
Line: 7305

		  IF p_selected_entities_list IS NULL
			 hr_api.mandatory_arg_error (p_api_name            => 'PLAN_ADMIN_ACTIONS_CP',
										 p_argument            => 'P_SELECTED_ENTITIES_LIST',
										 p_argument_value      => p_selected_entities_list
Line: 7328

										 argument3        => p_selected_entities_list,
										 argument4        => p_task_code
Line: 7345

	   FUNCTION string_to_array (p_selected_entities_list IN VARCHAR2)
		  i            NUMBER;
Line: 7352

		  -- Delete existing pl/sql table, if any.
Line: 7354

		  l_sel_list := p_selected_entities_list;
Line: 7361

				g_selected_entities (i) := SUBSTR (l_sel_list, 1, l_pos - 1);
Line: 7363

				g_selected_entities (i) := l_sel_list;
Line: 7372

		  RETURN g_selected_entities.COUNT;
Line: 7431

			 SELECT elig.elig_obj_id
			   FROM ben_elig_obj_f elig
			  WHERE elig.table_name = 'PER_APPRAISAL_PERIODS'
				AND elig.column_name = 'APPRAISAL_PERIOD_ID'
				AND elig.COLUMN_VALUE = p_appraisal_period_id
				AND TRUNC (SYSDATE) BETWEEN elig.effective_start_date AND elig.effective_end_date;
Line: 7451

		  -- Loop through plan population to create/update/delete scorecards, objectives and appraisal
		  l_qual_pop_index := p_assignment_id;
Line: 7507

				   -- Now update the plan hierarchy for this person
				   g_target_sc_id := l_scorecard_id;                                        --- set the sc id for the calling routine
Line: 7510

				-- added the above line to update hierarchy for this sc.
				END IF;
Line: 7728

			 SELECT papf.person_id, papf.full_name full_name, paaf.assignment_id, paaf.assignment_number, paaf.position_id,
					paaf.organization_id, paaf.supervisor_id, paaf.supervisor_assignment_id, suppapf.full_name supervisor_name
			   FROM per_people_f papf, per_assignments_f paaf, per_all_people_f suppapf
			  WHERE paaf.assignment_id = p_assignment_id
				AND papf.person_id = paaf.person_id
				AND p_effective_date BETWEEN papf.effective_start_date AND papf.effective_end_date
				AND p_effective_date BETWEEN paaf.effective_start_date AND paaf.effective_end_date
				AND paaf.supervisor_id = suppapf.person_id(+)
				--8632500 Modified
				AND p_effective_date BETWEEN suppapf.effective_start_date(+) AND suppapf.effective_end_date(+);
Line: 7746

			 SELECT 'Y'
							  FROM per_appraisals
							 WHERE plan_id = p_plan_id);
Line: 7758

			 SELECT 'Y'
			   FROM per_personal_scorecards
			  WHERE plan_id = p_plan_id AND assignment_id = p_assignment_id AND status_code <> 'TRANSFER_OUT';
Line: 7766

Line: 7793

		  FOR i IN g_selected_entities.FIRST .. g_selected_entities.LAST
			 hr_utility.set_location (l_proc, 14);
Line: 7797

			 OPEN csr_asg_enrolled (g_selected_entities (i), p_plan_id);
Line: 7806

			 FOR j IN csr_person_dtls (g_selected_entities (i), p_effective_date)
				l_chk_exists := chk_assignment_in_population (j.assignment_id);
Line: 7866

			 SELECT pa.appraisee_person_id, pe.event_id, pe.object_version_number event_ovn, ppr.performance_review_id,
					ppr.object_version_number review_ovn
			   FROM per_appraisals pa, per_events pe, per_performance_reviews ppr
			  WHERE pa.appraisal_id = p_appraisal_id AND pa.event_id = pe.event_id AND pe.event_id = ppr.event_id;
Line: 7876

			 SELECT po.objective_id, po.object_version_number
			   FROM per_objectives po
			  WHERE appraisal_id = p_appraisal_id;
Line: 7883

			 SELECT po.objective_id, po.object_version_number
			   FROM per_objectives po
			  WHERE scorecard_id = p_sc_id AND copied_from_objective_id = p_objective_id;
Line: 7890

			 SELECT scorecard_id
			   FROM per_personal_scorecards sc
			  WHERE person_id = p_appraisee_person_id AND plan_id = p_plan_id;
Line: 7900

		  -- Delete the event that is created and the performance review row as well
		  FOR i IN csr_event_dtls (p_appraisal_id)
			 l_appraisee_person_id := i.appraisee_person_id;
Line: 7904

			 hr_perf_review_api.delete_perf_review (p_performance_review_id      => i.performance_review_id,
													p_object_version_number      => i.review_ovn
Line: 7908

			 per_events_api.delete_event (p_event_id => i.event_id, p_object_version_number => i.event_ovn);
Line: 7919

