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2 /* $Header: pygbjseg.pkb 115.2 2003/01/03 11:21:41 nsugavan noship $ */
3 --
4 /*===========================================================================+
5  |               Copyright (c) 1993 Oracle Corporation                       |
6  |                  Redwood Shores, California, USA                          |
7  |                       All rights reserved.                                |
8  +============================================================================
9  Name
11   Purpose
12     Function to pass on the value of the job segment selected in Tax Details
13     References DFF or blank if no segment is selected. Function is moved here
14     to a seperate package to facilitate call to the function in oracle 8.0
15     as functions defined in the same package cannot be called in R8.0
16 --
17 REM Change List
18 REM -----------
19 REM Name          Date        Version Bug     Text
20 REM ------------- ----------- ------- ------- --------------------------
21 REM nsugavan      12/24/2002    115.0 2657976 Initial Version
22 REM nsugavan      12/24/2002    115.1 2657976 Increased l_proc length
23 REM nsugavan      01/03/2003    115.2 2657976 Modifed Logic to use WNDS
24 					      and WNDS pragma restrictions
25 ============================================================================*/
26 --
27 --
28 --
29 -- Globals
30 --
31 g_package                CONSTANT VARCHAR2(30) := 'PAY_GET_JOB_SEGMENT_PKG';
32 --
33 FUNCTION  get_job_segment(p_organization_id         in hr_organization_information.organization_id%type
34                          ,p_job_definition_id       in number
35                          ,p_payroll_action_id       in number)
36                          return varchar2
37 IS
38 --
39   l_column_name                 varchar2(30);
40   l_segment_count               integer;
41   l_enabled_segment_count       integer;
42   l_job_name                    varchar2(60);
43   l_payroll_action_id           number;
44   l_tax_ref                     varchar2(20);
45   l_proc                        CONSTANT VARCHAR2(60):= g_package||'get_job_segment';
46  --
47   cursor CSR_GET_TAX_REF(pactid NUMBER) IS
48     select
49     substr(pact.legislative_parameters, instr(pact.legislative_parameters,'TAX_REF=')+8, instr(pact.legislative_parameters||' ',' ',instr(pact.legislative_parameters,'TAX_REF=')+8) - instr(pact.legislative_parameters,'TAX_REF=')-8)
50     from  pay_payroll_actions pact
51     where pact.payroll_action_id = pactid;
53  --
54   cursor csr_col_name(l_tax_ref VARCHAR2) is
55      select upper(job.APPLICATION_COLUMN_NAME)
56      from   hr_organization_information tax
57         ,(select seg.APPLICATION_COLUMN_NAME
58                ,bus.organization_id
59                ,seg.segment_name
60          from   fnd_id_flex_segments        seg
61                ,fnd_id_flex_structures      str
62                ,hr_organization_information bus
63          where  seg.id_flex_code   = 'JOB'
64          and    seg.application_id = 800
65          and    seg.enabled_flag   = 'Y'
66          and    seg.display_flag   = 'Y'
67          and    seg.id_flex_num    = bus.org_information6
68          and    seg.id_flex_num    = str.id_flex_num
69          and    seg.id_flex_code   = str.id_flex_code
70          and    upper(bus.org_information_context) = 'BUSINESS GROUP INFORMATION'
71          and    bus.organization_id = p_organization_id ) job
72      where  tax.organization_id = job.organization_id
73      and    tax.org_information12 = job.segment_name
74      and    upper(tax.org_information_context) = 'TAX DETAILS REFERENCES'
75      and    tax.org_information1 = l_tax_ref;
76   --
77   --
78   --
79   cursor csr_enabled_segment_count is
80   select count(seg.segment_name)
81   from   fnd_id_flex_segments        seg
82         ,fnd_id_flex_structures      str
83         ,hr_organization_information bus
84   where  seg.id_flex_code   = 'JOB'
85   and    seg.application_id = 800
86   and    seg.enabled_flag   = 'Y'
87   and    seg.display_flag   = 'Y'
88   and    seg.id_flex_num    = bus.org_information6
89   and    seg.id_flex_num    = str.id_flex_num
90   and    seg.id_flex_code   = str.id_flex_code
91   and    upper(bus.org_information_context) = 'BUSINESS GROUP INFORMATION'
92   and    bus.organization_id = p_organization_id;
93   --
94   cursor csr_col_value(l_column_name VARCHAR2) IS
95          select decode(l_column_name ,