		  -- Update the scorecard_id back in all the appraisal objectives
		  -- and delete the duplicated objectives from the sc
		  IF l_sc_id IS NOT NULL
			 FOR j IN csr_appr_objs (p_appraisal_id)
				l_object_version_number := j.object_version_number;
Line: 7926

				hr_objectives_api.update_objective (p_validate                         => FALSE,
													p_effective_date                   => p_effective_date,
													p_objective_id                     => j.objective_id,
													p_object_version_number            => l_object_version_number,
													p_scorecard_id                     => l_sc_id,
													p_weighting_over_100_warning       => l_weighting_over_100_warning,
													p_weighting_appraisal_warning      => l_weighting_appraisal_warning,
													p_appraise_flag                    => 'Y'
Line: 7936

				--now delete the duplicated objective from the SC
				FOR i IN csr_sc_obj (l_sc_id, j.objective_id)
				   hr_objectives_api.delete_objective (p_validate                   => FALSE,
													   p_objective_id               => i.objective_id,
													   p_object_version_number      => i.object_version_number
Line: 7955

			 SELECT pa.appraisal_id, pa.main_appraiser_id, pa.appraisee_person_id, papf.full_name "MAIN_APPRAISER_NAME",
					papf1.full_name "APPRAISEE_NAME",
					TO_CHAR (appraisal_period_start_date, 'DD-MON-YYYY') appraisal_period_start_date,
					TO_CHAR (appraisal_period_end_date, 'DD-MON-YYYY') appraisal_period_end_date,
					TO_CHAR (appraisal_date, 'DD-MON-YYYY') appraisal_date, pa.status, pa.assignment_id
			   FROM per_appraisals pa, per_people_f papf, per_people_f papf1
			  WHERE pa.appraisal_id = p_appraisal_id
				AND pa.plan_id = p_plan_id
				AND pa.main_appraiser_id = papf.person_id
				AND p_effective_date BETWEEN papf.effective_start_date AND papf.effective_end_date
				AND pa.appraisee_person_id = papf1.person_id
				AND p_effective_date BETWEEN papf1.effective_start_date AND papf1.effective_end_date;
Line: 7973

		  FOR i IN g_selected_entities.FIRST .. g_selected_entities.LAST
				FOR j IN csr_appraisal_dtls (g_selected_entities (i), p_plan_id, p_effective_date)
				   log_message ('Opening appraisal for: ' || j.appraisee_name);
Line: 7991

				revert_appraisal_details (p_appraisal_id        => g_selected_entities (i),
										  p_plan_id             => p_plan_id,
										  p_effective_date      => p_effective_date
Line: 7997

				UPDATE per_appraisals pa
				   SET system_params = SUBSTR (system_params, 1, INSTR (pa.system_params, 'pItemKey=') - 2),
					   appraisal_system_status = 'ONGOING',
					   event_id = NULL
				 WHERE pa.appraisal_id = g_selected_entities (i);
Line: 8027

		  DELETE FROM hr_api_transaction_steps step
				WHERE step.transaction_id IN (
							  SELECT trn.transaction_id
								FROM hr_api_transactions trn
							   WHERE trn.transaction_ref_id = p_scorecard_id
									 AND trn.transaction_ref_table = 'PER_PERSONAL_SCORECARDS');
Line: 8034

		  DELETE FROM hr_api_transactions
				WHERE transaction_ref_id = p_scorecard_id AND transaction_ref_table = 'PER_PERSONAL_SCORECARDS';
Line: 8038

		  DELETE FROM per_objectives
				WHERE scorecard_id = p_scorecard_id;
Line: 8046

			 SELECT pc.scorecard_id, pc.person_id, papf.full_name scorecard_owner, pc.status_code
			   FROM per_personal_scorecards pc, per_people_f papf
			  WHERE pc.scorecard_id = p_sc_id
				AND pc.plan_id = p_plan_id
				AND pc.person_id = papf.person_id
				AND p_effective_date BETWEEN papf.effective_start_date AND papf.effective_end_date;
Line: 8056

			 SELECT appraisal_id, object_version_number
			   FROM per_appraisals
			  WHERE plan_id = p_plan_id AND appraisee_person_id = p_person_id;
Line: 8062

			 SELECT *
			   FROM per_perf_mgmt_plans
			  WHERE plan_id = p_plan_id;
Line: 8072

		  FOR i IN g_selected_entities.FIRST .. g_selected_entities.LAST
				FOR j IN csr_sc_dtls (g_selected_entities (i), p_plan_id, p_effective_date)
				   log_message ('Removing scorecard for: ' || j.scorecard_owner);
Line: 8080

				   remove_scorecard_details (g_selected_entities (i));
Line: 8082

				   -- UPdate the status of score card to DELETED
				   DELETE      per_personal_scorecards
						 WHERE scorecard_id = g_selected_entities (i);
Line: 8089

					  delete_appraisal_for_person (k.appraisal_id, k.object_version_number);
Line: 8093

				   DELETE FROM per_wpm_plan_hierarchy
						 WHERE employee_person_id = j.person_id;
Line: 8125

			 SELECT pc.scorecard_id, pc.person_id, papf.full_name scorecard_owner, pc.status_code, papf.business_group_id,
					paaf.organization_id, paaf.position_id, paaf.job_id, pc.assignment_id, paaf.supervisor_id          --  Bug7567079
			   FROM per_personal_scorecards pc, per_people_f papf, per_assignments_f paaf
			  WHERE pc.scorecard_id = p_sc_id
				AND pc.plan_id = p_plan_id
				AND pc.assignment_id = paaf.assignment_id
				AND pc.person_id = papf.person_id
				AND p_effective_date BETWEEN paaf.effective_start_date AND paaf.effective_end_date
				AND p_effective_date BETWEEN papf.effective_start_date AND papf.effective_end_date;
Line: 8137

			 SELECT 'Y'
			   FROM per_appraisal_periods
			  WHERE plan_id = p_plan_id AND p_effective_date BETWEEN task_start_date AND task_end_date;
Line: 8153

		  FOR i IN g_selected_entities.FIRST .. g_selected_entities.LAST
			 FOR j IN csr_sc_dtls (g_selected_entities (i), p_plan_id, p_effective_date)
				   log_message ('Reopening scorecard for: ' || j.scorecard_owner);
Line: 8187

					  UPDATE per_personal_scorecards
						 SET status_code = l_scorecard_status_code
					   WHERE scorecard_id = g_selected_entities (i);
Line: 8215

			 SELECT pc.scorecard_id, pc.person_id, papf.full_name scorecard_owner, pc.status_code, papf.business_group_id,
					paaf.organization_id, paaf.position_id, paaf.job_id, pc.assignment_id, paaf.supervisor_id          --  Bug7567079
			   FROM per_personal_scorecards pc, per_people_f papf, per_assignments_f paaf
			  WHERE pc.scorecard_id = p_sc_id
				AND pc.plan_id = p_plan_id
				AND pc.assignment_id = paaf.assignment_id
				AND pc.person_id = papf.person_id
				AND p_effective_date BETWEEN paaf.effective_start_date AND paaf.effective_end_date
				AND p_effective_date BETWEEN papf.effective_start_date AND papf.effective_end_date;
Line: 8234

			 SELECT 'Y'
			   FROM per_objectives
			  WHERE scorecard_id = p_scorecard_id AND copied_from_library_id = p_library_id;
Line: 8246

		  FOR i IN g_selected_entities.FIRST .. g_selected_entities.LAST
			 l_scorecard_id := g_selected_entities (i);
Line: 8259

	-- No need remove details. reevaluate objectives eligibility and insert any not existing ones
	--       remove_scorecard_details(l_scorecard_id);
Line: 8262

				log_message ('select scorecard_id rec:' || l_sc_rec.scorecard_owner);
Line: 8374

				UPDATE per_personal_scorecards
				   SET status_code = l_scorecard_status_code
				 WHERE scorecard_id = l_scorecard_id;
Line: 8407

			 SELECT pps.scorecard_id, pps.person_id, pps.assignment_id, NVL (pps.supervisor_id, paf.supervisor_id) supervisor_id,
					NVL (pps.supervisor_assignment_id, paf.supervisor_assignment_id) supervisor_assignment_id,
					pps.object_version_number, hr_general.decode_person_name (pps.person_id) worker_name
			   FROM per_personal_scorecards pps, per_assignments_f paf
			  WHERE pps.plan_id = p_plan_id
				AND pps.assignment_id = paf.assignment_id
				AND p_effective_date BETWEEN paf.effective_start_date AND paf.effective_end_date;
Line: 8424

			 SELECT     *
				   FROM (SELECT asg.assignment_id, asg.person_id, asg.business_group_id, asg.supervisor_id,
								asg.supervisor_assignment_id, asg.organization_id, asg.position_id
						   FROM per_all_assignments_f asg
						  WHERE (   (    g_plan_dtls (1).assignment_types_code IN ('E', 'C')
									 AND asg.assignment_type = g_plan_dtls (1).assignment_types_code
								 OR (g_plan_dtls (1).assignment_types_code = 'EC' AND asg.assignment_type IN ('E', 'C'))
							AND p_effective_date BETWEEN asg.effective_start_date AND asg.effective_end_date
							AND (   (g_plan_dtls (1).primary_asg_only_flag = 'N')
								 OR g_plan_dtls (1).primary_asg_only_flag = 'Y' AND asg.primary_flag = 'Y'
							AND 'x' =
								   (SELECT 'x'
									  FROM per_all_people_f ppf
									 WHERE asg.person_id = ppf.person_id
									   AND p_effective_date BETWEEN ppf.effective_start_date AND ppf.effective_end_date
									   AND ('Y' =
											   DECODE (g_plan_dtls (1).assignment_types_code,
													   'E', ppf.current_employee_flag,
													   'C', ppf.current_npw_flag,
													   'EC', (SELECT 'Y'
																FROM DUAL
															   WHERE ppf.current_employee_flag = 'Y' OR ppf.current_npw_flag = 'Y')
										   ))) o
			 CONNECT BY o.supervisor_id = PRIOR o.person_id AND LEVEL <= NVL (g_plan_dtls (1).hierarchy_levels, LEVEL) + 1
			 START WITH o.person_id = p_supervisor_id;
Line: 8460