96                         'SEGMENT1'  , pjd.SEGMENT1,
97                         'SEGMENT2'  , pjd.SEGMENT2,
98                         'SEGMENT3'  , pjd.SEGMENT3,
99                         'SEGMENT4'  , pjd.SEGMENT4,
100                         'SEGMENT5'  , pjd.SEGMENT5,
101                         'SEGMENT6'  , pjd.SEGMENT6,
102                         'SEGMENT7'  , pjd.SEGMENT7,
103                         'SEGMENT8'  , pjd.SEGMENT8,
104                         'SEGMENT9'  , pjd.SEGMENT9,
105                         'SEGMENT10' , pjd.SEGMENT10,
106                         'SEGMENT11' , pjd.SEGMENT11,
107                         'SEGMENT12' , pjd.SEGMENT12,
108                         'SEGMENT13' , pjd.SEGMENT13,
109                         'SEGMENT14' , pjd.SEGMENT14,
110                         'SEGMENT15' , pjd.SEGMENT15,
111                         'SEGMENT16' , pjd.SEGMENT16,
112                         'SEGMENT17' , pjd.SEGMENT17,
113                         'SEGMENT18' , pjd.SEGMENT18,
114                         'SEGMENT19' , pjd.SEGMENT19,
115                         'SEGMENT20' , pjd.SEGMENT20,
116                         'SEGMENT21' , pjd.SEGMENT21,
117                         'SEGMENT22' , pjd.SEGMENT22,
118                         'SEGMENT23' , pjd.SEGMENT23,
119                         'SEGMENT24' , pjd.SEGMENT24,
120                         'SEGMENT25' , pjd.SEGMENT25,
121                         'SEGMENT26' , pjd.SEGMENT26,
122                         'SEGMENT27' , pjd.SEGMENT27,
123                         'SEGMENT28' , pjd.SEGMENT28,
124                         'SEGMENT29' , pjd.SEGMENT29,
125                         'SEGMENT30' , pjd.SEGMENT30)
126                 from
127                    per_job_definitions pjd
128                 where
129                    pjd.job_definition_id = p_job_definition_id;
130 --
131  CURSOR csr_single_seg is
132      select upper(seg.APPLICATION_COLUMN_NAME)
133          from   fnd_id_flex_segments        seg
134                ,fnd_id_flex_structures      str
135                ,hr_organization_information bus
136          where  seg.id_flex_code   = 'JOB'
137          and    seg.application_id = 800
138          and    seg.enabled_flag   = 'Y'
139          and    seg.display_flag   = 'Y'
140          and    seg.id_flex_num    = bus.org_information6
141          and    seg.id_flex_num    = str.id_flex_num
142          and    seg.id_flex_code   = str.id_flex_code
143          and    upper(bus.org_information_context) = 'BUSINESS GROUP INFORMATION'
144          and    bus.organization_id = p_organization_id;
145  --
147  --
148   l_payroll_action_id :=  p_payroll_action_id ;
149   --
150   OPEN csr_get_tax_ref(l_payroll_action_id);
151      FETCH csr_get_tax_ref into l_tax_ref;
152   close csr_get_tax_ref;
153   --
154   OPEN   csr_enabled_segment_count;
155   LOOP
156      FETCH  csr_enabled_segment_count INTO l_segment_count;
157      EXIT WHEN csr_enabled_segment_count%NOTFOUND;
158   END LOOP;
159   close  csr_enabled_segment_count;
160   --
161   if l_segment_count > 1 then
162   --
164     OPEN  csr_col_name(l_tax_ref);
165          FETCH  csr_col_name INTO l_column_name;
166          IF csr_col_name%FOUND then
167      --
168             open csr_col_value(l_column_name);
169                fetch csr_col_value into l_job_name;
170             close csr_col_value;
171 --
172   -- When there are more than one segment enabled display the Segment selected in
173   -- EDI Job Filed Segemnt(Tax Details Ref DFF) for Job name.
174   --
175            return upper(l_job_name);
176    --
177          ELSE
178          -- When there are more than one segment enabled and nothing selected in
179          -- EDI Job Filed Segemnt(Tax Details Ref DFF)
180           -- display just a blank space for Job name
181   --
182             l_job_name := (' ');
183             return l_job_name;
184          END IF;
185     CLOSE csr_col_name;
186  else
187    -- If there is just one segment enabled for Job KFF, display that
188    open csr_single_seg;
189         fetch csr_single_seg into l_column_name;
190    close csr_single_seg;
191    open csr_col_value(l_column_name);
192         fetch csr_col_value into l_job_name;
193    close csr_col_value;
194   return upper(l_job_name);
195 --
196 end if;
197 --
199   when others then
200       raise;
201 END get_job_segment;
202 --
203 -- EDI MES Bug 2657976
204 --
205 end pay_get_job_segment_pkg;