			 SELECT     *
				   FROM (SELECT asg.assignment_id, asg.person_id, asg.business_group_id, asg.supervisor_id,
								asg.supervisor_assignment_id, asg.organization_id, asg.position_id
						   FROM per_all_assignments_f asg
						  WHERE (   (    g_plan_dtls (1).assignment_types_code IN ('E', 'C')
									 AND asg.assignment_type = g_plan_dtls (1).assignment_types_code
								 OR (g_plan_dtls (1).assignment_types_code = 'EC' AND asg.assignment_type IN ('E', 'C'))
							AND p_effective_date BETWEEN asg.effective_start_date AND asg.effective_end_date
							AND 'x' =
								   (SELECT 'x'
									  FROM per_all_people_f ppf
									 WHERE asg.person_id = ppf.person_id
									   AND p_effective_date BETWEEN ppf.effective_start_date AND ppf.effective_end_date
									   AND ('Y' =
											   DECODE (g_plan_dtls (1).assignment_types_code,
													   'E', ppf.current_employee_flag,
													   'C', ppf.current_npw_flag,
													   'EC', (SELECT 'Y'
																FROM DUAL
															   WHERE ppf.current_employee_flag = 'Y' OR ppf.current_npw_flag = 'Y')
										   ))) o
			 CONNECT BY o.supervisor_assignment_id = PRIOR o.assignment_id
						AND LEVEL <= NVL (g_plan_dtls (1).hierarchy_levels, LEVEL) + 1
			 START WITH o.assignment_id = p_supervisor_assignment_id;
Line: 8519

Line: 8566

Line: 8571

	-- Now update the plan with new supervisor id
		  IF g_plan_dtls (1).hierarchy_type_code = 'SUP'
			 UPDATE per_perf_mgmt_plans
				SET supervisor_id = p_supervisor_id
			  WHERE plan_id = p_plan_id;
Line: 8578

			 log_message ('Update plan sup to:' || p_supervisor_id);
Line: 8581

			 UPDATE per_perf_mgmt_plans
				SET supervisor_assignment_id = p_supervisor_assignment_id
			  WHERE plan_id = p_plan_id;
Line: 8585

			 log_message ('Update plan supasg to:' || p_supervisor_assignment_id);
Line: 8617

				UPDATE per_personal_scorecards
				   SET status_code = 'TRANSFER_OUT'
				 WHERE scorecard_id = l_curr_pop (l_asg_index).scorecard_id;
Line: 8678

			 SELECT *
			   FROM per_objectives
			  WHERE scorecard_id = p_sc_id;
Line: 8698

			   SELECT 'Y'
			   INTO   l_exists
			   WHERE EXISTS (Select 'x'
							 FROM   per_objectives
							 WHERE  scorecard_id = p_target_sc_id
							 AND    (copied_from_library_id = i.copied_from_library_id
							 OR copied_from_objective_id = i.objective_id));
Line: 8818

			 SELECT 'Y'
					   SELECT 'x'
						 FROM per_personal_scorecards sc, per_perf_mgmt_plans pl, per_appraisal_periods ap
						WHERE sc.scorecard_id = p_scorecard_id
						  AND sc.plan_id = pl.plan_id
						  AND pl.plan_id = ap.plan_id
						  AND p_eff_date BETWEEN ap.task_start_date AND ap.task_end_date);
Line: 8833

			 SELECT *
			   FROM per_personal_scorecards
			  WHERE scorecard_id = p_sc_id;
Line: 8842

			 SELECT supervisor_id
			   FROM per_personal_scorecards
			  WHERE scorecard_id =  l_target_sc_id;
Line: 8850

		   SELECT hr_person_name.get_list_name(ppf.global_name, ppf.local_name) full_name
			 FROM  per_all_people_f ppf, per_personal_scorecards pps
			 WHERE ppf.person_id = pps.person_id
		 AND   pps.scorecard_id = p_sc_id
		 AND TRUNC(SYSDATE) between ppf.effective_start_date and ppf.effective_end_date;
Line: 8860

			 SELECT scorecard_id
			   FROM per_personal_scorecards
			  WHERE plan_id = p_plan_id AND assignment_id = p_assignment_id;
Line: 8868

			 SELECT appraisal_id
			   FROM per_appraisals
			  WHERE plan_id = p_plan_id AND appraisee_person_id = p_person_id;
Line: 8878

			 SELECT pa.appraisal_id, pa.object_version_number, pa.appraisal_system_status
			   FROM per_appraisals pa, per_personal_scorecards pps
			  WHERE pa.plan_id = p_plan_id AND appraisee_person_id = pps.person_id AND pps.scorecard_id = p_scorecard_id;
Line: 8884

			 SELECT participant_id, object_version_number, participation_type
			   FROM per_participants
			  WHERE participation_in_id = p_appraisal_id
				AND participation_in_table = 'PER_APPRAISALS'
				AND participation_in_column = 'APPRAISAL_ID'
				AND participation_type <> 'MAINAP'
				AND participation_status = 'OPEN';
Line: 8892

			 SELECT 'Y'
			 FROM  dual
						   FROM    per_appraisals
						   WHERE   plan_id = p_plan_id
						   AND     appraisal_system_status <> 'DELETED');
Line: 8926

		  FOR i IN g_selected_entities.FIRST .. g_selected_entities.LAST
				g_target_sc_id := -1;
Line: 8935

				   OPEN csr_chk_appr_in_progress (g_selected_entities (i), p_effective_date);
Line: 8960

				OPEN csr_sc_dtls (g_selected_entities (i));
Line: 8968

					OPEN csr_person_full_name (g_selected_entities (i));
Line: 8978

				   log_message ('Invalid Scorecard: ' || g_selected_entities (i) || '.Cannot Transfer.');
Line: 8991

						 log_message('Selected Assignment:'||l_sc_rec.assignment_id||' doesn''t qualify for the target plan. Cannot Transfer.' );
Line: 9041

				-- Now update the current scorecard and appraisals (if any) to TRANSFER_OUT
				  --- delete the appraisals for the person
				   IF (g_plan_dtls (1).include_appraisals_flag = 'Y')
					  --  FOR plan_appraisals IN csr_plan_appraisals(p_plan_id)
					  OPEN csr_find_appr_for_scorecard (l_sc_rec.plan_id, l_sc_rec.scorecard_id);
Line: 9059

							UPDATE per_appraisals
							   SET appraisal_system_status = 'TRANSFER_OUT'
							 WHERE appraisal_id = l_appr_id;
Line: 9066

							   UPDATE per_participants
								  SET participation_status = 'CLOSED'
								WHERE participant_id = i.participant_id;
Line: 9070

	-- we are doing a direct update as update API will not work for terminated and traansfer employees
	-- update it to transfer out so as to not show the details anywhere
						 END IF;
Line: 9079

											 (p_effective_date              => TRUNC (SYSDATE),
											  p_scorecard_id                =>l_sc_rec.scorecard_id,
											  p_object_version_number       => l_sc_rec.object_version_number,
											  p_duplicate_name_warning      => l_dummy,
											  p_status_code                 => 'TRANSFER_OUT'
Line: 9121

				   log_message ('Error while transferring scorecard: ' || g_selected_entities (i));
Line: 9155

			 log_message ('Invalid Sub task code selected for transfer action:' || p_sub_taskcode);
Line: 9190

		  p_selected_entities_list   IN              VARCHAR2,
		  p_task_code                IN              VARCHAR2
		  l_proc             VARCHAR2 (72) := g_package || 'plan_admin_actions';
Line: 9199

			 SELECT *
			   FROM per_perf_mgmt_plans
			  WHERE plan_id = p_plan_id;
Line: 9213

Line: 9241

		  IF p_selected_entities_list IS NULL
			 hr_api.mandatory_arg_error (p_api_name            => 'PLAN_ADMIN_ACTIONS_CP',
										 p_argument            => 'P_SELECTED_ENTITIES_LIST',
										 p_argument_value      => p_selected_entities_list
Line: 9273

			 log_message ('Invalid task code selected.' || l_task_code);
Line: 9282

				l_supervisor_id := SUBSTR (p_selected_entities_list, 1, INSTR (p_selected_entities_list, ',') - 1);
Line: 9287

				l_supervisor_assignment_id := SUBSTR (p_selected_entities_list, 1, INSTR (p_selected_entities_list, ',') - 1);
Line: 9291

			 l_commit_mode := SUBSTR (p_selected_entities_list, INSTR (p_selected_entities_list, ',') + 1, 1);
Line: 9296

				l_sup_rollback_req_id := SUBSTR (p_selected_entities_list, INSTR (p_selected_entities_list, ',', 1, 2) + 1);
Line: 9299

		  l_person_count := string_to_array (p_selected_entities_list => p_selected_entities_list);
Line: 9300

		  log_message ('Number of selected persons: ' || l_person_count);
Line: 9332

			 log_message ('Invalid task code selected.' || l_task_code);
Line: 9345

			 errbuf := 'Errors occured processing the selected persons. Pl. check the
	concurrent log for details.';
Line: 9370

			 SELECT wf.NAME role_name
			   FROM wf_roles wf
			  WHERE wf.orig_system = 'PER' AND wf.orig_system_id = person_id;
Line: 9376

			 SELECT plan_name, administrator_person_id
			   FROM per_perf_mgmt_plans
			  WHERE plan_id = p_plan_id;
Line: 9382

			 SELECT full_name
			   FROM per_all_people_f
			  WHERE person_id = p_person_id AND TRUNC (SYSDATE) BETWEEN effective_start_date AND effective_end_date;
Line: 9513

			 SELECT supervisor_id
			   FROM per_all_assignments_f
			  WHERE person_id = p_person_id
				AND TRUNC (SYSDATE) BETWEEN effective_start_date AND effective_end_date
				AND assignment_id = p_assignment_id;
Line: 9620

			 SELECT 'Y'
							  FROM per_personal_scorecards
							 WHERE plan_id = p_plan_id AND assignment_id = p_assignment_id);
Line: 9711

			 SELECT *
			   FROM per_perf_mgmt_plans
			  WHERE plan_id = p_plan_id;
Line: 9717

			 SELECT 'Y'
							  FROM per_personal_scorecards
							 WHERE plan_id = p_plan_id);
Line: 9725

			 SELECT *
			   FROM per_perf_mgmt_plans
			  WHERE plan_id = p_plan_id;
Line: 9810

			 -- Update the status of plan
			 IF (p_status_code = 'DRAFT')
				l_status_code := 'SUBMITTED';
Line: 9814

			 ELSIF (p_status_code = 'UPDATED' OR p_status_code = 'FAILED')
				l_status_code := 'RESUBMITTED';
Line: 9857

			 SELECT pc.scorecard_id, pc.person_id, pc.object_version_number, papf.full_name scorecard_owner, pc.status_code,
					papf.business_group_id, paaf.organization_id, paaf.position_id, paaf.job_id, pc.assignment_id,
					paaf.supervisor_id                                                                                 --  Bug7567079
			   FROM per_personal_scorecards pc, per_people_f papf, per_assignments_f paaf
			  WHERE pc.scorecard_id = p_sc_id
				AND pc.plan_id = p_plan_id
				AND pc.assignment_id = paaf.assignment_id
				AND pc.person_id = papf.person_id
				AND p_effective_date BETWEEN paaf.effective_start_date AND paaf.effective_end_date
				AND p_effective_date BETWEEN papf.effective_start_date AND papf.effective_end_date;
Line: 9877

			 SELECT 'Y'
			   FROM per_objectives
			  WHERE scorecard_id = p_scorecard_id AND copied_from_library_id = p_library_id;
Line: 9884

			 SELECT objective_id, object_version_number
			   FROM per_objectives po
			  WHERE po.scorecard_id = p_scorecard_id AND po.copied_from_library_id = p_objective_id;
Line: 9901

		  log_message ('select scorecard_id rec:' || l_sc_rec.scorecard_owner);
Line: 10009

												(p_effective_date              => l_obj_date,
												 p_objective_id                => l_objective_id,
												 p_scorecard_id                => l_scorecard_id,
												 p_object_version_number       =>  l_obj_ovn,
												 p_start_date                  => g_plan_dtls (1).start_date,
												 p_end_date                    => g_plan_dtls (1).end_date,
												 p_objective_name              => g_qual_obj_tbl (l_qual_obj_index).objective_name,
												 p_valid_from                  => g_qual_obj_tbl (l_qual_obj_index).valid_from,
												 p_valid_to                    => g_qual_obj_tbl (l_qual_obj_index).valid_to,
												 p_target_date                 => g_qual_obj_tbl (l_qual_obj_index).target_date,
												 p_copied_from_library_id      => g_qual_obj_tbl (l_qual_obj_index).objective_id,
												 p_next_review_date            => g_qual_obj_tbl (l_qual_obj_index).next_review_date,
												 p_group_code                  => g_qual_obj_tbl (l_qual_obj_index).group_code,
												 p_priority_code               => g_qual_obj_tbl (l_qual_obj_index).priority_code,
												 p_appraise_flag               => g_qual_obj_tbl (l_qual_obj_index).appraise_flag,
												 p_weighting_percent           => g_qual_obj_tbl (l_qual_obj_index).weighting_percent,
												 p_target_value                => g_qual_obj_tbl (l_qual_obj_index).target_value,
												 p_uom_code                    => g_qual_obj_tbl (l_qual_obj_index).uom_code,
												 p_measurement_style_code      => g_qual_obj_tbl (l_qual_obj_index).measurement_style_code,
												 p_measure_name                => g_qual_obj_tbl (l_qual_obj_index).measure_name,
												 p_measure_type_code           => g_qual_obj_tbl (l_qual_obj_index).measure_type_code,
												 p_measure_comments            => g_qual_obj_tbl (l_qual_obj_index).measure_comments,
												 p_details                     => g_qual_obj_tbl (l_qual_obj_index).details,
												 p_success_criteria            => g_qual_obj_tbl (l_qual_obj_index).success_criteria,
												 p_comments                    => g_qual_obj_tbl (l_qual_obj_index).comments
Line: 10074

			 SELECT pc.scorecard_id, pc.plan_id, pc.person_id, papf.full_name scorecard_owner, pc.status_code,
					papf.business_group_id, paaf.organization_id, paaf.position_id, paaf.job_id, pc.assignment_id,
					paaf.supervisor_id                                                                                 --  Bug7567079
			   FROM per_personal_scorecards pc, per_people_f papf, per_assignments_f paaf
			  WHERE pc.scorecard_id = p_sc_id
				AND pc.assignment_id = paaf.assignment_id
				AND pc.person_id = papf.person_id
				AND TRUNC (SYSDATE) BETWEEN paaf.effective_start_date AND paaf.effective_end_date
				AND TRUNC (SYSDATE) BETWEEN papf.effective_start_date AND papf.effective_end_date;
Line: 10136

			 SELECT pc.scorecard_id, pc.plan_id, pc.person_id, papf.full_name scorecard_owner, pc.status_code,
					papf.business_group_id, paaf.organization_id, paaf.position_id, paaf.job_id, pc.assignment_id,
					paaf.supervisor_id                                                                                 --  Bug7567079
			   FROM per_personal_scorecards pc, per_people_f papf, per_assignments_f paaf
			  WHERE pc.scorecard_id = p_sc_id
				AND pc.assignment_id = paaf.assignment_id
				AND pc.person_id = papf.person_id
				AND TRUNC (SYSDATE) BETWEEN paaf.effective_start_date AND paaf.effective_end_date
				AND TRUNC (SYSDATE) BETWEEN papf.effective_start_date AND papf.effective_end_date;
Line: 10201

				   UPDATE per_personal_scorecards
					  SET status_code = l_scorecard_status_code
					WHERE scorecard_id = g_curr_sc_pop_tbl (l_curr_sc_pop_index).scorecard_id;
Line: 10236

			 SELECT pc.scorecard_id, pc.plan_id, pc.person_id, papf.full_name scorecard_owner, pc.status_code,
					papf.business_group_id, paaf.organization_id, paaf.position_id, paaf.job_id, pc.assignment_id,
					paaf.supervisor_id                                                                                 --  Bug7567079
			   FROM per_personal_scorecards pc, per_people_f papf, per_assignments_f paaf
			  WHERE pc.scorecard_id = p_sc_id
				AND pc.assignment_id = paaf.assignment_id
				AND pc.person_id = papf.person_id
				AND TRUNC (SYSDATE) BETWEEN paaf.effective_start_date AND paaf.effective_end_date
				AND TRUNC (SYSDATE) BETWEEN papf.effective_start_date AND papf.effective_end_date;
Line: 10308

			 SELECT pc.scorecard_id, pc.plan_id, pc.person_id, papf.full_name scorecard_owner, pc.status_code,
					papf.business_group_id, paaf.organization_id, paaf.position_id, paaf.job_id, pc.assignment_id,
					paaf.supervisor_id                                                                                 --  Bug7567079
			   FROM per_personal_scorecards pc, per_people_f papf, per_assignments_f paaf
			  WHERE pc.scorecard_id = p_sc_id
				AND pc.assignment_id = paaf.assignment_id
				AND pc.person_id = papf.person_id
				AND TRUNC (SYSDATE) BETWEEN paaf.effective_start_date AND paaf.effective_end_date
				AND TRUNC (SYSDATE) BETWEEN papf.effective_start_date AND papf.effective_end_date;
Line: 10325

				SELECT paf.supervisor_id, paf.supervisor_assignment_id, sc.object_version_number
				  FROM per_personal_scorecards sc, per_assignments_f paf
				 WHERE sc.scorecard_id = p_sc_id
				   AND sc.assignment_id = paf.assignment_id
				   AND TRUNC (SYSDATE) BETWEEN paf.effective_start_date AND paf.effective_end_date;
Line: 10349

			 hr_personal_scorecard_api.update_scorecard (p_effective_date                => TRUNC (SYSDATE),
														 p_scorecard_id                  => p_scorecard_id,
														 p_object_version_number         => l_sc_sup.object_version_number,
														 p_supervisor_id                 => l_sc_sup.supervisor_id,
														 p_supervisor_assignment_id      => l_sc_sup.supervisor_assignment_id,
														 p_duplicate_name_warning        => l_dup_warn
Line: 10411

			 SELECT elig.elig_obj_id
			   FROM ben_elig_obj_f elig
			  WHERE elig.table_name = 'PER_PERF_MGMT_PLANS'
				AND elig.column_name = 'PLAN_ID'
				AND elig.COLUMN_VALUE = p_plan_id
				AND TRUNC (SYSDATE) BETWEEN elig.effective_start_date AND elig.effective_end_date;
Line: 10420

			 SELECT full_name
			   FROM per_all_people_f ppf
			  WHERE ppf.person_id = p_person_id AND TRUNC (SYSDATE) BETWEEN ppf.effective_start_date AND ppf.effective_end_date;
Line: 10428

			 SELECT pa.appraisal_id, pa.object_version_number, pa.appraisal_system_status
			   FROM per_appraisals pa, per_personal_scorecards pps
			  WHERE pa.plan_id = p_plan_id AND appraisee_person_id = pps.person_id AND pps.scorecard_id = p_scorecard_id;
Line: 10434

			 SELECT participant_id, object_version_number, participation_type
			   FROM per_participants
			  WHERE participation_in_id = p_appraisal_id
				AND participation_in_table = 'PER_APPRAISALS'
				AND participation_in_column = 'APPRAISAL_ID'
				AND participation_type <> 'MAINAP'
				AND participation_status = 'OPEN';
Line: 10753

				IF (g_plan_dtls (1).status_code IN ('UPDATED', 'RESUBMITTED') AND NOT g_qual_pop_tbl.EXISTS (l_curr_sc_pop_index))
				  --- delete the appraisals for the person
				   IF (g_plan_dtls (1).include_appraisals_flag = 'Y')
					  --  FOR plan_appraisals IN csr_plan_appraisals(p_plan_id)
					  OPEN csr_find_appr_for_scorecard (p_plan_id, g_curr_sc_pop_tbl (l_curr_sc_pop_index).scorecard_id);
Line: 10771

							UPDATE per_appraisals
							   SET appraisal_system_status = 'TRANSFER_OUT'
							 WHERE appraisal_id = l_appr_id;
Line: 10778

							   UPDATE per_participants
								  SET participation_status = 'CLOSED'
								WHERE participant_id = i.participant_id;
Line: 10782

	-- we are doing a direct update as update API will not work for terminated and traansfer employees
	-- update it to transfer out so as to not show the details anywhere
						 END IF;
Line: 10791

											 (p_effective_date              => TRUNC (SYSDATE),
											  p_scorecard_id                => g_curr_sc_pop_tbl (l_curr_sc_pop_index).scorecard_id,
											  p_object_version_number       => g_curr_sc_pop_tbl (l_curr_sc_pop_index).object_version_number,
											  p_duplicate_name_warning      => l_dummy,
											  p_status_code                 => 'TRANSFER_OUT'
Line: 10891

			 SELECT participant_id, object_version_number, participation_type
			   FROM per_participants
			  WHERE participation_in_id = p_appraisal_id
				AND participation_in_table = 'PER_APPRAISALS'
				AND participation_in_column = 'APPRAISAL_ID'
				AND participation_type <> 'MAINAP'
				AND participation_status = 'OPEN';
Line: 10902

			 SELECT *
			   FROM per_perf_mgmt_plans
			  WHERE plan_id = p_plan_id;
Line: 10909

			 SELECT objective_id, object_version_number
			   FROM per_objectives
			  WHERE scorecard_id = p_scorecard_id;
Line: 10915

			 SELECT appraisal_id, object_version_number
			   FROM per_appraisals
			  WHERE plan_id = plan_id;
Line: 10924

			 SELECT pa.appraisal_id, pa.object_version_number, pa.appraisal_system_status
			   FROM per_appraisals pa, per_personal_scorecards pps
			  WHERE pa.plan_id = p_plan_id AND appraisee_person_id = pps.person_id AND pps.scorecard_id = p_scorecard_id;
Line: 10932

			 SELECT elig.elig_obj_id
			   FROM ben_elig_obj_f elig
			  WHERE elig.table_name = 'PER_PERF_MGMT_PLANS'
				AND elig.column_name = 'PLAN_ID'
				AND elig.COLUMN_VALUE = p_plan_id
				AND TRUNC (SYSDATE) BETWEEN elig.effective_start_date AND elig.effective_end_date;
Line: 10941

			 SELECT full_name
			   FROM per_all_people_f ppf
			  WHERE ppf.person_id = p_person_id AND l_effective_date BETWEEN ppf.effective_start_date AND ppf.effective_end_date;
Line: 11057

                hr_utility.set_location('Delete Existing qualified plan Population.', 777);
Line: 11058

Line: 11094

			 SELECT *
			   FROM per_perf_mgmt_plans
			  WHERE plan_id = p_plan_id;
Line: 11100

			 SELECT 'Y'
							  FROM per_personal_scorecards
							 WHERE plan_id = p_plan_id);
Line: 11127

		  SELECT per_wpm_batch_actions_s.NEXTVAL
			INTO l_wpm_batch_action_id
Line: 11133

		  INSERT INTO per_wpm_batch_actions
					  (wpm_batch_action_id, conc_request_id, conc_program_name, plan_id, appraisal_period_id, status, start_date,
			   VALUES (l_wpm_batch_action_id, fnd_global.conc_request_id, 'PERPLNREPUB', p_plan_id, NULL, 'PENDING', SYSDATE,
Line: 11187

Line: 11212

		  UPDATE per_wpm_batch_actions
			 SET end_date = SYSDATE,
				 status = DECODE (g_retcode, 0, 'SUCCESS', 'WARNING')
		   WHERE wpm_batch_action_id = hr_wpm_mass_apr_push.l_current_wpm_batch_action_id;
Line: 11217

		  UPDATE per_perf_mgmt_plans
			 SET status_code = 'PUBLISHED'
		  WHERE plan_id = p_plan_id;
Line: 11231

			 UPDATE per_wpm_batch_actions
				SET status = 'ERROR',
					end_date = SYSDATE
			  WHERE wpm_batch_action_id = hr_wpm_mass_apr_push.l_current_wpm_batch_action_id;
Line: 11239

			 -- update status of the plan to 'Failed'
			 UPDATE per_perf_mgmt_plans
				SET status_code = 'FAILED'
			  WHERE plan_id = p_plan_id;